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October 09, 1973 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1973-10-09

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See Editorial Page

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For details see Today

Eighty-Three Years of Editorial Freedom
Vol. LXXXIV, No. 29 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, October 9, 1973 Ten Cents

Ten Pages

Rally planned
In the,wake of the eruption of war in the Middle East,
a group known as the Coalition of Concerned Students
and Faculty has called a rally for today at noon on the
Diag to show its support for Israel.
Former editor honored
The Daily's own Sara Fitzgerald, former editor-in-
chief, has added another feather to her journalistic cap,
winning a Sigma Delta Chi award for newswriting not
under deadline. Fitzgerald, now a reporter for the St.
Petersburg Times, was awarded for work that appeared
in The Daily. Previously, she received the 1973 grand
prize from the Detroit Press Foundation. She will be
recognized forher most recent achievement at a Sigma
Delta Chi convention in Buffalo next month.
New U' program
The University celebrated Columbus Day yesterday
by announcing a new program that will study the Euro-
pean "age of discovery with a $180,000 Mellon Foun-
dation grant. Under the auspices of the William Clem-
ents Library, the Institute for Studies in the History of
Discovery, will provide funds beginning next fall for
graduate students in the field of history, geography and
English literature to re-examine the period of European
explorations from the 15th through 18th centuries. In
addition, the program will sponsor a scholarship using
the Clements Library, publications focusing on new in-
terpretations of the period, and at least one conference
of scholars in the area. "This field has been overlooked
in recent years, and our program will focus attention
on these problems from a new perspective," said Doug-
las Marshall, library curator of maps_ and program co-
In a story about the Student Rights Party in Satur-
day's Daily, we neglected to mention one of SRP's candi-
dates - Phil Cushway. Cushway is running for a council
seat in the independent housing division.
Happenings .. .
are headlined by an LSA Coffee Hour which fea-
tures the Linguistics Dept., at 2050 Frieze Bldg. at 3
p.m. . .. Michael Harper reads poetry at Aud. 4, MLB,
at 4:10 p.m. . .. films include Sjoman's I Am Curious
Yellow at Aud 3 at MLB, Altman's McCabe and Mrs.
Miller at Aud. A, and Hawk's Ball of Fire at the Arch.
Government sworn in
A new Greek government, headed by Premier Spyros
Markezinis, 64, was sworn in yesterday to prepare Greece
for its first gneral elections in 10 years. Markezinis
was charged with forming a government a week ago by
President George Papadopoulos, who in June proclaimed
a republic after deposing the exiled King Constantine.
The new 40-member civilian cabinet will replace the
army-backed regime that ruled the country since the
coup in April, 1967. "I am convinced that the elections
must be held so that everyone will accept te fair manner
in which they are conducted," Markezinis said in a na-
tionally-broadcast address. Sources close to Markezinis
said the parliamentary elections would most likely come
next April.
Another immolation
Taking a lead from a recent shocking Boston murder,
a band of teenager youths in Edinburgh, Scotland, set
fire to a man Sunday who was drinking with a friend in
an alley. John Hamilton, 46, a transient, survived the
attack but was reported in critical condition. Three
youths grabbed him and doused °him with the highly
flammable alcoholic beverage he had been drinking and
then threw a match on him. Two men passing quickly
smothered the flames with their jackets. Police held
three youths for questioning.

Inoperative funding
Uncle Sam gave the small community of Hiseville,
Kentucky a revenue-sharing check for $1,727 and now
he wants the money back. More than half of the money
-which represents about $727, more than the town's
entire annual budget - has already gone toward re-M
modeling City Hall. 'The government wants the funds
back because it maintains that Hiseville received too
much last year. Said Mayor William Phillips, "We've
complied with everything we were supposed to. And now
they say they want their money back I don't know what
to think . . . We're not a bunch of crooks," he added.






According to a report issued yes-
terday by the University Affirma-
tive Action Program, women and
members of minority groups em-
ployed by the University receive
lower salaries than do their male,
non-minority counterparts.
The report reveals that men get
a higher mean salary than do wo-
men in all instructional classifi-
AND MINORITY professors weie
found to receive salaries below the
total mean for non-minority males.
Affirmative Action Program Di-
rector Nellie Varner said yesterday
UN s plit
on how to
halt war
in Mideast
special session of the Security
Council on the new Middle East war
adjourned' without decision last
night after the United States split
with the Soviet Union and China on
how to stop the fighting.
U.S. Ambassador John Scali ask-
ed Israel, Egypt and Syria to halt
military operations and "return to
the positions before hostilities broke
URGING AGAINST debate on who
is to blame for the new war, he
said this wojld be "the least dam-
aging way" to move from con-
frontation to negotiation.
But China, one of the five mem-
bers of the council with the right
of veto, said: "If the council is to
adopt any resolution at all, it
must condemn all acts of aggres-
sion by the Israeli Zionists and de-
mand the immediate withdrawal by
the Israeli Zionists from all the
Arab territory they occupied."
Chinese Ambassador Huang Hua
branded as "preposterous" Scali' s
proposal that Egypt and Syria re-
turn to their positions before the
outbreak of fighting on Saturday.
THE' FOREIGN minister of
Egypt, Mohammed Hassen E-Zay-
yat, said Israel had struck first.
Going into the background of the
breakout, he said the Security
Council, except for the United
States, had favored demanding Is-
rael's withdrawal from Arab terri-
tory taken in the 1967 Middle East
"But the collective will of the
council was paralyzed and render-
ed inoperative" by an American
veto last July 26, Zayyat recalled.
the council shortly after Secretary
General Kurt Waldheim asked the
council to pass on an Egyptian re-
quest for withdrawal of the UN
military observers along the Suez
Canal to Cairo.
Normally there are 90 UiN ob-
servers in 17 posts along the canal.

Some of these observers reported
the Egyptian crossings as the new
war broke out early Saturday.
They reported no Israeli crossings.
Scali said the United States "re-
ceived indications" that hostilities
were imminent shortly before the
actual outbreak. It "immediately
undertook intensive diplomatic ef-
See UN, Page 2

Discrimination against women and minorities

that she was not surprised by the
"Both discrimination and lack of
capable women and minority appli-
cants in the job pool can account
for the findings," she said.
VARNER MADE it clear, how-
ever, that the "bias against wo-
men and minorities," has played a
major role in the current situa-
The 500 page report, put to-
gether in compliance with an exec-

utive order to all institutions in-
volved with Federal contracts, was
submitted to the Dept. of Health
Education and Welfare last July.
It was not made public until yes-
terday, however.
The report outlines goals and
timetables to correct employment
discrimination against women and
IF IT DOES NOT meet with
HEW approval, federal contracts
with the University could be held

up. These federal contracts are
crucial to the University because
many research projects depend
upon them for their funding.
The report contains hundreds of
pages reviewing University per-
formance in utilizat.ion of women
and minorities according to avail-
ability, employment procedures,
salary analysis, and countless ta-
bles, charts and exhibits of inter-
University communications.
The University is bound by this
report to make every "good faith

effort" to meet their self-imposed
goals by spring of 1976. The Uni-
versity must also make annual re-
ports to HEW on progress toward
correction of disparities in pay and
AN ON-SITE review of the Uni-
versity is also expected by HEW
officials someitme in November.
The Affirmative Action Pro-
gram is a revised and updated ver-
sion of the University's policy
statement on equal employment of
S On

1969, with detailed analysis of past
and present employment proce-
dures to see if recruitment, pro-
motions, complaints and grievanc-
es are dealt with properly and
Ability, achievement and tenure
of the individual is ideally the de-,
ciding factor in these practices
without regard to sex, race, age,
color, creed, national origin, ances-
try or religion.
TIME TABLES for adoption of
the program are extensive and spe-
cific in the report for each depart-
ment and area of the University
See 'U', Page 7





Asrabs sra1e1s both
y . -claim some victorie's
By Reuter
War continued to rage in the Golan Heights and across the Suez
Canal last night with Israel claiming to have repulsed the powerful
two-pronged Arab attack and Egypt reporting its capture of the
provincial capital of Kantara in the Israeli-led Sinai Peninsula.
Egypt said its forces were penetrating into Sinai and Syria claimed
to be pressing its advance across the bitterly contested Golan Heights.
In addition, Egypt claimed it had destroyed Sinai oil wells'used by the
MEANWHILE, Israel said it launched a successful counter-offensive
which saw its troops advancing on Syria to the North and frustrating
the Egyptian invasion from the West
In a report confirmed by both
sides, Israeli planes were said to
have bombed and strafed the re s r
Egyptian city of Port Said on the
Mediterranean Sea. Israel said only
military targets in the city had
been struck, but Egypt reported. t x b o
numerous civilian casualties. The o o
attack raised the possibility of a
repraisal raid on an Israeli city.
Egypt said its troops had raised
the Egyptian flag above Kantara Conflicts
captured by the victorious Israelis
in the 1967 Six-Day War. Israel
branded the Egyptian report ridicu-
lous, saying Kantara had been in pbed
ruins and uninhabited since the
1967 conflict.

AP Photo
ISRAELI TANKS (above) pass through Druse village in the occupied Golan Heights, the second day of
fighting with Egypt and Syria, while yesterday (below) Syrian troops inspected the wreckage of what
Syrians said is a downed Israeli Phantom jet fighter, somewhere in southern Syria.

geria, Morocco and Iraq are al-
ready reported to have joined the
battle against Israel and Sudanese
President Jaafar El-Nimeiry an-
nounced he too was sending troops
to what he called the "Liberation
War" against Israel.
Egypt and Syria claim to have
downed at least 159 Israeli planes
-well over a third of the Israeli
total air strength. However, Israel
said its planes were in total com-
mand of the skies over both Sinai
and the Golan Heights.
Israel claimed to have knocked
out 400 Syrian tanks in fierce bat-
tles in Golan and to have sunk an
Egyptian minesweeper in an en-
gagement in the Gulf of Suez.
Chief of Staff Gen. David Elazar
told newsmen Israel had no com-
punction about crossing the 1967
ceasefire line into Egyptian andt
Syrian territory.
Asked if Israeli forces had cross-
ed the Suez Canal into Egypt,
Elazar replied, "Not yet." But ask-
ed if Israeli troops had battled
their way into Syria, he responded
y that Israeli forces were moving
ht from their own territory "to the
n other side."
The White House disclosed yes-
- terday that President Nixon had
- appealed to Soviet Party Chief
nt Leonid Brezhnev over the weekend
as to join in a concerted big-power
1- effort to restore peace in the Mid-
ti. See MIDEAST, Page 2

The Senate Advisory Committee
on University Affairs (SACUA)
yesterday established a committee
to investigate possible conflicts of
interest arising from professors as-
signing their own textbooks, tapes,
and other classroom materials to
their students.
The formation of the committee
was prompted by an article in The
Daily, Aug. 8, that revealed "a
vast number" of University facul-
ty members were assigning 'their
own books to students in their
SACUA has appointed a three-
man committee to investigate the
Serving on the committee are:
Alvin Goldman, associate profes-
sor of philosophy;. Joseph Vining,
associate professor of law; and
George Haddad, professor of elec-
trical engineering and director of
the electronics physics laboratory.
and SACUA's - most immediate
problem seems to be defining the
"This conflict of interest has got
to be handled on a broader basis
than just textbooks," said Haddad.
"There are so many aspects of
conflict of interest."
According to many members of
SACUA, the broader-based question
is, are faculty members using
their time in such a way that the
student is suffering, and if so, to
what degree?

Council pa:


Republican City Council members
members last night approved an
amended ward boundaries plan,
despite Democratic and H u m a n
Rights Party (HRP) charges that
the alterations constitute gerry-
The changes move some 700
voters from the Third Ward, a GOP

stronghold, into the Foux
and shift an equal numbe
erally liberal voters f
Fourth to the Third.
won the Fourth Ward by
margin primarily because
in the liberal-radical con
Although approved b5

ses ward
rth Word count, the plan may not officiall
r of gen- go into effect since council's rigi
rom the to amend the boundaries has bee
under legal challenge.
,publians Mayor James Stephenson pro
pabnaranw posed the specific changes to cor
a narrow rect alleged errors in the pre3er
of a split plan, adopted last December &
a compromise between the Dem
y a 74 crats and HRP who together dom
--- nated the prior council.
0 (D-2nd Ward) charged that Steph
enson's proposal corrected none
the "errors" and indicated th
move was merely a gerrymander
S While denying an effort to ge
rymander the wards, Stephenso
aid WPC admitted many of the errors ha
nel. not been corrected in his plan
Errors in census information fo

Ot the inside

. . 0

Local women join together t
increase voice in city politic

... The Editorial Page features Ev Ehrlich discussing
the dynamics of the rental housing market. . Tony
Cecere's "Notes from Backstage with the U Symphony"
graces the Arts Page . . Bob McGinn expounds on the
up-coming gridiron battle with the Spartans on the
Sports Page.


SGC elections begin,
large turnout urged

A group of local women have
banded together to initiate action

to initiate their own legislation in-
dependent of their local govern-
ment and referendum allows the

sion - making process," s
spokesperson Rachel Kan

Student Government C o u n c iil
Elections Director Ron Strauss yes-

who are funding their own govern-
ment. If they really want to change
something they should get out and

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