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October 07, 1973 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1973-10-07

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For details, see Today

Eighty-Three Years of Editorial Freedom
Vol. LXXXIV, No. 28 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, October 7, 1973 Ten Cents

Ten Pages






POW charges dropped
The Pentagon has dropped the remaining misconduct
charges filed against U. S. soldiers held in North Vietna-
mese prison camps. The secretaries of the Army and
Navy cleared four enlisted men Friday of mutiny and
aiding the enemy. Of the 565 Americans who returned
from North Vietnamese captivity, 10 were accused of
misconduct by .fellow prisoners. All the charges have
been dismissed.
Tacky music
The "shabbiness, irreverence, immorality and addic-
tions" of contemporary music were hit at the semi-an-
nual world conference of Mormons at the Salt Lake City
Friday. Boyd Packer, a member of the church's ruling
Council of the Twelve, urged young members to toss
out recordings that belong to the new morality, the drug
or the hard rock culture." Packer said, "In our day as
never before, music itself has been corrupted. Music
can, by its tempo, beat and intensity, dull the spiritual
sensitivity of man. Our youth have been brought up on
a diet of music that'is louder and faster, more intended
to agitate than to pacify."
Drunken beast
Old Bess was probably just looking for an extra meal
yesterday when she wandered into a cottage in Castel
Rigone, Italy. Instead, she became trapped under a col-
lapsed beam and threatened to bring the whole build-
ing down in her panic. Quick-thinking firemen called by
farmer Angelo Aluni resolved the situation with a couple
gallons of the famous Italian grape. They gave the cow
a lot of wine to drink and lifted the animal - by then
quite thoroughly plastered-to safety with a crane.
Happenings. .
run the gamut from music and arts to politics to-
day and Monday. The Artists' and Craftsmen's Guild will
sponsor a Community Arts and Crafts Fair at the Far-
mers' Market on Fifth Street, from 1 to 7 p.m. Artists
from all over Michigan will perform, demonstrate and
sell their works . . . the Indochina Peace Campaign will
hold an organizational meeting at 8 p.m. in Prof. Dick
Mann's office above Saks Fifth Avenue on State Street
. . the "Great Songs of the Gershwin Years" will be
performed at the First Unitarian Church at 8 p.m. . . .
Monday, the Farm Worker's Support Committee will
meet in Room 114, in the basement of the Law Quad
library at 8 p.m.
Welcome to the club
The state of Oregon has joined Ann Arbor in coming
as close as anyone has in legalizing the weed. A new
statute, which became effective Friday, makes Oregon
the first state to eliminate criminal penalties for posses-
sion of less than one ounce of marijuana or hashish. Of-
fenders will be issued citations similar to those issued
for traffic violations. However, for every silver lining
there's a black cloud: it's still a crime to grow, sell or
transport the stuff in Oregon, and a person watching
someone else enjoy is still subject to prosecution under
an older, still effective, law..Oregon governor Thomas
McCall also threatens to initiate legislation next year to
exclude hashish from the statute.
Seeing things
There's something in the air above University Park,
Pa. State police reported a heart-shaped UFO hovering
over the Penn State campus Friday. Cpl. Robert Bugjo
and trooper Paul Cutrufello said they saw a beam of light
shining down from the UFO, which reportedly floated
some 1,200 feet in the air. They said the beam was sur-
rounded by a string of red lights. The craft stayed in
the same position for approximately 90 seconds, wit-
nesses said, then took off in an easterly direction, ex-

tinguishing its lights and disappearing after travelling
a quarter of a mile. The object was sighted by a number
of local residents.
on the inside
the Sunday Magazine features an interview with
Harry Reams, Linda Lovelace's partner in "Deep
Throat" . . . and our sportswriters comment on Michi-
gan's 24-0 conquest of Oregon on the Sports Page.
A2's weather
As that famous old saving maintains, into everyone's

Opposing sides claim
battlefield advantage
BEIRUT (Reuter) - The Egyptian army poured tanks
and men across the Suez Canal yesterday while Syria struck
at Israel on the Golan Heights in the fiercest Middle East
fighting since the Six-Day War in 1967.
Each side blamed the other for the fighting which erupted
yesterday afternoon on the most sacred holiday of the Jewish
calendar-Yom Kippur-the day of atonement when Jews tra-
ditionally seek mutual forgiveness.
Battle reports from the area were sharply conflicting,
with each side claiming major gains in a series of skirmishes.
Newsmen often could only get the "official account" of the
Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Dayan, the military leader

AP Photo
ISRAELI FOREIGN MINISTER Abba Eban speaks about the outbreak of fighting in the Middle East yesterday, during a news conference
at the Israeli Mission in New York.

Chile s~
By The U11 and Reuter sistanc
SANTIAGO - More than 1,000 author
militant supporters of the late left- THE
wing President Salvador Allende announ
were rounded up yesterday in n the
massive police and troops raids, in Val
the ruling military junta announced alleged
here. attacks
The announcement said large Thei
caches of arms were unearthed in tiago y
schools, shops and even a ceme- deman
tery in the provinces of Cautin, a Mex
Valdivia and Osorno. It added that legedly
1,094 people had been arrested but dering.
the raids were continuing to pre- politica
vent leftist from organizing re- fore th

! !
0a rres
e against the military
nced 20 political executions
past two days.
en leftsits were shot Friday
divia and four in Cautin for
'"terrorist" activities and
against the armed forces.
military prosecutor in San-
yesterday., announced he had
ided the death penalty for
ican and four Chileans, al-
leftists, on charges of mur-
an army lieutenant after a
al discussion last August, be-
e military coup.



of the 1967 war, went on nation-
wide radio and television to tell
the Israeli people they were again
at war and to promise them "cer-
tain victory."
Meanwhile in Egypt President
Anwar Sadat took personal com-
mand of his army, directing
ground, naval and air operations
while Syria threw tanks and
planes into the battle on the Nor-
thern front.
along the Golan Heights had sub-
sided with correspondents agree-
ing with Israeli military officials
that no position along the heights
had fallen to the Syrians. Israel
claimed to have destroyed some
150 tanks during the struggle.
In the Sinai, the Israelis admit-
ted Egyptian forces had crossed
the Suez Canal at several points
but said the Arab forces had not
been able to extend their bridge-
Reports from Cairo, on the other
hand, said Egyptian troops had
occupied large areas on the pe-
ninsula. The high command said
the Egyptian flag had been raised
on the occupied Eastern bank-lost
to Israel in 1967.
Egypt also claimed to have shot
down 11 planes while losing 10 in
a dogfight over the. canal.
ON A THIRD front a naval bat-
tle fought off the Syrian coast
ended with each side claiming vic-
United Nations military observ-
ers on the scene confirmed that
Egyptian troops had crossed the
canal at five points. The observers
were not, however, able to confirm
Arab charges that Israeli forces
had tried to cross the cease - fire
lines overnight.
Speaking in Tel Aviv, Dayan said
he expected the battles to last a
few days and called the joint at-
tack on Israel, "a most dangerous
adventure for the enemy."
HE SAID the intention of the Is-
raeli forces was to stop the Egyp-
tian advance and then to vanquish
their forces.
Meanwhile, Israel's top military
analyst, Gen. Haim Herzog, said
he did not believe it was the in-
tention of the Arab countries to
See WAR, Page 2

Gen. Dayan

t of0eg
MEANWHILE, the U.S. Embassy
confirmed that. an American stu-
dent living in Chile, Frank Teruggi,
died of bullet wounds. Other details
are still sketchy.
Teruggi, of Des Plaines, Ill., is
the first U.S. citizen known to have
died in Chile since the military
The army oficer commanding the
improvised prison camp said Thurs-
day that Terrugi had been arrested
Sept. 20 for curfew violation, re-
leased the following day and found
dead Sept. 22 of wounds caused by
small-caliber bullets different from

Star Trek freaks gather for
revival meeting' in Motor City

those used by the Chilean armed
forces and police.
THE ARREST report conflicted
-with a statement by Teruggi's
roommate, David Hathaway, 22,
of Seattle, that military police ar-
rested Teruggi and Hathaway at
the house they shared. Hathaway
was later released.
In another development yester-
day, the death penalty for car
theft went into force as a bid by the
junta to curb what they described
as a mounting wave of robberies of
vehicles in recent years.
Authorities are searching inn par-
ticular for more than 300 state-
owned vehicles which they said
could not be traced since last
month's coup, which ended Allen-
de's three-year-old attempt to lead
Chile on a peaceful road to social-
SINCE THE SEPT. 11 coup, 212
robberies of vehicles, including am-
bulances, trucks and buses, have
been reported, and so far 87 have
been recovered, police said.
The junta, which claims the Al-
lende regime was planning to im-
pose Marxism by force in Chile, has
accused members and supporters
of Allende's Popular Unity Coali-
tion government of being behind
the robberies and says they acted
with impunity because of their of-
ficial connections.
The junta also claims the ousted
regime plunged Chile into eco-
nomic chaos and has predicted that
Chileans will have to endure many
months of hardships and austerity.

UN, U.S.
react to
By AP and Reuter
The outbreak of fighting in the
Middle East met cautious official
reaction from- the United Nations
and the U. S. government yester-
day as leaders reportedly debated
various courses of action.
The president of the U. N.'s Gen-
eral Assembly rejected Egypt's re-
quest to convene the Assembly spe-
cially to accuse Israel of launching
air and naval attacks in the Gulf
of Suez early yesterday.
nites of Ecuador, said it was not
practicable to get delegates togeth-
er at such short notice.
But the U. N. Security Council
was reported last night to be con-
sidering an appeal for a cease-fire
in the middle East.
Diplomatic sources said that was
one course of action under discus-
sion in -private consultations held
by the council president for Octo-
See CONFLICT, Page 2

special To The Daily
DETROIT-Despite a slow start
on Friday approximately 7000 peo-
ple gathered in Cobo Hall yester-
day to celebrate a wake-revival of
Star Trek.
The popular show, which went
off the air four years ago, has
managed to attract a large and
committed following who hope to
see it brought back to the nation's
TV screens in its original form.
THESE FANS, young and old
milled about Cobo Hall yesterday
where they saw Star Trek reruns,

auctions of Star Trek memorabilia
and panel discussions featuring sev-
eral former members of the cast.
Though neither Captain Kirk nor
the charismatic Mr. Spock were
on hand, Mr. Sulu, Mr. Scott and
Mr. Chekov put in appearances.
For Mr. Sulu, alias George Takei,
the ball is the highlight of the en-
tire weekend.
"A FEW WEEKS ago when we
had a similar affair in Los An-
geles," he recalls, "a statuesque
blonde came out in a gossamer
cape. As soon as she reached the
center of the room she dropped

her cape. She had nothing on un-
derneath except public hair."
In addition to the show's stars,
other luminaries including Hugo
prize winners Frank Kelly Freas
and Harlan Ellison took part in
the festivities. Hugos are the
science writer's answer to Pul-
The convention which is sched-
uled to run through today was or-
ganized by a group called Star
Con. Star Con was founded by
David Lillard and George Christ-
man, the latter of whom wrote a
story about the show for The Daily
some two years ago.


SGC: In search



In an effort to head off the fraud
and confusion that have character-
ized past Student Government
Council elections, SGC officials
have initiated another new meth-
od of balloting for this week's con-
The end product will be a con-
fusing two-ballot system and some

poll workers in the presence of a
security guard.
When the ballots aregcounted,
they will be checked against a
master computer tape obtained
from the University. I. D. number,
residency of the voter, and the
unit in which the voter is regis-
tered will be verified. A list of
those people who voted twice or
attempted to vote when not eligible

ing under their proper I. D. num-
ber, according to Strauss.
placed in two separate locked bal-
lot boxes, both of which will be
chained to an immovable object.
Only the security guard present at
the polling place will have a key
to the boxes.
A bonded security guard will be

curity guard present at all times.
All ballots will be counted twice,
by two different people, until their
counts compare.
day, Wednesday and Thursday,
voters will fill out two different
ballots. These are the hand ("bed
sheet") ballot, and the computer
("op-scan") ballot. The compter


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