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October 04, 1973 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1973-10-04

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See Editorial Page


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See Today for details

Eighty-Three Years of Editorial Freedom
Vol. LXXXIV, No. 25 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, October 4, 973 Ten Cents

Ten Pages

Forum guidelines released
Plans for the all-campus town.meeting on the tuition
hike continued to gel yesterday, as the Office for Stu-
dent Services (OSS) released a set of guidelines. Ac-
cording to OSS plans, it will go something like this: Fri-
day at 3 o'clock people will get together in the Rackhamr
Lecture Hall to talk with President Fleming about tui-
tion. Fleming will start tiings off with a short statement,
followed by questions from representatives from The
Daily, SGC, the Student Action Committee (SAC) and
teaching fellows. Aftet that, members of the audience
will be allowed to submit their own questions. The whole
thing will be run by OSS Vice President Henry Johnson.
The meeting will end "promptly" at 4:30.
Shakespeare a sexist?
Prof. Marvin Felheim, director of the American Studies
Program and a Shakespeare expert, says the bard's.
plays were riddled with sexist stereotypes--passive, sub-
missive, fragile women, and wives willingly subordinate
to their'husbands. But blame .society, not Shakespeare.
Felheim says the bard's plays were simply a reflection
of his times, disclosing "a fairly accurate image of
women-and attitudes toward them-during his era."
Happenings .. .
meetings and lectures top a heavy file for the
restless and curious . . the Anthropology Department
presents a lecture by Jay Ruby - "Jean Luc Godard as
Anthropologist"-at 7 p. m. in the Rackham Ampithea-
ter .. . the History Undergrad Assoc. meets at 7:30 p.m.
in rm. 1412 Mason Hall to discuss course evaluation .. .
the Student's International Meditation Society presents an
introductory lecture on transcendental meditation at 8
p.m. in the UGLI Multipurpose Rm . . . the Bach Club
meets at 8 p.m. for music (medieval) and food (quiche)
in the Greene Lounge, East Quad . . . the Chile Support
Coalition will be holding a meeting at 7:30, 2nd Floor,
SAB. . . there will be a meeting on Women on Commun-
ications at 7:30 p.m., 2040 LSA Bldg. . . . and the Me-
dieval and Renaissance Collegium is holding a coffee
hour in the Cook Rm., N. Entry, Law Quad at 4 p.m.
A correction
In yesterday's story about the Campus Coalition party
and its bid for seats in the upcoming SGC election, The
Daily inadvertently omitted three of the party's candi-
dates. They are: Jeff Schiller and Robbie Gordon, both
running in the residential constituency category; and
Bob Matthews, the CC candidate for the Engineering
Some good news ...
The president of the American National Cattlemen's
Association predicted yesterday that prices of some
beef cuts would drop by as much as 30 per cent in the
next few weeks. John Trotman said the price for live
cattle had dropped from a high of 56 cents a pound in
August to 40 cents a pound last week and that retail
prices should reflect the reduction soon.
. .. and some bad
Cost of Living Council Director John Dunlop says more
gasoline price increases can be expected, despite the 2.5
cent per gallon hike the council approved Friday. The
hikes are justified, Dunlop said.
Roosevelt denies charges
Elliott Roosevelt, appearing before a Senate subcom-
mittee in Washington, described as vicious lies allega-
tions that.he was the middleman in a plot to assassinate
Bahamian Prime Minister Lynden Pindling. A convicted
stock swindler accused the son of former President
Franklin D. Roosevelt in testimony before the same Sen-
ate subcommittee two weeks ago.
Poison gas

Winds yesterday pushed a mile-long cloud of gas across
central Alberta as hundreds of fearful Canadians fled
their homes. Eleven persons were treated at a hospital
for nausea and symptoms of gas poisoning.
Tragedy in Iowa
Five mn were killed and several were injured when
the 2,000-foot broadcasting tower of Cedar Rapids, Iowa
station KCRG buckled and fell. One witness said several
of the victims were on the tower and were thrown into
nearby fields and ditches.
On the inside .. .
. . . Charlie Stein writes about "Big Burger and the
Deltones" on the Arts Page . . . the Editorial Page fea-
tures an analysis of competition in the Ann Arbor rental
housing market . . . and sportswriter Bob McGinn has
a column about Tom Slade - the man who slipped from
the no. 1 to no. 5 Michigan quarterback - on the Sports
in4 -1

Shoppers flock
to unfinished
Bria rwood

It's official-the brand new, not
quite completed, chrome and
plastic Briarwood Shopping Mall
is open for business.
Located on a 155 acre site off
State Rd. and I-94, Ann Arbor's
first " enclosed shopping c e n t e r
staged its grand opening yester-
Crowds of shoppers and the just
plain curious strolled through the
covered walkways peering at the
shop displays, examining the mer-
chandise and making purchases.
Approximately 121 stores and
services will eventually grace the
933,457 square feet that is Briar-
wood proper. But as of yesterday
less than half the stores had been
director for Briarwood, indicated
that 30 stores opened yesterday

and that by Friday another 30
would open.
However, a count made by a se-
curity guard patroling the- mall
showed only 17, stores actively do-
ing business. Several more were
scheduled to open later in the day.
"I didn't think we were going to
make it," said a sales woman at
Casual Corner, a women's clothing
store. "The place was a mess. We
didn't get our cash register 'til this
morning and we still don't have
electricity in the back."
The sounds of drilling, hammer-
ing and sawing filled the air as
workmen added finishing touches
to the stores. Wearing overalls and
paint splattered clothes, the work-
men were almost as numerous as
customers. The entire mall reeked
of paint, plaster and wood shav-
GARY MILLER, Briarwood man-

Doily Photo by STEVE KAGAN'
SHOPPERS SIT AND REST by one of the pieces of modern sculpture inside the Briarwood Shopping Mall. The stores line "Lollipop Row"
named after fhe large red disc in the foreground.


grand jury
BALTIMORE P)-The Baltimore
federal grand jury investigating
Vice President Spiro Agnew was
warned by a judge yesterday to
disregard news stories involving
the inquiry because they "frequent-
ly are wholly or partially inac-
U.S. District Court Judge Walter
Hoffman, specially assigned to
handle the Agnew probe, summon-
ed the jury to an extraordinary
public hearing-after meeting pri-
vately for an hour and a half with
lawyer for Agnew and the Justice
At the same time, supporting
Agnew's efforts to find the sources
of news leaks, Hoffman gave the
vice president's lawyers broad au-
thority to subpoena Justice Depart-
ment officials, newsmen and any-
one else they feel could help them
get this information.
THE JUDGE'S unusual order
said Agnew's counsel "may take .
the depositions of such persons as
they deem appropriate and neces-
sary upon at least 48 hours' notice
to the Department of Justice in
each instance."
Hoffman also directed clerks of
district courts anywhere in the
United States to "issue such sub-
poenas as may be required."
The depositions are to be sealed
and not made part of any public
file, Hoffman said, in enjoining
Agnew and the government from
disclosing the names of those sub-
poenaed or discussing their testi-
He lectured jurors for 18 minutes TF
on their responsibilities in investi- Ag
See JUDGE, Page 2 po

def ends




Calls graft charges
against VP serious'

WASHINGTON (P) - President
Nixon yesterday defended the ac-
tions of Asst. Atty. Gen. Henry
Petersen, the man who has been
conducting a vigorous investigation
of alleged corruption on the part
of Vice President Spiro Agnew.
Agnew has' charged that Petersen'
was "out to get him." But Nixon,
in what appeared at least a partial
abandonment of the vice president,
said, "If I did not support Mr. Pet-
ersen's handling of the investiga-
tion he would have been re-
moved .
Nixon called the allegations that
Agnew had received illegal kick-
backs and had taken bribes "ser-
ious and not frivolous," but de-
clared that the vice president
should be presumed innocent.
Noting the "rather white-hot at-
mosphere" swirling around Agnew,
Nixon said he hopes Agnew "will
not be tried and convicted in the
press and on television by leaks
and innuendoes."
AND HE SAID he had never ask-
ed the vice president to resign.
Nixon ranged over other foreign
and domestic issues in the half-hour
news conference, his third in five
weeks, as he said:
Kissinger will visit Peking Oct. 26-
29 to pursue trade and other issues
of mutual concern. Kissinger also
will visit Japan while in the Far
-He will travel to Europe him-
self "in three or four months" and
also to Japan before the end of
next year with the precise timing
of the trips dependent both on for-
eign consultations and on " my re-
sponsibilities on the domestic
-Three declarations of princi-
ple, rather than one, are being ne-
gotiated for signing during his vis-.
its to Europe and Japan. One is in-
tended to update the Atlantic Al-
liance, another deals specifically
with economic issues and the third
is a more general declaration to
"breathe new life and new pur-
pose and new spirit" into relations
with U. S. allies.
-On the political scene, he won't
endorse any Republican contender,
to succeed him in the White House
until "they have been tried in the
field of battle" in the presidential
primaries. r
-He wouldn't discuss possible
changes in his economic game plan
and declined to take sides in a de-
bate over whether the nation's un-
employment goal should be four
per cent or five per cent.
THE PRESIDENT was smiling
and appeared relaxed when he ap-

Vice President Agnew
study here.
in special,
While Detroit strikes, Newark de-
teriorates and Washington worries,
15 journalists from those and other
areas are taking an eight-month
sabbatical from the daily trials of
their jobs and turning to the aca-
demic environment of Ann Arbor.
The Congressionally funded Na-
tional Endowment for the Humani-
ties is providing fellowships for
working journalists to engage in
studies of their own choosing at the
University or at Stanford Univer-
sity in California.
In addition, three international
journalist fellows are studying here
at Michigan.
have varied experiences and inter-
ests. Most of them seem to agree,.
however, that a federally funded
hiatus in academia is a welcome
change from the workaday blahs.
For James Ingram of The.Mich-
igan Chronicle, a black newspaper
in Detroit, the program offers an
"opportunity to get into an aca-
demic setting for the first time in
my life and a chance to exchange
ideas with the fellows."
DtritmlTIPTRBureau (Chief Rich-

AP Photo
ELLING NEWSMEN he never asked the Vice President to resign, President Nixon emphasizes that
gnew faces "serious charges." At a White House news conference yesterday, Nixon also voiced sup-
rt for Asst. Atty. Gen. Petersen's investigation.

Delay in Federal grant stalls
implementation of TEL TRAN

When TELTRAN was approved
by city voters last spring, much
was said, about the system's poten-
tial to alleviate the dreary trans-
portation situation in Ann Arbor.
But the implementation of the sys-
tern is at a standstill.

the hands of the city. The city's
grant application is buried in the
bureaucracy of the Congress and
the Departmenta of Urban Mass
"We're simply waiting for the
money to come through so we can
begin work," Henry Bonislawski, a

operation of the system, such as
radios, benchces, and shelters.
When voters approved the TEL-
TRAN package, they authorized a
2.5 mill property tax increase. This
revenue, about 1.5 million dollars,
would constitute about three quar-
ters of the annual operating bud-

The city may also be l u c k y
enough to save some money. Con-
gress recently passed a measure
which would increase the amount
of federal support from two thirds
to four fifths for such a project.
ings of up to one half in funding

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