Pogo Two
Saturday, September 29, 1973
Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, September 29, 1973
Charter faces revision
Veep 's
The local Democratic Pasty
Thursday night adopted a resolu-
tion aimed. at rewriting the city
charter to make municipal govern-
ment more responsive to the peo-
The party established two com-
mittees to oversee the operation.
One will launch a petition drive
to place the question of charter
revision before the voters next
April. The second committee will
propose specific alterations in the
If the voters approve the charter
revision question, a nine-member
non-partisan commission would be
elected on an at-large basis to
draft the actual changes.
"The resolution resulted from a
long standing discontent with the cil members, and procedures "in-
present charter," local Democratic suring citizen input at the depart-
Party Chairman Laird Harris ex- mental. level" would be endorsed.
plained. "The only logical a p - If the voters give the charter
proach to take is to rewrite the committee the go ahead, any
entire document," he said. changes must still be put before
Harris said he hoped the move the electorate for final approval.
would draw tri-partisan support as But the commission would be able
well as a positive response from to revise - and resubmit its char-
various non-partisan organizations. ter to the people - three times.
ie blasted the present charter, During the Thursday meeting
which is 18 years old, for remov- some Democratic Party members
ing power from the people and opposed the resolution fearing the
elected city officials and "giving action "would open a Pandora's
it to the technocratic elite that has box," according to Harris.
failed to meet citizen needs." Harris commented that even if
Although the party has not, as a "regressive" charter were drawn
yet, officially recommended any up by the commission, he felt the
changes, Harris indicated that in- "progressive liberal majority"
cluding the initiative and the re- would vote the proposed document
ferendum, salaries for City Coun- down.
Chw'ct Wi v4 (p. enice4
AP Photo
ITT office bombed
The New York police department bomb squad sorts through debris in the ninth floor offices of the In-
ternational Telephone and Telegraph Corp. in a midtown Manhattan skyscraper yesterday morning after
an explosion ripped through the corporate office's suite. (See Today, Page one)
CHAPEL (Lutheran Church
Missouri Synod)
1511 Washtenaw Ave.
Alfred T. Scheips, Pastor
Sunday Morning Services a
and at 10:30.
Sunday Morning Bible Stt
Wednesday Evening Wors]
801 S. Forest at Hill
Donald G. Zill, Pastor
Sunday Mornin:
Study Class-9:;5 a.m.
Worship Service-10:30 a.m
Sunday Supper-6:15 p.m.'
Program-7:00 p.m.
* * *
1432 Washtenaw Ave.
Ministers: Robert E. Sanders
R. Waser, Brewster H. Ge
Worship at 9:00 and 10:30
Picnic this Sunday at 4:30
Bible Study'12:00 noon Tues
Holy Communion 5:15-5:30
All college students andI
adults are cordially invited 1
activities of the church.
1236 Washtenaw Ave.
Student Chapel of the Ref
Services at 10 a.m. and 6
DIAL 662-6264
- 218 N. Division CHURCH, 1001 E. Huron
665-0606 Services-10:00 a.m.
Holy Eucharist at Noon in St. * * *
it 9:15 Tuesdly,. Sept. 11th - Holy Eu- CHURCH and WESLEY FOUNDA-
charist at 4:45 pm. in St. Andrew's TION-State at Huron and Wash.
idy at Church. Sermon by Dr. Donald Strobe,
* * *I "Mercy Is a Two-Way Street."
hip at BETHLEHEM UNITED CHURCH 8:30 a.m.-Communion Service.
OF CHRIST 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. - Worship
423 S. Fourth Ave. Ph. 665-6149 Services.
N Minister: Dr. T. L. Trost, Jr. 9:00-12:30-Nursery Care.
Associate Ministers: Dennis R. 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. - Church,
Brophy and Howard F. Gebhart. School (thru Grade 5).-
9:30 a.m.-Church School (Grade
9 a.m.-Morning Prayer. 6)
10 a.m. -Worship Service and 10:30-11:00 a.m. - Coffee-Conver-
Church School. sation-Fellowship.
* * Broadcast on WNRS (1290 AM
ST. ANDREW'S EPSICOAL and WNRZ (103 FM from 11:00-
CHURCH, 306 S. Division 12:00.
URCH 8:00 a.m.-Holy Eucharist. Next Sunday: (World-Wide Com-
10:00 a.m.-Holy Communion and munion Sunday) Sermon by Dr.
, John Sermon. Strobe: "The Towel Test."
re, Jr. 12:00 noon - Canterbury House WESLEY FOUNDATION:
a.m. Eucharist. Sunday, Sept. 30:
7:00 p.m. - Evening Prayer in 4:45 p.m. - Exercise-Football
p.m. chapel. and Volleyball.
sdays. * * * 5:30 p.m. - Celebration-Wesley
1917 Washtenaw 6:15 p.m. - Supper, Pine Room
young Erwin A. Gaede, Minister (75c).
to all Forum-9:30 a.m. 7:00 p.m. - Program, Wesley
Discussion Topic-Women in the Lounge, "Who, What, Why, Where
Ann Arbor Police, Officer Tommie -Me?" (Kevin and Bart).
Stewart, speaker. Thursday, Oct. 4:
Church School and Services - 12:00-Luncheon Discussion class
ormed; 10:30 a.m. (out in time for 1:00 classes), Pine;
Sermon - "Home Coming and Rm. "Ethical Decision Making,";
p.m., "Leaving."Bart Beavin. Lunch 25c.
Nursery available. 6:00 p.m. - Wesley Grad Com-
N ee -munity Dinner and Program. Ph:
668-6881 for details.
OPEN 312:45 IFriday, Oct. 5:
6:15 p.m.-Young Marrieds din-
SHOWS AT 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 p.m. ner, Pine Rm.
NOW SHOWING! 7:00 p.m.-Young Marrieds pro-{
*1 gram, Wesley Lounge, "Victimless
Crimes" with Prof. Jim Morgan.
DIAL 668-6414
Sat., Sun. and wed. at 1, 3, 5,
7, 9 p.m. Other days at 7 & 9 only
is an exquisite
Syndicated Columnist
Officials may
(UPI)- Between 700 has bee
and 800 corrections officers at four1
state prisons yesterday were on'
the verge of striking over griev-
ances related to the fatal stabbing,
of a Marquette State Prison guard.1
State Corrections Director Perry,
Johnson said strikes could start
"within the next several hours" at
Southern Michigan Prison at Jack-'
son and the Michigan Reformatory
and Michigan Training Unit at'
Ionia. A strike deadline of 6 a.m.
this morning was in effect at Mar-
"IT WOULD BE an emergency;
situation if the employes really do
strike," Johnson said.
Marquette is the state prison
facility where so-called "problem"
prisoners are incarcerated. Jack-
son, the world's largest walledI
prison, was the site of a disturb-
ance last month sparked by a work'
stoppage by inmates at various,
factories within the prison.I
Johnson said the National Guard
_ _ I
but not
who do
the pri<
the eve
n notified of the situation,
yet put on alert. Employes
not strike and State Police
were to be used to keep
sons running smoothly in
nt of a strike by guards,
,stri ke
to offer a threat or a club to em-
ployes," he said.
In a memo to all Marquette
Prison employes Thursday, John-
son said the Corrections Depart-
ment Administration was working
to redress their grievances.
"The picture of an adminisration
THE MARQUETTE stabbing, ap- which is either unconcerned or in-
parently brought to the surface' active is -not true," he said. "I ask
discontent among corrections offi-' only that you stop for a moment
cers and other employes with pris- and consider the record. I think
on security, work conditions, sala- you will find that there is not only
ries and retirement benefits, John- support. and advocacy, but also
son said. In addition, he said, the real accomplishment towards the
killing "has everyone's emotions end of making our institutions safer
at a high pitch." and better places to work."
Killed in the Tuesday incident'
was guard Earl Demarse, 55.
Richard Leo Goddard, 22, of tifii'1 f
Owosso, a problem prisoner since J l
age 16, has been charged with
first-degree murder in the stabbing.s0
JOHNSON URGED corrections s tri ] ,
offi'cers "to not strike at this time
and give an opportunity to the state (continued from Page 1)
government and -myself to resolve ..
gov n a tgun inside, where protesters were
their grievances and avert a marching in a wide circle.
.eik"' Adteewsanwtuht h
(Continued from Page 1)
jury's jurisdiction ..."
THE THREE-PAGE motion also
charged that the prosecutors in
the case "have engaged in a steady
campaign of statements to the press
which could have no purpose and
effect other than to prejudice any
grand or petit jury hearing evi-
dence relating to Agnew."
Mortonson told the press at the
federal courthouse that he had
delivered copies of the motion to
both U.S. Atty. George Beall, who
is heading the investigation, and
to Asst. Atty. Gen. Henry Peter-
sen after discussing the matter
with Beall yesterday morning. He
would not elaborate on the dis-
Mortonson filed with the motion
an affidavit specifying what was
termed specificexamples ofiso-
called leaks to the news media in
connection with the case.
"TAKEN TOGETHER, they per-
mit only one possible explanation:
the number of officials in the pro-.
secutorial arm of our government
have misused their offices in an
immoral and illegal attempt to
drive the Vice-President from the
office to which he was elected, and
to assure his conviction," the af-
fidavit read. The documet was
signed by Jay Topkis, another
Agnew lawyer.
The motion was filed as other
lawyers for Agnew and for the
Justice Department gathered in
Norfolk, Va., for an appointment
with U.S. District Court Judge Wal-
ter Hoffman, appointed to super-
vise the Baltimore ivestigation of
the Vice-President.
Hoffman was appointed to super-
vise the Agnew inquiry last month
after all nine federal court judges
in Maryland disqualified them-
selves in the case because they
were friends or past business as-
sociates of the Vice-President.
HOFFMAN, 66, is a veteran of
i southern Virginia Republican poli-
,old tuitionI
"We're going to close down
LSA," screamed a student through
a loudspeaker to approving cries
of "Damn right!"
"We can stop people from get-
ting to the windows. Get in line,
give them your letters supporting
the strike, explain it to them, then
get in line again."
Another student urged the po-
testers to "ask stupid questions,
ask/them to look things up for you.
Check to see if you're enrolled this
term. Say you lost your ID card,"
he said.
A number of students put flyers
protesting the hike into a campus
mailbox, to be forwarded to "Rob-
bie" Fleming.
\ By 12:45 p. m., there was scarce-
ly a tuition-payer in the line.
But half an hour later, the pro-
testers had disbanded quietly, the
placards were on the floor, and
the deepest question asked in the
LSA lobby was, "Are you in line?"
The lines were slightly longer,
crowded by the students unable to
reach the cashiers during the pro-
"I don't like the situation either,"
complained one student who re-
turned to the line after leaving
during the protest. "I'm on the
losing end of the stick, too.
"But where's the money for the
University going to come from? he
asked. "I'm extraordinarily pissed
off by this (protest). I'm going' to
stand in line and protest you peo-
tics and is regar'ded as tough,
honest, although sometimes con-
troversial judge. He often says
his philosophy is, "I will do my
duty if it costs me my last friend
on earth."
The motion by Agnew's lawyers
to stop the grand jury probe had
been expected last Wednesday or
Thursday before the grand jury
actually began taking evidence'"
from witnesses against Agnew. But
nothing was filed and the Agnew
probe opened Thursday.
The Justice Department issued
a three-page statement shortly
after Agnew's attorneys took legal
steps to halt the investigation by a
federal grand jury.
"It is clear that there is no
basis whatsoever-in fact or com-
mon sense," for Agnew's claim that
the Justice Department has been
the source of leaks of information
about the investigation to the news
media, the statement said.
ATTY. GEN. Elliot Richardson,
who launched a formal investiga-
tion of the alleged leaks in late
August, has received a preliminary
report exonerating Justice Depart-
ment officials, the statement said.
It added: "To suggest further,.
as the lawyers for the Vice-Presi-
dent have, that the Justice Depart-
ment investigation is a 'plot to
'drive the vice president from
office' is patently ridiculous.
"The investigation is based on
evidence which is being marshaled,
in as expeditious and responsible
a manner as possible," the state-
ment continued. "The Department
of Justice will continue', to dis-
charge its duties to enforce the
laws of this land and -will not be
diverted from that duty by un-
substantiated charges."
harshest public comment by the
Justice Department in a series of'
critical volleys between the depart-
ment, Agnew, and his lawyers.
THF STATEMENT said there
was "not a single public leak of
information concerning the investi-
gation" until Agnew himself on'
Aug. 1 released a letter he re-
ceived from U.S. Atty. George
Beall informing him of the probe.
raid train
take Jews
(Continued from Page 1)
The terrorists issued a state-
ment, according to the Austrian
News Agency, in which they said
" .We, the Eagles of the Pales-
tinian Revolution, declare our re-
sponsibility for this operation.
"WE UNDERTOOK this mission
because we are of the opinion that
the immigration of Soviet Jews
represents a great danger for our
cause . . . It was not our first blow
and it will not be the last."
The Austrian government was
reliably reported to be in close
contact with Arab governments in
an effort to secure a peaceful so-
lution. Austpia is a member .of the
United Nations Security Council,
and takes a non-committed stand
on the Middle East in line with its
neutral policy.
Security authorities at the heav-
ily - guarded airport said negotia-
tions had been conducted mainly
with one of the guerrillas, who
identified himself as a lawyer and
spoke fluent English.
HE TOLD POLICE, "I have got
plenty of pills. 1 can stand it for-
ever."'.At another point, he was
reported to'-have told officials he
could "last out for 96 hours."
The other guerrilla was describ-
ed as nervous and half-asleep as
the 'day's discussions went on.
The Arabs demanded a radio "to
hear about our success," but the
request was turned down.
i ii 11 iiI II
A moving experien
s~rxe.He aidhisoficehadbee ur #And there was a new touch to the
He said his offi'ce' had been un- tie-renamad.
ableyetra morning to reach I strike-green armbands.
abeyesterday mrng t ec One SAC member questioned
the three unions that represent the ,
corrections officers and employes wasn't sure why the color green
to "try to discuss with them the was chosen to symbolize the pro-
issuees they think are so critical." test.
Johnson declined to say what he "Maybe it's for money," she
would do to stop an illegal strike theorized.
by prison employes. According to In addition to the new symbol
law, striking public employes are I of protest, there were the usual
subject to dismissal, he noted. assortment of signs, chants and
"BUT IT IS not my purpose now "Fi ht the elitist trends of a
people's university,",'read a typical
one, and signs reading "Working
class people belong at U of M"
were common.
In the meantime, the lines of
students paying their tuition for the
first third of the term was grow-
The protesters began singing,
kY N ITE "The Regents are against us, we
shall not be moved."
IRS 62 The din successfully drowned
ANN ARBOR out the cashiers, who had just
about given up trying to speak.
ice in sound and light But the students were still lin-
ing 'up to pay.
:: 0:
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