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See Today for details
Eighty-Four Years of Editorial Freedom
Vol. LXXXV, No. 92
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, January 21, 1975
Ten Cents
Eight Pages
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Musical madness
Musicians from all over the country are con-
verging on Ann Arbor to help open up the Linda
Ronstadt concert at Hill Aud. tonight. Leon Red-
bone will play the opening set and will then be
followed by guitarist-songwriter Paul Siebel. Siebel,
who is a longtime friend of Ronstadt will be ac-
companied by David Bromberg on guitarand
dobro. Tickets will be available today at the Union
desk from 10:30-5:30 and at the door tonight at
6:30. The University Activities Center, which is
sponsoring the show, reminds patrons that drinking
or smoking could cancel the concert.
Bullard fearful
State Rep. Perry Bullard (D-Ann Arbor) has
decided to withdraw as judge in the Ann Arbor
Sun's "win a pound of Colombian" contest. Bul-
lard, who narrowly won re-election last Novem-
ber, was to have picked the winner of the contest,
who will receive a pound of marijuana. But he
declined the honor "fearing adverse voter reac-
tion," according to the Sun. "My participation
as judge would cloud the legislative reforms I am
advocating," added Bullard yesterday.
Sweet teeth
To the delight of kids across the state, the Michi-
gan Treasury Department last week exempted
the great cavity causers - chewing gum, candy
bars, otheraconfectionary items, and peanuts -
from the four per cent cales tax on food. Although
the tax was abolished on many items as of Janu-
ary 1, the measure still applied to candy sold at
concession stands. The move came as the result
of a "public outcry," Treasury Department spokes-
persons said.
... are varied today . . . the Residential Col-
lege Lecture Series presents philosophy professor
Frithjof Bergman speaking on "the meaning of
labor: alternatives to the Protestant ethic" at 7
p.m. in the East Quad Green Lounge . . . the
Indo-China Peace Campaign presents benefit show-
ings of Medea at 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. in Aud. 3
MLB . . . Trotter House offers a modern dance
class at 7 p.m... . "Death and Dying" will be the
subject of a lecture by Joseph Fletcher, professor
of Ethics and Medicine at the University of Vir-
ginia, at 7:30 p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheatre
. . . at 8 p.m. the Gay Liberation Front will meet
in the third floor conference room of the Union.
Goldwater pours
Laughing and looking back at the political war-
fare they waged 10 years ago for a candidate who
suffered a crushing defeat, friends and campaign
workers of Sen. Barry Goldwater (R-Ariz.) got to-
gether over the weekend to celebrate his non-
presidency." Journeying from all parts of the coun-
try, they drank and dined and recollected the
highpoints, and more often the mistakes, of the
campaign Goldwater lost when the late Lyndon
Johnson won by a landslide.
Shakin' it
The U. S. Supreme Court yesterday agreed to
hear an appeal which could affect the power of
cities and towns to regulate topless dancers. The
justices agreed to review a Circuit Court de-
cision which struck down a North Hempstead, N.Y.
law prohibiting topless dancing. A lower court
panel previously determined that topless dancing
tended to be a form of expression protected by the
Constitution - and therefore is legal.
About 62 per cent of the American public believes
religion can answer all or most of today's prob-
lems, according to the latest Gallup Poll. Of those
surveyed, 20 per cent disagreed, saying religion
is out of date and the remainder had no opinion.
The study was conducted last month among 1,517
adults. A similar survey done in 1957, showed that
81 per cent of people questioned thought that reli-
gion could ease the trials and tribulations of life.
No go
The British government yesterday announced it
would withdraw from a project to build a tunnel
between England and France, but said the plans
would be kept in storage for possible revival. The
project, talked about since the days of Napoleon,
was launched in 1973. .Inflation, however, has
pushed up the initial cost estimates from $1.9 billion
to about $4.6 billion. So it will still be only boats
or waterwings for crossing the English Channel.
On the iiside...
. Alan Kettier's esay on starvation is featured
on today's Editorial Page . . . David Burhenn re-
views Mstislav Rostropovich, one of the world's
greatest cellists, on the Arts Page . . and the
Sports Page is graced by Jeff Schiller's account
of last night's Michigan-Minnesota basketball
Speculation and reaction to the naming of a
black woman as literary college (LSA) dean
rippled through the University yesterday, but
the administration refused to provide confirmation
of the already-controversial choice.
From several well-placed University officials,
The Daily learned Saturday that the Regents had
selected Jewel Plummer Cobb, dean of Connecti-
cut College, to fill the position vacated when
former LSA Dean Frank Rhodes was appointed
vice president for academic affairs in early 1974.
COBB, who returned to Connecticut after being
Cobb choice causes controversy
ea-nsh ip
Several officials expressed skepticism about
an outsider's ability to step smoothly into a big
university hit by major cutbacks. One official
warned, "She better be damned good."
Unenlightened by the administration; which
remained mute yesterday, high-level officials
groped for a rationale behind the Regents' choice.
ONE SOURCE who affirmed the LSA faculty's
overwhelming support for Frye asserted that "it
See 'U', Page 2
interviewed by the Regents here last week, de-
clined comment Sunday evening "until it's of-
ficial." However, she conceded she "had some
indication" about the appointment.
Cornell College ombudsman and political
science prof. David Danelski and Acting LSA
Dean Billy Frye had also been up for the post
acting dean last July while a dean search
lommittee investigated a list of 125 candidates
for the post.
THE LSA FACULTY, which had rallied behind
Frye for the position, reacted with amazement
yesterday to the Regents' choice of an outsider
but neither had been contacted about the decision: over the man widely lauded for his skill in coping
Zoology Prof. Frye assumed the position of with the present economic crunch.
sees, a
hope ful
Gene Roddenberry, blasting
commercial television and its
network executives, declared
last night that TV "may be a
primary factor in deciding the
future of this infant race."
Roddenberry, creator a n d
producer of the "Star Trek"
science - fiction series, spoke to
a wildly enthusiastic audience
of 3,000 in a "Future -World"
lecture. He suggested that "Star
Trek" painted an entirely pos-
sible future, but that humanity
may first go through some dra-
matic changes.
WHILE conceding that "tele-
vision has treated me person-
ally very well," Roddenberry,
who is affectionately referred to
as "The Great Bird of the Ga-
laxy" by "Star Trek" fans, said
"television cannot improve as
long as it remains a prisoner
of advertising." and he sug-
gested pay-TV as a solution to
the problem.
"Commercial television does
See WRITER, Page 8
Democrats vote to
establish committee
WASHINGTON, (Reuter) - Senate Democrats, who
hold an overwhelming majority in Congress, yesterday
decided to set up a special Watergate-type committee to
investigate intelligence gathering by agencies such as the
CIA and the FBI.
The Senate, where the Democrats hold a majority of
61 to 39, is expected formally to approve establishment of
the committee later this week.
UNDER THE TERMS approved 45 to seven at a Democratic
caucus, the committee will conduct an in-depth investigation of
the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the Federal Bureau of
Investigation (FBI) and other similar agencies.
Daily Photo by KEN FINK
GENE RODDENBERRY speaks at a packed Hill Auditorium yesterday as part of the Future
Worlds lecture series. Roddenberry, the creator of Star Trek, blasted the television media, call-
ing it a means of advertisement, not entertainment.
Ford economy plan under fire;
The inquiry comes amid dis-
closures that the CIA had illeg-
ally spied on some 10,000 Amer-
icans and that the FBI had
compiled files on the personal
lives of some imembers of Con-
Under its 1947 charter, the
CIA is barred from conducting
intelligence gathering in the
United States. That task is left
to the FBI.
comprising seven to 11 mem-
bers, is to include senators not
on existing subcommittees
which have a watchdog function
over the CIA and the FBI.
Critics of these subcommit-
tees have accused members of
not scrutinizing the agencies
closely enough.
S e n a t e Democratic lead-
er Mike Mansfield will appoint
the new committee's members
after discussions with his Re-
publican counterpart, Senator
Hugh Scott.
PROCEDURAL plans for the.
CIA-FBI committee were not
immediately clear, but its hear-
ings are unlikely to be televised.
While the Senate Democrats
made their decision, the spe-
cial commission set up by the
White House to investigate do-
mestic spying allegations
against the CIA, held its second
closed door session. Headed by
Vice President Nelson Rocke-
feller, the panel had among its
witnesses former CIA director
Richard Helms.
The action by the Senate
Democrats came after a long
debate in secret that at times
became so loud it could be
heard in an adjacent corridor.
ARMED Services Committee
Chairman John Stennis could
be heard loudly opposing any
new committee to probe the
CIA and the FBI. The Senator is
also head of the Armed Services
Subcommittee that has been ac-
cused of keeping an eye closed-
to some CIA activities.
give up,
By The Associated Press
Three Arab terrrorists who
had flown a French jetliner
around the Mideast for hours in
a fruitless search for sanctuary
landed at Baghdad early today
and surrendered to Iraqi au-
thorities, an Air France spokes-
person in Paris reported.
The Air France Boeing 707
with a volunteer crew of three
had been placed at the disposal
of the terrorists yesterday when
they agreed to release 10 hos-
tages held overnight after a
bloody gunfight in Paris' Orly
Airport t e r in i n a 1. The Air
France spokesperson said the
crew was not harmed.
ARAB governments in Kuwait,
Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Leb-
anon -refused to let the terrorists
land in their countries, the Air
France spokesperson said, and
the big jet criss-crossed the
Middle East with fuel running
The jet made an afternoon
landing yesterday in Baghdad,
took on enough fuel for eight
flying hours, and then was or-
dered to leave. The Iraqi news
agency said it was permitted to
land only because the pilot used
a ruse, saying the plane was "a
French cargo plane headed for
Kuwait and that it had to land
in Baghdad to continue its
A i r France's spokesperson
said the French ambassador in
Baghdad participated in nego-
tiations that led to the sur-
Ford's proposals for r
the economy came und
from influential Democr
both the Senate and Hou
Sens. Edward Kenne
Massachusetts and Henry
son of Washington said
will oppose Ford's requ
increase oil imports and1
mestic oil price controls
predicted Ford's plan
Dems call
esident produce rapid inflation of do-
eviving mestic gasoline and heating oil
er fire prices.
rats in THE TWO Senators said they
se yes- will introduce a resolution to
delay the President's oil import
edy of proposals by 90 days, and hold
y Jack- off relaxing domestic prices till
d they April 1. While such a resolution
uest to would have to pass both Houses
lift do- and get Ford's signature, Ken-
They nedy and Jackson said they
would were prepared to take the meas-
Upolicy sessions
will remain closed
ure that far, even in the face
of a veto.
Manwhile, in the House, new-
ly - elected Ways and Means
Committee Chairman Al Ullman
(D-Oregon) proposed a tax cut
of about $5 billion rather than
the President's $16 billion fig-
ure, which Ullman contended
favors higher income brackets.
Ullman said his version would
favor taxpayers earning less
than $18,000 per year.
SEN. JACOB Javits (R-N.Y.)
said the President's economic
program falls "far short of the
magnitude of the crisis." Javits
proposed to. restrict oil imports
and bar a tax rebate for fami-
lies earning more than $25,000.
Javits also called for creation
of one million public-service
jobs this year, at a cost of $7.8
billion. And he urged that the
Council on Wage and Price Sta-
bility be given authority to de-
lay any inflationary wage or
price hike for 60 days.
He said Ford's proposal for a
rebate on 1974 taxes of up to
$1,000 per family should be
scaled down to limit the refund
to famiiles earning $25,000 or
less per year. This would cut
the maxium rebate to $600.
IN THE energy area, Javits
said, import quotas should be
imposed and the price of old
domestic oil, now frozen at $5.50
a barrel, should be allowed to
would bring a significant reduc-
tion in oil consumptionl or oi,
THEY estimated that it would
lead to a new inflationary surge
adding at least 2 per ceĀ£.t to the
cost of all goods and services
in addition to "massive hikes in
prices for gasoline, home heat-
ing oil and electricity."
Kennedy and Jackson said
they support other parts of the
President's energy program out-
lined in his State of the Union
message to Congress last Wed-
Citizens criticize City Council
over proposed grant allocation
University officials yesterday
predicted the informal closed
door policy for decision-making
meetings will remain, despite
new reforms by Wayne State
University (WSU) to allow stu-
dent attendance at WSU's "ex-
ecutive sessions."
In a move to increase student
input into university decision,
MSU's B o a r d of Governors
voted Friday to make public
meetings of the budget and fi-
nance, personnel, student af-
fairs, academic affairs and
Board of Governors committees.
members -may continue to be
However, the WSU changes
will not affect this University's
exclusionary policy, predicted
John Meeker, assistant to the
acting dean of the literary col-
lege (LSA).
"IT IS NOT likely that im-
petus for open meetings con-
cerning budgets and other kinds
of information would not come
from Wayne State or even
Michigan State," Meeker said.
"The three places of influence
that would have some impact
would be from the faculty, stu-
During a three and a half hour
public hearing last night City
Council heard some 40 persons
representing over 25 concerned
organizations blast a mayoral-
appointed citizens' committee's-
suggestions for the allocation of
$2.5 million federal grant.
The grant is in the form of
Community Development Rev-
enue Sharing (CDRS) funds
aimed at aiding low and mod-
erate income residents accord-
council how the money should
be spent with former Republi-
can councilman, William Col-
burn, chairman of the commit-
tee primarily responsible for the
recommendations to council.
Colburn came under attack
from Ted Beals, chairman of
the Model Cities Board, saying
"the handicap of the citizens'
committee was William Colburn,
who tried to get away from the
target group (low and moderate
income citizens) and re-orient
TAYLOR further blasted "the
leadership and bureaucrats who
took advantage of the lack of
knowledge of the citizens on the
Emma Wheeler, chairwoman
of the Model Cities Health
Board, said Colburn's recom-
mendation of $ 13 3, 0 0 0 for
"health needs" "bared little or
no relationship to reality . . .
the city's health needs are not
met by this allocation."
The health care allocation is