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April 16, 1975 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1975-04-16

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Eighty-Five Years of Editorial Freedom
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan


Wednesday, April 16, 1975
420 Maynard

News Phone: 764-0552

St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104

Facing an
ABOUT 200 SENIORS will be graduating on May
3 with bachelor's degrees in psychology. "A
very marketable degree," they are saying sarcas-
tically. Most of these students are pinning their
hopes on being accepted into graduate school, and
God knows what they'll do if they aren't. But if
they are accepted what are their goals? Those who
are accepted into clinical programs see themselves
as junior Freuds, as most undergraduates see clini-
cal procedures as relatively well defined. The rest
of the university's psychology undergraduates speak
vaguely of doing research or becoming professors.
Certainly some students know what they want

out of graduate school, but most simply don't know
what else to do. A few years of work in psych
related fields might give psychology majors who do
wish to go on for higher degrees a better idea of
their prospects. But where are the jobs? Those who
don't wish or cannot afford to go on in school are
already facing the problem of locating positions re-
lated to psychology. Such people are inclined from
ignorance of the possibilities to walk into an em-
ployer's office and say, "I'd like to work with peo-
ple. If you have anything like that I'll take it."
BUT NO EMPLOYER wants to hear this. Em-
ployers are looking for people with direction, mo-
tivation, interest, and imagination. They prefer to
hire individuals with concrete goals who know be-
forehand what jobs they want and what those jobs
With this dilemma in mind, eight University of
Michigan psychology majors, in cooperation with
the psychology department and Career Planning and
Placement, have compiled a booklet listing job titles
and descriptions that relate specifically to psychol-
ogy and for which bacheler's majors would be quali-
fied. The bulk of the booklet is devoted to jobs in
county, state, and federal government. It explains
more about what a family health worker is, a cor-
rectional treatment specialist, a youth counselor,
etc. A variety of settings and clients are included
and, in many cases, the pay scale as well.

Appendices to this project include a summary of
where last year's seniors ended up this year and a
listing of the courses that employers in business like
to see on a student's transcript. Courses in econom-
ics or public speaking, for example, are definite
assets to the psychology major seeking a position in
business. That information may come too late for
those who are graduating this May, but the booklet
is not meant only for graduating seniors. It will
give a sense of balance and a boost in morale to
anyone interested in where a psych degree can lead.
ALTHOUGH THIS STUDY concentrates on public
sector jobs, it gives brief suggestions for locating
jobs in thle private sector, social action, and busi-
ness. The coordinators of the project, are seeking to
identify students in the fall who would be interested
in delving into these virtually untouched areas. The
present study will be available at the Psychology
Department Offices in West Quad on Wednesday,
April 23 for 50c to defray the cost of printing. The
Psychology department picked up the rest of the
The emphasis in the field of psychology on attain-
ing a PhD (or at least a Masters) should not deter
students from searching out other alternatives for
putting their talents to work. A BA is a good degree
and should not be shrugged off as insignificant. After
you've put four years into your degree take some
time to consider its worth.


ly decided to work within the
system, to beat the CIA on its
own ground. He said, "The CIA
loves to get you out on the far
Left or Right, for you becou e
discredited and useless. You



TFROM THE moment V i c t o r
Marchetti walked into the
Rackham Auditorium Sunday,
one could tell he was a different
kind of dissident. He wore a
non-descript gray suit that mat-
ched his closely cut gray hair.
He ambled onto the stage in a
pair of light green hush-puppies.
Marchetti is a former CIA
(Central Intelligence Agency)
analyst and bureaucrat w ho is
presently working for the re-
form of the agency. 1e is the
co-author of the coantroversial
expose of the agency, "The ClA
and the Cult of Intelligence,"
from which one-hundred and-
sixty-eight passages :n th, book
were deleted by the Cl'.
Marchetti spoke as part of the
"Approaching 1984 . . ." sym-
posium sponsored by 22 local or-
ganizations including Student
Government Council (SGC) and
LSA Student Government. He
outlined his personal struggle
against the censorship which the
CIA has imposed upon him, and
attacked the agency for i t s
secrecy, its covert actions in
foreign countries, and its do-
mestic operations.
ing "Good afternoon FBI
agents, good afternoon CIA cor.-
tacts." He went on to say that
he was not joking. Representa-

tives from both agencies a r e
often spotted in his auidiences.
Marchetti's talk was short and
loosely organized. He spoke
without notes, his quiet voice
swelling with the urgency of phis
topic, and often with anger. As
it turns out, Marchetti cannot
prepare his speeches. If he did,
he would have to submit 'hem
to the review of the CIA 30 'avs
in advance. This results from a
permanent injunction2which the
CIA obtained in 1972 from a
United States District Court.
A n y t h i ng which Marchetti
speaks or writes a out the
agency must be submitted to
them for review. Marcheiti
speaks at his "own peril." Sev-
eral attempts to bring contempt
charges against him have tail-
At first, the injunction must
have demoralized him. His co-
author wrote that he was "ob-
viously disturbed by it." On
Sunday though, he spoke cour-
ageously. He said that if called
before the Senate committee
he would not feel bound by the
injunction. His voice tightening
with emotion, he said "If I real-
ly have anything I want to tell,
I don't give a good goddam
what Judge Bryan said.'

is going on . . . The purpose of
secrecy is to keep the American
public from knowing whfit 3 go-
ing On."
MARCIJETTI also caine down

"Marchetti has decided to work within the
system, to beat the (IA on its own ground.
'The CIA loves to get you Out on the far left
or right, for you to become discredited an(i
useless. You have to mnaintain credibility.'

a question Marchetti said that
the clandestine services could
be abolished.
Marchetti and Doug Porter,
the equally dedicated codirector
of "The Fifth Estate" wh o
spoke with him, tirelessly an-
swered questions in the auditor-
im after they spoke, even when
the audience dwindled from MO
down to about 80 peapie.
THE AUDIENCE, mostly stu-
dents, was highly sympathetic
to the speeches, often interrupt-
ing with cheers and aopleuse.
The peonle left in a thoughtful
rather than an aroused mood.
Marcfietti is a dedicated and
responsible reformer. ie speaks
sincerely, with knowledge and a
purpose. He rarely fall3 into
cant or rhetoric. Most of all, he
has been an efficient reformer,
perhaps as efficient as the CIA.
He has high hopes for the Sen-
ate committee, and occasionaliv
uses phrases like "the rebirth of
democracy." It has been a long
fight, but he clearly senses a
victory ahead. As he salts,
"They're the ones who are scar-
ed now."
Doc Kralik is a member of the
Editorial Page staff and full-
lime birthday boy.

A new low for Housing

a housing bombshell Monday
when they announced that the Uni-
versity expects a five to six per cent
increase in incoming freshpersons
next fall. On top of the present dorm
crunch, it can't help but aggravate
the housing problem. Housing Direc-
tor John Feldkamp admitted that
"The increase in freshmen made it
very clear that the (dorm) lottery
would be necessary . . . It's true that
with a smAller freshman class we
would have more spaces for next
Nevertheless, he guarantees "hous-
ing for all freshmen.. . . they are our
first obligation in housing. And
though all incoming freshpeople will
be provided with a bed, a dresser, and
a seat in the dining hall of a Univer-
sity dormitory, the living situation
some will be forced into - three peo-
ple to one room, or life in a linen
closet-is not a pleasant prospect."
Feldkamp goes on to explain that he
plans to request "additional housing"
at the Regents meeting this week, but
does not specify whether the request
News: Susan Ades, Jim Finkelstein,
Steve Hersh, Cheryl Pilate, J i m
Tobin, Herb Trix, David Whiting
Editorial Page: Clifford Brown, Jo
Marcotty, Paul Haskins, Steve Stojic
Arts Page: George Lobsenz
Photo Technician: Ken Fink

will be for money to construct new
dormitories or the purchase of the
Ann Arbor Inn.
PUT IF THE Regents grant either
request, it still doesn't help stu-
dents who want to live in a dorm next
fall. Firstly, Regent James Waters
(D-Muskegon) maintains that the
owners of the Ann Arbor Inn are
not "interested in selling right now,"
and adds that "The price that they
would want would probably be a lot
more than the cost of a regular dor-
mitory would be." This leaves the
construction of a new dormitory as
the only apparent answer in sight
for Feldkamp and the Housing Of-
fice. But a new dorm would not be
completed by next fall, and students
would still end up living in linen clos-
ets and on top of one another in the
existing housing.
No matter which way you see it,
the students get the raw end of the
deal. The Housing Office knew about
the Fall '75 housing crunch a year-
and-a-half ago. Feldkamp claims
that he warned people, but nobody
listened. Yet Waters, Regents Paul
Brown (D - Petoskey) and Gerald
Dunn (D-Lansing) say they were un-
aware of the housing problem until
the dorm lottery last month.
4 ND NOW IT is too late to alter the
situation, all because of a gross
error on the part of Feldkamp and
the housing office. And as usual, it is
the students who must pay the price
of their lack of foresight.

have to maintain credibiliy.
They made a big mistake with
me, though. They not only gave
me credibility, (by censoring his
book) but they made a be::t-
seller out of my book."
Marchetti used the censorship
of his book as an example of
CIA's often needless secrecy.
Marchetti believes his book was
censored "not because there is
anything that will damage the
CIA . . . but because iiea want
to keep the American people ix-
norant." According ti Marchetti,
the purpose of the agr.rv , se-
crecy "is not only to keep the
opposition from knowing what'-
going on. In some cases the op-
position is the first to know what

against the CIA's Domestic Op-
erations Division, whhih he
thinks may have an office as
close to Ann Arbor as Detroit.
"They've turned against the
verv people that they claim to
serve, as instruments of the
Presidency," he said of CIA of-
Another division of the CIA
which Marchetti attacxed was
the Clandestine Services. which
uses the majority of the
agencv's money. He said that
the Clandestine Services were
responsible for the ove,-hro rof
governments in Chile and
Greece, and also mucn of the
United State's involvement in
Southeast Asia. In response to

ment Marchetti
from the CIA, he






7l _ "7

To The Daily:
campaigning is off and running.
But to where?
There are many new candi-
dates and parties campaigning
for office in SGC, but who is
qualified? The seat-at-large can
be filled by almost anyole with
interest enough to run. Almost
any student with a desire to
learn and to work, can, if elect-
ed, execute the duties of his/her
position without great difficunw.
Student interest can be repre-
sented in the seats-at-large by
the candidates who wish to be
interested student rep esenta-
The presidential candidates
are something else. Qualifica-,
tions for such office must be
immeasurably greatersthan
those for the at-large seats. In
order to serve adequately, the
president, along with possessing
the virtues of interest, honesty
and the willingness to work,
must also have the werewithal
and experience needed to cope
with the organizational bogey-
man. Are there any presiden-
tial candidates who can meet
these qualifications? We t h e
students must know who they
I HAVE HEARD that the
Daily is limiting its coverage of
the candidates andhtheir cam-
paigns. I can only hope this is
not so. The Michigan DOy is
our student newspaper, and re-
gardless of its editorial stance
on SGC, it must open up to keep
us informed of alternatives and
of the pratfalls that we, as stu-
dent voters will encounter in
the coming barrage of com-
paign politics.
Many students, myself incl.d-
ed, look to the Daily as a vis-
ible, legitimate and trustworthy
source of information ont h e
candidates running for sucn im-
nortant office. Don't let w down.
Recognize your duty to inform
us, and give us the information
we require to make a s,)nd
choice in the SGC ele ;ions.
They've screwed up enough
without allowing misinformi n

Admittedly there are a num-
ber of dogs running free in the
central campus area, but what
facts support Ms. Lilly s claim
about the potential for so call-
ed "dangerous packs" of dogs.
She presents none, and anyone
familiar with wild "pack" dogs
would hardly make a compari-
son between these anmals and
Ann Arbor's pets.
Unfortunately, most of t It e
facts in this article have been
presented in a clearly dis-ortedi
and misleading manner. For in-
stance, of the 300 estimated dog
bites per year in Ann A-hor, 3
how many of these can be at-
tributed to the dogs roaming
the central campus (t1te "diag
dogs"). It's not stretching things
too far to state that a large
number of these bites can pro-
bably be accounted for ny con-
siderably smaller numb)er f
dogs. Should all of Ann Arbor's
dogs be grouped with the vicious
dogs that repeatedly bite peo-
ple? We don't even kno how
many of these 300 incidents of
dog bites were provokeI. Un-
fortunately, we have no figures
to answer these questions.
REGARDING the 40 diseases
that can be transmitted by dog
feces, I was told by the Ann
Arbor Humane Society that this
statement is somewhat of an
exaggeration of the situation.
Dogs, it is true, can transmit
some diseases, but in a healthy
pet this is not a sig ificant
Of course, it would be wrong
to hold that this article did not
present any reliable face. Ms.
Lilly was comnletely correct
about the painful nature of rab-
ies treatment, but this fart has
no place in an objective presen-
tation of Ann Arbor's dog situa-
tion. Its intended effett is ob-
There is no question ab,,ut the
fact that there are problems to
be solved concerning Ann Ar-
bor's dog situation, but let s not
get too carried away. 'urning
sentiments against the dogs is
not a solution. After all, t h e
dogs cannoot answer sharmes
made again them. Their case
can be misrepresented however.
Just look at Ms. Kasm,)vski's

shouting matches, fist fIghts
and other such outlandish be-
haviour. Between suitemates?
In one of our local prestigious
bars? No, in the Student Gov-
ernmental Council chambers.
One would wonder how much
positive action can be attained
in an atmosphere tinged with
uneasiness, and the threat of
physical reprisals. One wou'ld
also wonder which student block
has the best representation, the
one with the biggest or loudest
representative? The fact that
such conjecture can easily be
made at Michigan is indeed, a
At a University such as ours,
the students have a right to a
higher calibre of representation.
I think the New Action Coali-
tion, of which I am a member,
is a means of providing that re-
presentation. I would like to
see S.G.C., once more, acc )unt-
able to the students. Account-
able through it's actions, and
expenditures. Details of both
should be made easily available
to the public. The New Action
Coalition is the bunch that can
make this, and more, h ppcn.
-Timothy N. Jay
April 14
To The Daily:
WE CALL ON all progress ve
student groups and in-li--duals
to participate in the ,olidarity
day rally for Oppressed Minori-
ties under Arab Rule. Do you
care about the crimes of geno-
cide being committed right now
against the Kurdish people in
Iraq? The oppression of Black
African people in the Sudan?
The persecution of Jewish peo-
ple in Syria? Come to the Diag
Wednesday noon, April 16, and
to the teach-in following the pro-
-,J. Hoshen
Committee for Oppres-
sed Minorities
Under Arnb Rule
American Kurdish
Committee for On eas-
sed SYrian Je vs
April 13

ity of such stories and feaures
which are apparently r o u n d
amusing by the Daily editorial
staff. One often gets tn, feeling
that he or she has read such
tripe somewhere before, per-
haps in a high school ne vsletter
or an April Fool's sectioi in an
otherwise serious publi.awion.
-Pedro Galindo Nieto
Santiago Peregrino
Arturo Nelson
Otila Saenz
Executive Committee
La Raza Law Students
Assn., University of
April 15
Editor's Note:
The Daily sincerely rtgrets
any offense taken at the item
entitled "Beaver blues" which
appeared in Tuesday's "Today"
column. Though the item as a
whole was not intended to deni-
grate or slur any community
members, we can see how parts
of it could be taken as an af-
front to our readers and the
Mexican American community.
We apologize to the La Raza
Law Students Assn. and sny oth-
er readers offended by the item.
To The Daily:
young and in good health have
only an abstract notion of the
critical need for body organ
'donations. Perhaps a recent
personal experience can pr'o-
vide home incentive for individ-
inals to consider carrying an
"eve bank" donor card.
Just 2 weeks ago, I received a
corneal transplant in my rigat
eve to correct a corneal disease
that I have had for the past
13 years (I am 26). During
most of that time, I was able
to have near normal vision in
one eye by wearing a specially
fitted contact lens. Recentv,
however, the condition worsen-
ed to the point where only a
transnlant offered any poss bil-
itv of restoring some useful
sit in either of my eyes.
Fnrtunatelv as a result of the
.sr'^cessf11l graft, I exnect to

IF A LARrE part of the pop-
ulation registered with t h e i r
state eye bank many of the esti-
mated 15,000 people in t h i s
country who have correctable
corneal conditions might be able
to regain part or all of their
sight. Donor forms are avail-
able locally from the non-profir
Michigan Eye Bank, 1000 Wall
Street, Ann Arbor, 48104 (764-
-Philip Shaw
April 9
To The Daily:
nesday the 16th of April, the
Committee for Oppressed Minor-
ities Under Arab Rule calls upon
all freedom loving people to re-
solve that whereas the Kurdish
people are facing annihalation
at the hands of the IraqidBa'ath
regime, the Syrian and Iraqi
Jews are being denied basicrhu-
man rights, and the black peo-
ple of the Sudan are being per-
secuted by their government,
the following must be resolved:
that the government of Iraq
cease its program of genocide
against the Kurdish people; that
Iran and Turkey maintain open
borders to the Kurdish refugees;
that Iraq and Syria stop perse-
cuting their Jewish minorities
and allow the free emigration of
these people; that the blacks of
the Sudan be freed from govern-
ment oppression; that foreign
correspondents be allowed en-
try into the troubled areas; that
United Nations investigators be
sent to oversee the protection
of human rights of these minor-
ities as guaranteed by the Uni-
versal Declaration of Human
Rights; that the United States
extend humanitarian aid to
these peoples; that American
universities open their doors and
offer scholarship assistance to
students from these minority
man dimiity be nroclaimed!
For those individuals on cam-
p+1s who could be so d;;com-
nassionate as to tear down the
posters heralding our humanitar-
ian event, we have only pi'v.

_ 1
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