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April 15, 1975 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1975-04-15

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(I!1le M~iciiign Pati;
Eighty-Five Years of Editorial Freedom
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan





Tuesday, April 15, 1975

News Phone: 764-0552

420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104
GOP playing a dirty game

Typical of their two year domina-
tion of Ann Arbor politics, city Re-
publicans are again trying to pull a
fast one on the voters. It began with
the repeal of the marijuana ordi-
nance in 1972, proceeding to the in-
famous "Shoichet law" last February
and winding up with the Republicans
ram-rodding through council last
Wednesday a resolution permitting
lame-duck Mayor James Stephen-
son to remain seated until the Board
of Canvassers certifies last Mon-
day's election.
And that's the hitch - Stephen-
son and his cohorts are now in court
to seek an Injunction to keep the
Board from certifying and to invali-
date "preferential" voting. As in the
Shoichet law, we again see ex post
facto politics at its best, or worst as
the case may be.
What at first appeared to be no
more than a half-hearted attempt
at vengeance by a bunch of poor los-
ers has now emerged as a full-scale
no holds barred power play by the
GOP establishment.
Witness the city board of convas-
sers meeting Sunday night. It appear-

ed that the two Republican and two
Democratic board members had
reached an amiable resolution to the
ballot controversy. But the GOP
members inexplicably walked out be-
fore signing the Board's official con-
clusion and thus effectively road-
blocked certification. Again yester-
day one of the Republicans balked
just before signing the opinion at the
suggestion of her GOP cohorts.
As of early last evening, the situ-
ation was still to be resolved by a
judicial decision on whether to issue
a writ of mandemus to compel cer-
tification or to accommodate a GOP
move to have preferential voting
ruled illegal
Though the outcome is by no
means clear at this point, one thing
is certain: the past week' has seen
the proliferation of a new and sub-
versive form of politicking that can't
help but outrage the city electorate
and degrade those responsible for it.
We condemn the GOP establishment
for their actions and urge a decision
in favor of preferential balloting and
the immediate seating of those right-
fully elected to Council last week.

By student members of
LSA Curriculum Committee
T ECTURE AND classroom
work has long been t h e
mainstay of the University of
Michigan curricular diet; a diet
that has caused many a stu-
dent to choke. Not satisfied with
the lecture and classroom for-
mats, students have turned to
independent study and directed
reading work to meet their edu-
cational needs. Some students
have been uncomfortable with
the distance that exists between
the world inside the classroom
and the world outside those
classroom walls. For a ..ore
effective educational experience,
these students have turned to
fieldwork and experimental
courses in their effort to bridge
the gap between the abstrac-
tions of academics and living
The ISA Curriculum Com-
mittee has been laboring over
guidelines and regulations for
experimental work, independ-
ent study, and directed reading.
This effort was spurred by pro-
visions adopted in the Gradua-
tion Requirements Commission
Report but it also represents the
culmination of several attempts

to clarify and specify policy in
this area.
The Committee has prepared
a set of regulations which, if
adopted in its present form,
4 .6~'~.
"At the basis of our
objections was the feel-
ing t h a t independent
study was an essential
element of the Univer-
sity of Michigan
curriculum and t h a t
crushing bureaucracy
and stiff limitation
w o u l d be harmful to
many student pro-
would seriously hamper students
seeking to do studies outsidv the
For this reason, student mem-
bers of the LSA Curriculum
Committee have prepared a
minority report outlining ob-
jections and are now engaged

The proposed regulations would
have students petition a "Board
of Study" for approval of inde-
pendent fieldwork course plans.
Once receiving approval, t h e
student would have to meet with
an "ad hoc" committee to ar-
range for credit.
Students wishing to do any
kind of directed reading or in-
dependent study would have to
petition departmental Indepead-
ent Study/Directed Reandng
Committees for approval.
No student would be allowed,
to take more than 32 hours of
any kind of directed reading, in-
dependent study or experimental
coursework. This limitation in-
cludes not only student initiated
proposals but also senior thesis,
honors thesis, summer rading,
and directed reading courses;
also Project Outreach, archeol-
ogy expeditions and all of the
fieldwork programs already in
existence in many departments.
The guidelines also limit to
eight the number of students a
professor may sponsor per term

in efforts to alter


for any kind of, independent
study/directed r3id ug work. It
is unclear whether directed
reading courses, unmer read-
ing, and thesis w.-k is includud1
under that limitation.
Students on the LSA Curri-
culum Committee responded
with specific objeasions to the
guidelines. The Gra-ltatiou Re-
quirements Commission Report
had called for propo.als t h a t
would encourage,.supervise and
monitor these areas of study.
The proposed guide ines, focus-
ing so strongly on limitation,
were anything but encouraging
of outside classroom work. Stu-
dents were aware that the regu-
lations were propised to curb
abuses. But the Curriculun
Committee was aboj+ to kill the
patient with its cu-e.
Students argued thd- the scope
of the regulations was too broad.
The guidelines were unclear and
lumped together many different
kinds of study under the same
limitations. Rather than cver-
ing all kinds of expe° mental, di-
rected reading, and independent
course work, students felt the
regulations should ca)ve r oy
student initiated w:>-,which is
the area where prob.eir .do
exist. -
More important, students ar-
gued that the bure,3ucracy pro-
posed was too cumersome and
would represent a burden not
only to students but t> facuv
as well. Alternative3 vere pro-
-r-- sideswipes§

At the basis of our objections
was the feeling that independent
study was an essenLal element
of the University of M-zhigan
curriculum and tvtz crushing
bureaucracy and stiff limitation
would be harmful t i many stu-
dent programs.
The 32 hour limi'ation means
that students must take at least
eighty eight hours of lecture and
classroom work. We question
the educational philosophy be-
hind the rule. We do not think
that lecture and etassroom in-
tense educational programs are
universally sound.
Tonight at 8 p.m. at the Mich-
igan Union fourth floor lobby, a
meeting has been called to dis-
cuss the implications of the pro-
posed guidelines and to arrange
contacts with concerned s t U-
dents and program coordinators
who have a stake in the guide-
lines. All interested persons are
This statement w a s
prepared by Jane Prae-
ger, Toni Guzzzaerdo,
Ginny duRivage, s t u-
dent voting members
of the SA Curriculum
Committee, and Mark
Gold, President of the


Letters to The Daily

Military aid hypocritical

JN WHAT IS perhaps a surprise to
no one, the United States has
logged a record high in military ex-
ports: the orders for fiscal 1974 to-
talled over $8 billion. Though the
orders come from countries ranging
from Venezuela to West Germany,
Australia to Greece, the bulk of de-
liveries are made to no place
other than the: already hyper-sensi-
tive Middle East.
For a country that does a great deal
of talking about peace and detente,
the United States' actions are noth-
ing short of hypocritical. Though we
constantly ballhoo the prospects of
peace in the Mideast, our talk is en-
tirely beliedby our consistent accre-
tion of the machinery of war. Far
from attempting to effect any sort of
peaceful solution in that troubled
area, we are instead fanning the fires
of war by selling arms to both sides.
Deliveries to Israel, theoretically
our ally, totalled $985 million in fiscal
1974; Saudi Arabia benefited from
$417 million in American manufac-
tured arms. The orders on the books
right now represent $2,100 million
worth of military supplies to Israel,
$588 million to Saudi Arabia, and
$3,800 million to Iran.
Exports to the Middle East as well
as to other sensitive areas of the
world testify to the emptiness of our
professed desire for global peace. One
does not facilitate peace by shipping
arms to every riled country which
asks for them. However, peace has
evidently taken second priority to the
almighty dollar: oil and profits are
apparently more important.
This m e r c e n a r y conclusion
is borne out by the kinds of military
equipment often delivered. Tanks,
News: Glen Allerhand, Ellen Breslow,
Cathy Reutter, Sara Rimer, J e f f
Editorial Page: Paul Haskins, Debra
Hurwitz, Jack Kralic, Jo Morcotiy
Arts Page: David Weinberg
Photo technician: Pauline Lubens

for instance, even the most sophisti-
cated of which are now regarded as
obsolete, constitute a large part of
the supplies sold to the Mideast.
As the arms manufacturers smile
in glee over their immense profits
and simultaneously regret the "mer-
chant of death" stigma which faces
them; it seems time for the U. S. to
realize that it can't have every-
thing: either peace or arms exports
will have to be abandoned. We can
only hope that the U.S. is not so far
gone on its lucrative, but deadly
business that it will not opt for
money over peace. We stand to event-
ually lose everything if peace loses
Eye to eye
()N AN AVERAGE night in the Un-
dergraduate library Arabs and
Israelis sit on opposite sides of the
room. In restaurants they tend to sit
as far away from each other as pos-
sible. There is a clear and open ani-
mosity between the two groups, and
both try to sway campus opinion
their way.
It is a shame that so much time
and energy are spent to produce only
further alienation,;when they could
be aimed toward some kind of colu-
The answer to who is right and
who is wrong can never be satisfac-
torily answered. The only solution is
This Wednesday has been declared
Solidarity Day for the oppressed mi-
norities living under Arab rule.
Wouldn't this be a perfect opportun-
ity for the two sides to talk to each
other, leaving behind the incendiary
rhetoric which has inundated this
campus of late? If both sides succeed
in listeiing to each other here, one
step will have been made toward
peace in the Mideast.

To The Daily:
china are of world-historic sig-
nificance: after thirty years of
class war, the workers and pea-
sants of South Vietnam a n d
Cambodia are poised on t h e
brink of victory over their i-
perialist - propped bourgeoises.
In Cambodia, Phnom Penh is
falling to the Khmer Rouge, and
in strategic central highlands to
regions bordering on Saigon.
Theu's troops are in disrray
and on the run. It is not unlikely
that U.S. imperialism,!in a des-
perate attempt to save these re-
gimes, will continue to gi ,re mil-
itary aid and possibly uiiervene
directly with U.S. troops, under
the pretext of "projecting"
American citizens or Vietnam~
ese refugees. All such attempts
must be vigorously opposed: U.
S. out of Indochina!
In the sweep of these com-
munist advances, socialists must
draw the class line and take a
firm stand on the side of toe
workers and peasants. In the
epoch of imperialist de ay, the
bourgeoisies of backward coun-
tries, entangled in and depend-
ent on imperialism, are incap-
able of carrying out evsi demo-
cratic tasks, the resoonsibili-v
for which falls to the proletar-
iat, leading the peasantry. Since
class wars are resohtred to the
advantage of one cla s only, a
coalition government retinin,
free enterprise and private pro-
perty - the type of gw ernraent
specified in the Paris Pea,:e Ac-
cords - clearly be'cays the
Vietnamese andhCambodian
masses into the hands of the
very enemy they have been
fighting all these years. It is
therefore the duty of socialists
to demand that the Stalnists of
the DRV/NLF and FA&"Y ex-
tend the war to total military
victory, rejecting compronmise
with anv remnant of the cor-
rupt Thieu and Lon Nol re-
gimes. Military victor} to the
THE HISTORY of Notri Vet-
namese policy, however, re'iuir-
es us to place no confidence in
the Stalinist Bureaucracy. Ho
Chi Minh and the Stalinists of
North Vietnam have repeatedly
shown themselves to be willing
agents and active oractiuoners
of the policies of the Su'xlet and
Chinese bureaucracies. By wel-
coming the British and crushing
a Trotskyist-led popular lipris-
ing against the imperialist oc-
cupation and agreeing to tie re-
introduction of French troops in

1946, by withdrawing to1
North whenthey contoiled
per cent of the co-ntry in 1
and by signing a robber's pe
with victory impending in 1
the North Vietnamese lead
have consistently subordina
the interests of the Vietnam(
masses to the class cdllabo
tion of the Soviet and Chin
versions of "peaceful coex
ence." While the deforn
workers state which will alm
certainly emerge from a DR
NLF victory must be defen
against imperialist aggress
Trotskyists call for : polit
revolution to overthrow the S
inist bureaucracy and open1
way for the construction ofs
ialism. It is clear, then, tha
call merely for "U S. Out
S.E. Asia" is insuffici m, , sir
it leaves the date of the Ir
chinese masses in the treac
ous hands of Stalivst traito
Al Indochina must go coami
IT IS TIMELY, indeed, t
the University of Mi'nigtn.
invited Henry Kissingerto
dress commencement at t
conjuncture. As the agent
U.S. imperialism and archii
of mass slaughter, Kissinge
appearance provides sociali
with an excellent oppn-unity
demonstrate our revulsion to
vicious policies anI our de
mination to put an and to1
class whose interests he rep
sents. Given the focus on eve
in Indochina, the Sparta
Youth League is carling~ on
left organizations anJi clas .c
cious individuals to particip
in a united front denonstrat
on May 3 again this symbol
U.S. imperialism under t'
following slogans: U.S. ovt
the Middle East and Indochi
Military victory to the DR
NLF and FALN! All Indoch
mst go Communist!
The SYL is also snonsorina
forum on the struggie in In
china on April 21, at 7.30 p
in Anderson Room D, Michig
-Craig Travis
Spartacus Youth Leag
April 14
To The Daily:
ON FRIDAY, April 4tn, ab
80 people took part in a r
on the diag to support tie str
gles of the people of Vietn
Cambodia and Palestine, and
oppose any new imperia
wars that the U.S. ruling cl
may try to drag us into. Lab
many of the people who t

3 5
t to

part in the rally marched over
to the R.O.T.C. building; to burn
effigies of fascist U.S. puppets
Lon Nol and Thieu 'as well as
imperialist warmonger Kissing-
er. In the week prior to th^ de-
monstration thousands of leaf-
lets were distributed, hailing the
great victories of the peoples
liberation forces in In lochina,
and raising the slogan, "We
Won't Fight Any Imperialist
In his April 11 letter to the
Daily Fred Horowitz claims that
because we called what is ge-
ing on in Indochina a "victory
for the people," we somehow
are "inhumane." He also com-
plains that revolutionaries
should be more "idealistic." As
a member of one of the groups
that built for the rally. the Re-
volitionary Student Brigade, I
would like to res nd to F r e d
Horowitz's remarks.

The fact of the matter is that
anti-imperialists and revolution-
that aries reject idealism We are
has the realists, not the rules of this
ad- country. It was the anti-imper-
this ialist mb vement whicil predict-
of ed the defeat of the U.S. imper-
1ect ialists, not by looking in a cry,-
er's tal ball or contemMarlang o u r
ists navels, but by grasping the fact
y to that no force on earth can de-
his feat a united people whotare de-
ter- termined to win. This is the case
the in Cambodia and Vietnam, and
pre- this is why the people are win-
ents ning.
cus BOTH THE war in Cambodia
all and Vietnam were caused by
'on- the U.S. intervention in the in-
Pate ternal affairs of the indochinese
tion people, and by the U.S. refusal
l of to abide by the tGeaeva Ac.;ords.
h e The suffering of the people of
of Indochina will cons to an end
na' when the U.S. gets out or (as is
1V' happening) when the U.S. and
ina its punpets are militarily defeat-
ed. The tears that the U.S. irr.-
g° a Aerialists are sledding o v e r
ndo- refugees and orphans (which
.m. they created) are really t e a rs
gan about their own defeat, and a
cheap attempt to use the suffer-
ing of the Vietnamese people
gue and the compassion of the
American people m order to
continue he war. But regardless
of what tricks the imeprialists
y use, millions of people here and
all around the world know that
a peoples victory will marx the
out beginning of a new era of peace,
fly freedom and independence for
ug- the people of Ind )china.
to In his letter, Fred Horowitr al-
list so accuses us o supporting war
ass in the Middle East. The fact of
er, the matter is that we oppose
ook any attempts by the imperialist
s'inerpowers (the U.S. and the
U.S.S.R.) to go to war ih the
Middle East in their struggle
for world power. We say: "Sup-
erpowers! Hands off the Middle
East!" We suppo 't the struggle
of the Palestiniai people egainst
the Zionist state of Israel, which
drove the Pales(nians f r o m
their homeland. We belie-,e that
the only soluan is the dis-
mantling of the Zioist state and
the creation of a democratic
Palestine for Jews, Christians,
Moslems and all democratic
people. We are certain that the
Palestinian people will win ore
day, just as the people of Indo-
china are winning toda y
is part of a growing movement
against imperiaiist war which
sees the system of monopoly
capitalism as the source of war.
Tt i t.ih ~risii; nf ,rtnrism

The " principles'' ofI
Henry the Super K
THE UNIVERSITY RECORD, that running-dog, lackey publica-
tion of the University Administration, recently reprinted a
statement reportedly issued by an alleged administration propa-
ganda organization called University Information Services.
The statement concerned Secretary of State Henry Kissinger's
response to the big U's invitation to come speak to the disre-
spectful little snots who will receive their parchments on May 3.
Under the wonderfully clear headline "Kissinger may/may
not be U speaker," the following paragraph from Information Serv-
ices appeared:
"Secretary of State Henry Kissinger hastagreed in principle
to give the Commencement address May 3 at The University of
To those that are unskilled in the language of highly-placed
diplomatic sources, those words may sound innocent enough.
But to veteran students of international politics the chloice of
words is significant and plainly indicates that Kissingers himself
is the man responsible for the statement's construction.
FOR EXAMPLE, THE Super K did not say he would commit
himself to giving the address, he only agreed "in principle" to
doing so. But that agreement, as shaky as it is, can only be seen
by sharp-eyed analysts as a major breakthrough in the crucial
negotiations that must have taken place between the Secretary and
representatives of the University Administration.
I may be supposed, however, that in return for the agreement
in principle, the University had to make certain concessions, What
these concessions are obviously can not be released to the public
at a time when just the "principle" has been agreed upon, but
don't be surprised if they make Crisler Arena into a demilitarized
zone for the speech.
You don't think a big banana like Kissinger is going to expose
himself to the verbal slings and arrows of the graduates and their
parents. No siree. And if you're a demonstrator, forget it. You
probably won't even make it past South Quad.
YOU SURELY can't blame the suspected Dr. Strangelove for
negotiating for his own security. It is clear that a Commencement
billing the Secretary must have that gentleman in attendance. He
is definitely bargaining from a position of power in this regard.
The second paragraph released by University Information
Services starts by saving that, "His tentative accepta ice followed
an invitation by the University for him to be the spe tker."
Certainly there is nothing controversial there. That sentence
represents a positive attempt to emphasize a feeling of accord and
mutual respect among the parties. Of course such an introduction,
in most diplomatic communiques, is immediately followed by a
contradiction to the preceding statement.
Here however, what follows is a clever sentence that points
up the value that Kissinger's appearance would have for the
University. We are told that the speech is "still in the planning
stages because of his (Kissinger's) position and of the current
world situation."
THE INTERPRETATION of the sentence is that it is designed
to win even further concessions from the recalcitrant University
Administration. Ann Arbor has no oil, so most observers are at a
loss in trying to explain what concessions the Secretary is de-
Finally, in an effort to have internal pro-Kissinger elements
in the University pressure the Administration into giving in to
his demands, the Secretary continues to hold out the carrot of his
appearance by saying that "an announcement will be made (con-
cerning the Commencement address) when details have been
worked out.
It is all a brilliant ploy on Kissinger's part. But it is just that.
When the smokescreen of the statement is blown away we will
all de disappointed. He won't show and the assembled graduates
and their families will be left with the same third-rate flunky they
got for last year's ceremonies when Gerald Ford spoke.

S 14AV6 1 aU~rE

1 &) THE 4

atr rWOO

et- MAE

of the people of Indoclina and
Palestine. We !rge everyone
who can to join us. Call -63-
6563 for more information.
April 13
Ti The Daily:
affair is so disgusting! Every

gance that makes such a big
deal over adopting a few Amer-
ican-created orphans.
Does anyone seriously believe
that a revolutionary movement
of such fibre and sophistication
that it defeated the all-time bul-
lies of world history would ig-
nore the care of any of its
The best way for the Ameri-
can neonle to extend help to the


13CL "'



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