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April 11, 1975 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1975-04-11

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~iie 3i4' trn :fit
Eighty-Five Years of Editorial Freedom
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan

Prejudice:,,A live and kicking


Friday, April 11, 1975

News Phone: 764-0552

420 Maynard St., Ann 'Arbor, Mi. 48104
Another gesture backfires

vision in Chicago o n e
evening in March a most fright-
ening and shocking news event
was shown. At the Howard
Johnson Motor Lodge in Aurora,
Illinois, several persons met to
discuss their views on subjects
ranging from modern society to
economics. The interesting thing
about this meeting was that all
participants were wearing white
sheets - the KKK was in Chi-
After hearing that the current
economic crisis has been caus-
ed by the Jews, and that our
cities have been ruined by
"Jew-inspired niggers", I was
forced to face the fact that such
attitudes were alive and well in
places other than the Deep
South. In fact, the KKK cur-
rently has nine chapters in

IT IS IRONIC that the two
most prevalent stereotypes that
exist today concerning J e w s
are complete contradictions of
each other. First, the Jews are
notorious sympathizers of social-
ist, communist, and anti-estab-
lishment causes. Recent proof:
Jerry Rubin and Abbie Hoff-
man. When Bobby Seale v a s
on trial with the other Chi-
cago defendents, which attorn-
ey defended him? It was Wil-
liam Kunstler, a Jew. When
SDS was at its height in the
1960's, which single group was
the most heavily represented?
Again, the Jews.
AND FINALLY, when George
McGovern was prancing around
calling for a minimum guaran-
teed income and redistribution
of wealth, it was the Jews who
gave him overwhelming supptrt

(YGE AGAIN, A well-meaning ges-
ture by the University will be
tripped up by the stumbling block of
reality. While it is a nice idea for the
University to recognize those students
who worked hard enough to receive a
high grade point-although the
amount of work required is often
debatable-those involved in plan-
ning this year's Honors Convocation
continue to ignore student and fac-
ulty protest and have again scheduled
the assembly for 10:30 a.m. This tim-
ing effectively kills most of the under-
graduate classes held between 9 a.m.
and noon, which happens to be the
time when a majority of classes are
Many professors have already de-
clared that they will not honor the
honored, in other words that it will
be "business as usual" on Friday
morning no matter how many stu-
dents are not there. This is rather
ironical in that the honor students
are the ones who are likely to be most
hurt by missing lectures, especially

with the end of the year and finals
approaching fast.
pressure in these last few weeks,
and even one more lecture missed
could have a bad effect on a course,
especially considering the foul-up
caused by the month-long GEO strike.
In addition to the inconvenience
of the event, many students who were
invited to attend the Honors Convo-
cation have decided not to make an
appearance because of the emphasis it
makes on getting a good grade point
-an emphasis which more than one
student has termed "elitist."
But no matter how a student feels
about the point of the whole thing,
it is hoped that next year the Univer-
sity will reconsider, or perhaps con-
sider for the first time, the serious
implications of calling a halt to an
entire morning of classes so that a
minority-of students and their par-
ents can sit in Hill Auditorium and
bask in the glory of their intelligence.

"The simple fact is that Jews neither seek any-
thing nor are anything different than anyone
else in America. There are Jews who are rich,
and those who are poor. Many are educated,
and many are not. Some are liberal and others
are conservative."
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to be quite hard for any one
group to claim either acconm-
lishment, let alone both at the
same time! A more in-depth
look may clarify the situation.
Gen. George Brown, chair-
man of the Joint Chiefs of Staff,
recently remarked that t h e
Jews controlled the newspape"s
and banks in America. Do the 6
million American Jews - 3 per
cent of our total population -
actually exert such influence?
Statistics indicate otherwise. Of
newspapers read by Americans,
3 per cent of them are owned
by Jews. Of these newspapers,
the largest of them, the New-
house Chain, has a policy of
not hiring Jewish editors. It is
done so their editorial view-
points will be as objective as
possible. Newhouse accounts for
nearly half of all Jewish-own-
ed papers.
current banking structure leads
to further interesting results. In
New York City, the financial
capital of America, a regent
survey indicated Jewish me--
bership on 'Boards of Directors
of major banks represented a
total of 3 per cent of all mem-
bers. Furthermore, in the 25
largest banks outside of New
York City there were no Jew-
ish board members.
Perhaps the only difference
between Jews and non-Jews in
America is the average level of
education attained by the two
groups. Time magazine recent-
ly mentioned that only one-
fourth of Americans 25 years
or older have had any college
training. In contrast, a 1971
study found 54 per cent of Jews
25 years or older had been to
college - twice as great a per-
The government recently re-
ported that 18 million Ameri-
cans use food stamps. Out of a
total of 210 million, thisrepre-
sents less than 9 per cent of
our population. It is intere.iting
to note that the study mentioned
by "Time" indicated that 10
per cent of Jewish-American
families were at the $4,000 pov-
erty line or below.
MAX LERNER, author of

William Kunstler Arthur Burns

Subtle as a sledgehammer

Illinois, including ones in Aur-
ora, Cicero, and Joliet.
THE KLAN spokesman told a
reporter that the KKK is no dif-
ferent than the Jewish Anti-
Defamation League or the
NAACP insofar as its purpose is
concerned. His logic, or lack
of it, was that if Jews and
Blacks could have their own
groups, then whites should also
have their own group. The ob-
vious fallacy of such thinking
is that the ADL and the NAACP
function to promote the better-
ment of their respective groups
without stripping any o c h e r
person or group of their rights
or causing them injury. The
KKK, on the other hand, holds
deeply rooted stereotypes t h a t
guide its members through hate-
filled pathways. Why do these
stereotypes exist against Jews,
and what exactly are they?

rather than voting for Richard
While this stereotype is com-
monly heard, another viewpiint
is also widely held. The Jews
are rich - they're not suffer-
ing from the recession, t h e y
have money, and they cintrol
the economy. Many find Jews
responsible for the current un-
employment. Current proof:
Alan Greenspan, chairman of
the Council of Economic Ad-
visors, and Arthur Burns, chair-
man of the Federal Reserve.
Besides, aren't those p e o p 1 e
driving around Bloomfield Hills
in their Cadillacs all Jews?
IN RETROSPECT, the absurd-
ity of such charges in mind-
boggling. How is it that the
Jews are the wealthy controllers
of our vast, capitalist econ-
omy, and yet are the leading
socialists and anti-establishment
radicals? Indeed, it would seem

America As a Civilization, class-
ifies the five major goals in
American life as success, pres-
tige, money, power, and secur-
ity. The concept of the Amer-
ican Dream has changed since
Frederick Jackson Turner wrote
of the closing of the American
Frontier. Authors from F. Scott
Fitzgerald to Norman Mailer
have satirized and exposed this
tarnished dream. When a non-
Jew strides towards these g.als
he is considered to be in search
of the American Dream. While
becoming acculturated to Ame:-
ican society, the Jew has ac-
cented these same standars.
Yet, amongst those who hld
stereotvpes, the Jew in search
of the same things is often seen
as ereedy or searching for con-
The simile fact is that Jews
neither seek anything nor are
anvthine different than anvo-e
ele in America. There are Jew
who are rich, and those who are
poor. Manv are educated, and
many are not. Some are liberal
and others conservative. Desnfte
this. American Jews are cur-
rentlv facing their gr test
challenge since World War IT.
grow, more and more irrational
minds claim that the Jew. are
the cause of the economic mal-

IJURINGHIS TWO years in office,
Mayor James Stephenson has
tried to mold city government to suit
his conservative politics-in much the
same way god supposedly created man
in his own image.
It seems, though, that Stephenson
has gotten carried away with the
lordly parallel. At a special City Coun-
cil session Wednesday night, Stephen-
son and his Republican cohorts rail-
roaded through legislation that may
extend their terms beyond the normal
expiration date.
Stephenson and the present coun-
cil would ordinarily be replaced by
the in-coming members next Monday.
And the mayor's chair will be filled
by Democrat Albert Wheeler, who
narrowly defeated Stephenson.
But because of the closeness of the
outcome and unprecendented confu-
sion resultiing from the preferential
voting system, it is conceivable the
new council members including the
mayor may not be able to take office
as scheduled.
Rather than waiting to confront
this problem if it arises, the Republi-
cans undertook an unethical-and
probably illegal--step.
News: Gordon Atcheson, Paul Kelly,
Ann Marie Lipinski, Jo Marcotty,
Nora Pomerantz, Jeff Ristine, Step-
hen Selbst, Nathalie Walker
Editorial Page: Clifford Brown, Bar-
bara Cornell, Paul Haskins, Debra
Hurwitz, Greg Rest
Arts Page: James Valk
Photo Technician: Steve Kagan

They approved a resolution extend-
ing Stephenson's reign in the event
the Board of Canvassers refuses to
certify the election results and con-
sequently to affirm Wheeler's victory.
Cooked up just hours before the
council meeting, the move smacks of
political opportunism and the im-
passioned desire to prolong Republi-
can domination of City Hall, despite
election results demonstrating that
the voters want a change.
If the Republican majority were to
remain in power it could easily use
the opportunity to push through
numerous measures reflective of the
anti-progressive attitudes fostered
during the past two years.
The city can illafford so much as
an extra day of such leadership.
The only election results which re-
main in question are those pertaining
to the mayoral race. Each of the
council contests was clearly decided
by a decisive margin.
It makes sense that these duely
elected representatives should be
seated on time; but that would deny
the Republicans control-unless Ste-
phenson remained in office.
The day-to-day governmental af-
fairs, however, can efficiently be car-
ried on by a full council minus the
If something is amiss in the mayor-
al election and certification is with-
held, Wheeler should not be sworn in
until the cloud is lifted. But in exactly
the same vein, Stephenson must not
continue to serve-maintaining power
only because of a resolution that's
nothing more than a political stunt.

ady. This is the all too tragic
"scapegoat" theory. During the
harsh economic times there are
always those who get relief
from placing blame on anather
person or group. One need only
think back a year to remember
a bumper sticker declaring
"Burn Jews, Not Oil." Author
and survivor of Nazi concentra-
tion camps, Elie Wiesel, like
most other American Jews, does
not forsee Jews being killed in
American cities as was done in
Nazi Europe. While few people
expect the scapegoat attitude
to lead to such consequences, a
shift toward placing blame for
problems ranging from reces-
sion to pollution on the Jews
has been felt by many.
Whether or not Jews who
feel such pressure are hyper-
sensitive or not cannot be deter-
mined at this point. The rise of
groups such as the KKK and
statements by the chairman of
the Joint Chiefs of Staff do,
however, lend credence to the
rising concern. Such groups who
base their feelings on inva d
and illogical stereotypes present
a clear danger not only toward
American Jews or minorities,
but to the very moral fiber of
America itself.
Alan Resnick is an Editorial
Page staf writer.
Palestinians' desire for a lard
of their own, but no one can
deny Israel's right to existence.
No people's history has been
marked by more expulsion
than that of the Jews. It took
the senseless slaughter of six
million human lives to get the
right to reclaim their homeland.
As for Boshar's claim that
Palestinians are oppressed -
who would know the scars of
oppression better than the Jew-
ish people?

To The Daily:
editorial "Orphan tragedy re-
doubled." It is one of the best
editorials I have read ia the
Daily for a long time.
It must be pointed out that the
adoption of orphans by foreign-
ers is an idea unacceptable to
the Vietnamese, and the a i r-
lifting an act violating the sov-
ereignty of Vietnam. Hanoi has
protested against this act;.on,

and even the Saigon regime is
unwilling to go all the way in
this. Of course the Saigon pup-
pet regime can only yield when
U.S. "exerts pressure," and the
airlifting of Vietnamese child-
ren continues. In doing this, the
U.S. has totally disregarded oth-
er people's custom, and flag-
rantly violated the stVc sov-
ereignty of Vietnam. This is not
surprising, and hardly a n y -
thing else could be expected
from a government which has



.m::.The Li ghter S ide .w" m'
.Detente eschewed:
Closing the gum gap
maammmeam...Dick West -e
WASHINGTON (UPI) - Remember the reaction when the Soviet
Union first exploded an atomic bomb?
That accomplishment by what Americans regarded as a tech-
nically backward nation created shock waves of surprise, dismay
and alarm in this country.
Since then, of course, we have become conditioned to Soviet
breakthroughs. Too much so, perhaps. The degree of calmness
with which we accepted their latest scientific fat was phlegmatic
almost to the point of torpor.
HARDLY ANYONE was galvanized by the news that the U.S.S.R.
now has the know-how to produce its own chewing gum.
Yet on a boding-no-good scale of 1 to 10 that development hits
at least 6.8.
Since I personally have retained a trace of old-fashioned anxiety,
I contacted certain sources in the intelligence community and
asked them to evaluate the Soviet gum program.
"ITS CHIEF SIGNIFICANCE lies in the fact that it will give
Kremlin officials the extra dimension of being able to walk and
chew gum at the same time," one evaluator told me.
"As you probably know from things you have heard about
President Ford, chewing gum while walking is considered a high
priority asset in a world leader.
"It's right up there with wearing a helmet while playing
I said, "Does this mean the Soviets are on the verge of closing
the gum gap?"
"At present we don't view the Soviet gum-making capability
as a threat to American superiority in that field," the evaluator
"Our agents obtained a wad of it from the bottom of a Moscow
theater seat. Tests show it is still in the primitive stage with
a licorice flavor that quickly dissipates.
"MOREOVER, THEIR productive potential currently is limited
to about three packs per capita per year. Many veteran U.S.
gum lovers chew that much gum in an hour.
"The Soviets, however, have a history of making the most
of their limitations. We anticipate that in a few years they'll be
turning out peppermint, spearmint and assorted other flavors
that give American crewing gum supremacy.
I'F.rnm th anint it's on n nuetion of tismm nilithev advance

persistently carried out imper-
ialistic and big-power chauvinis-
tic policies all over the world.
However, American peope must
realize that the time when big
countries could dictate t h e i r
will and impose their value
system on small countries is
gone. Peace can only be a hiev-
ed if nations, big and smail, re-
spect each other and commit
to non-interference.
U.S. HAS plundered n u g e
quantity of natural resources
fromnthe Third World countrie:
already. Is it going aoe step
further by looting childre i from
other people now?
-An Asian Student
April 8
To The Daily.
WHILE IT MAY seem "ap-
parent" to the Black Student
Liberation Front; Organization
of Arab Students; Revolutionary
Student Brigade; and the Mid-
dle East Liberation Committee
that "the people are winning
in Indochina" (to quote from
the opening sentence of their
letter to The Daily of April 1),
recent newsreels from Vietnam
create a very dfiferent and less
jubilant effect in me. The kind
of thinking that which finds
for celebrating a victory of "the
people" in the ghastly pano-
rama of the suffering of ordi-
nary people in Vietnam is of-
fensive to me. I wonder if it
isn't time to take a hard look
at the attitudes and values of
such "revolutnoary" and "lib-
erating" (hence, "idealistic")
organizations as those which
signed the letter of April 1, and
see if we don't find there some
of that character of inhumanity
against which they claim to


Despite the anti-war posture
of the letter, some of these or-
ganizations appear perfectly
willing to advocate war against
Israel in the Middle East. Such
a war-stimulated by certain
violence - prone Palestinian
Arabs who see it as a solution
to their problem would bring
misery and death to thousands
of other Arabs and Jews, who in
fact want nothing more than to
be left alone to live in peace.
These, too, are people. The peo-
ple never win when wars are
fought - they only lose in
Fred Horowitz
April 2
To The Daily:
and faculty members of Michi-
gan's Center for the Study of
Higher Education believe that
"sexual preference" should lie
included in the University of
Michigan's non-discrimination
We believe that g iy employf;cs
should be protected againsh ocs-
criihination on the basi.; of their
sexual preference. We ask the
University to move in this way
to correct the imustice which
gay people may surfer, injustice
which is based on oatworn
-Ellen Armstrowg
R. Benson Barr
David Boris
and thirteen others
March 15
To The Daily:
WE WERE appauled to read
Mr. Boshar's letter requesting
the boycott of the hanorary de-
gree given to Ephrian Katzir,
President of Israel.
One can sympathize with the

President Katzir righteously
deserves the honorary degree as
he has contributed a gr e at
deal to the field of Science. Who
would you suggest as a deserv-
ing recipient of the honorary
degree-the PLO terrorists who
continue to take the lives of in-
nocent people?
-Cindy Lieberman
Linda Brenners
March 14
To The Daily:
THERE IS a simple far-range
solution to the dormitory hous-
ing shortage and this proposal
will also solve the problem of
what to do with a soon to be
abandoned building.
We suggest that the Housing
Office examine the possibility
of purchasing St. Joseph Mercy
Hospital after the facility mov-
es to their new building. The
location is excellent for q dorm-
itory, the cafeteria is already
built, most rooms were origin-
ally designed as living areas,
and parking and office space is
Clearly, it would be renamed
North Quadrangle.
-Boyd Bronson
Charles Ellis
April 9


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No lid
on right
to take

ANY DIVIDING line which
purports to separate t h e
University from the Ann Arbor
community can only be an arti-
ficial one. Students and their re-
presentative governments, there-
fore, have an obligation to take
a firm stand on issues which
concern them and the commun-
ity directly, even when those is-
sues are presented within the
framework of city government.
For this reason,, LSA student
government should be commend-
ed for its unanimous decision to
allot $150 to a group which

continue the present rate of
"legal" extortion.
It is theresponsibility of poli-
tical organizations on campus to
make partisan decisions on the
important issues which concern
the entire city. LSA-SG and even
SGC can become dynamic or-
ganizations if they assist out-
side groups, and take the initia-
tive themselves in mobilizing
and educating people around is-
sues which affect them.
LSA-SG and SGC do not repre-
sent all Michigan students, but
it would be foolish to suppose
that they or any representative
omvrnmant rcuwld-Wht TA A-

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