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Eighty-Five Years of Editorial Freedom
Vol. LXXXV, No. 141
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, March 28, 1975
Ten Cents
Ten Pages
i 1
Dope note
Detroit police have confiscated nearly 900 pounds
of marijuana - worth an estimated $250,000 -
from a truck parked at the Port Huron end of the
railroad tunnel connecting the U.S. and Canada.
Police Chief Charles Gentry said authorities were
alerted by employes of the Grand Trunk Railroad
who were suspicious of the 40 sacks loaded in the
truck. He said attempts are being made to trace
those connected with the dope, but declined to com-
ment whether the marijuana was going to or com-
ing from Canada.
Cry no more
Many of us have at one time or another shed
a tear over the shame and snowflakes that accom-
pany the heartbreak of psoriasis. But those folks
may soon have to mourn no more. Thanks to the
miracles of modern science, Ann Arbor psoriasis
sufferers may be able to shelve their special
shampoos and offer their scalps in the name of
research. Dr. John Vorhees, professor of derma-
tology at the university, will head (no pun in-
tended) a program, financed by a federal grant,
which will test the effectiveness of a new photo-
active drug, methoxsalen, and the application of
a newly developed high-intensity ultraviolet light.
The result, which seems to be highly effective, is
the inhibition of psoriatic skin cell growth. But
psoriasis sufferers are warned not to rush out to
buy a bottle of baby shampoo - the treatment
won't be generally available for one to two years
if the research is successful.
Hrippenin is ..
are not exactly splendiferous today, begin
with a seminar featuring Albert Scheflen M. D.,
Professor of Psychiatry at the Albert Einstein Col-
lege of Medicine, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The
seminar will take place at the Ypsilanti State
Hospital and is sponsored by The Association for
Clinical and Reserach Studies, Inc. . . . The Farm-
workers Support Committee will be conducting
informational leaflettings at major area stores
about the grape, lettuce and Gallo boycotts from
6:30 to 9:30 p.m. Rides will be leaving the side
door ofthe Union at 6 p.m. For more information
call 994-0595 . . . the Community Chorale and Or-
chestra will perform the Easter excerpts of Han-
del's Messiah. The ensemble will be conducted by
Prof. Willis Patterson of the University School of
Music at 7 p.m. at the Bethel A.M.E. Church on
900 Plum St.. . . And there will be a war bulletin
sponsored by the Indochina Peace Campaign at 8
in the Ann Arbor public library.
President Ford's clemency program for draft
evaders comes to an end on Monday night, but
the military clemency processing center in In-
dianapolis has not been exactly flooded with appli-
cants. Last week only 64 people were processed
there, the fewest of any week since the program
began last September. To date, 5233 have been dis-
charged from the center out of an approximate
15,500 Vietnam-era deserters eligible for the pro-
gram. But then there are three days left.
Nixon again
Nixon has done it again. The Nixon family did
not disclose "a number of gifts apparently re-
ceived" from foreign governments, according to
a government's auditor report. A 1966 law forbids
U.S. government employes from keeping for their
own use foreign gifts of more than minimal value.
Noting that the reporting system depends almost
entirely on voluntary compliance, the General Ac-
counting Office has recommended tightening proce-
dures for processing the gitfs, and imposing a
penalty of $1000 and a year in jail for noncom-
pliance with the law. He may end up there yet.
Innocence of youth?
Authorities have broken up a gradebschool bomb
ring in Crestwood Illinois in which boys aged 12
to 14 allegedly made crude explosive pipe bombs
and sold them to classmates for 25 cents each.
Police Chief John McAuliffe said "They were as
dangerous as hand grenades. Thank God we got
them before they exploded." He was unsure what
the young boys were planning to do with the
bombs, but added that they may have thought of
them merely as large firecrackers . . . with a
much bigger bang.
On the inside...
... Tim Smith takes a look at the present plight
of the Ann Arbor tenant on the editorial page . - .
Mike Wilson previews the gymnastics champion-
ship on the sports page . . . and Cinema Weekend
makes its weekly appearance on the arts page.
On the outside ...
Another rotten day. A strong storm passing to
U.S. calls temporary
halt to Da Nang lift
AP Photo
SOUTH VIETNAM'S former vice president, Nguyen Cao Ky (ri ght), announces yesterday at a news conference in Saigon the
formation of a committee to urge President Nguyen Van Thieu's r esignation. Seated alongside Ky is opposition committee member
Father Tran Huu Thanh. Meanwhile, Communist-led forces continued their offensive into the central coast.
By AP and Reuter
SAIGON, South Vietnam
- Former Premier Nguyen
Cao Ky and other opposi-
tion politicians formed a
committee yesterday to ask
President N g u y e n Van
Thieu to give up his pow-
ers because of the military
The move was an-
nounced as the American
airlift of refugees from Da
Nang was temporarily sus-
pended a n d insurgent
forces drove east and south
along the central coast.
The airlift was halted after
thousands of people tried to
crowd onto the only available
plane yesterday, an American
official said today.
"WE REQUEST President
Thieu delegate full powers to
a new government of new per-
sonalities with newpolicies ef-
fective for the national salva-
tion," a spokesman for the new
group said in Saigon.
The formation of the group,
the Action Committee for Na-
tional Salvation, followed the
arrest earlier in the day of
seven politicians affiliated with
Ky who were accused of plot-
ting to overthrow the govern-
ment. But Ky denied he was
planning a coup.
Three - hundred miles north-
east of Saigon, the insurgent
forces overran thedistrictcap-
ital of Tam Quan 'after a seven-
hour assault, the Saigon com-
mand said. Tam Quan is on the
coast of Binh Dinh Province 120
miles northeast of Da Nang.
THE COMMAND also report-
ed heavy attacks on at least
three other government posi-
tions in Binh Dinh Province, in-
cluding Binh Khe, a district
capital 25 miles inland from
Qui Nhon,which is south Viet-
nam's third largest city.
The rebels, already in con-
trol of the central highlands
and the five provinces in the
northern part of South Vietnam,
now appear to be opening a new
front on the central coastal
strip, the last remaining gov-
ernment territory in the upper
half of the country.
'We request President
Thieu dele g ate lull
powers to a new gov-
ernment with new poli-
-Opposition coalition
HE SAID he was unable to
give an official reason for the
But Vietnamese sources said
the airlift would not be resumed
until law and order were re-
stored at the airport in Da
Nang, center of a government
held enclave after vast troops
withdrawals from other north-
central areas of South Vietnam.
However, an official at the
U. S. Agency for International
Development which is financ-
ing the flights said it was hoped
to resume the airlift tomorrow.
A chartered Boeing 727 made
its first flight carrying refugees
to the South yesterday.
Police broke down the door
of the South Vietnamese U. N.
observer mission and arrested
about a dozen pro-insurgent
demonstrators who had seized
control of the office, a mem-
ber of the mission reported.
See THIEU, Page 7
Ford considers
veto of
te plan
WASHINGTON (/P)-President
Ford faces a crucial political
decision that could shape the
rest of his current term on
whether to veto the massive tax
cut bill he demanded-and Con-
gress passed - as an Easter
present for the nation's ailing
A Ford decision to veto the
bill, said to be under serious
White House consideration yes-
terday, would escalate the con-
frontation between the Republi-
can President and the Demo-
cratic-controlled Congress, plus
delay the tax cut Ford has re-
peatedly insisted is needed.
tax re ba
SEN. RUSSELL Long (D-La.),
chairman of the Senate Finance
Committee, said yesterday he
didn't think Ford is "foolish
enough to veto this bill" and
warned the President would be
playing with "dynamite" if he
But House GOP Leader Jhn
Rhodes predicted a veto and
said Ford was re-evaluating
"the whole idea of a tax cut."
Ford received some ancour-
agement that a veto mignt be
sustained in the House from the
close 214 to 187 roll call to send
the measure back to conferenze.
Final passage came on a lop-
sided vote of 288 to 125.
T H E LARGE recommittal
vote apparently reflecred the
growing fear of the political and
economic impact of a massive
federal defiict.
The White House would be ,
counting heavily on this mood
in hopes that a Ford veto would
be sustained by Congress.
If the President decids on
such a course, the risks are con-
FOR ONE thing, it means
certain delay in the final enact-
ment of a tax cut and of the
Rent study discussed
stimulative effect it is expected
to have on the economy.
For another, it might Lieate
such antagonism with the Con-
gress that the chances for later
compromises on energy and
other crucial issues would be
Finally, it might confuse the
public perception of a President
who had repeatedly demanded
action on a tax cut and then
rejected it.
THE FINAL bill represents a
compromise in key areas be-
tween Ford's original proposals,
the House bill and the bigger
Senate measure.
A White House spokesman
said yesterday that Ford still
thinks thernationneeds a tax
cut but is concerned about some
of the provisions in Congress'
bill. He did 'not specify them,
but did say Ford had noted no
hearings had been held on pro-
visions such as repeal of the
oil depletion allowance.
Ford had pronosed a 516.2
billion tax cut bill. The net im-
pact of8Conaress' bill, a tax cut
of $22.8 billion, falls midway
between the positions of con-
servative and liberal economists
and within the $24 billion-$25 bWl-
lion range Secretary of the
Treasury William Simon indi-
cated would be acceptable.
With some polls indicnting his
rating rising while that of Con-
gress drops, a veto might be
seen from the White House as
a way to put the Democratic
Congress on the defensive.
fine arts
Student's blast
The Ann Arbor Board of Realtors displayed
surprise and interest yesterday at the findings
of a Massachusetts rent control study, presented
to the group by Human Rights Party (HRP)
second ward council hopeful Frank Shoichet.
The report, commissioned by the Massachu-
setts Joint Legislative Committee on Local Af-
fairs, asserts rent control significantly hindered
rent and property tax increases, raised the num-
ber of new housing units built and the level of
maintenance and protected tenants from beng
evicted without just cause.
THE STUDY, conducted by Harbridge House,
Inc., an independent international consulting firm,
concluded, "None of the available data demon-
strates that rent control harms more people than
it helps, or that it significantly impairs the supply
of rental housing."
"Watch out for this study," warned one audi-
ence meniber. "Massachusetts is full of Demo-
GOP Fifth Ward council candidate Jerry Bell
took up this cry saying, "In my job I read a lot
of surveys and we use a different survey depend-
ing on what we want to do with a product; so
I advise you to take this study with a grain of
IN ANGRY response to Bell's allegations, Dr.
Herbert Selesnick, Director of the study, declared
in a telephone interview, "It is not true that the
study is biased."
Selesnick pointed out, "The sentiment on rent
control is quite mixed on the Joint Legislative
Committee on Local Affairs which commissioned
See REALTORS, Page 2
A wave of student protest at the Art School was set off by an
announcement that for the first time entries to the annual BFA
(bachelor of fine arts) exhibition will be screened by a jury.
124 studnts have signed a petition arguing against the estab-
lishment of the jury, and a possible off-campus alternative show is
being planned.
STUDENTS graduating with BFA degrees in the past have
been allowedoto display their work at a year-end exhibition at
the Art School. For this year's show, Art School Dean George
Bayliss has directed the student co-ordinators of the event to
set up a jury selection process to screen entries.
"Last week Bayliss said the show was going to be juried,"
said John DeGroot, one of the co-ordinators. "But originally
he said it was up to the students to decide."
A majority of art students voted against the jury process
after Bayliss's original statement.
A meeting between the Dean and students is scheduled for
next Wednesday. The petition against the proposed jury system
will be presented at the meeting.
See STUDENTS, Page 2
Unleashed dogs run
rampant on campus
Controlling the freewheeling,
unleashed dogs in Ann Arbor-
commonly k n o w n as "diag
dogs"-appears to have become
an almost impossible task.
The canines have drawn com-
plaints for their over-abund-
ance, for the bites they inflict,
for their potential to form dan-
gerous packs, for their potential
to harm each other, and for thie
disease-laden feces they spread.
A LOCAL ordinance prohibits
dog owners from allowing their
dogs to run at large. But not
all of the roaming creatures
officers can't begin to contr-l
the stray and loose-running dogs
in the city. He says enforce-
ment of the current ordinance
is almost impossible.
THE NUMBER of J )g bites
that have occurred in the city
has increased in recent years.
Dr. Paul Gikas of the path-
ology department at University
Hospital estimates that there
are about 300 reported dog bites
a year.
"The real problem," says
Gikas, "is when a person is bit-
ten and the dog cannot be
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