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March 26, 1975 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1975-03-26

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See Editorial Page


Ak ir nu

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See Today for details

Eighty-Five Years of Editorial Freedom
Vol. LXXXV, No. 139 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, March 26, 1975 Ten Cents E

ight Pages

Good deed
An Ann Arbor citizen, who wished to remain
anonymous, has come to the rescue of the York-
wood State Mental Hospital girl's unit by donating
a record player to replace the ward's broken
model. As a result, the $105 raised by an East
Quad party last Saturday to fund the new music-
maker will now be used for educational games.
By the way, we reported yesterday that the party
will take place this weekend. Last Saturday's
party, sponsored by Quad residents, has already
taken place - obviously.
Downer's delight
Those of you who bother to see a pharmacist
when you buy your drugs may be interested in a
new bill which will enable Michigan consumers
to save up to $8 million on prescription drugs. The
law, which goes into effect next Monday, requires
that the pharmacist fill the prescription using the
generic name instead of the more expensive brand
name at the consumer's request. However, if the
doctor has written DAW, meaning "dispense as
written" on the prescription, the pharmacistmust
give the drug requested by the doctor. Strange-
ly enough, drug companies have generally op-
posed the new law.
.today are to be read in a dark room with the
door closed . . starting bright and earlyathe As-
sociation of Black Social Work Students are spon-
soring a one day conference on "Economic Inde-
pendence, Social Development, and Political De-
velopment: A challenge for black professionals
from 8:30 to 4:30 at the Rackham Amphitheater.
Guest speaker will be Dr. Albert Wheeler, Demo-
cratic candidate for mayor, followed by panel dis-
cussions and workshops .. . 'the Colloquium on
Surrealism continues today at 4 p.m. with "Sur-
realism in Literature" featuring Paul Ilie, Roy
Nelson, Ingo Seidler, and Mark Zimmeiman, at
the Rackham Amphitheater . . . William Rosen-
berg, chairman of the Michigan Public Service
Commission will give a lecture on "Electrical
Systems for the Future Societies: Michigan power
system planning" sponsored by the Electrical and
Computer Engineering Dept. in rm. 107 of the
P and A Bldg. .. . South Quad Council will host
the first ward city council debate at 8 p.m. at
West Lounge, South Quad . . . and also on the po-
licital scene, second ward Democrats will hold a
meeting at 9 p.m. at the Alice Lloyd Red Carpet
Bobo's booboo
The Louisville Zoo's lion Bobo may even make
the illustrious Diag logs look impotent. The belea-
guered Bobo has been given the final word from
the zoo's authorities that he is either to curb his
mating -activity, or face sterilization. Zoo director
Robert Bean says the zoo already has six surplus
cubs, which officials say once would have been
easy to give away to other zoos across-the coun-
try. They say that now, however, federal regu-
lations restrict their ability to buy and sell ani-
mals to other zoos. Those of you animal lovers who
do not want to see this happen can write to Bean
at the Louisville Zoo care of the "Save Bobo's
Balls Campaign," and make sure Bobo remains
king of the jungle.
Hamming itup
Today's prices may seem ridiculous enough, but
try paying $11,977 for a 14 pound ham on for size.
But Jerry Hostutler is one of the last people to
look a gift ham in the moth, and he wasn't about
to complain at what may be a national record
price. Kanawha County Commission member Jack
Catalano forked over the phenomenal :amount at
the 32nd Future Farmers of America auction. Auc-
tion officials claimed a national record, based on a
record of $500 per pound price paid for a ham at
the Kentucky State Fair last year. i

Yore Mickey Mouse
What's your idea of a fun in the sun hot spot?
Jamaica? Hawaii? Would you believe Orlando?
Yes, Walt Disney World has been jumping with
Easter-week vacationers as the mouseketeer mec-
ca had to close its gates for four hours Monday be-
cause of overcrowding. Amusement park officials
warned tourists to "come early in the morning or
late in the afternoon" to be sure of getting into
the complex during the rest of the week. Attend-
ants at the Disney World's 12,000-car parking
began turning motorists away about noon. Disney
spokesman Charles Ridgeway refused to discuss
the attendance figures, but he astutely said "a
very good Easter season" was anticipated.
On the iinside...
Spores Page's Scott Lewis reports on the
Big Ten gymnastics meet . . . Dan Blugerman
presents a strategy for dealing with delinquent
landlords on the Editorial Page . . . and Robin
Hergott explores the culinary realm of tuna mush-
room crepes for the Arts Page.
II_ A - - 2








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FU C 0 1Xp CI 0 0
Faisal's death
Successor expected to
continue basic policies
BEIRUT (A) - The assassination of King Faisal of
Saudi Arabia, shot to death in his palace by his .
"deranged nephew," shocked world capitals yesterday
and added new uncertainties to the Middle East situation.
The first reaction, in the United States and else-
where, was the hope that the conservative, pro-Ameri-
can monarch's successor would continue the basic poli-
cies of the key oil-rich state.;
WITHIN HOURS after the assassination, Faisal was
replaced by an ailing brother, Crown Prince Khaled Ibn
Abdul Aziz, 62. Faisal's age was variously given as 69 or 70.
The official radio in Riyadh said Prince Faisal Abdul






to Saigon
By The AP and Reuter
gunners blasted the Da
Nang air base last night,
only hours before an emer-
gency U.S. airlift was to
start evacuating hundreds
of ,thousands of refugees
who had fled to the port
Meanwhile, the White
House announced that Gen-
eral Fred Weyand, U.S.
Army Chief of Staff, will
fly to Saigon today to study
the worsening military situ-
ation in South Vietnam and
recommend possible new
American assistance.
PRESIDENT Ford personally
instructed Weyand - a former
American commander in Viet-
nam-to make the trip.
Press Secretary Ron Nessen
said the President has asked
Wevand to assure South Viet-
namese President Nguyen Van
Thieu of his strong support in
Saigon's fieht against the Com-
m nist-led insurgents.
Da Nang, South Vietnam's
northernmost military bastion,
is crammed with more than a
million refugees fleeing from ad-
vancing North Vietnamese and
southern insurgent forces that
have cut off the city from the
rest of the country.
A U.S.-FNANCED airlift and
sea evacuation will seek'to
transfer some 50,000 refugees
to government territory along
the central coast, Western dip-
lomats said. But the rocket at-
tacks could inflict mazsive
casualties on refugees gathered
at the airort and also damage
the aircraft and runways.
It was the first shelling of the
big Da Nang air base since the
Communist-led troops unleashed
their offensive in the northern
tier of South Vietnam three
weeks ago.
The airlift, beginning today, is
the largest of the Indochina war,
with commercial jets planning
to ferry several thousand per-
sons daily to Cam Rahn Bay, a
deep-water port that was once
one of the largest U.S. military

Copyright 1975, The Michigan Daily
King Faisal's assassination
was a personal tragedy to sev-
eral Detroit metropolitan area
residents - the members of the
Saudi royal family who have
come to the United States to
One member of the royal fam-
ily, identified as Khalid, a
nephew of King Falsal, told
the Daily last night that the
King's death would not alter
American-Saudi relations.
"AMERICA is our best friend",
he said, "and it will continue
to be our best friend."
The family members report-
edly fear for their well-being in
the wake of the assassination
and wished to keep both their
names and addresses confiden-
Some family members report-
edly attended the University's
English Language Institute
last year. The institute aids
See AREA, Page 8

Aziz approached the king to of-
fer salutations during an audi-
ence for princes and common-
ers, pulled out a gun and fired
severalttimes. The king was
taken to a hospital where he
died shortly afterward.
Khaled named Prince Fahd,
53, as the new crown prince,
and diplomats in Beirut said
he is likely to take the reigns
of government with Khaled
serving in a ceremonial or in-
terim role.
See related story, page 3
U. S. OFFICIALS said yester-
day the new Saudi Arabian gov-
ernment will continue the pro-
American policies of King Fais-
al, but they expressed deep
concern that the monarch's as-
sassination will disrupt Middle
East peace efforts further.
These announcements, made
privately in the wake of the
king's death, were cloaked by
the more formal remarks from
administration figures.
In their messages of sorrow,
both President Ford and Sec-
retary of State Henry Kissinger
made much of the importance
of Faisal's friendship with the
United States.
CALLING the murder a mat-
ter of "grief," Ford said Fais-
al was "a close friend of the
United States."
A State Department state-
ment spoke of the many meet-
ings Kissinger held with the
late king. "The Secretary feels
that this personal bond will
form the basis for continuing
See FAISAL, Page 2

AP Photo
TRUCKS AND motorbikes, loaded with refugees, roar along the main highway from the old
imperial capital of Hue to the port city of Da N ang yesterday. Hue's 200,000 inhabitants have
been streaming southward since the Saigon go veroment's decision to abandon the city in .the
face of a heavy insurgent buildup.


While news of King Faisal's
assassinatian rocked the world
yesterday and drew predictions
of dramatic repercussions from
both domestic and international
officials, University political ex-
perts disagreed on the effects
of the oil sheik's death.
Local observers who minimiz-
ed the possibility of tragic ram-
ifications reached their conclu-
sions after Saudi Arabia reveal-
ed that Crown Prince Khalid
would succeed his older brother
Faisal. They maintained that
Khalid would generally continue
the late king's policies.
HISTORY Prof. Richard Mit-

chell, instructor of a Near and
Middle East seminar here com-
mented, "As the succession was
announced, I don't think the
new King or Crown Prince
(Prince Fahd) will fundament-
ally alter any policy, particular-
ly any policy with the U.S."
Mitchell further observed that,
"Although I strongly disapprove
of political murder, there will
surely be some good ramifica-
tions from this.
"The newKing and Crown
Prince are much more men of
the world than their brother,"
said Mitchell. "They hold less
rigid rules about society and
absolutism than Faisal did, and
by making fundamental social
changes, what we'll see is a
slow modification of the regime.
"BARRING any confrontation
among military factions in
Saudi Arabia during the next
few years, the leaders will con-
solidate their power and little
by little change the character of
Saudi Arabia which is presently
an absolutist state," said Mit-
World Politics Prof. J. David
Singer disagreed with Mitchell's
analysis, "The assassination
makes a peace settlement in
the Mideast considerably more
difficult. It's the kind of event
that will strengthen domestic

political influence of blood-
thirsty elements in the Mideast.
"Any kind of political unrest
there strengthens the radical-
militants' holding and increases
the likelihood that oil prices
will go up and embargos will be
enacted," he added. "There is
nothing more shattering to ra-
tional bargaining and relations
than political assassinations."
SINGER also theorized that,
"We're seeing the last stages
of feudalism in the Middle East.
"This (the assassination) has-
tens the demise of feudalism
and out of its demise come left
wing military regimes. In the
See LOCAL, Page 2

Markley officer pay voided
pending proper ratification

Undergrads organize
on tuition, housing

Central S t u d e n t Judiciary
(CSJ) last night invalidated the
salary allocation made by Mark-
ley Council to its officers, rul-
ing the money must be returned
to council if it's not properly
ratified by April 5.
If the salaries are not re-
turned the officers will be fined

$50 each and the counc
$475 in salaries to it
in February. The mo
immediately paid ou
the lack of a quorun
meeting. A week afte
itial decision Markley
attempted to ratify th


Originator defefl
raw carrots' to
The author of the infamous Opinion, Attitude and
Survey (OAIS), nicknamed the "raw carrots" test1
persons who plod through it during orientation eachc
night defended the exam's validity.
While Benno Fricke claimed his exam assists the L
in evaluating students, he told the small handful of pe
assembled in East Quad last night that because of gro%
troversy surrounding the test incoming freshpersons

,il $250 by tion. Twenty nine votes were
cast-four against and 25 in
allocated favor.
s officers Sixteen of the ballots cast
oney was at the second meeting were by
t despite proxy ballots from absent mem-
m at the bers. In reviewing those votes
r the in- CSJ ruled last night that they
y C~uncil were improperly presented since
he alloa- they did not carry the required
---- two signatures-those of the ab-
sent member and the delegate
turning in the proxy.
According to the CSJ ruling
the salaries would be properly
ratified if Council votes the
allocation at a meeting with a
full quorum.
building director, stated that the
motion to salary its council offi-
Interest cers was a last resort to stimu-
by fresh- late interest on the pert of
year, last Markley constituents.
"The apathy of the studenlts
University has reached such a point that if
°ople who I were to spend $1000 on booze
~opl who and put out five leaflets, 80
wing con- per cent of the dorm would
will no show up. However, if I w3re

Students meeting in South
Quad last night formned a yet
unnamed organization "for the
purpose of promoting and de-
fending the interests of students
at the University of Michi-
gan . . .", according to the
goals outlined at the meeting.


"Many of us were part of the
undergrad support committee
during the GEO strike," says
Lisa Yellin, a student at the
meeting. "We d e c i d e d that
there were other issues that
concerned undergraduate stu-
dents that existed after the
GEO strike was settled," she
ISSUES THAT activities will
be organized around include
university housing, tuition in-
creases, cutbacks in funding
to minorities and Women's
studies and class size.
"We've needed an undergrad
organization similar to what
graduate employes have had in
the GEO," according to Le-
nore Goldman, another student
at the meeting. "We hope this
group can form the basis for
such an organization," she
Tactics considered by the 25
students attending the meeting
included demonstrations, run-
ning a slate of candidates for
SGC e1ectinns in Anril. and nuh-

' .~

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