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January 15, 1975 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1975-01-15

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See Editorial Page


Eighty-Four Years of Editorial Freedom'
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, January 15, 1975

a it

See Today for details

Vol. LXXXV, No. 87

Ten Cents

Eight Pages


Files gather dust
University students haven't exactly been flocking
to take advantage of a new federal law which
grants students access to portions of their own
academic records. According to Marion Jackson,
director of Literary College academic counseling,
only a "couple of dozen" students came in last
month requesting to see their files. The law went
into effect November 19 and granted access to all
parts of the records including letters of recommen-
dation and counselor comments. Over Christmas
vacation Congress amended the measure, because
of stiff opposition from to the law from educational
institutions. The new version, signed in law by
President Ford December 31, provides continued
secrecy for letters of recommendation which were
written with the knowledge that the contents were
to be kept confidential. However, counselor com-
ments are still subject to student perusal under the
new, amended version.
City in red
Ann Arbor is back in the red with the 74-75 bud-
get facing a projected deficit of $184,000 - and the
fireman's wage increase and Police Department
command officers' contract still remain to be taken
into account. City Council was told the bad news
Monday night by City Administrator Sylvester
Murray, who refused to comment on more possible
layoffs of city employes. The news came as a real
disappointment to council, which enjoyed a $702,-
000 surplus from the '73-'74 budget.
Number, please?
We reported in this column yesterday that the
student-run radio station WCBN has moved from
89.5 to 89.3 on your radio dial. That's not quite
true: actually, the new wavelength is 88.3. The
change was made to accommodate EMU's new ra-
dio station, WEMU. If you have any trouble with
the new frequency, call WCBN at 761-4300.
Happenings ...
... begin bright and early at noon with a lecture
by author Joseph Heller in the Pendleton Room of
the Union . . . also at noon, there will be a lun-
cheon discussion of "Values in Personal Relation-
ships" in the Guild House . .. the Women's Com-
munity Center will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the third
floor conference room of the Union to discuss a
possible women's bookstore and coffeehouse . .
the Tae Kwon Do Club will meet to demonstrate
their Korean karate techniques and also to offer
an introductory lesson. That'll be at 7 p-.m. in the
Barbour Gym . .. and, by the way, if you missed
getting into one of Project Outreach's projects,
there will be a clearinghouse of projects today
from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at 554 Thompson.
- ~ "
Against war
Senate Majority Leader Mike Mansfield urged
the nation yesterday to tone down its talk of war
over oil in the Middle East. "Self-sufficiency and
negotiations, not confrontation, must fdrm the basis
of this nation's policies on energy," the Montana
Democrat said at a Senate Democratic caucus.
"The less talk of war in the Middle East in order
to bring out petroleum or whatever, the better for
all concerned."
Eartha and CIA
Entertainer Eartha Kitt, who recently made
headlines for reportedly being the target of the
CIA investigations, resurfaced yesterday to criti-
cize the agency and the treatment she has received

since her 1968 attack on the Vietnam War during
a White House reception. "I have suffered much
ridicule and hostility, not to mention problems with
my career," said the singer. She said after the
White House incident most of her night club, hotel
and TV talk show appearances were cancelled and
she was not asked back. She added that the reac-
tion has forced her to work outside the country.
"Now I have learned from press reports that, in
addition to everything else, the CIA has been stick-
ing its nose into my personal affairs . . . This is
too much."
On the inside.. .
. . . shop around for bombs and other military
equipment the easy way on the Editorial Page - .
the Arts Page features the Hopwood winners . . .
and, on the Sports Page, Marcia Merker writes
about "shinty," a very old Scottish game.
On the outside .. .

U.S., Soviets




recal Ois
to Colson
NEW YORK (1P) - Former
White House counsel John Dean
said yesterday he was told
Richard Nixon was confident
after talking with Chief Justice
Warren Burger that the Su-
preme Court would rule in the
former president's favor in the
suit over the White House tapes.
Dean said he was told about
the alleged conversations by
Charles Colson, a former White
House aide.
was aired last night on the
"NBCaNightlysNews." Spokes-
men for both Burger and Nixon
denied Dean's assertions, NBC
NBC Correspondent Carl Stern
asked Dean how Nixon thought
he would win the court fight.
". . He seemed to have
confidence," Dean replied. "And
I'm told he had some conver-
sations with the chief justice,
Chief Justice Burger, shortly
after this suit was filed or
somewhere along the line and it
gave him confidence that he
was going to win the lawsuit.
"THAT WAS some time in
the spring of 1974?" Stern
"I don't know the precise
time," Dean said. "But I do
know that from those calls he
had a confidence he' was going
to win the lawsuit."
A spokesman for Burger said
the chief justice told him that
"at no time in the whole year
of 1974, at no time during the
whole year of 1973 did he talk
to President Nixon. Chief Jus-
tice Burger said that he had
never talked to President Nixon
at any time about Watergate."
NIXON LOST the court battle
over the tapes, and their subse-
quent release drove him to re-
sign the presidency Aug. 9.
Dean was released from pris-
on only last week. Colson re-
mains imprisoned.
While he was in prison and
See DEAN, Page 8
_ -S-__A__ _________(_

Agreement to boost
emigration nullified

Daily Photo by E. SUSAN SHEINER
POPULAR NOVELIST Joseph Heller speaks at yesterday's Hopwood Awards presenta-
tion. Heller's address, which consisted of readings from Catch-22 and Something Happen-
ed, was warmly received by the audience.
NoveitJoseph Heller
highlights Hopwvcood showuis

- In a blow to detente
hopes, the United States
and the Soviet Union have
nullified the 1972 trade
agreement and canceled an
apparent understanding to
increase Jewish emigration
from Russia, Secretary of
State Henry Kissinger said
last night.
In a statement Kissinger
said Moscow considered the
new trade agreement act
signed by President Ford
this month an interference
in Soviet domestic affairs.
TION regrets this turn of
events," said Kissinger, whose
detente policy has dominated
foreign affairs for several years
foreign affairs for several,
years. "It has regarded and
continues to regard an order-
ly and mutually beneficial trade
relationship with the Soviet Un-
ion as an important element in
the over-all improvement of re-
He said there is no reason to
assume that the Soviets would
exacerbate tensions in other
areas. He said he assumes "our
policy of detente remains. in
And yet, he said, "should the
decision herald a period of in-
tensified pressure, the United
States would resist with great
determination and as a united
THE 1972 trade agreement
is the basic accord between
Moscow and Washington that
laid the foundation for normal-
izing trade between the two na-
tions. It included authorization
for American trade credits to
the Soviet Union and terms for
settling the Soviet World War
II lend lease debt.
The Jackson-Vanik amend-
ment in the trade bill passed
by Congress last month tied
non-discriminatory tariff treat-
ment to an increase in Jewish
emigration. Separate legislation,
meanwhile, limited an extension
of the 1972 trade credits to $300
million over a four-year period.
Kissinger, in responding to
reporters' questions, s a i d,
"When the Soviet Union looked
to the totality of what it had
to gain against intrusion into
its domestic affairs it reached
the decision we have today."
of state said the Sovie'ts noti-
fied the United States of its
objections by letter last Friday
and follow-up conversations
since then.
Moscow informed Washington
that it would repudiate any
statements claiming it had giv-
See TRADE, Page 2

It could almost have been another in the
endless series of afternoon guest lectures that
University departments so frequently sponsor.
A noted English professor from New York was
coming to give a reading from the works of a
well-known American novelist.
Well, almost. The English professor (and
novelist) was none other than Joseph Heller,
author of the nearly classic Catch-22 and the
new best seller, Something Happened.
HELLER'S READING was the highlight of
the annual Avery Hopwood Underclass Crea-
tive Writing Awards ceremony, held yesterday
afternoon at Rackham Auditorium. Ten fresh-
persons and sophomores received awards to-
talling $900 in a brief presentation preceding

the lecture.
The audience of 800 -- unusually large for
a Hopwood lecture - instantly warmed up to
Heller's crisp, Brooklyn-accented wit. Dressed
in a Brooks Brothers-quality brown jacket and
a light grey pullover, the writer looked and
sounded more like the City University of New
York English professor than a leading con-
tender for the Pulitzer Prize in fiction.
In fact, the opening part of the lecture some-
what resembled a literature interpretation
speech. Heller rather amusingly discussed one
of his prose style devices - modeling para-
graphs around famous quotes from great lit-
"I'M NOT the first to use lines from some-
See AUTHOR, Page 5

the decision herald a period
of intensified pressure, the
United States would resist
with great determination and
as a united people."
Ford to
ask for
-more tax
WASHINGTON (A)-President
Ford, , already seeking a one-
shot $16 billion tax reduction to
counter the recession, let it be
known yesterday he ivill ask
Congress for $22.5 billion in ad-
ditional permanent tax cuts.
Press Secretary Ron Nessen
said the proposed $2-a-barrel tax
on crude oil and taxes on wind-
fall profits of oil companies
would add some $30 billion to
federal revenues. This money,
he said, would offset the income
lost because of the tax reduc-
See related story, Page 2
FORD WILL spell out his en-
tire economic and energy policy
package in his broadcast State
of the Union address to Congress
today. Although Ford himself
and Nessen disclosed much of
the program in advance, the
press secretary promised there
will be other surprises in the
Capitol Hill speech.
The President has also in-
vited the governors of the 50
states to a White House briefing
tomorrow on his proposals.. In
addition, invitations have been
sent to representatives of state
See FORD, Page 8

)mmlttee approves

amended;ROTC credit plan

The Literary College (LSA)
Curriculum Committee yester-
day passed an amended version
of a report recommending that
some Reserve Officer Training
Corps (ROTC) courses receive
academic credit. But the com-
mittee urged the faculty to con-
front the "moral issue" at its
next meeting.
With the two attending stu-
dent members dissenting, the
pro-credit vote hinged on an
amendment requiring that all
ROTC courses get apprival
from the Curriculum Commit-
tee, which would then forward
course material and instru^.tor
qualifications to relevant leoart-

ments and

schools for re.:om-

more rigorous than the evalua-
tion u s e d for regular LSA
courses and would be applied
each time instructors change.
While faculty and studnats on
the panel thrashed out the
broader implications of sup-ort-
ing the military on campus,
Associate Dean of Curriculum
Jean Carduner emphasized that
the committee is charged only
with examing courses on their
academic merit.
Director for Academic Ac-
tions Eugene Nissen and Zool-
ogy Prof. David Shappirio de-

manded that "the whole issue
be looked at in the college,"
and called on Carduner to "pro-
vide a cover statement that
action was taken purely on an
academic basis."
slated for consideration by the
LSA faculty's Executive Com-
mittee on Thursday. If this
body supports it, as well-placed
officials have predicted, it will
pass to the LSA faculty for
final approval before it be-
comes law.
Carduner explained the com-
mittee's move to e s t a b l i s h
greater control over ROTC:
"We are being more cautious

because ROTC isn't a depart-
ment. Approval for courses
would be tied up °with instruc-
While the report does not
recommend credit for strictly
military courses, Shappirio ob-
jected to an Air Force course
on National Security Forces
which includes Cadet Corps ac-
tivities and demanded assur-
ance that all ROTC courses be
reviewed by the committee.
Goldschmidt, chairman of the
investigative sub-committee, as-
serted, "ROTC can get credit
if they are willing to teach
courses our way."
Instead of recommending that
specific courses receive a set
number of credit hours, the
committee divided the Army,
Air Force, and Navy ROTC
classes into four areas, accord-
ing to their similarity or equiva-,
lence to courses offered in other
University units.
THE FOUR groups and the
schools w h i c h offer similar
courses would be:
--history-political s c i e n c e
-management - leadership
(Business Administration, Engi-
neering, Education);
-technical, non-military (En-

Kambly may close U Center
if his case goes to trial


~Up rofspraise
Ford's tax plant
Several University economics professors generally agreed
yesterday that President Ford's new deficit-oriented economic
proposals would be effective.
"I think it's a good program," said Prof. Paul McCracken of
Ford's proposed $16 billion tax rebate. f'It takes cognizance of
the fact that there is a need to stimulate the economy, that here
is also a need to move in the direction of an energy program, and
at the same time not create unemployment.
"THE SIZE of the tax cut is appropriate," he added, speak-
ing by phone from Jackson, Miss. "It was necessary to bear in
mind the amount of surplus needed, but not to overload, capital
markets and squeeze mortgages."
McCracken is presently an informal economic mentor to Ford.
He chaired former President Richard Nixon's Council of Economic
Prof. Gardner Ackley, a former chairman of President John-
son's economic advisory council, said of the tax rebate, "We
don't know how much of the money will be saved and how much
will be spent. Probably, though, a substantial amount will be
spent, and this should reduce unemployment."
"IT'S HARD to react to the plan," remarked widely-respected
Prof .anu1 Hmans, "because not many details were provided.

Dr. Arnold Kambly, the local
psychiatrist who was' arrested
last month for allegedly taking
federal money under false pre-
tenses, is reportedly ready to
close his much-maligned Uni-
versity Center if he is ordered
to stand trial on the 16-count
defrauding charge.

tients at the private, residential
center, which exclusively han-
dles emotionally disturbed teen-
age boys.
Last night he denied planning
to close the facility if 15th Dis-
trict Court Judge Pieter Thom-
assen orders him to stand trial.
a "I never said anything about
that," Kambly responded. "This

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