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March 13, 1975 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1975-03-13

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See Editorial Page

Eighty-Four Years of Editorial Freedom

a t

See Today for details

Vol. LXXXV, No. 128

Michigan-Thursday, March 13. 1975 Ten Cents

Ten Pages

Cobb echoes
Though thetUniversity didn't appoint Jewel Cobb
as Dean of the Literary College, she hasn't been
forgotten in higher circles. The U. S. Senate ap-
pointed Cobb to serve a six year term on the gov-
erning board of the National Science Foundation.
She has also become the first woman to be elected
to the board of directors for The Travelers Corpor-
ation of Hartford.
ROTC situation
The University of Detroit is among 12 colleges
which are disbanding their Reserve Officer Train-
ing Corps (ROTC) the Air Force has announced.
The action is being taken due to "low officer pro-
duction and inability to maintain minimum enroll-
ment standards," an Air Force spokesperson said.
The spokesperson added that there are 150 other
colleges and universities on the waiting list for
ROTC units, and no difficulty is expected in re-
placing the 12 units which will be eliminated by
spring of 1976. The U of D is the only Michigan
college disbanding their program.
... are diverse today, beginning at 12 in the Arts
Information Center of the Union with a talk on the
newest art show in the Museum of Art, Art of the
French Revolution, followed by a tour of the
show. . . also at 12, a brown bag seminar spon-
sored by thesStudents for Educational Innovation,
will present a talk by Dr. Allan Menlo on the "In-
terpersonal Aspects of Teaching" in Rm. 2219 of
the School of Education . . . Celebrating Michel-
angelo's birthday, the Medieval and Renaissance
Collegium and the History of Art department are
sponsoring a public conference with five lectures.
Contact Rosamond Haas at 764-7260 for date, time
and place of lectures . . . The German Dept. is
sponsoring a lecture by Joachim Dyck from the
University of Frieburg on Brescht's "Die Bestie"
at 4 p.m. in the MLB, lecture Rm. 1 .. . The City
and Managing Editors of the Lansing State Journal
will speak from 4-6 p.m. in the Baits Rm. of the
University Club, of the Michigan Union. Sponsored
by Women in Communications . . . The Human
Rights Party will be meeting at 7:30 in the Wese-
ley Lounge of the First Methodist Church at 120 S.
State, and they will discuss the party's position on
the recommended use of the second choice vote
in preferential voting for mayor . . . Food Week
continues with a talk by Dr. Jean Mayer, an au-
thority on nutrition, on the international food
shortage at 8 p.m. in Hill Aud. . . . the Ann Arbor
Tenants Union will hold a meeting at 7:30 p.m.
in Rm. 4110 of the Michigan Union. Everyone is
welcome . . . The Speaker's Committee of the Law
School Student Senate presents Bob Zelnick, Direc-
tor of the National News and Information Bureau
of the National Public Radio, who will sneak on
"The Lawyer in the Washington Political Environ-
ment" at 8 p.m. in Rm. 100 of Hutchins Hall .. .
the Bach Club meets at 8 p.m. in Greene Lounge of
East Quad . . . and the Ann Arbor Civic Theatre
presents "Fiorello!" a Pulitzer Prize winning mu-
sical, at 8 p.m. in the Mendelssohn Theatre. Tic-
kets for tonight are $3.50. For more information
call the box office, 763-1085.
Dinosaur eater
The skeletal remains of the largest flying crea-
ture now known have been found in west Texas.
The immense leathery winged reptile, which lived
more than 60 million years ago, had a very long
neck, which suggests it fed on dead dinosaurs,
scientists say. Dubbed the Texas pterosaur, the
creature had a wingspan of 51 feet, larger than
the 38 foot wingspan of an F4 jet fighter, and about
double that of the largest flying creature pres-
ently known. The remains were found by a Uni-
versity of California graduate student in Big Bend
National Park in Brewster County, Texas.
White House views
Susan Ford, President Ford's seventeen-year-old
daughter, is writing a regular magazine column on
her views of life in the White House and other

issues in Seventeen Magazine. The column, en-
titled "White House Diary," will appear in the
April issue of Seventeen. The first article will deal
with press invasions of the Ford family's privacy,
plans to hold her high school prom in the White
House, and male chauvinism. A spokesperson could
not say if Susan is to be paid for her creative en-
deavors. But the Washington Post, on the other
hand, didn't hire her as a summer intern. There's
probably less conflict of interest with Seventeen.
On the inside..
.Sara Rimer describes the pain and tribula-
tions involved in getting a summer job on the edi-
torial page, James Valk and Chris Kochmanski
review the Ann Arbor Film Festival, the sports
page features a feature on basketball co-captains
C. J. Kupec and Jo Johnson, and last but not least
the national draft lottery numbers are listed on
page 7.
On the outside...
The sun will return today. Thanks to a polar fair



Cam bodian


Compromise passed
by key committee
WASHINGTON (Reuter) - Democrats in the House
of Representatives yesterday overwhelmingly voted
against any additional military aid for Cambodia and
South Vietnam, but a key subcommittee later approved
a compromise.
The 189 to 49 vote by the House Democratic caucus
was a serious blow to the administration's hopes of win-
ning more military aid for the tottering Lon Nol govern-
ment in Cambodia.
THE COMPROMISE approved four votes to three by a House
Foreign Affairs subcommittee would give Cambodia $27.5 million
a month for three months if the administration meets certain con-
ditions after each 30-day per- --
This action kept alive at least
temporarily the administra-
tion's hopes of getting some ad-
ditional military aid despite the
strong opposition by the caucus
of Democrats who have a two to
one margin in the House as a
The Senate Democratic cau-
cus will vote on the issue today.
The Ford administration origi-
See related story, Page 3

PALESTINIAN SYMPATHIZERS yesterday march outside Ra ckham Building protesting the appearance of Israeli President
Ephraim Katzir, who was in Ann Arbor to receive an honorary law degree from the University. Students welcoming Katzir look
on in the background.

Katzir speech interrupt
by protest o one arrested
By GLEN ALLERHAND The interruption continued, ified, wrestled with police before


With shouts of "Free, Free
Palestine" and "D o w n with
Zionism," about 100 Palestinian
supporters yesterday afternoon
interrupted a speech by Israeli
President Ephraim Katzir at
Rackham Auditorium. One per-
son was arrestedand scores of
protestors were removed from
the lecture hall as University
President Robben Fleming or-
dered Ann Arbor police to break
up the demonstration.
Katzir was appearing to re-
ceive an honorary law degree
from the University. The Israeli
president, a noted biophysicist,
taught here in 1969.
KATZIR SPOKE for several
minutes before the demonstra-
tion began. As he mentioned his
membership in H aga n ah, a
once-active Zionistaunderground
group, the demonstrators began
a half hour of shouted slogans
that forced Katzir to silence.
Fleming repeatedly warned
the demonstrators that they
were disrupting a public meet-
ing, and threatened them with
police action if they did not
Fleming drew loud applause
from the audience of nearly 1000
persons who had come to hear
CAPTAIN Kenneth K 1 i n g e,
head of the University division
of the city police, then took the
stage. "At President Fleming's
request;" Klinge said later, "I
announced they would have two
minutes to quiet down or leave
the building."

and at Klinge's direction, hel-
meted city police and Washte-
naw County Sherrif's officers,
armed with billy clubs, moved
up the aisles to remove the
The police action came 'as
most of the protestors, who
were still shouting, appeared
prepared to leave the building.
As some demonstrators were
going through the amphitheater
doors, the police line began to
push and shovetstragglers into
the lobby and outside the struc-
ONE MAN, who was not ident-

being handcuffed and escorted
from the building. He was
charged withbresisting the law-
ful order of a police officer, and
later released on $25 bond, ac-
cording to police.
After the demonstrators were
removed from the auditorium,
Fleming commented, "For a
message of such deep human-
ism, it is particularly sad that
we should have these evants
interrupting this."
Katzir, speaking at a ji.dium
decorated with flowers, and
flanked by the American, Uni-
See KATZIR, Page 7

nally requested $222 million in
additional military aid for
M E A N W H I L E, Cam-
bodian Prime Minister Long
Boret began negotiations to
form a new war-time cabinet as
communist-led insurgent gun-
ners kept up their rocket attack
on the Phnom Penh airport.
President Lon Nol, whose fu-
ture as head of state was in
doubt amid reports that his
own resignation was under dis-
cussion, ordered the cabinet re-
shuffle during a national broad-
cast Tuesday night.
The Cambodian President
also accepted the resignation
of his armed forces comman-
der-in-chief, General Sosthene
Fernandez, at the presidential
palace yesterday.
OBSERVERS said the Gen-
eral's resignation appeared to
be the government's first move
to prepare for negotiations with
the insurgents.
If the Ford administration
See DEMS, Page 7


'Behavior of the dis-
rupters a s animalis-
-Rabbi Joel Poupho
'For a Palestinian, Kat-
zir is Hitler.'

GEO returns to classrooms

Commerce Secretary Maurice
Stans pleaded guilty yesterday
to five misdemeanor violations
of federal campaign laws, com-
mitted whilehe was raising $60
million for the 1972 re-election
of former President Nixon.
He is the third former mem-
ber of Nixon's cabinet to either
be convicted or plead guilty to
criminal charges. A fourth is
awaiting trial.
STANS, WHO will be 67 next
week. said all five violations
w e r e committed unknowingly
when he served as chairman of
the Finance Committee to Re-
elect the President.
"The violations now disclosed
were not willful," he said, "and
at the time they occurred were
not believed to be violations."
Asst. S p e c i a 1 Prosecutor
Thomas McBride, who nego-
tiated the plea with Stans and
his lawyers over the past sev-
eral months, said two of the
violations were committed "fn
reckless disregard of the cor-
porate source of those funds."
See STANS, Page 7

- Campus buildings and streets were with-
out picketers, students and teaching fel-
lows occupied once deserted classrooms,
and the often bitter contract negotiations
ceased. The Graduate Employes Organiza-
tion (GEO) strike has ended.
The suspension of the month-old walkout
came Monday night when the union mem-
bership voted overwhelmingly to begin a
two-day ratification vote after GEO leaders
presented them with a contract settlement.
Should, the vote prove affirmative, and it
appears it will be, the longest strike in the
history of the University will officially end.
MOST UNION members casting ratifica-
tion votes yesterday voiced varying degrees

of satisfaction with the contract proposal.
Whether pleased with the settlement or not,
they were relieved to see an end to the
strike and happy to return to their jobs.
"I wasn't really satisfied with the tui-
tion and wage settlements because I was
previously at another university where the
benefits were much better," asserted a TA
in Romance Languages. "But I voted yes
for the contract because I just want to see
an end to all of this."
Jack Wileden, member of the GEO nego-
tiating team, contended that he has been
receiving similar feedback from GEO
members in response to the settlement.
"It's hard to judge how everyone feels
about the contract," said Wileden, "but
mainly I just think everyone's happy to be

back to work."
AS SHE voted on the contract yesterday,
Psychology TA Laura Levine commented,
"The contract is good. We couldn't get
anything better at this point. The settle-
ment is much stronger than other unions
this young have gotten."
Physical Education TF Howey Zelaznik
wished the job security clause could
have been more stringent but added, "I
didn't really expect the University to tie
its hands with that issue."
Jan Opdyke, a reader in the Geography
department, applauded the settlement be-
cause "under the new contract I'm hoping
to receive TA status. I grade papers and
meet with students whcih is the same

HRP bill could ban
'dum-dum' bullets

The Human Rights Party
(HRP) announced yesterday
that it will introduce several
motions at next Monday's City
Council meeting which, if
passed, would ban the use of the
controversial hollow point or
"dram-dum" bullet and curtail
local police power.
During the session, which has
been dubbed "Police Night,"
HRP will move to:
* Ban local police from us-
ing hollow point bullets, which
inflict the most severe wounds
among all forms of pistol am-

bor's use of hollow point bul-
lets could spark heated debate.
Although the bullets are pro-
hibited by the 1949 Geneva
Convention, police throughout
the U. S. are using them.
According to a report recent-
ly done by the Southwestern In-
stitute of Forensic Sciences in
Dallas, Texas, "The greater
loss of a bullet's kinetic energy
in the body, the greater dam-
age to the tissues, therefore
more severe the wound."
The study went on to ex-
plain that the hollow point bul-
lets lose up to ten times the
kinetic energy of other bullets,

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Few students look
into academic files
Counseling records - once secret files that have recently
been partially opened to inspection - have not attracted
hordes of students eager to determine their I.Q. or see how
they impressed their 6th grade teachers.
Charles Judge, Associate Director of the literary college '
(LSA) Academic Counseling says that only "a couple of
hundred" of the 16,000 LSA students have come in to see
their files since they were opened to inspection under the
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act in January.
"I GUESS people haven't felt the need to see the mater-
ial," he said. "It takes only one person to come in and see
that there's absolutely nothing there, and then his friends
decide not to bother."
Material open to inspection include high school transcripts,

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