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February 27, 1975 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1975-02-27

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See Editorial Page

Eighty-Four Years of Editorial Freedom


See Today for details

Vol. LXXXV, No. 124

Ann Arbor, Michigan--Thursday, February 27, 1975

Ten Cents

Ten Pages









'J' make-ups
A make up session will be provided for jour-
nalism 301 students beginning March 10. All stu-
dents are expected to attend these meetings. For
more information, contact the journalism depart-
ment's office, and check your mailboxes. Copies of
the times and places of make-up sessions will be
mailed to students involved.
Purely postcard
State Rep. Perry Bullard (D-Ann Arbor) and 27
other State Representatives have proposed a new
voter registration which would allow voters to reg-
ister by simply mailing a postcard. Qualified per-
sons would be allowed to register to vote by filling
in a postage paid postcard form and mailing the
signed card to the county clerk. They could also
register at the polling place on election day. Simi-
lar procedures have been instituted in New Jersey
and Maryland.
Hairy medicine
Attorney General Frank Kelley yesterday
said the process of hair transplants by the
use of skin grafts to the scalp constitutes the prac-
tice of medicine. Consequently, persons performing
hair transplants must be doctors and subject to
licensing and regulation. Hair transplants, he said,
"is a method of cosmetic surgery designed to re-
lieve a human complaint or other condition and
thus constitutes the practice of medicine." Sounds
Make love, not cars
Henry Ford II, head of the Ford automobile em-
pire, was fined $375 and received a suspended 35-
day jail sentence and two years probation yester-
day when his attorney pleaded no contest to a
drunken driving charge in Santa Barbara, Calif.
He was charged with weaving and driving down
the wrong side of the street. Police said he failed
a sobriety test and was jailed for four hours
before he was released on $375 bail. Officers said
he was in the company of Kathleen Duross, 35, a
Detroit model and interior decorator. Duross, a
widow from Grosse Pointe, has worked in movies
introducing new cars.
Dope note
Three woman bus drivers were fired, and an-
other suspended, for smoking marijuana between
bus, runs, according to Lansing school officials.
One source even said there was one. case in which
a driver smoked "in front of the kids on the bus."
But evidence also seems to show that the kids
weren't exactly novices when it came to the
illegal substance. One bus driver said one of the
fired drivers "bought the stuff from the kids on
her bus and smoked with her kids."
Happenings ...
.refused to be stymied by midterms. Mr.
Bones kicks off the day's events at noon in the
Pendleton Arts Center, Union with a round of rag-
time accompanied by Jim Lord . . . brown bag it
at noon at 2219 School of Education with a talk
by Dr. Carl Burger on Education in China . .-
Vince Blasi, law prof., speaks on The Supreme
Court and the Law of Obscenity in the Law
Quad's main lounge at 1:15 p.m. . . . 7 p.m. is
show time at the Trotter House with Buck and the
Preacher starring Harry Belafonte and Sidney
Poitier . . . Project Community sponsors free in-
come tax assistance from 7-9 p.m. in the main
lobby of Mosher Jordan . . . at 7:30 p.m. Tyagi
Ji, a cosmic transmitter, will hold an open ses-
sion in the Friends Meeting House, 1416 Hill St.
- call 663-2585 for more information . . . also at
7:30 p.m. is a forum on War in the Mideast . . .
The Next Vietnam will be held in the Michigan
Union Ballroom . . . Lemuel Johnson reads poetry
at 7:30 in the Guild House . . . and the Bach Club
winds the day down quietly with Bach Granados
and Barber at 8 p.m. in Greene Lounge, East

On the inside .. .
Arts page features a review of PTP's "Love a
la Mode" by FelicaKobylanski . . . Michael Sha-
piro examines the American "gourmet's" prefer-
ence for fast foods on the Edit page . . . the 'U'
women's basketball game of the week against
Spring Arbor is covered for Sports by Kathy Hen-
neghan, and page three is topped off by our new
weekly feature 'U' Turns.
On the outside...
Nna n n o n,,r hat uso w to ein4mae stom

The bargaining teams for the University
and the Graduate Employes' Organization
(GEO) reached yet another impasse yes-
terday after fruitful negotiations on Mon-
day and Tuesday brought the parties to the
very brink of a settlement.
Representatives from the teams are
scheduled to begin presenting their posi-
tions to state-appointed fact-finder Patrick
McDonald in Detroit no earlier than to-
morrow and more likely on Monday. After
hearing the cases for at least several days,
McDonald will hand down his non-binding
recommendation for a settlement.
AS OF last night, no bargaining sessions
were scheduled for today, though GEO
leaders said they planned to call Univer-
sity representatives this morning to re-
quest such a session.
Earlier in the week both sides made
concession on their proposals and it ap-
peared that the two-week-old strike was
about to end.
But yesterday the GEO rejected a pack-

age proposal which chief University nego-
tiator Charles Allmand called the adminis-
tration's final offer, and in turn the Uni-
versity refused a package offer from the
GEO. A short meeting of a few represen-
tatives from the teams failed to bring
further movement from either side.
"IT WAS worthwhile," said University
counsel William Lemmer, as he emerged
from the bargaining room on the third floor
of the Union. "They worked hard and we
worked hard and we came close, but close
only counts in horseshoes."
Speaking at GEO'S mass meeting at the
First Methodist Church last night, union
spokesman David Gordon denounced All-
mand's claim that the University has made
a "final" offer.
"They're like the boy who cried wolf.
Their first offer was their 'last' offer, their
latest offer was their 'last offer', he com-
mented. "The only ultimate offer will be
the one we accept.
"WHAT THE University is waiting for
is the GEO to collapse, and our strike will

not collapse until we have a package," he
Economics, agency shop, and definition
of fraction are the three major disputes
which continue to divide the parties, al-
though on economics they are very close
to agreement.
Of the three issues agency shop appears
to be the toughest to resolve. Indeed, it is
apparent that a total settlement will be
quickly forthcoming once agency shop is
THE POSITIONS of both parties on the
three disputes follow:
* Agency shop. The GEO membership
voted last night to toughen up their pro-
posal and called for a full agency shop,
which would provide for every graduate
employe to either join the union or pay a
service fee to the union in the amount
of union dues.
The GEO bargaining teams had pre-
viously made a concession on the offer
which would allow all graduate employes

CHIEF GEO NEGOTIATOR Sandy Wlkinson addresses a mass
meeting of 400 GEO members at the First Methodist Church
last night. Wilkinson declared that "the University has re- I
sponded on virtually every issue by moving backward on the ;
issues on which we had moved forward."

r atax cut above
$16.5 billion
HOLLYWOOD, Fla. (N- ances in Florida designed to
President Ford signaled a promote his economic and
willingness yesterday to ac- energy proposals.
cept a tax cut larger than
the $16.5 billion reduction THE PRESIDENT stopped
he has proposed, and he short of saying flatly he was
he hs prpose, an he ready to go beyond the tax cut
pressured Congress to act he proposed. But he said, "I
,quickly on the economic simply would hope that the Con-
stimulant. gress would act so we could
The indication came in a find out whether that is enough
wide-ranging news confer- stimulant . .."
ence as Ford wrapped up The House Ways and Means
Committee has approved a
two days of public appear- $21.28 billion tax cut bill.
Meanwhile, higher wholesale
charges for food continued to
boost family grocery bills last
month, although the rate of in-
crease was substantially less
than a year ago, the Agriculture
s ay s Department said yesterday.
.7 THE RETAIL cost of a hypo-
d thetical market basket of do-
mestically produced food rose
$10 on an annual basis, or six-
tenths of one per cent from
* December. That compared with
a 5 per cent increase during the
first three months of 1974, of-
ficials said.
WASHNGTO (R)- Prsi- At January's rate, a year's
W ASHINGTON (A') - Presi- supply of the marketa basket
dent Ford and Secretary of De- tsupp l o t $at23.
fens Jams Sclesiger aid items would cost $1,823.
fensterday that thes Cabodin Wholesalers who transport,
governmenthtt'shsurv lagan process and sell food after it
insurgent forces hinges on con- leaves the farm boosted their
gressional approval of addition- share to $1,100 on an annual
al military aid for the South- basis, an increase of $28 or 2.5
east Asian country. per cent from December.
They stated that the Lon Nol BUT FARMERS, whose prices
government has a good chance have fallen sharply the past
of surviving if the aid is ap- four months, received an annual
proved but that it will crum- equivalent of $723 in January.
ble for sure within weeks with- That was a drop of $18 or 2.4
out assistance. per cent from December.
"It's not a surprise, but it's
AT A news conference in a cause for concern," Don
Hollywood, Fla., Ford said the Paarlberg, director of econom-
situation in Cambodia is "ex- ics in USDA told a reporter.
tremely critical." "It's clear that the actual food
"Cambodia will run out of component of what people buy
ammunition in a relatively is going down but that the
short period of time" unless the service component in terms of
U. S. government quickly ex- what is done to the food after
tends additional military aid, it leaves the farmer's gate is
Ford said. going up."
But he said a negotiated Cam- Ford's news conference yes-
bodian peace is possible if the terday, one of a series he is
Lon Nol government can hold holding across the country in
out until May, when the dry his campaign to enlist support
See PRESIDENT, Page 2 See FORD, Page 2

AP Photo
What a hangover!
Five young people of Cary, North Carolina, scramble over a fathomless pile of beer cans they have helped their father collect
over the last two years. The family hopes to get 15 cents per pound for the cans-about $1,000.

Mistrust between Student Gov-
ernment Council (SGC) officers
has apparently caused a delay
in the distribution of leaflets
encouraging students to register
to vote.
Council approved a motion
three weeks ago to distribute
letters informing students of the
March 10 registration deadline
for the April city elections. How-
ever, President Reddix Allen,
who reportedly does not trust
Treasurer Elliot Chikofsky to
handle monetary affairs, has
withheld distribution until he
can determine if SGC has the
money to go ahead with the
"I WAITED until Gary Baker
(a council member) told me




that there was enough money,"
said Allen. "I plan to conduct
an independent audit of SGC
Despite warnings from Demo-
cratic and Human Rights Party
members that students will not
receive the letters until after
the registration deadline if
there is more delay, Allen said
they may not even be printed
until next week.
According to him, this would
still leave enough time for the
letters to arrive before students
return from spring break. How-
ever, classes start March 10,
leaving students only one day
to register.
"Waiting this long to dis-
tribute the letter is worse than
not doing it at all," said Greg
Hebert, democratic chairman
of the Second Ward. He went

on to say that had SGC not
agreed to undertake the task,
the Democrats would have al-,
ready done it.
ACCORDING to Lana Pollack
a spokeswoman for the Demo-
crats, a similar voter registra-
tion drive last fall drew over
1500 to the Union site during
one week. On Monday this
week, however, only 18 people
registered to vote in the Union.
When David Faye, council ac-
tivist and associate of Allen,
was asked why Allen wished to
investigate SGC's financial af-
fairs when Chikofsky was sup-
posedly monitoring them, he re-
plied, "What non-entity are you
talking about?"
According to Chikofsky, the
total cost of the mailing would
See VOTER, Page 2

'Waiting this long to
distribute the letter is
worse than not doing it
at all.'

Greg Hebert


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'U' rceives valuable coins
By ELAINE FLETCHER close feeling to the University because was interested in philosophy from a
A $145,000 coin collection, bequeathed of that." scientific point of view. He studied in
by a man who had had no formal ties Born in 1888, Pernt studied physics the libraries every day."
with the University but who enjoyed fre- and then law at the University of Vienna. "I saw a lot of the notes he had
quent use of its library facilities, has He had had hopes of becoming a concert taken," said Pernt's friend Wells. "They
been formally accepted by the Regents. violinist, but the emotional strain of per- were mostly in German and in a small,
Dr. Alfred Pernt, a Czechoslovakian- forming disagreed with him too strongly. fine handwriting. His will specified that
born jurist and chemist, came to Ann He was wounded as a soldier in the the notes be destroyed at his death."
Arbor some time during the 1940's. and Austrian army during World War I, and

Conference on food
shortage scheduled

The local Food Action Coal.-
tion (FAC) will sponsor a "Food
Week" beginning March 10,
featuring a series of lectures

HARVARD nutritionist Jean
Mayer, who led the non-govern-
ment delegation at the Rome
World Food Conference last fall,
will speak at Hill Auditorium on
Thursday, March 13 as part of

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