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February 11, 1975 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1975-02-11

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See Editorial Page




See Today for details

Eighty-Four Years of Editorial Freedom

Vol LXXXV, No. 110

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, February 11, 1975

Ten Cents

Eight Pages



Free Press pressure
The Detroit Free Press has been inquiring about
the amount of money University Regents chalk up
on their expense accounts each year. As a result,
Richard Kennedy, Secretary of the University, has
sent each regent a letter asking permission to
release their itemized expense accounts and ex-
pects the response to be "favorable." Kennedy
approximately the annual amount to be about
$12,000. The Free Press reported yesterday that
Michigan State's trustees each spent an average
of $20,000 of state allocated money on personal
expenses which included football games, travel,
and the purchase of cars. The article also said
that University officials have refused Free Press
reporters this information, maintaining that the
"law is not definitive," on this issue. The final
decision on the disclosure will be made by Wed-
Valentine greetings
Now is your chance to give all your friends a
unique Valentine's Day greeting. This Friday,
February 14 the Daily will have a special Classi-
fied section just for personal Valentine messages
offered at a special low rate. Place your ad in
person by noon Thursday, February 13, and keep
your friends for life.
Are women oriented today, with a whole
slew of talks by and about women. There will
be a general meeting for Academic women from
4-6 p.m. in Rackham, sponsored by the University
Commission for Women, featuring speakers Caro-
lyne Davis, Associate Vice President for Academic
Affairs: Regent Sarah Powers; and Eva Mueller,
Associate Dean of LSA. The topic will be "Re-
cruitment, Retention, and Promotion of Academic
Women". . . . NTational Organization for Women
(NOW) is sponsoring a panel discussion on every-
thing from housing discrimination to birth con-
trol in public schools at 8 p.m. in the First Uni-
tarian Church auditorium at 1917 Washenaw.
Panel members will include State Representative
Perry Bullard, and State Senator Gilbert Bursley
. . . Another panel discussion on "Women in Medi-
cine" will be held at noon in the sixth level amphi-
theatre at University Hospital . . . While the
subject is on medicine, John Fischer M.). will
give a speech on 'Sex and the Cardiac Patient"
at 4:30 p.m. in 2703 Furstenberg, the basement
of Medical Science Bldg. I, sponsored by the
American Association of Critical Care Nurses . . .
Profesor Rhoads Murphy's lecture on "Western
Impact in Asia" has been canceled. It was to take
place in Green Lounge of East Quad at 7 p.m. .
At 9:30 p.m. in Green Lounge, East Quad, the
Poetry Works presents an open reading entitled
Wine and Madness . . . the National Student Com-
mittee Against Racism will be selling bus tickets
for the National Conference Against Racism to be
held in Boston February 14-16 in room 4001 of the
Michigan Union from 10 - 3:30, and from 6-7:30.
Labor pains
The University isn't the onlyone with labor
pains, even if it seems like that today. Some
19,000 production workers have struck the Mc
Donnell Douglas aircraft plants in California and
Missouri over wages and benefits. Company offic-
ials say if the strike lasts very long, jet lighter
production will be curtailed. At the St. Louis plant,
union members receive $5.82 an hour in wages
and $1.61 in benefits. Union leaders are seeking
raises that would bring the total wages and bene-
fits to $15.09 per hour. McDonnell Douglas is the
largest employer in St. Louis with a weekly pay-
roll of $2.7 million. A long strike in that city will
have a serious effect on the city's already falter-

ing economy.
On the tnside...
s...Pilot Program Director Richard Munson pre-
sents an alternative to Housing D~irector John
Feldkamp's proposal for dormitory rate increases
on the Editorial page, Joan"Borusawrites on singer
Paul Siebal for the Arts page, and Brian Dem-
ing explains what happenedrto the hockey team in
Colorado Springs on the Snorts Page.
On the outside...
. Winter is still going strong. Due to a series
~~~~~...... ....... a . ... rFrctr :ri11n~ rn~ nr~

of Cobb
The Department of Health,
Education and Welfare (HEW)
Civil Rights Division has made
plans to review the University's
controversial actions in the se-
lection and rejection of Jewell
Cobb as the literary college
(LSA) dean to see if any of
those actions conflict with fed-
eral affirmative action guide-
At the same time, Cobb, a
black Connecticut educator, has
privately indicated she would
like the Regents to begin a full,
independent investigation of the
deanship selection process, The
Daily has learned.
A CIVIL Rights Division of-
ficial in HEW's Chicago regional
headquarters said his office has
requested a written account of
the Cobb crisis from the Univer-
sity administration, describing
"what the circumstances sur-
rounding the (deanship) offer
were, and what were the re-
HEW, staff official Bernard
Rogers said, will examine the
report and "decide whether this
complied with the University's
affirmative action plan, or was
in conflict with it."
While he stressed that the re-
quest was part of HEW's "on-
going monitor of affirmative
action," Rogers noted that the
regional office was "extremely
interested" in the Cobb situa-
See COBB, Page 8



talks continue
The Graduate Employes' Organization (GEO) began
a strike at 12:01 this morning. After eight months of bitter
bargaining, the union membership voted 689 to 193 to use
the extreme weapon in an effort to resolve their dead-
locked labor dispute with the University administration.
Intensive all-day negotiations, held behind closed
doors over the weekend and yesterday in a last-ditch at-
tempt to forestall a strike, failed to break the deadlock.
BOTH SIDES reported that substantive progress was made.
However, GEO leaders insisted last night at their mass meeting at

ONE OF THE Graduate Employes Organization (GEO) members casts a ballot during yester-
day's strike vote. The union, which represents all University teaching fellows and staff and re-
search assistants, overwhelmingly voted to walk off the job beginning this morning.

the First Methodist Church that
to a settlement.
"Significant progress has
been made over the weekend,"
reported union negotiator David
Gordon, "but on a scale of
zero to a hundred we've only
moved to about forty. That's
significant but we're not yet
bringing you a package to rati-
fy as a contract."
On Friday University Presi-
dent Robben Fleming announc-
ed that the University was pre-
pared to bargain all weekend
in order to ward off a strike.
THE TWO parties met for
more than twenty hours over
the weekend in the Administra-
tion Building.
Addressing an emergency
meeting of the Faculty Senate
Assembly yesterday afternoon,
Fleming stated, "it's our view
that agreement can be reached
if both parties continue with
their efforts. There is a forgot-
ten interest here that both of
us (both parties to the negotia-
tions) have a great stake in
satisfying, and that is the stu-
Fleming went on to claim that
See GEO, Page 8

it was not enough to come close
'U' talks:
The strike by the Graduate
Employes' Organization (GEO)
which has blasted into the Uni-
versity community, catching it
off-guard and confused, is the
grim result of eight harrowing
months of bargaining fraught
with tactical struggles, mis-
understandings and irreconcil-
able differences on certain cru-
cial issues.
Though the two parties have
reached agreement in a few
areas, the central disputes re-
main unresolved, leading to the
final impasse which has di-
vided the campus into several
philosophical factions.
BARGAINING began l a s t
See GEO, Page 2

T h e Republican - dominated
City Council passed an already
controversial application to the
federal government last night
allocating a $2.5 million revenue
sharing grant with the 6-5 vote
splitting along party lines.;
The application to Department'
of Housing and Urban Develop-
ment (HUD) includes: $371,250-
c o d e enforcement; $25,00-
road repair; $185,625-manage-
ment, planning, and evaluation;

passes CDRS

$133,650-health and drug abuse;
$123,750-child care; $100,000-
public housing rehabilitation;,
and $100,000-f i r e equipment
THP GRANT is in the form of
Community Development Rev-
enue S h a r i n g (CDRS) funds
aimed at aiding low and moder-
ate income residents, according
to the HUD office which admin-
isters the program.
Democrats and Human Rignts

Ford attacks gas rationing

HOUSTON, Tex: (A') - Presi-
dent Gerald Ford declared yes-
terday gasoline rationing will be
enacted only "over my dead
Invoking the strongest lan-
guage to date in sounding his
opposition to a rationing plan,
Ford told an energy confer-
ence here that such a system
would lead only to "a jungle of
red tape, bureaucratic judg-
ment, inequities and other prob-
campaign for public support for
his energy proposals, departed
from his prepared speech text to
accuse Congress of being
"shortsighted" and of taking

"a step backward" by attempt-
ing to block his reconmmenda-
He attacked Democratic
moves for gasoline rationing
and pleaded with his audience
of Texans to "not succumb to
what some say is an answer to
the energy problem . . . Gaso-
line rationing is about the poor-
est answer I can imagine."
He said gas rationing would
last for from five to 10 years
and declared "if we get into
gasoline rationing . . . it will
be over my dead body."
in Ford's audience of about 600,
and applauded his call for an
end to American dependence on
foreign oil.

The President rejected sug-
gestions that he ease off his
proposal to cut oil imports by
a million barrels a day. He
said "this bet-a-million philoso-
phy - that we can continue to
import the entire million or a
significant part of the million-
barrels that I propose to cut
back - is a very high risk and
reckless gamble."
In his appeal for support for
his proposals, Ford waved a
copy of the 167-page bill spon-
sored by his administration.
IN CONTRAST to his "com-
prehensive program," Ford said
the House has passed a four-
page bill to suspend his import
quotas of up to $3 a barrel
See FORD, Page 8

Party' (HRP) council members
supported an alternative minir-
ity proposal which they plan to
submit to HUD.
The minority proposal in-
cludes: $400,000 - community
services; $400,000 - child care;
$435,000-code enforcement and
home insulation: $132,900-legal
services; $165,000-parks; $25,-
000-safety walkways; $135,000-
recreation for low and moderate
income residents; $130,000-re-
habilitation of public housing
KATHY Kozachenko (H RP-
Second Ward) angrily vowed a
lawsuit against the Republicans'
allocations claiming the propo-
sals violated the Congre siofial
CDRS guidelines.
HRP and Democrats blasted
a GOP road renair recommend-
ation of $250,000 for not directly
benefitting the CDRS target
group of low and moderate in-
come people.
In response GOP Mayor
James Stephenson pointed out
that a road repair program "in-
volves many jobs" for these
STEPHENSON f rther artued
that poor roads are "a prob-
lem that has plagued 1': for
many years" and emphasized
CDRS funds for their repair
would be aimed at low and
See COUNCIL, Page 8

Faculty asks GEO
to postpone strike

A special emergency session
of the Faculty Senate Assembly
moved yesterday to urge the
Graduate Employes Organiza-
tion (GEO) to delay strike ac-
tion "as long as it believed
profitable negotiations were go-
ing on."
Dave Gordon, spokesman for
the CEO, called the 41-1 vote on
the motion "disappointing,"
adding, "we didn't want the
Senate Assembly to become in-
"IDEALLY," Gordon asserted,
"we would have wanted them
to move in support of"our picket
lines, but realistically we would
have expected them to not take
any position at all."
Gordon explained that the mo-
tion would be debated by the

GEO, but contended that the
executive committee was pres-
ently opposed to delaying a
The motion came after Uni-
versity President Robben Flem-
ing and GEO chief negotiator
Sandy Wilkinson assured the
assembly that some prograss
had been made during closed-
door negotiations sessions Satur-
day, Sunday and yesterday.
FLEMING called negotiation
progress "substantial," explain-
ing that University and GEO
bargaining teams had, "tenta-
tively agreed on several more
Hoping to prevent any in-
quiries into the exact status of
negotiation progress Fleming
warned that, "it would not
See FACULTY, Page 8

Congress to probe
Pentagon contracts
WASHINGTON UP) - Chairman John Stennis (D-Miss.), of the
Senate Armed Services Committee began an inquiry yesterday
into a Pentagon contract with a private corporation to train Saudi
Arabian national guardsmen protecting oil fields.
Stennis said he asked Secretary of Defense James Schlesinger
for an explanation after disclosure Sunday of a $77 million De-
fense Department contract with Vinnell Corp. of Los Angeles.
VINNELL is recruiting former U. S. special forces soldiers
and other war veterans for a 1,000-man force to send to Saudi
The Pentagon confirmed the contract.
Maj. Gen Winant Sidle, Pentagon spokesman, said Vinnell Corp.
will train the Saudi Arabian National Guard forces for "general
internal security" as well as protection of oil fields.
STENNIS told reporters he had not hard before of any D~e-
fense Department contract withha private corporation to train
military forces of a foreign country.
"It raises questions," he said.
Stennis declined further comment before learning "the facts,"
h>it said he uinderstood that the contract is based iupon l1zal au-

It's over, they're done. The
long gruelling s t r e t c h from
chess game to chess game has
drawn to a closeandSteve Feld-
man and Bob Beinish hold the
world recorud theysw eree seek-
in g..41
It's now up to someone else
to play more 'hours of mara-
thon "speed" chess and set a
new record. Beinish and Feld-
man have gone home to sleep.:Y
popping, whistles, cheers and

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