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January 28, 1975 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1975-01-28

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Eighty-four years of editorial freedom
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan


ROTC credit analysis faulty

Tuesday, January 28, 1975

News Phone: 764-0552

420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104

Ford's plan fuels inflation

PRESIDENT FORD'S plan for im-
posing a $3 per barrel tax on im-
ported fuel oil will not only act as
a stimulant for inflationary pres-
sures, but also will fall short of its
desired goal of lessening our con-
sumption of fuel.
Middle and low income families,
as well as those on fixed incomes,
who live in cities where no adequate
transportation facilities exist will be
forced to stretch their already
strained budgets even further. In ad-
dition, businesses in regions that are
dependent upon imported fuels will
be seriously injured.
Congress appears to be moving to-
ward a rationing system. This system,
has serious shortcomings that would
be inequitable to many. Decisions re-
garding the amount of fuel that will
be allocated per person in each re-
gion of the country will be based on
the value judgements of politicians.
Based on past experience, the medi-
cine prescribed by these sages could
be worse than the illness.
WHAT IS NEEDED is a plan which

will cut our consumption of fuel
that imposes the burden on those
who consume the greatest amount of
resources. The answer to this may be
a multi-tier rationing system.
The multi-tier system would work
as follows: All drivers would be allo-
cated 30 or 35 gallons of gasoline a
month at a price below current mar-
ket levels. Those who consume the
least would be rewarded for their
conservation efforts. Additional cou-
pons could be purchased without
any limit on quantity. The first ten
additional gallons would cost 80
cents each, the next ten gallons one
dollar each, and so on.
It seems only reasonable that those
5who use the most natural resources
should be the ones who pay for it,
while those who do not use much
should not be taxed. While argu-
ments exist against this system, it
is fairer than either of the pro-
grams that Ford or the Congress
propose, in that it places the burden
on the largest consumers.

THE LSA faculty will debate
at its February meeting a
proposal to restore credit on a
selective basis to ROTC cours-
es. This proposal is based upon
a report written by a subcom-
mittee of the LSA Curriculum
Committee. Several writers
have pointed out in the Daily
that the subcommittee report is
curiously deficient in critical
areas of aanalysis. I would like
to point out more omissions in.
that report.
First of all, the faculty of the
University as a whole now ap-
proves only one statement of
policy on ROTC, namely t h a t
formulated in 1969 by the Aca-
fA mic Affairs Committee of
Senate Assembly, chaired by
Prof. Theodore Buttrey (the
Buttrey report). This report was
adopted by Senate Assembly in
November, 1969, by a vote of
52 to 2. The 1975 subcommittee
shows no sign of having read
this report or knowing of i t s
existence. In what sense is it
intellectually responsible f o r
LSA to ignore the University-
wide context of its actions?
THE BUTTREY report recom-
mends that the Defense Depart-
ment pay for, all facilities that
it employs at Michigan. This
point was regarded at the time
as a crucial evidence of ROTC's
desire to be a self-sustaining
member of the University, ra-
ther than a mere leech of Uni-
versity funds (to the tune of
hundreds of thousands of dollars
per year). This entire point is ig-
nored by the subcommittee.
The Buttrey report also re-
commended that no ROTC offi-
cer have faculty status unless
appointed by a University de-
partment, and that no ROTC
course receive academic credit
unless taught by a Michigan fa-
culty member. The 1975 report
partially repudiates this policy
without even recognizing its
When LSA stripped academic
credit from ROTC courses on
March 2, 1970, it was acting to
implement both the Buttrey re- t
port (which was mentioned on
the floor) and a report of its
own written by a committee
with Prof. Locke Anderson as
chairman (the Anderson re-
port); this report was adopted
"by an overwhelming majority."
The Anderson report rested on
two observations. First of all,

the subjects treated in ROTC
courses should not be taught by
military officers, who "are not
likely to have the training and
experience to handle these top-
ics in an intellectually satisfac-
tory manner. Moreover, t h e i r
professiional positions must ne-
cessarily limit their freedom- of
inquiry, even though they may
not perceive this to be the
case." This point is not dealt
with in the 1975 report.
THE OTHER observatin of
the Anderson report was that
the ROTC reading materials
were "appalling conjectural,
non-analytical, cheaply moralis-
tic, and often blatantly propa-
gandistic." Most technical works
were "outdated." In 1975, t h e
subcommittee found "none of
these deficiencies." However, its
methods of evaluation are not
specified, nor are its criteria for
judgment; no examples of im-
provement are given so that a
reader might make up their own
mind, and indeed the whole re-
port is astonishingly short in
factual findings. There h a s
been, states the subcommittee,
"a real change in the nature of
ROTC courses" since 1969,
though not one iota of proof is
The subcommittee's disregard
of the principles of evidence is
the probable result of a shift in
perspective from 1970. The sub-
committee argues for ROTC cre-
dit on one single ground: "when
no obvious shortcomings a r e
found, a sufficient justification
for the granting of credit is that
there is no reason for withhold-
ing it. And that is the justifica-
tion we offer." The vagueness of
such undefined terms is admit-
tedly deplorable, but the real
objection to this statement is
that the subcommittee has de-
liberately shifted the burden of
proof to those opposing ROTC
courses. Yet neither in its own
deliberations nor in its envisag-
ed credit-granting mechanism
has the subcommittee made any
attempt to identify such an op-
position, nor to incorporate op-
posing opinions into the eval-
uations of ROTC programs and
courses. This omission is not
been willing to evaluate only
the ostensible content of individ-
ual ROTC courses, on a course-
by-course basis! this, it is claim-

ed, represents evaluation "on
academic merit." In 1970, the
word "academic" meant t h e
educational significance of a
course, its integration into the
broad pattern of curriculum at
Michigan. In 1975, the word "ac-
ademic" has shrunk so that
analysis may be conducted on
the lowest level possible. This
shrinkage is neither noticed nor
justified by the subcommittee.
The Anderson report of 1970
recommended, as an alternative
to extensive ROTC programs,
that ROTC should reduce its
own uncredited courses to a
minimum and simply require its
students to take specified
courses in other University
units. To some extent, this re-
commendation represents the
current situation, especially (it
would appear. as regards t h e
Army and Navy programs. The
Anderson alternative avoids any
undesirable aspects of a large,
independent ROTC program be-
ing accredited by outside units.
But the 1975 subcommittee re-
port ignores alternatives alto-
gether. Whether the subcommit-
tee recommendations are in the
actual best interests both of the
ROTC and of LSA, and whether
some other type of relationship
might better serve both, neither
of these questions is discussed.
pletely fails to speculate about
the probable effects its recom-
mendations would have on LSA.
The proposal would allow the
reconstitution of large military
education programs, in direct
competition with LSA courses.
The economic implications of
the resultant credit-hour loss to
LSA departments are ignored;
such a loss could amount to as
much as one-tenth of the total
hours taken for a degree by an
LSA student.
Perhaps the most telling omis-
sion of all is the subcommittee's
failure to state the reasons why
change in LSA policy is being
sought at this time. V a r i o u s
officers of the ROTC s t a f f
have spoken quite freely to the
effect that they seek accredita-
tion primarily, if not solely, in
order to save their programs
from extinction; they make no
mention of their desire to con-
tribute anything to the intellec-
tual community of Michigan.
This is the leech-syndrome noted
in the Buttrey report; ROTC
gives nothing, it is come to

Sailing easy, ocean sleazy

Agency's (EPA) job is to do Just
what it's name implies; protect the
environment. Sometimes though, one
is left wondering just how much pro-
tecting they actually do. The lakes
and waterways of our nation seem
to be the newest additions to their
list of items which don't need as
much protection as we thought.
It was revealed Sunday that the
government is dropping a proposal
that would have required pleasure
boat owners to install holding tanks,
in their boats to stop sewage from
being directly pumped into the na-
tion's waterways. Instead, the Envir-
onmental Protection Agency and the
Coast guard are issuing a much more
lax regulation which will only re-
quire that boat owners install de-
vices in their boats which will chop
up and chlorinate the waste before
it is dumped in the water.
Of the approximately seven million
pleasure boats in this nation, a half
million are equipped with head fa-
cilities (toilets). It doesn't take much
to realize the quantity of sewage that
one-half million boats can produce.
Granted, treated sewage is better
than raw sewage, but I still wouldn't
want to swim in it.
a comedown from the earlier
EPA position; a regulation they re-
leased in 1972 allowed for no dis-
charges at all.
Perhaps the most disappointing
part of this whole affair is the fact
News: Dan Biddle, Ellen Breslow, Ken
Fink, Judy Ruskin, Tim Schick,
Stephen Selbst
Editorial Page: Vincent Badia, Clifford
Brown, Alan Gitles, Marnie Heyn
Arts Pbge: David Weinberg
Photo Technician: Sue Sheiner

that since 1970 the state of Michi-
gan has had a much stiffer law than
the EPA proposal. Up until now,
pleasure boaters in Michigan have
been required _to equip their boats
with holding tanks that are pumped,
out at marinas so that no waste at
all is put ino the lakes. The new En-
vironmental Protection Agency's reg-
ulation will effectively nullify this
law and will ultimately undermine
any future legislation of this type.
Nam: Out now
AND SO IT GOES. The trail ofbrok-
en treaties runs from the north-
ernmost tip of Maine to Baja Cali-
fornia, and now Gerald Ford is de-
manding more money to fuel a war
that we as a nation theoretically
bowed out of when we signed the
Paris Peace Accords two years ago.
Since the signing of the Accords on
Vietnam,- the U.S. government has
spent increasing amounts of tax
money to kill and maim more people,
devastate more land, corrupt more
cultures and economies and create
more Indochinese refugees than ever
before. If war is hell, then what is
It appears that Cogress has fin-
ally figured that too much is enough,
and will turn down Administration
requests for more funds for the Sai-
gon regime. But, to trot out a hack-
neyed phrase, eternal vigilance is the
price of freedom, so it's time for a
little peaceful vigilante action.
S A FITTING memorial to every-
one who has been damaged by
the Indochina war, American citi-
zens should write, call, visit, and peti-
tion their federal representatives and
make it clear that we want all the
way out, and out now.

take. Quite plainly, then, the
ROTC oficers envisage LSA as
their cat's-paw. On this point,
the subcommittee report is dis-
cretely silent.
UNDER THE circumstances,
it is hardly surprising that the
ROTC staff has praised th e
subcommittee report for its ob-
jectivity and thoroughness, and
for being "fair."
It is not my contention that
the deficiencies in the subcom-
mittee report represent a delib-
erate attempt to railroad the
ROTC proposal through LSA
(though I admit that such an
interpretation is entirely con-
sistent with the evidence of the
report). Rather, I believe that
the gaps in the report result
from the inordinate haste of its

preparation. The Anderson re-
port took better than a year
to write; the 1975 report need-
ed just over two months.
A committee of the LSA gov-
erning faculty is expected to in-
vestigate, with care and caution,
the areas of its-charge. How-
ever, the findings of this sub-
committee are too narrow in
their scope, and too shallow in
their treatment, to be disposi-
tive of the ROTC issue one way
or the other. Further considera-
tion of ROTC accreditation
should properly aw~ait' the re-
port of a faculty committee
much more aggressive in the
handling of its responsibilities.
Bruce Frier is an Assistant
Professor of Classical Studies in


protest aid

SAIGON, Jan. 24, (Reuter) - The bat-
tle over more U. S. military aid for Sai-
gon opened in earnest today, with Presi-
dent Nguyen Van Thieu appealing for
support while American anti-war dem-
onstrators turned up in front of the U.S.
Embassy here.
Speaking a few days after President
Ford's announcement of plans to seek a
supplemental aid appropriation for Sai-
gon, President Thieu said his country
was in danger.
"Do not let history say that any big
allied country has allowed a small
country to be annexed," Mr. Thieu,
speaking at a police graduation cere-
mony near here, said in a direct ap-
peal to his foreign allies.
At the same time, however, nine
Americans representing the U. S. anti-
war movement brought their campaign
against more U. S. military aid directly
to Saigon.
The nine unfurled a banner and post-
ers outside the U. S. Embassy here de-
manding .an end to war aid.
WITH THE SECOND anniversary of
the Paris Accords of January 27, 1973,
only a few days away, the Saigon gov-
ernment launched what appeared to be

a coordinated campaign to underline op-
position military action and stress the
need for aid.
While the President was speaking, the
I government released a statement to
mark the anniversary, accusing Hanoi
of "reverting to a large-scale war of

age from 20 to 44, blamed the
States for violating the Paris
ment. They said their visit was
ed to help defeat President For
quest for another 300 million do
military aid..
One of their slogans called o

to Saigon
iging in ton State College; Paul Ryder of Los
United Angeles; Al Hurwitz, an educational
Agree- consultant from Michigan; David Ne-
intend- smith of the Methodist Peace Action
rd's re- Group, and Jack Nicholl, 30.

llars in
n U. S.

Saigon separately over the
and might stay a few days.

arrived in
past week

"While the President Thieu was speaking, the govern-
ment released a statement to mark the anniversary, accus-
ing Hanoi of 'Reverting to a large-scale war of aggres-
s ,on.,
yr, ry . .S;-SlSv . " >?'.=
.,; ::KM'r- . 1 .'.. . . . ..r"X4 '.44":.,v,"nS S :, *s .rSvi 4r.%":"x? :r".:

And Brigadier General Phan Hoa Hiep,
Saigon's representative in the stalled
military talks set up under the Paris
Accords, stressed opposition military
strength at a lengthy news conference.
In the surprise demonstration outside
the American Embassy, Americans who
said they were from the Indochina Peace
Campaign chanted "Hor Binh Vietnam"
(Peace for Vietnam) at Vietnamese
passing on bicycles, buses and trucks in
the busy boulevard.

Ambassador Graham Martin, an out-
spoken advocate of Saigon's cause, to
"stop your lies."
The demonstrators included David
Harris, one founder of Draft Resistance.
Mr. Harris served 20 months in prison
for refusing to submit to the draft.
The others were Marjorie Kolchin, 20,
a student at Johns Hopkins University;
Anne Cohen, a 42-year-old mother of
four from Pasadena, California; Louise
Bruyn of Newton, Massachusetts; Paul
Shannon, identified as a minister at Bos-

Taking turns holding up their banners,
they chanted and rested on a grassy
knoll in front of the huge, walled em-
bassy complex. At one point they be-
gan distributing leaflets, printed in En-
glish and Vietnamese, on the sidewalk
and in the street.
Police blocked off the street when
the traffic began to snarl in front of the
As the demonstration neared an end
for the day, three Buddhist nuns asso-
ciated with a Vietnamese anti-war fac-
tion broke through police.lines to join
the Americans.
Mr. Harris later said police eventually
surrounded the group and took the de-
tnonstrators' names and passport num-
David Laulicht is a staff writer for
Renter's News Service.

To The Daily:
THE FOLLOWING letter was
written by a former M i l a n
F.C.I. prisoner who attended U.
of M. on a study release pro-
gram while serving a five year
sentence for refusing induction
into the armed services. He was
also fined $10,000 and will pro-
bably be kept on parole the rest
his life for he remains under
the custody of the attorney gen-
eral until the fine is paid in
full. For those who are inter-
ested there is an essay in his
honor in Wendell Berry's "The
Long-Legged House."
He asked that this letter that
follows be sent to The Daily.
-Trudy Huntington
An Open Letter to the
Presidential Clemency Board:
WHEN I think about it, it isn't
ironic that your letter to me
arrived among a bunch of oil
company sales gimmicks, in'
fact, it's proper, though I'm dis-

cy since parole conditions, a
committed ("for ever and
ever") $10,000 fine, and the in-
ability to run for office are just
as offensive and oppressive,
probably more so, but I'll wait.
AMNESTY, as a word, is of-
fensive, exoneration is a more
proper goal, but the best this
nation's leaders can do is "re-
tire" and reduce the power of
the state. That's too much to
ask, so for starters they should
apologize to and properly com-
pensate the Vietnamese people
and Vietnam veterans, then
abolish the selective service sys-
tem and get out of 'Nam. Nix-
on's spirit is still the nature
of the beast that deceives it's
public and so continues the lie
of who violates rules, regula-
tions, and laws. I'm proud of
my opposition to the Vietnam
War, the draft, and an of-
fensive, oppresive government,
that's why the overwhelming
majority of us resisters don't



it is because people are becom-
ing bored with seeing the same
seven to eight players scramb-
ling on the court. There is no
reason why 'all the players
should not get a chance to
play, if Michigan is leading by
a considerable amount, or if the
usual starters are not playing
up to their potential.
The "Big Blues" greatest as-
set is its fast break. But, in
order to keep Michigan's "pow-
erhouse of energy" replenished,
player substitution should be
used more freely throughout the
game. A lot of talent is taeing
left on the bench. Not only does
this cause eventual team fati-
gue, but also individual player
Aside from the physical as-
pects mentioned, how about next
year when our two leading
scorers have graduated? Who
will take over their positions? So
few besides the five usual start-
ers get into the game for a sub-
stantial amount of time, from

Conference results alsi!f
-A Disgruntled Fan
January 28
Rackh am
To The Daily:
GRADUATE students are
acutely aware of the need for
suitable study environments.
The Rackham Study area is
quiet, comfortable and super-
vised. We feel that its use
should continue as intended by
Mr. Horace H. Rackham in his
will which stipulated its use
by Graduates as a center f o r
graduate activities. This effec-
tively limits the numbers of us-
ers so that it will continue as a
quiet, comfortable, a n d super-
vised place.
Instead of overloading t h e
Rackham building which is in-
adequate for even the graduate
population (especially during
exam periods), we would like to
sainnor't and lorin with the under-

uates Unite!!
-The Rackham Student
January 22
To The Daily:
I APPRECIATE the fine ar-
ticle Mary Harris wrote about
our office (January 10). I felt
it was basically accurate and a
good introduction to our servic-
es. However, for future refer-
ence, it should be made ,clear
that the headline, "U names
women's program director," is
misleading since the University
has no one director of women's
programs, and neither my job
title nor my appointment sug-
gests such a directorship.
-Gail Resnick
Women's Program
- January 13




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