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January 28, 1975 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1975-01-28

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See. Editorial Page


Au: iA au


High-3 S
See Today for details

Eighty-Four Years of Editorial Freedom

Vol. LXXXV, No. 98

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, January 28, 1975

Ten Cents

Ten Pages











h ,
Health education
For those interested in health and education
fields, there will be a Career Information Day on
Feb. 4, sponsored by the University Institute for
the Study of Mental Retardation and Related Dis-
abilities. The program will be held at the Institute
on 130 S. First from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Pro-
fessionals in the health and education fields will
present programs on such topics as child develop-
ment, dental hygiene, psychology and social work.
The program is free, but preregistration is neces-
sary. Call 763-4481 for further information.
Sex gains
Men who have vasectomies as a method of
contraception also find their love life is greatly
improved, the director of a British Population
growth study said. According to Caspar Brook, the
operation also increases the sexual drive of many
men. "It takes their thoughts off pregnancy so they
can concentrate on other things," he said. Also on
the topic of birth control, East German doctors
have developed a birth control pill that needs to
be taken only once a week. The East Germans
reportedly intend to market it this year. The pill
should also eliminate the negative side effects some
women experience with other varieties, the report
quoted an East Berlin doctor as saying. It is
taken on the same day each week with a double
dose every fourth week.
Woman power
Retired Michigan Congresswoman Martha Grif-
fiths said yesterday that she would accept the
1976 Democratic vice-presidential nomination if it
were offered to her. Griffiths, who served in Con-
gress for 20 years from the 17th District, also said
she believes there will be a woman president
before the end of the century. The former con-
gresswoman said that 1974 was a good year for
women in politics, but the futpre will be "even
. . . are varied today. At 10:00 a new Food
Co-op will open at 212 N. 4th Ave. Bring your
own bags and jars . . . women students are
invited to a lunch hour discussion on Career
Opportunities for Women in Banking, sponsored
by the Career Planning and Placement Office.
Bringha bag lunch at noon to Conference rooms
4 and 5 in the Michigan League . . . Regent Sarah
Power will address the medical center's commis-
sion for women today at noon in the 6th level
Amphitheatre in 'U' Hospital. Her topic will be
the international women's year. The public 'is
invited . . . A survival-plus seminar will be held
from 3:15-5:00 p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheatre,
featuring Peter van Dresser on Biotechnic Re-
centralization . . . at 8 p.m. there will be an
information meeting for all juniors and sophomores
planning to apply to medical, dental, osteopathic or
veterinary schools for the fall of 1976. Come to
1025 Angell Hall to discuss application proceedures
. . . and the Indochina Peace Campaign (IPC)
film Introduction to the Enemy will be shown
today, not Thursday as IPC previously told us, at
7:15, 8:30 and 9:45 at Aud. 3 MLB.
Animal farm
On an Israeli test form, high school graduates
were asked to identify what a dinosaur was. One
of the responses was a "former U.S. President."
Another of the test takers, who were applying
for a civil service job, thought that the giant
lizard was in reality a "U.S. Secretary of State "
While the above answers could very well be a
comment on the intelligence of certain American
statesmen, they have caused a scandal in Israeli
education circles. The education minister has or-
dered a probe of Israeli high school teaching.
Meanwhile, the furor has been named, aptly
enough, "the dinosaur scandal."
Oan the inside .. .

today's Editorial page features a look by Bruce
Frier at the faculty and the granting of academic
credit for ROTC courses . . . Sports page has all
the information about last night's basketball name
with Wisconsin .. . and reviews of this weekend's
musical events appear on the Arts page . . .
Ott the outside ...
A L ,.,...-.... n .n.t of Ari A fal: Ctnr' nn coinn

Ethics of contract
called into question
The administration last week offered a two-year, no-
tenure contract to Jewel Cobb, the Regents' unanimous
choice for the literary college (LSA) deanship, The Daily
has learned.
Cobb rejected the offer Friday and demanded a re-
convening of the Regents to revise her proposed contract,
two well-placed sources affirmed last night.

AFTER ARGUING over the contract terms in a
day meeting, the Regents gave President Robben
Vice President for Academic Affairs Frank Rhodes a

six-hour Sun-
Fleming and
carte blanche

Daily Photos by PAULINE LUBENS
ROBBEN FLEMING WOULD not predict the outcome of the UNIVERSITY SECRETARY Richard Kennedy didn't want
deanship negotiations because "it involves conversations that to "hazard a guess" on when an announcement on the dean-
I have not had yet." ship would come.

Fleming to

University President Robben
Fleming is among six candi-
dates reportedly being consider-
ed to head the nine campuses
of the University of California.
According to a story in the
Sunday Los Angeles Times,
Fleming, Michigan State Uni-
versity president Clifton Whar-
ton, and four other high-ranked
educators are expected to travel
to California soon for personal
interviews with a blue-ribbon
search committee.
THOUGH the California pres-
idency is a well-regarded post
in American academics, Flem-
ing said yesterday, "I really
have no idea yet," when asked
if he was interested in taking
the position.
The president said: "I never
really think about it this early
because do not know what the
substance of the situation is."
Fleming said he would go to
California "as a matter of
courtesy," but added that he
has had "no substantive con-
versations" with the search
THE TIMES story said that
the final six candidates were
Fleming; MSU's Wharton; Wil-
liam McGill, president of Co-
Nmbia University; John Hohe-
tinnis, University of Washington
president; Ernest Boyer, chan-
cellor of the State University
of New York; and David Gar-

dener, president of the Univer-
sity of Utah.
The story said these names
made up an "A-List" of prime
candidates selected from 239
persons. This "A-List," accord-
ing to the newspaper, consisted
of "people they (University of
California regents) would like
to get for president."
Wharton was on vacation, but
an MSU spokesperson released
an authorized statement saying

ead U
Wharton "has had no contact
with any California officials
with respect to his possible in-
terest in such a position."
PERSONAL interviews are
scheduled to take place within
the next three weeks, with a
final decision expected to come
sometime in February or
If Fleming is the choice of
the search committee, he must
face examination by the highly

political University of Califor-
nia regents, a panel noted for
its divisive liberal-conservative
There are indications that
Fleming might leave Ann Arbor
soon even if he is not selected
for the California post. Fleming
has said he anticipates a term
here of about ten years. He
was appointed in 1967 after serv-
ing as chancellor of the Uni-
versity of Wisconsin.

to present Cobb with whatever
terms the two officers deemed
acceptable, the sources said.
One source said Fleming was
prepared to offer a contract to
Cobb, a black Connecticut edu-
cator, last night. It could not
be learned if the president's
second proposal was changed in
any way from the offer Cobb
turned down on Friday.
BOTH SOURCES contended
Fleming and Rhodes made the
original offer with no intention
of persuading Cobb to accept it.
A source close ° to Cobb said
the deanship candidate was dis-
apointed by the no-tenure offer
and believed that the adminis-
tration-Fleming and Rhodes-
"must not have ever seriously
considered her, or they would
have cleared it (tenure) with
the zoology department before-
Cobb, a prominent biologist
and cancer researcher, had ex-
pected to receive tenure in the
zoology department, according
to the source, who said that
department has refused to guar-
antee her tenure as part of the
deanship contract.
SEVERAL high-level sources
in LSA and elsewhere have af-
firmed that the two-year, no-
tenure offer given Cobb varies
greatly with the standard five-,
years-plus-tenure proposal given
to earlier LSA deans.
The source close to Cobb sug-
gested the zoology department
had denied her to protect "its
own man"-Acting LSA Dean
Billy Frye--who was one of the
three final deanship candidates
considered by the Regents ten
days ago.
Zoology department chairman
Carl Gans could not be reached
for comment on the source's
statements last night.
EARLIER in the day, Flem-
ing refused to disclose the out-
come of the Regents' Sunday
meeting, despite a flurry of re-
ports describing a growing rift
between the administration and
the board's more liberal mem-
The president would not pre-
dict an outcome of the deanship
negotiations, saying, "It involves
conversations 'I have not had
vet." He also repeated his ear-
lier refusals to acknowledge that
See COBB, Page 7


Senate ready to

U.S. intelligence units

WASHINGTON (Reuter)-The Senate voted
yesterday to set up a special Watergate-style
committee to conduct a sweeping probe of the
Central Intelligence Agency, the Federal Bureau
of Investigation and other U.S. intelligence
The decision to investigate the U.S. intelligence
community followed angry protests over allega-
tions of illegal domestic-spying by the CIA and
over the FBI practice of keeping files on the
private lives and drinking habits.
THE VOTE was 82-41.
But before final passage, the Senate made clear
the inquiry-expected to begin this week-should
not endanger the foreign operations of the CIA
or other intelligence agencies.
Senator John Tower (R-Tex.), vice chairman
of the committee, also told the Senate "we must

be careful not

to embarrass foreign govern-

THE 11-MEMBER committee-six Democrats,
five Republicans-would be careful to respect con-
fidential exchanges between the United States and
other governments, he said.
The committee was given a budget of $750,000
and ordered to complete its investigation and
report back by September 1.
It was given broad subpoena powers not only to
examine past activities by the CIA and other
organizations-including covert operations-but
also to consider ways to tighten congressional
supervision of the agencies.
Shortly after the vote, Democratic leader Mike
Mansfield announced the panel would start work
shortly, possibly this week, and named its
Democratic members.

8 states
Ford with
ernors of eight Northeast and
New England states filed a fed-
eral court suit yesterday asking
that President Ford's plan for
direct tariffs on, oil imports be
declared illegal.
Among other grounds, the suit
charged that Ford had en-
croached upon powers of taxa-
tion limited to the Congress.
THE SUIT was filed at the
U.S. District Courthouse by
Massachusetts Atty. Gen. Fran-
cis Bellotti on behalf of his
state and seven others.
The states are Connecticut,
Maine, New Jersey, New York,
Pennsylvania, Rhode Island and
Under the tariff program an-
nounced by Ford January 23,
each barrel of imported oil
would be taxed $1 as of Feb-/
ruary 1. An additional $1 tariff
is to be added on March 1 and
again April 1.
FORD SAID the purpose of
the tariff is to drive up gasoline
prices and thereby encourage
Americans to drive less.
The House Ways and Means
Committee already has voted
a 90-day delay in the program
to give Congress a charlce to
work up its own energy saving
Bellotti told newsmen the new
tariffs would cause "amazing
economic damage" to the North-
east if allowed to go into effect
as planned by the White House.
THE SUIT said the tariff re-
quires under federal law an
environmental impact investiga-
tion and statement assessm the
likely economic and renviron-
mental damage to states which
rely on oil for most of their
heating and industrial fuel
The legal papers also said
that Ford had improperly in-
voked national security a, iis-
tification for a means of raising
public funds.
The suit charged that the
Trade Expansion Act under
which Ford acted was never
intended to raise substantial

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Task force activist
denies manipulation

A Remublican member of City
Council's Community Develop-
ment Revenue Sharing (CDRS)
task force vehemently denied
charges last night that the com-
mittee, set-ip to study alloca-
tion of a $2.5 million federal
grant, had been "manipulated"
by Republicans.
"Anyone who says the (Re-
p'blicgan) staff in city hall con-
trolled the committee is simply
lying," stated GOP committee
member Letty Wickliffe at 1ast
night's Council meeting.

office of Housing and Urban
Development (HUD).
Last week, David Goodman,
Human Rights Party (HRP)
council hopeful, said that "the
staff and chairman of the task
force effectively manipulated
that committee."
A COMMITTEE member, Bar-
bara Nutter, angrily attacked
Colburn saying, "The share of
or nroposal was under the dis-
cretion of the chairman and
. N'itter and Goodman contend
that Colburn, with the help of
the mayor and city hall, influ-

Jomins iY.:"
te force .
City police officers could be :
liberated from as much as 70 y"' 3...4
per cent of their tedious report-h
writing load as a result of a
new computerized state-law in-
formation network, accoirding to:
Police Chief Walter Krasny.
Under this program, most po
lice reports are telephoned to'
a tape recording system in cit v
hall rather than submitted y
officers in written form.
THE SYSTEM, called the.
Standard Police Automated Re-

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