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January 25, 1975 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1975-01-25

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Page Two


Saturday, January 25, 1975

---_- -=ICU' speaks on deanship Kissinger hits Congress f<


ChurchAlWor,6'4A p onice4

! -- -- - -

Presently Meeting at
YM-YWCA, 530 S. Fifth
David Graf, Minister
10:00 a.m. - Sunday Worship
Students Welcome.
For information or transpor-
tation: 663-3233 or 662-2494.
1833 Washtenaw
Sunday Service and Sunday
School-10:30 a.m.
Wednesday Testimony Meet-
ing-8:00 p.m.
Child Care-Sunday, under 2
years; Wednesday, through 6
Reading Room - 306 E, Lib-
erty, 10-9 Mon., 10-5 Tues.-Sat.
*, * *
423 S. Fourth Ave. Ph. 665-6149
Minister: Orval L. E. Willimann
10:00 a.m. - Worship Service
and Church School.
6:00 evening service.

530 W. Stadium Blvd.
(one block west of
U of M Stadium)
Bible Study - Sunday, 9:30
a.m.-Wednesday, 7:30 p.m.
Worship-Sunday, 10:30 a.m.
and 6:00 p.m.
Need Transportation? C a 11
CHURCH, 1001 E. Huron
Calvin Malefyt, Alan Rice,
9:30 a.m.-Church School.
10:30 a.m.-Morning Worsbip.
5:30 p.m.-Student Supper.-
* * *
331 Thompson-663-0557
Weekend Masses:
Saturday: 5 p.m. and midight.
Sunday: 7:45 a.m., 9 a.m.,
10:30 a.m., noon, and 5 p.m.
(plus 9:30 a.m. North Campus).
Pastor: Don Postema
10:00 a.m.-Morning Service.

State at Huron and Washington
9:30 & 11:00 a.m. Worship
Services, Church School for all
ages. Sermon: "State Street and
Jericho Road," by Dr. Donald
B. Strobe.
10:30-11:00 a.m. Fellowship
time in Wesley Lounge.
6:00-8:00 p.m. Membership
Class I.
Worship service is broadcast
on WNRS (1290) AM and WNRZ
(103 FM) from 11:00 to 12:00
noon each Sunday.
4:30 p.m. Program: Food En-
ergy, Wesley Lounge.
6:00 p.m. Vegetarian Din-Din,
Pine Room.
6:45 p.m. Celebration, Wesley
6:00 p.m. Grad Community,
dinner and program. Call 668-
6881 for details.
6:15 p.m. Young Marrieds dir-
ner, Pine Room.
7:00 p.m. Young Marrieds pro-
gram: Update on Indochina and
How a Christian Responds to
War, Wesley Lounge.
1511 Washtenaw Ave.
Alfred T. Scheips, Pastor
Sunday Services at 9:15 and
at 10:30 a.m.
Sunday Bible Study at 9:15.
Midweek Worship Wednesday
Evening at 10:00.
* * *
(Formerly Lutheran Student
801 S. Forest Ave. at 1ill St.
Gordon Ward, Pastor
Sunday Service at 10.30 a.n.
* * *
218 N. Division-665-0606
Sundaysaat noon: Holy Eucha-
rist with a meal following.
CHURCH, 306 N. Division
8:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist.
10:00 a.m. Morning Prayer &
409 S. Division
M. Robert Fraser, Pastor
Church School-9:45 a.m.
Morning Worship-11:00 a.m.
Evening Worship-7:00 p.m.

(Continued from Page 1)
BUT highly placed University
sources told the Daily earlier
this week that the Regents had'
voted "right down the line" to
offer the position to Jewell
Cobb; a black woman educator
from Connecticut.
Since Saturday, when the
Daily learned that Cobb had
been selected in a tightly-closed
Regents meeting, President
Robben Fleming, Rhodes and
the Regents had all refused
comment on the decision.
Fleming had indicated ear-
Oil tariff
hikes held
(Continued from Page 1)
block the Ford program for 90
Ford's action argued it takes
time to develop sound jegisla.
tion in the complex economic-
energy field.
Although he ducked a firm
answer on whether Ford would
veto the measure, Press Se:re-
tary Ron Nessen said that if a
bill reaches Ford "in a way
that the President does not feel
is responsible, we'll deal with
Nessen said the President
likened the congressional move
to old-time political maneuver-
ing and feels that the issue
"should be addressed directly."
However, Rep. Al Ullman (D-
Ore.), the committee's new
chairman, said he disliked the
presidential "hammer over the
head of Congress," although he
agreed the lawmakers should
step down the road toward even-
tual American energy indepen-
Another committee member,
Rep. James Corman (D-Calif;
charged Ford has "subverted,
I think twisted" the authority
granted to the chief executive
under the trade laws.

Y f

lier in the week' that "in due:"
course a decision would be
made" and that "a couple of olveme
weeks" may pass before the1
University officially names the
new dean. LOS ANGELES (Reuter) -
Secretary of State Henry Kis-
IN HIS statement yesterday, singer warned yesterday that
Rhodes said, "It is not the cus- continuing foreign policy dif-
tom of the University to make ferences between the Ford Ad-
announcements concerning new ministration and Congress could
appointments until all the tempt America's adversaries in-
lengthy procedures of review, to irresponsible actions.
consultation, selection, offer,
terms and acceptance have been Kissinger called for a new
completed. alliance between the Adminis-
"Because such discussions tration and Congress to formu-
customarily occupy some weeks, late a common foreign policy to
.c miy o somksavert this danger-while leaving
S f h fna the day-to-day details of diplo-
istrative appointments to in- macy to him.
volve delays. These delays are
a normal part of the appoint- IN A SPEECH before the Los
ment process," he said. Angeles World Affairs Council,
"As soon as the negotiations Kissinger reiterated his dissat-
are completed, an immediate isfaction with what he regards
announcement of the appoint-
ment will be made," Rhodes
concluded. m 1
THE deanship vacancy was mO
created last year when Rhodes,,
then LSA dean, was appointed (Continued from Page 1)
as academic affairs vice presi- overwhelming majority" of CD-
dent. Zoology Prof. Billy Frye RS monies is going to low and
has been serving as acting LSA moderate income residents add-
dean since July 1974. ing "these funds will truly de-
The Daily learned last week- velop Ann Arbor."
end that Bobb, dean of Connect- The committee recommended
icut College, Frye, and one oth- to council that $100,000 go to
er candidate had been consid- pedestrian ways, drainage, trees
ered for the post. According to and general improvements in
sources, the Regents voted the downtown area; and $50,000
unanimously for Cobb, after go to general business assiE'-
turning down Frye with a 5-3 ance.
vote. MARY MUIRHEAD a mem-
One source described Cobb as M ber of the citizens' committee,
"unusually competent" and "a insisted, "There are so miay
striking figure who is qualified things on the program (COS
for virtually anything." recommendations) not for low
Cobb, 51, graduated in 1944 and moderate income people."
from Talladega College, a While the majority of the
small, predominantly black mayor-appointed citi ens' com-
school in Alabama. She receiv- mittee expressed little dissatis-
ed a masters degree from New faction with the recommenda-
York University in 1947 and a tions to City Council or Col-
PhD in Biology in 1950. Cobb is burn's handling )f the commit-
a fellow of the National Cancer tee, some members said they
Research Tissue Culture Asso- were greatly displeased with
ciation. She has been dean of both.
Connecticut College since 1969. "The shape of our proposal


as unnecessary congressional
interference in his negotiating
tactics in recent months.
He cited the breakdown of the
Soviet Trade Agreement be-
cause of Congress' demand for
freer Jewish emigration; the
decision to cut off military aid
to Turkey because of its in-
vasion of Cyprus, and the re-
fusal to grant reduced tariffs
to Ecuador and Venezuela be-
cause they are members of the
Organization of Petroleum Ex-
porting Countries (OPEC).
"The growing tendency of the
Congress to legislate in detail
the day-to-day or week-to-week
conduct of our foreign affairs
raises grave issues," Kissinger

said. "American policy
must be a coherent and pur-
poseful whole," he added.
EARLIER in his speech, he
warned, "foreign .cations must
deal with our government as an
entity, not as a complex of
divided institutions. They must
be able to count on our main-
taining both our national will
and our specific undertakings.
"If they misjudge either, they
may be tempted into irrespon-
sibility or grow reiuctant to
link their destiny to ours."
In inviting the Congress into
a new national partnership in
the conduct of U.S. foreign
policy, Kissinger said, "We do
not ask for a blank check."

in U.S. diplomacy

susing CDRS unit?

what each of the nine categories
that it should be understood
Chaffers then asked "what
the difference was between en-
vironmental protection and im-
provement, versus housing."
COLBURN stated "A specific
definition at this point" could
not be reached. Chaffers then
questioned if percentages should

be assigned before the cate-
gories were defined,
The CDRS task force answers
to a Republican-dominated coun-
cil and Mayor James Stephen-
son, also a Republican.
A majority of the committee's
25 members are Republicans,
and unlike most of the other
members, many of the conser-
vatives are experienced in par-
liamentary maneuvering.

Application materials for the Sprinq-Summer Term
(including Full-Time Work-Study Employment) are
now available in the Office of Financial Aid, 2011
S.A.B. Limited funding available; priority given to
students graduating in August or December, and to
students for whom summer attendance is a necessity.

Puerto Rican leftists
bomb N.Y. restuarant

(Continued from Page 1)

of January of 1975."



Arnott marionettes
charm audience



Center for Coordination of
Ancient and Modern Studies
Peter Arnoll
8:00 P.M.
R.C. Auditorium
TICKETS: $1.50
CALL: 764-0450


You have to see it to believe
it. A big black platform box
raised four feet off the stage
floor, tiny lights illuminating
the s m a 11 theatre-within-a-
theatre, marionettes with in-
credibly detailed costumes and
wide - ranging mobilities, and
above it all like a great mad
scientist at work-the swarming
fingers of Peter Arnott dra-
matizing the Greek tragedy of
This is Peter Arnott's Mari-
onette Theatre, 27 years old and
as strong as ever. Last night
in Residential College, Arnott
brought to life the hilarious and
light-hearted script of Moliere's,
Les Fourberles de Scapin.
THE PLAY, which is one of
four Arnott productions being
performed in Residential Col-
lege this weekend, has an old
theme: Boy meets girl; boy
nearly loses girl through inter-
vention of an angry father; boy
marries girl thanks to help from
a rascally but loveable servant.
But more imprressive than the
play itself is Arnott and his

work: The platform and light-
ing which he built himself, the
marionettes and their costumes
which he designed and fash-
ioned himself, and even the
plays, which he translated him-
It is truly an inspiring combi-
nation, and especially from a
man who also manages in his
spare time to chair the Drama
Department -at Tufts University
in Boston.
"IT'S A silly way to live, but
it has its high points," said Ar-
nott speaking of his dual exis-
tence. Arnott added that his
repertoire is basically Greek
drama, and plays like Scapin
are only ones to which he re-
mains faithful, having learned
them in his apprenticeship.
"I was reading and writing
in Greek by the age of fourteen
in Britain," Arnott said. "And
it occured to me that using mar-
ionettes was an ideal way to
recreate the impact of authentic
Greek theatre."
He explained that Greek the-
atres were huge in audience
capacity. *

was under the discretion of the
chairman (Colburn) and staff,"
said committee -member % Bar-
bra Nutter angrily.
Nutter said Colburn exerted
undue control: "The committee
was structured by the chairman
with the information controlled
by the staff-it was an effort to
prepackage the (CDRS) propo-
sal, and to some extent it did
J I M CHAFFERS, another
m e m b e r of the committee,
wanted a more "comprehen-
sive approach," in December,
saying "perhaps we should be
thinking about the very nature
of the pie itself, rather than
how we slice it."
Colburrn responded by saying

U' Registered Nurses
to vote on unionization!


went to the scene and later de-
nouhced the bombing as "a
senseless act of terror which
defies all reason and decency.'
In a statement, he promised
every effort "to hunt down the
killers and bring them to jus-
In their note, the FALN in-
dicated they thought they were
bombing Fraunces Tavern, and
first reports set the scene of
the explosion there. The note
said in part:
"WE DID this in retaliation
for the CIA ordered bomb that
murdered Angel Luis Chavon-
nier and Eddie Ramos, two in-
nocent young workers who sup-
ported Puerto Rican indepen-
dence and the concienceless
sick maiming of 10 innocent
persons and one beautiful Puer-
to Rican child six years old in
a Mayaguez, Puerto Rico din-
ing place on Saturday the 11th


- vii
I . L


(Continued from Page 1)
medical and technical person-
nel, or all professionals within
the University.
Had the University succeeded
in its attempt, the nurses would
have had to organize all em-
ployes who fit into that defi-
HOWEVER, a month ago,
MERC ruled that the RN's are
a legal bargaining unit.
A proposed pay cut was the
initial catalyst that started the
nurses toward organization, but
presently the major issues are
more control in staff policy and
patient care.
"We want more say in staff-
ing positions and the number
of nurses assigned to a unit,"
Rebbeck said.
agreed with Rebbeck and add-
ed, "If a medical facility has
to hire more nurses, it will balk.
But if the nurses feel a need
for more help, then they should
have the right to have some in-
fluence in that decision."
A more tenuous issue than
staff decisions and policy - mak-
ing is patient care. Some nurses.
feel that an institution like the
University Medical Center --
where many major decisions
are made far above the hospital
administration and Board of Di-
rectors - may not be aware of
patient needs.
"Decision - making here is es-
pecially critical," said Guy.
"Often it has to go through
layers and layers of adminis-
tration, sometimes all the way
to the Board of Regents. At is-
sue here is whether a group
like ours has any control in pa-
tient care. We have to have a
legal mechanism to fulfill legal
Volume LXXXV, No. 96
Saturday, January 25, 1975
is edited and managed by students
at the University of Michigan. News
phone 764-0562. Second class pnstAge

and professional accountabil-
PRESENTLY, nurses in the
University Medical Center work
under the same standard pro-
visions as all other non-union
University personnel, receive
the same benefits and follow
the same grievance procedure.
When the administration at-
tempted to cut differential pay,
nurses began to realize that
"they didn't have a legal leg to
stand on," according to Guy.
"What we want," said Vera
Hirschman, a nurse at Univer-
sity Hospital, "is to have some
of this policy put down in writ-
NURSES are not actively
seeking a pay raise, but there
have been some complants over
equality of wages. One nurse
maintained that she presently
received a lower wage than an-
other who started two years
However, it could be a matter
of months before the nurses de-
mands even reach the Univer-
sity bargaining table. After the
election, and if the MNA wins,
a preliminary contract must
be drawn up, and then nego-
The number of diverse nurs-
ing units involved in the con-
tracts presents complications to
the MNA. Guy exolained that
the working conditions for
nurses in Mott Hospital could
be different than those in the
University Hospital.
"WE CAN over come this by
making a major contract for
all RNs to cover common areas
like Blue Cross-Blue Shield, and
then make separate contracts
for various groups," she said.
One of the major factors in-
cluded in the contracts will be
the code for nurses, listing pro-
fessional standards.

The bomb went off in an
adjoining, somewhat similar
three-story biulding, the Anglers
and Tarpon club on Broad
Street. Both this building and
the Tavern are owned by the
Sons of the Revolution of the
State of New York, and both
have dining rooms.
Persons working in the area
commented again and again on
the force of the explosion. Din-
ers in the 60th floor cafeteria of
the nearby Chase Manhattan
Bank headquarters said the sky-
scraper shook when the blast
THE ANGLERS club dining
room on the second floor was
reportedly "kind of crowded"
when the bomb went off. Said
Michael Soveren, 21, of Bayside,
Queens, who was lunching
"We were getting ready to
leave and then heard this ter-
rific explosion. I was knocked
to the floor. I was shocked. I
could hear cracking walls, see
dust, but-would you believe it?
-there was no panic."
Sun gives
away dope
(Continued from Page 1)
tunate recipient.
Fenton wouldn't even confirm
if the contest's first prize, a
pound of Columbian marijuana
valued at between $200 and
$300, was even in the city.
Asked the location of the stash,
Fenton told the press, "You
know we can't tell you that," to
a chorus of laughter.
The Sun had first gotten State
Representative Perry Bullard,
(D-Ann Arbor) to give away
the grass, but after some past
unfavorable publicity about his
participation in the annual Hash
Bash, Bullard announced that
further exposure to marijuana
was dangerous to his political
health and bowed out.
AS A replacement, the Sun
obtained the services of County
C o m m i s s i o n e r Cath-
erine McClary (D-Ann Arbor) to
select the name of the contest
McClary, who said she was
"very glad to be here today,"
plucked the winning entry from
a burlap bag labelled "U. S.
Grade A Colombian Marijuana,"
and said'she would certify that
the Sun had indeed delivered
the dope at a later date.
But Fenton assured the
crowd that "of course there is
no marijuana, just the entries,"
in the zip-lock baggies. He
nointed out that zip-lock baggies
had been chosen to hold the
names because they are "tra-
ditional" containers for pot.
Besides the publicity - gather-
ing marijuana, the Sun also
gave away 15 tee-shirts com-
memorating the event, and ten
autogranhed copies of Gittar
Army, John Sinclair's unusual
literary work.

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