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January 25, 1975 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1975-01-25

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See Editorial Page

flit itu


See Today for details

Eighty-Four Years of Editorial Freedom

Vol. LXXXV, No.,96

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, Jonuary 25, 1975

Ten Cents

Six Pages


17 urses




u n ioniza ion

Day care dollars
Student Government Council President Carl
Sandberg last night declared the cancellation of a
$2,500 grant to the Child Care Action Center "par-
liamentarily out of order." After considerable de-
bate Thursday night, SGC reconsidered and re-
scinded the motion of the week before to give the
grant to child care. Under parliamentary law, a
motion to reconsider can only be taken up in the
same meeting in which it was passed. On these
grounds, Sandberg declared the action null and
void. Child care wins Round Three, and the cen-
ter gets the money.
Scha per wins
And while we're on the subject of SGC, former
Council Treasurer David Schaper has won a $300
court judgement against the council for non-pay-
ment of a contract Schaper made with SGC for
services during the 1973 fall campus elections. SGC
had hoped to prove that Schaper interfered with
the election, and thus violated the contract, but
Circuit Judge John Rominson ruled that terms of
the pact were upheld by Schaper.
are at rock bottom today. The Women's Com-
munity Center is sponsoring Virginia's Room, a
women's coffeehouse, at 8 p.m. in the Guild
House, 802 Monroe . . . The Electric Candlelight
Concert, a multi-media extravaganza with music,
live electronics, film, theatre, light show and
dance, will begin at 8 p.m. in the School of Music
Recital Hall. It's free, folks . . . and the Go Club
will meet at 2 p.m. in Rm. 2050 of the Frieze Bldg.
"Go," incidentally, is a Japanese game of stra-
No war?
White House Press Secretary Ron Nessen yes-
terday denied a report that the United States was
preparing to send troops to the Middle East.
"There is no truth to it," he told reporters after
consulting Defense Secretary James Schlesinger. A
report in the New Republic magazine said three
U. S. divisions were being formed for service in
the Middle East. President Ford, in a televised
interview last night, refused comment when asked
about the report.
UFW in Sweden
The UFW grape boycott received some unexpect
ed support yesterday when Swedish longshoremen
supporting Caesar Chavez' union refused to unload
74 tons of California grapes. The ill-fated cargo
had previously made the journey from California
to Oslo, where Norwegian dock workers had also
refused to handle the cargo. "The ship came here
in an attempt to evade the Norwegian blockade,"
said a Swedish longshoremen's official.
Wrong way
The next time a cop stops you for going the
wrong direction on a one-way street, tell him
you're doing your part to stop tornadoes. Accord-
ing the a report yesterday by four California sci-
entists in Nature magazine, the sharp increase in
tornadoes since 1920 is directly attributable to a
similar increase in traffic flows. They say the op-
posing streams caused by our style of driving
creates strong, counterclockwise cyclical turbu-
lence in the atmosphere. All of this could be pre-
vented, they recommend, if everyone in the North-
ern Memisphere would begin driving on the left
side of the street, while our counterparts on the

South half of the globe drive in the right-hand
lanes. Next problem?s
On the inside ...
... the Editorial Page features the continuation
of David Garfinkel's series on Morocco, plus the
weekly bridge column . . . the Sports Page gives
you all the info on last night's hockey game against
Minnesota and the wrestling match at Purdue as
well . . . review of the Peter Arnott Marionette
Theatre is featured on Page 2 . . . and look to
Page 3 for The Daily's weekly calendar of events.
On the outside...
So much for the thaw. A growing storm moving
n-a tha tna tismnr na illhriamrd .l

After a long, quiet battle against apathy, a
high turnover rate, and a legal delay, the Regis-
tered Nurses (RN) employed by the University
Medical Center will vote next week on whether
they want the Michigan Nurses Association
(MNA) to represent them as a legal bargaining
agent to the University.
Unlike other University labor organizations,
the nurses' major demands are not job security
and wages. Their first concerns are more con-
trol in staff policy and decisions, and patient care.
THE NURSES' STRUGGLE began in August
of 1973, when the University attempted to cut
their differential pay for late shifts, and in the
ensuing protest, the nurses began the drive to-
ward unionization. The administration later re-
versed their decision on the pay cut, but despite
frequent setbacks, the RNs will make their union-
ization decision at the polls Tuesday and Wednes-

MNA staffer Joan Guy told a small group of
RNs on Thursday night to look toward the future,
and said they would only win some control if
they organized.
"If nurses are going to have anything to do
with the increased government regulation in

"So if 20 nurses vote, and 11 vote yes, then
the MNA will win," explained Carol Rebbeck of
the nurses' General Council.
Though last August the MNA did receive the
necessary show of interest required by the Michi-
gan Employment Relations Commission (MERC),

'If nurses are going to have anything to do with the increased gov-
ernment regulation in medicine, we've got to be organized. I see no
other way for any group of women to have any kmi of clout.'
MNA staffer Joan Guy

Nurses are apathetic."
It has been difficult to maintain a continual in-
terest in unionization because of the tremendous
nurse turnover rate in the Medical Center. Reb-
beck reported their average length of employ-
ment is seven months.
"It's so quick, we can't keep a group together
long enough to get their names down," she said.
ANOTHER HINDRANCE is the lack of com-
munication between various medical units. For
example, University Hospital, Mott Children Hos-
pital, and the Women's Hospital, are entirely
In addition to these difficulties, the University
threw another roadblock in the nurses' way last
year by refusing to recognize registered nurses
as a bargaining unit. The administration pro-
posed several alternative units, including all
See 'U', Page 2

medicine, we've got to be organized. I see no
other way for any group of women to have any
kind of clout," Guy said.
* IF THE MNA is to be appointed as the RNs'
bargaining unit, it must pull a majority of those

the general attitude of the nurses could be de-
scribed as unenthusiastic. At an informational
session held by the MNA Thursday night, only 20
nurses showed up.
"I'M USED to a small turnout," commented
Rebbeck, "Most of the meetings have been small.

House committee






b ~$53
} ~al
" ca
r sen
Daily Photo by STEVE KAGAN co
WASHTENAW COUNTY COMMISSIONER Cathy McClary and golden-haired, beaming Ann the
Arbor Sun Editor David Fenton hold up a gunnysack full of . . . dozen of entries in the pac
Sun's "Win-a-pound-of-Columbian" marijuana contest yesterday. The drawing was held as C o
scheduled in front of City Hall, but the lucky winner was not named. cur
{'] pec
Wlatsthelt dope? S off
"r be
dishes it out at City Hall l
By STEPHEN SELBST But despite holding the drawing at the seat bilk
The city's reputation as the "Dope Capital of city government, the Sun played it cautious 0
of the Midwest" got a boost yesterday when - probably in response to Police Chief Walter ma
the weekly Ann Arbor Sun held its much- Krasny's announcement Wednesday that if afti
publicized "Win-a-Pound-of-Columbian-Weed" there were any violations of the law at City gre
contest drawing in the shadow of City Hall- Hall, arrests would result. There was no marl- deli
and the police station located on the first juana at the event. tari
floor. Also, Washtenaw County Prosecutor William eigi
Although Sun editor David Fenton admitted Delhey had tried to block the event at the last wit
the contest was held largely as a promotional minute with a court order, but according to rea
stunt for the paper, he claimed the selection of Fenton, the police "flubbed the legalisms" ret
City Hall as a site for the drawing was sym- and the case was dismissed on technical T
bolic, since it was there that the nation's first grounds as the contest proceeded. Con
$5 law for possession of marijuana was en- "FOR obvious reasons, the name of the win- wh
acted in 1972. ner can't be announced," Fenton said. He bar
FENTON, said with a broad grin that the stuck to his guns, although the crowd of about hon
dope giveaway was important because it 75, many of them reporters, kept pestering the his
helped "inject the issue of legalization of wild-haired editor for the identity of the for- 5ci
marijuana into the public consciousness." See SUN, Page 2 .i..
:..=: :.. :; TI

ingress drove yesterday
ward a major showdown
th President Ford by ty-
g a delay in his oil tariff
kes to an increase in the
bt ceiling he needs to
y for his new economic
3y a 15-14 vote, the House
ays and Means Commit-
decided to tie these is-
es together and then
ted 19-15 to approve leg-
ation which would block
esident Ford's triple-
%ge oil import tariff boost
d would increase the fed-
al debt limit to a record
31 billion through June
DEMOCRATS in Congress
re using as their weapon
ainst Ford'sstariffrtax boost
traditionally veto-proof piece
legislation which must be
ned into law within the com-
month or the government
n n o t continue borrowing
3ut, after the vote, Rep. Her-
.n Schneebeli (R-Pa.), the
iior GOP member of the
mmittee, said he was sure
President would veto this
ckage if it emerges from
n g r e s s. The President,
mneebeli said, "opposes the
b on his authority" which the
nel placed in this legislation.
'he debt limit crisis is ex-
:ted to develop Feb. 18 when
icials figure the existing tem-
ary $495 billion ceiling will
reached. On March 31, that
it is due to vanish and the
al lid automatically will
nge to the permanent $400
ion level.
IN FEB. 1, under a procla-
tion Ford issued Thursday
er rejecting repeated con-
ssional calls for a voluntary
ay, a special $1 per barrel
iff will be imposed on for-
n oil and petroleum products,
:h additional monthly in-
ases of $1 until a $3 level is
ched April 1, thus boosting
ail gasoline prices.
'he President is pressing for
ngress to pass legislation
ich would impose a $2 per
rrel levy on all oil from
me and abroad. He has said
tariff action would be re-
nded when such broader leg-
tion is enacted.
he committee's bill would
See OIL, Page 2

AP Photo
NEW YORK CITY firemen carry a stretcher into the Anglers
and Tarpon Club yesterday after a bomb exploded nearby,
killing four people and injuring at least 40 others. A Puerto
Rican nationalist group claimed credit for the blast.
Bomb blast hits NY
restaurantm~, kills .4
NEW YORK (Pt-Four persons werekilled yesterday in the
explosion of a bomb planted in the doorway of a sportsmen's
dining club next to historic Fraunces Tavern in the Wall Street
area. At least 42 were injured, most superficially.
A Puerto Rican nationalist group claimed responsibility.
A SPOKESPERSON said a back, ground floor dining room in
Fraunces Tavern was "a shambles," although the rest of the
landmark building apparently was undamaged.
Built in 1719 and restored near the turn of the century,

GOP misusing CDRS study?

Fraunces Tavern was the scene
ington's tearful farewell to the
officers who served under him
in the Revolutionary War. It
is about 400 yards from the New
York Stock Exchange.
"Like an earthquake," the
owner of a nearby grocery
store said of the explosion,
w h i c h sprayed razor-sharp
shards of glass on passersby
thronging the narrow streets on
their lunch hour.
caller to The Associated Press
15 minutes after the 1:30 p.m.
blast indicated it was the work
of the FALN, a band of na-
tionalist Puerto Rican terrorisls.
Its members previously have
planted bombs in the metropoli-
tan area, but previous blasts
have not caused any fatalities.
Later, police recovered a note
in which the FALN took com-

on Dec. 4, 1783, of George Wash-
4R Je
on dean
University officials acknowl-
edged for the first time yester-
day that the Board of Regents
reached at least a partial de-
cision last week on the selec-
tion of a new literary college
(LSA) dean.
In a statement released yes-
terday, Vice President for Aca-
demic Affairs Frank Rhodes

Daily News Analysis
City Republicans may have
effectively manipulated the sug-
gestions of two mayoral-appoint-
ed citizens committees designed
to study the allocation of a $2.5
million federal grant.
The grant is in the form of
Community Development Rev-

of Governments and the County
Planning Commission.
The two citizen's committees
were formed last fall to advise
City Council on how the money
should be spent. Former Re-
publican councilman William
Colburn was appointed chair-
man of the committee primarily
responsible for the recommen-
dations to council.

The committee recommended
$74,000 for "historical preserva-
tion" under its economic de-
velopment funding category.
The recommended allocation
for "historical preservation"
came under heavy attack last
Monday night at a CDRS public
hearing as not in the spirit of
CDRS funding as outlined by
Congress-having little to do


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