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September 08, 1974 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1974-09-08

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See Today for details

Vol. LXXXV, No. 4 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, September 8, 1974 Free Issue
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Ten Pages


The last freebie
Today is the last free issue of the Daily. From
now on it will cost you a dime to find out what's
happening on campus and in the city. If you've
ordered a subscription, your first copy should be
on your doorstep Tuesday morning. And if you
haven't ordered that subscription yet, give us a
call at 764-0558 this morning or anytime tomor-
Damage deposits
Lawyers at the city's Legal Aid chapter warn
that student tenants face a high chance of get-
ting bilked on their damage deposits at this time
of year. In response to a barrage of requests, Legal
Aid is holding a one-hour seminar on "How to Get
More of Your Damage Deposit Back." It's sched-
uled. for noon tomorrow in Room 4310 of the Un-
ion, and if you're worried about not getting a fair
shake from your landlord, you should be there.
Happenings ...
Virtually nothing is happening today . . . but to-
morrow things start to pick up. There's a mass
meeting for the Men's Glee Club at 7:30 p.m. to-
morrow night in the Michigan Union and AFSCME
invites all University clericals to a pre-election
open house tomorrow from 5 to 9 p.m. at the Cam-
pus Inn's Huron Room.
CIA sabotage
The Washington Post reported this morning that
it had learned that CIA Director William Colby had
told a congressional subcommittee that his agency
targeted $11 million in covert action funds against
the Allende government in Chile. The New York
Times carried a similar story in its Sunday
editions reporting the figure at $8 million. Colby
reportedly made his statement to the House Armed
Services Special Subcommittee on Intelligence in
secret testimony last April. Both papers said the
money was used to "destabilize" the Marxist gov-
ernment of Salvador Allende and bring about its
Carmen strikes
Hurricane Carmen battered Louisiana's low lying
coast last night, whipping up high tide with winds
that gusted to 180 miles an hour near the center.
A late evening weather bureau bulletin said Car-
men's eye was 90 miles south-southwest of New
Orleans, with hurricane winds screaming over
Grand Isle and deserted marshes beside the sea.
National Guard spokespersons said 11,050 guards-
men would be activated at dawn today to assist in
cleaning up the damage sure to be left behind by
the onslaught of the massive storm center.
Doctors bill
Future medical school graduates would be re-
quired to spend two years in areas where there
are doctor shortages under a bill approved by a
Senate committee. The bill also would compel doc-
tors to get new licenses every six years, limit the
number of specialists and limit the number of
foreign doctors practicing in the country.nThe Sen-
ate Labor and Public Welfare Committee passed
the bill by a 10 to five vote on yesterday and sent
the bill to the Senate floor where action is ex-
pected before the end of the month. Federal funds
account for half of a typical medical school bud-
get, and the bill's goals would be achieved by with-
holding funds unless students agree to practice
in areas where there are doctor shortages. Typic-
ally, these areas include inner-city slums and rural
French connection
The French Connection, which for a time seemed
to vanish from the list of plagues-on-America, may
be reassembling for another crack at the U. S.
heroin market. Turkey's lifting of its three-year-old
ban on the production of opium poppies, the raw
material traditionally transformed in the south of

France into heroin, has created signs that some
of the fine old hands of narcotics chemistry are
trying to revitalize their trade. "We are betting
that a lot of that Turkish morphine base is going
to get through," said Paul Knight, Paris-based
European director for the U. S. Drug Enforcement
Administration. "We have every indication that the
bad guys are betting exactly the same way."
On the inside.. .
. , . read all about love in Ann Arbor in today's
Sunday Magazine. In addition the magazine fea-
tures several book reviews ,. . On the Sports Page



TWIN FALLS, Idaho, (Reu-
ter) - A publicity - conscious
stuntman who calls himself
Evel Knievel plans to jump
across Idaho's Snake River
Canyon on a rocket-powered
motorcycle today and already
the curious are gathering -
lured, like vultures, at the pros-
pect of death.
If he makes it, and it's pretty
certain he will, Robert Craig -
"Evel" from a childhood nick-
name - Knievel will land on
the other side of the half-mile
wide gorge at least six million,
and probably a lot more, dollars
FOR SOME, it's the biggest
thing in America this year. For

others, it's what I
scribed as "the bi
tor rip-off in histor3
For promoters,
and skeptics alike
tainly be the mostl
widely promoted de
pade ever.
Among the audi
two of President
They will be surroa
torcycle freaks, hi:
ers, and everybody
gamble with death
scene to see for th
"I ALWAYS like
a lump in my thro
in my stomach,"
year-old Knievel.
Tying up his gas

has been de- morrow will be the skycycle on h
ggest specta- X-2, a 15-foot long steam-pow- If
y." ered missile that will reach a "It
spectators speed of 350 miles an hour with- bec
it will cer- in four seconds of take-off. som
lucrative and Robert Truax, the former you
aredevil esca- National Aeronautics and Space wai
Administration (NASA) rocket
ence will be scientist who designed the sky- 0
Ford's sons. cycle, rates Knievel's chances add
unded by mo- of a successful crossing ae 4-1. ing
ppies, report- "THERE ARE some dangers ing
y else that a involved," Truax says, "But I K
lures to the think we have mastered most of don
hemselves. them." H
Knievel himself, however, mot
d to live with feels that he has only a 50-50 nap
at and a knot chance of survival. "Who the ma
says the 34- hell cares, I'm going to do it
anyway," he says. He vows that H
tric juices to- if he makes it he will get down

his knees and thank God.
he doesn't, Knievel says:
really makes no difference
ause I'm just going to get
newhere q u i c k e r where
're going some day and I'll
t for you."
s: "Dying is a part of liv-
and while I'm alive I'm go-
to live it to the hilt."
nievel makes out he has
e just that.
is childhood heroes were
tor racers. He says he kid-
ped his wife in order to
rry her when she was 18.
IE WALKS with a slight limp
See KNIEVEL, Page 6

AP Photo
EVEL KNIEVEL waves to the crowd as he is lifted from his
rocket Friday when final pre-launch tests were conducted in
preparation for his Snake Canyon leap.

turns on
the blues
Special To The Daily
WINDSOR - W h e n Luther
Allison stepped up to the mike
last night and asked 4,000 de-
votees at the "Ann Arbor Blues
and Jazz Festival in Exile"
whether they were "ready for
the blues," not even the dis-
appointing c a n c e 11l a t i o n of
Hound Dog Taylor could dam-
pen a thundering "yeah."
They weren't going to hear
Hound Dog because, according
to festival kingpin Peter An-
drews, a slow gate had made
it impossible to pay the blues
RAINBOW Multi-Media, the
festival's promoters, had expect-
ed three times as many fans to
gather at St. Clair College's
Griffin Hollow amphitheatre.
Low ticket sales convinced them
that they could not afford to
pay Taylor, and his set was

Ford rejects





WASHINGTON (M - President Ford has decided
against any quick public move to pressure the Federal
Reserve Board to relax its tight money policy, sources
reported yesterday.
Instead, the sources said Ford was sticking with his
plan to move deliberately in molding a package of anti-
inflation proposals.
THAT PACKAGE plan probably won't be completed for at
least amonth, and perhaps not until late in the year, one White
House adviser indicated.
The disclosures came after Ford revealed in a Philadelphia
speech Friday night that he is charting a 22-month battle plan
for what he called his "all-out war against inflation."

Daily Photo by KEN FINK
LUTHER ALLISON gets carried away by his own brand of the blues at last night's installment of
the three-day "Ann Arbor Blues and Jazz Festival in Exile" in Windsor, Ontario. Low ticket
sales forced the cancellation of Hound Dog Taylor's set.

Portugal signs agreement to fre
Mozambique, cease colonial war

"We are going after, one and
all, Democrats, Republicans
and Independents, the public
enemy of inflation in 1974 and
we will lick him before July 4,
1976," Ford told a dinner meet-
ing commemmorating the 200th
anniversary of the First Conti-
nental Congress.
ONE AIDE suggested yester-
day that Ford had picked the
date partly for rhetorical and
symbolic purposes - it's the
1 200th anniversary of America's
./ birth.
But Senate Democratic Lead-
er Mike Mansfield (D-Mont.),
said yesterday "We can't af-
ford to wait that long."
One administration s o u r c e
acknowledged that Ford's time
table is intended to ease the
d pressure for prompt anti-infla-
e-tion action.
the country's economic prob-
lems are "too serious for doing
a- something that looks good in
t- the public mind but could real-
ir ly have bad long-range effects,"
d said one official close to Ford.
la He is against any public re-
lationsstinkering operation just
d for the sake of saying, 'We've
d done something,"' this adviser
See FORD, Page 2

LUSAKA, Zambia (/P) - Portugal and the Mozambique guerrillas
signed an agreement yesterday designed to end almost five cen-
turies of foreign rule in the eastern Africa territory and put a stop
to 10 years of bloody colonial war.
Blacks in Lourenco Marques, the Mozambique capital, re-
acted with jubilation, rallying in the city's sports stadium and
waving the flag of Frelimo, the Mozambique Liberation Front.
BUT WHITE settlers in the territory responded quickly and
angrily to the agreement. They clashed with Frelimo sympathizers
in the capital, and Lisbon radio reported that they had taken over
the city's airport and its main radio station and were broadcasting
proclamations pledging to keep Mozambique from Frelimo.
The agreement called for a cease-fire in the guerrilla war and
a transitional government headed by a Frelimo nominee to run

Mozambique until independence early next summer.
In Lisbon, the Portuguese capital, officials said the
revolt will "make no difference" in implementation of
pendence agreement.

the inde

THE UPRISING was reported led by a clandestine organiza
tion known as "The Dragons of Death," which has been distribu
ing leaflets promising to strike at "Frelimo murderers" and the
supporters. The group is made up of former paratroopers an
commandos who fought against Frelimo in the 10-year guerrill
war in Mozambique.
The radio station was broadcasting martial music, interrupte
periodically by calls to police, army, navy and air force pe
sonnel to report immediately to barracks.
See PORTUGAL, Page 2

A new twist entered the ne-
gotiations to end Ann Arbor's
school strike yesterday when
teacher representatives propos-
ed a two-year contract to school
board bargainers.
In the past, single year pacts
have been the rule, and until
yesterday, both sides in the five-
day old walkout had been ne-
gotiating on a one-year basis.
p.m. yesterday following a day
of meetings. According to union
spokeswoman Anne Harrell,
bargainers began initial explor-
ation of a two-year agreement.
Both sides however, were de-
scribed as "still substantially
apart on both years." The talks
resume this afternoon at Huron
High School.
Teacher union president Dan-
iel Burroughs outlined the as-
sociation's proposal for a two-
year contract in a statement
released last night.
IN IT,, Burroughs said that
teachers would ask for:
-smaller elementary class
-formation of a committee to
study an increase in the board
subsidy of the Ann Arbor Edu-
cation Association (AAEA), the
teachers' union;
-increases in special services
to students, such as social work-
er coverage and speech thera-
py; and
- osto living wage increases

Ethnic fair goers sample
rich and del*cious cuisines

The downtown Main St. Promenade became
a six-block long melting pot this weekend as
20 ethnic groups set up shop under striped cir-
cus tents, Friday and yesterday.
The fair featured booths displaying multi-
ethnic handicrafts, books, jewelry, and most
notably food along with folk music and dancing.
FABIAN POLEYN, president of the Polish
American Congress' local chapter, said the
fair's purpose was to "show that America is
the best of all good things."

a pretty food-oriented fair," adding, "You've
got to be hungry to enjoy it. I came here after
dinner last night and had nothing to do."
The food disappeared rapidly as people glad-
lv paid up to 50 cents for thin pieces of baklava.
The Italian club sold 500 pounds of sausage and
Chicano students parted with 1,000 burritos
(ground beef wrapped in floured tortillas) in
one day, while a woman selling Ukrainian pop-
py cake and apple squares seemed slightly out
of breath from the brisk trade.
"It goes faster than you can bake it. We were
baking all night," she asserted.

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