Friday, December 6, 1974
Page Seven
Friday, December 6, 1974 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven
SGC won't quash charges
Student Government Council
(SGC) voted 15 -4 last night to
continue criminal prosecution
against three former Council
The vote split the formerly
united Reform Party down the
middle and raised the question
of whether SGC President Carl
Sandberg will carry out an ear-
lier threat to resign if criminal
charges against former presi-
dents Bill Jacobs and Lee Gill,
and ex-treasurer David Scha-
per, are not dropped. Sandberg
was unavailable for comment
last night; he was home suffer-
ing from a mild case of food
SGC SOURCES indicated,
however, that Sandberg may
have changed his mind on re-
signing. They stated that Sand-
berg would announce today his
intention to stay on Council.
The motion passed last night
was identical to one passed ear-
lier this term calling for the in-
stitution of criminal charges
New York
out of milk
NEW YORK (/P)-Housewives
found milkless dairy shelves,
grocers rationed remaining sup-
plies and many school children
drank juice as striking Team-
sters cut off the daily flow of
four million gallons of milk to
New York's 10 million consum-
The 3,000 employes of the In-
ternational Brotherhood o f
Teamsters Local 584 struck 115
dairies Wednesday night.
a g a i n s t Gill, Jacobs, andi
The Reform Party ran in the
last election on a platform
which called for recovery of
nearly $60,000 in allegedly mis-
used Council funds. Until last
night's vote, the party had been
opposed to criminal prosecution
on the grounds that it would
hamper efforts to recover the
IN ARGUING for prosecution,
Campus Coalition party member
Robert Gordon stated, "I don't
want to play the devil and un-
leash a monster on society.
They should be held.responsible
for their actions. Do you want
Jacobs (currently a student at
Columbia law school) to be-
come a lawyer? He would fit in
perfectly in t h e Watergate
However, Reform party mem-
ber Elliot Chikofsky countered,
"We want to recover the money,
not hurt individuals."
Schaper, who was present at
the proceedings, maintained his
innocence: "You have a good
case against Gill, where there
is a clear trail of checks. As for
myself, I am innocent and as
far as I know, so is Bill Jacobs,
who is a more moral oerson
than I am."
SGC last night passed a mo-
tion endorsing the reinstate-
ment of academic credit for
ROTC military classes. By an
11-7 vote, Council reversed
its stand of five years ago.
A plan to give credit to sev-
eral ROTC classes is currently
being considered by the literary
college (LSA) curriculum com-
mittee. SGC and other student
groups bitterly opposed ROTC
course credit when it was re-
moved in 1969.
Council member Bob Black
objected, saying he did not feel
"credit for goose-stepping"
should be allowed on campus.
BLACK'S statement d r e w
angry responses from Campus
Coalition member Joe Goring
who is a ROTC student. "The
classes offered include leader-
ship, military law, land naviga-
tion and military speaking . . .
these are more than drills," he
During the Council's constitu-
ent time a student offered a
poll of campus students to the
Dems compromise
On quota system
(Continued from Page 1) "I want to get to know some
party's unprecedented three- of these delegates" said Bent-
day midterm convention offic- sen on arriving at the new Kan-
ially opens today. sas City International Airport.
As the lobbies of downtown The Texas millionaire plans a
hotels began to swarm with ar- 'cocktail party tonight for all
riving delegates, a trio of presi- 4,000 d e 1 e g a t e s, alter-
dential hopefuls - Rep. Morris nates, aides and reporters.
Udall of Arizona and Sens. Lloyd
Bentsen of Texas and Henry JACKSON, when asked if heI
Jackson of Washington - flew was the 1976 front - runner, told
here on two chartered planes
with dozens of their congres-'reporters:"I hope not. Front-
sional colleagues. Gov. George runners are considered targets,
Wallace of Alabama arrived and it counts where you are at
later in a private plane. the end."
Sun., Dec. 8
9 o.m.-3 p.m.
Ann Arbor
Bursley Hall Enterprises
SAT., Dec. 1
9:00 P.M.
Bursicy W. Cafe
U.M. I.D. require(
ed for admission
THE STRIKE eased some-
what yesterday when local Sha bbot Shalom
President John Kelly approved Dec. 6
Mayor Abraham Beame's re- ri.,
quest that delivery resume toM yan 5:00
hospitals and nursing homes.
However, the union refused Shabbat Circle 7:30
the mayor's request thatHI L L EL
schools and day care centers
also be supplied with fresh milk 1429 H I LL ST.
during the strike.
9 a.m.-12 Midnight
7 Days a Week
529 E. Liberty
Hanukah Party
Sunday, Dec. 8 at 8:00 p.m.
Light the first candle
Eat the first latkes
Singing and
at HILLEL-1429 Hill St.
Tropic Isle Pet Supply
(on Washtenaw across from Arborland)
TANKS Fish Specials
10 gal. .....4.99 Black Mollies .19
15 gal. .....9.00 Black Skirt
20 gal.....11.95 Tetras ... .19
25 gal.....18.95 Neons ..... ..19
30 gal.. .24.95 All Damsels . 1.50
50 gal. .... 53.95
55 gal... 59.95 Yellow Tangs 7.00
70 gal.....89.95 Volitan Lions 10.00
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