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December 05, 1974 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1974-12-05

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NOW THAT THE food problem has become the food
crisis, public attention is suddenly focusing on num-
erous food-related issues. In the Third World, millions
are starving to death. Here at home; food costs have
risen so dramatically that many of the poor do not
eat properly. And even the affluent are becoming
aware that what we eat is as important as how much.
In light of these trends, the Student Nutrition Ac-
ion Committee (SNAG) announced Tuesday its plans
for a three-day symposium on food to be held in March.
The event, to be known as Food Day 1975, will cover
a wide range of topics, including national, interna-
tional and personal aspects of nutrition.
PLANS FOR the conference presently include a
number of workshops on various issues, as well as
guest speakers in the area of nutrition. Some sug-
gested areas of attention are food cooperatives, vege-
tarianism, ways to obtain food stamps, protein sub-

stitutes, and supermarket shopping.
The committee hopes that various schools and
colleges, as well as community groups and bifsiness
groups, will prepare workshops related to their areal
of expertise. SNAC members emphasize that this is
a community-wide project, and anyone with ideas or
resources is encouraged to help. -
Plenty of assistance is needed at present to give
the project momentum. According to SNAC member
Arlene Gorelich, at least $15,000 will be required to fund
the project. The group cannot rent auditorium space or
book speakers until they have raised the money. They
hope to do this by soliciting businesses and founda-
THE GROUP hopes that Food Day 1975 will be only
the begining of a tnutrition awareness movement.
Peggy Ravich, head of S'NAC, puts it this way: "We
hope Food Day 1975 will extend outside the Uiniver-
sity community and beyond the actual conference.

We would like to have programs in schools and other
community organizations and to follow up the con-
ference with concrete actions that we can take to im-
prove loca land global food conditions.
Food Day on the University campus will be coordin-
ated with events in different sections of the country
by the Center for Science in the Public Interest, a
non-profit consumer group based in Washington. As
well as stimulating public interest in nutrition, Food
Day is intended to create permanent action groups to
deal with local problems.
THERE WILL be a planning meeting tonight for
Food Day at 8 p.m. in the public health school audi-
torium. All interested members of the public are en-
couraged to attend. Questions can be a-(wered by
Arlene Gorelich, 662-9191 or Steve Gould, 665-7791.
Mary Harris is a Daily staff reporter and assistant
night editor.

Rep. Mills'

Eighty-f our years of editorial freedom
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan

condition d
WHAT IS WRONG with Representative Wilbur
Mills? Suddenly he acts as if he learned his
politics from Perry Bullard. As a result, he will
be stripped of the enormous power he once en-
joyed in near secrecy.
Something is responsible for the drastic change
in his personality and it is up to responsible
journalists like myself, to dredge up the hearsay
and innuendo until we accidentally hit the truth
or force another public dsiplay. The possibilities
are endless, but certain categories can already be
Syphillis for example, cannot be responsible.
Nixon has taught us tha tthe syphilitic brain de-
mands rest, not long nights on the town.
A sudden loss of impotence, however, might
just cause an elderly man to kick up his heels
and damn the consequences. We certainly don't
hear Mrs. Mills complaining, although her hus-
band's public infidelities must give her grief.
There must be something about the new Wilbur
that she likes.
OR IT COULD be drugs causing the strange
behavior, but which ones? Mills has been a pow-
er addict for so long that thetransition to any-
thing else would probably have been a great
Y$ shock.
Somebody lays a few marijuana ceegars on
Wilbur, he smokes one, goes to see a strip act,
and gets so deranged during the show that he
decides to take the stripper out.

Enter Fanne Foxe, bosomy, asinine and ready
for publicity. When Wilbur pulls out the other
joint, Fane reveals a bong filled with wine. We
should be thankful they don't both jump in the
Tidal Basin.
Some have suggested they recognize the twin-
kle of LSD in Wilbur's beady eyes. It's always
possible, of course, but I doubt that the symptoms
can support that diagnosis. His behavior seems
odd only in view of his high office.
Any other elderly man would happily ride
around with Fanne, even without drugs. If acid
had been responsible, we probably would have
witnessed the first self-crucifixion of a U.S.
ONE POPULAR story maintains that one can
almost hear the arteries around Wilbur's brain
hardening, even over television: He is only 65,
which barely qualifies him for Social Security
and doesn't necessarily mean he requires in-
stitutionalization. Still, Wilbur might be an old
65, meaning he doesn't have too many Halloweens
and Christmases to go.
This last theory is almost too irresponsible to
print, but with Watergate safely under our belts,
we can't be too careful. Some claim that Wilbur
is dead, but Nixon had him wired for sound
an'd action He was voting like he always did
when something went wrong. Somebody tried to
ernse his tape, no doubt.
Wayne Johnson is a writer for The Daily's
Editorial Page.

Thursday, December 5, 1974

News Phone: 764-0552

420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104

Dehumanization on the line

IF HENRY FORD were alive today,
he would be hurt. The assembly
line that created his first shiny black
Ford automobile appears to be mov-
ing toward obsolescence, along with
so many other processes that are re-
garded as characteristic features of
American business.
The recent auto industry layoffs
suggest that the force behind assem-
bly line production, the need for hu-
man effort to keep turning out cars
at speeds inconceivable when Henry's
first Ford was born.
Technology has ceased to amaze
the business world. The average
business weekly is outdated by the
time it is distributed. In one week,
new technological advances are
made, which render the publications
partially invalid.
As the auto layoffs continue, it is
interesting to imagine the complex
Sports Staff
Sports Editor
Executive Sports Editor
ROGER ROSSITER .... Managing Sports Editor
JOHN KAHLER.........Associate Sports Editor
Photography Staff
Chief Photographer
Picture Editor
STUART HOLLANDER......Staff Photographer
STEVE KAGAN :............Staff Photographer
PAULINE LUBENS ..........Staff Photographer

new component that will replace
those "old faithfuls," the workers, on
the assembly line.
Its technological features will have
to be explained in highly simplified
terms that the layperson can under-
The auto companies have yet to
unveil even the plans for this new
super-machine, but perhaps it will
appear something like this: A device
will be fixed at a certain point along
the assembly line. Out of its main
body will protrude long, flexible coils
with some kind of gripping tool at the
end. It will have a memory box, like
a tape recorder, that will continually
feed the machine its instructions. It
will be...
Funny, these mechanisms sound an
awful lot like human beings. But al-
though human labor seems cheaper
than all those blueprints and com-
plex pieces of machinery, the auto-
makers seem to have labeled the hu-
man component obsolete.
The proof is already before us -
thousands of these components have
been layed off and sent away to
the old "glue factory," so to speak, of
state welfare benefits.
News: Glen Allerhand, Ken Fink,
Cindy Hill, Cheryl Pilate, Sara Rim-
er, Tim Schick, Becky Warner.
Editorial Page: Steve Ross, Becky
Arts Page: David Blomquist, C h r i s
Photo Technician: Scott Benedict,




7r l -- ' I

To The Daily:
RE: CLARK Cogsdill's com-
ment (Daily, Nov. 22) 'Levi
Jackson would never have made
his 88 yard run if OSU lineback-
er Bruce Elia hadn't turned the
wrong way.'
How astute. And might I add:
So much of history would have
been altered, had things been
done differently.
-Tony Schwartz
November 22
iuclear fission
To The Daily:
THIS IS AN. open letter to
Karen A. Bantel. We too share
your concerns and would like
to help you go beyond the in-
formation made available to
you. You say that "the little
information readily available
pertaining to the hazards of nu-
clear fission are often vague
and misleading."
We think we can give you
other sources of information
and clear up some of the ques-
tions you have. We have not
yet received a copy of the Nor-
thern Michigan Medical Society
report, but if you would show us
your copy, we would be glad
to go through it point by point.
From the comments you have
made, we question the accur-
acy and credibility of the re-
port, for the following reasons:
(1) The comments on the ef-

fects of radioactivity are too
vague. Have you written to the
Division of Radiological Health
in Lansing asking whether or
not it has received a copy of
the report? If so, ask them for
an evaluation. (2) By using the
word "Hiroshima bomb" the re-
port is contradicting the very
point it is trying to make. We
presume that the report is con-
cerned about the effects of lin-
gering radioactivity produced in
N-plants. It happens, however,
that no effect due to the linger-
ing radioactivity has been found
in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The
statement then would imply that
we need not fear the effects of
fission product radioactivity.
We mention this to point out the
illogic of making references to
atomic bombs. Furthermore,
the comment on a spoonful of
Pu-239 is misleading. In fact, if
this amount were fed to 200,-
000 people, the plutonium in the
body would be substantially be-
low the maximum permissible
body burden. The reason for this
is that the body tends to re-
ject plutonium. (3) The state-
ment about radioactive waste is
ambiguous. Please show us the
report and then we will be able
to point out the mistakes.
AS FOR HOUSE Bill No. 6126,
we suggest that you read it very
carefully. If you do not have a
copy, we would be glad to send
you one. We have read it, stu-
died it, and are against it.
Because of your expressed
interest in getting at the facts

of nuclear power, we invite you
and your friends to come over
some afternoon. We will be hap-
py to show you around the nu-
clear reactor on the North Cam-
pus and discuss the problems
and questions you have over a
cup of coffee. Call us to make
arrangements. One of us (C.K.)
can be reached at 764-4260.
-Chihiro Kikuchi,
Dept. of Nuclear .Eng.
To The Daily:
THERE HAS been an upsurge
of interest lately in the govern-
ment's denial of the political
rights of dissenters: from the
front pages of the New York
Times to the Michigan Daily;
from the evening news to the
Pilot Program's speaker on po-
litical assassinations (Thurs.
Nov. 21).
There has been an outcry
against the FBI's plan to "dis-
rupt and distract" anyone who
disagrees with government poli-
cies. The FBI's Counterintelli-
gence Programs (Cointelpro)
are aimed against the Black
Panther Party, other black
groups, the Socialist Workers
Party, new left groups, and
many others: everyone, by the
FBI's own admission, but local
PTA groups.
According to all the recent
news releases, these activities
were supposed to have ceased
in 1971. But consider the fol-
I N A U G U S T, 1 9 7 4,
the FBI announced that it plan-
ned to monitor the upcoming an-
nual convention of the Young
Socialist Alliance. On Oct. 29,
1974, the YSA and Socialist
Workers Party filed a motion
in federal court for a prelimin-
ary injunction to stop the FBI
surveillance of the convention
to be held in St. Louis, Mis-
souri, in December. The social-
ists claims that the planned
surveillance violates their First
Amendment rights of free
speech and association. In a
statement released October 29,
Delphine Welch, YSA National
Organization Secretary said,
"By conducting surveillance of
our convention, the FBI hopes to
stigmatize the YSA, closing
ears and minds to our socialist
ideas. A cloud of suspicion is
cast over our completely legal
convention proceedings and oth-
er political activities.
nIn Pntiroll,1.~nf'nlnrnni'ntifn

not in the FBI "subversive"
files . . . Who committed mass
murder in Vietnam, broke into
the office of Daniel Ellsberg's
psychiatrist, and illegally fi-
nanced efforts to topple the
elected government of Chile?"
Attorney Leonard Boudin ex-
plained at a news conference
that the motion for the injunc-
tion is "part of a civil suit to
win a permanent injunction
against the government's uncon-
stitutional harassment of politi-
cal opponents. That suit was
filed on behalf of the SWP and
YSA in July, 1973."
and YSA maintained that FBI
surveillance would"have "an in-
hibiting effect" on attendance at
the convention. Their court brief
argues that conventioneers
"would be sitting ducks for gov-
ernment name - takers and pho-
To buttress their contentions,
the socialists produced copies of
Civil Service Commission re-
ports on five former govern-
ment employes who were
threatened with dismissal from
their jobs because of their at-
tendance at YSA conventions
and SWP campaign rallies.
Persons and organizations
who agree that the YSA should
be able to hold its convention
free of FBI harassment should
send messages of support to the
local YSA office: 4103 Michi-
gan Union, University of Michi-
gan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104.
IN ADDITION, the attorney
general's list of so-called sub-
versive organizations, suppos-
edly abolished last June by the
Nixon administration remains in
operation today under the Ford
Continuing use of the list was
made public on Nov. 7 when
Steven Wattenmaker, a leader
of the YSA, released the text of
a letter he received from the
U. S. Army Reserve. Citing the
list, the Army threatened to
discharge Wattenmaker on the
grounds that his retention in the
service "would not be clearly
consistent with the interests of
national security."
The 27-year-old list was pro-
claimed abolished on June 4,
1974 by then-President Nixon.
In an Executive Order he de-
clared that it "is hereby abol-
ished and shall not be used for
any purpose." A Justice Depart-
L etters to The W1)-' +^ I

ment spokesman explained at
the time that "government ag-
encies will not be permitted to
refer to the Subversive List."
IN 'THE LETTER dated Oct.
18, 1974 and received by Wat-
tenmaker on Nov. 1, the Army.
explained its action against him
on the grounds that "the YSA is
controlled and dominated by the
Socialist Workers Party, which
has been designated as a sub-
versive organization by the At-
torney General of the United
Under normal Army proce-
dure, Wattenmaker would be
discharged in April, 1977.
Edith Tiger, director of the
National Emergency Civil Lib-
erties Committee, announced
that her group will challenge on
Wattenmaker's behalf "the con-
tinuing use of this unconstitu-
tional 'enemies list."' NECLC
attorney David Kairys, who
successfully defended the Cam-
den 28, will represent Watten-
maker. In a first move, Watten-
maker requested that the Army
convene a "Field Board of In-
quiry" to consider his chal-
DURING HIS two years of ac-
tive duty from 1971 to 1973 in
San Antonio, Texas, Wattenmak-
er was active in opposing the
Vietnam War and presenting a
socialist viewpoint to this fel-
low GIs. He ran for Congress
from San Antonio in 1972.
The Army's letter charged
t h a t Wattenmaker "exhibited
evidence of your specific intent
to further the unlawful goals"
of the YSA. Wattenmaker, a na-
tional committee member of
the YSA, called the Army's
charges "totally untrue."
He said that the "Army
knows full well that both the
YSA and SWP are completely
lawful organizations. The gov-
ernment is the lawbreaker.
"They used that unconstitu-
tional attorney general's list for
27 years, supposedly abolished
it, and now in blatant violation
of their own rules they continue
to use it against lawful politi-
cal activity," he concluded.
IN LIGHT of these cases of
continuing government harass-
ment, support to such civil liber-
ties suits as that filed in July
1973 by Leonard 'Boudin on be-
half of the YSA and SWP be-
comes increasingly important.
Financed and publicized by
the Political Rights Defense
Fund, that suit seeks a perma-
nent injunction against such
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