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November 27, 1974 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1974-11-27

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See Editorial Page


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See Today for details

Eighty-Four Years of Editorial Freedom

Vol. LXXXV, No. 72

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, November 27, 1974

Ten Cents

Six Pages

c ! ~TI'Rn.5f E rIS fPAN" CLL *DAIY
Regent reform
A bill that will permit college students to sit on
the governing boards of their universities has been
sent to the governor, and all it needs now is a
signature to become law. The measure, spon-
sored by state Rep. Perry Bullard (D-Ann Ar-
bor), was finalized by a 87-9 vote in the house.
In the senate last week, the bill was defeated once
before it mustered the support it needed for pas-
sage. Milliken's signature on the bill will guaran-
tee a seat for 23-year-old Michael Einheuser on
Wayne State's Board of Governors. Einheuser,
who was elected Nov. 5, would otherwise face a
court battle to retain his seat.
Campaign spending
It's time for November candidates to file cam-
paign spending reports, and, from the early re-
turns, the results are rather interesting. Demo-
crats, it seems, led the way in both campaign
fundraising and spending over their GOP oppon-
ents in the recent election. An important excep-
tion, however, was incumbent State Sen. Gil Burs-
ley, who outspent opponent Peter Eckstein by
4 to 1. Democratic 2nd Congressional District can-
didate John Reuther spent a whopping $60,000 and
incurred a $12,500 debt, while GOP incumbent
Marvin Esch spent a mere $41,500. In the 53rd
District state rep contest, incumbent Democrat
PerryiBullard raised $4,200 and spent $3,750, while
opponent Rae Weaver raised and speit $11,000.
Bursley raised and spent $24,000, while Eckstein
raked in roughly $2,300 in contributions, and spent
The aroma of turkey, pumpkin pie and cranberry
sauce is in the air, and we're just as susceptible
as everyone else. So, with a fond farewell and a
promise to be on your doorstep again Tuesday
morning, Daily reporters and editors are being
lured home for a turkey dinner, four days of
sleep, and a chance to catch up on studies. Happy
. . .are topped by the most welcome happening
of all: Thanksgiving recess officially begins at
5 p.m. For those who can't wait to celebrate, how-
ever, the U.S. Track and Field Federation is hold-
ing cross-country championships - admission free
- at noon on the 'U' golf course . . . For those less
athletically and more artistically inclined, PTP's
performance of Pericles debuts 8 p.m. at Power
Center . . . Things wil slow down over the week-
end, with only a few notable happenings. Women's
Studies will sponsor "Poetry Uptown," a poetry
reading by Carolyn Gregory at the Del Rio, 2
p.m. Saturday . . . the Prison Project of the Ann
Arbor Health Collective/'Medical Committee for
Human Rights will meet at 4 p.m. Sunday, 437
Ashley. Classes resume at 8 a.m. Monday.
McCarthy in '76?
If the idea of a Ford vs. Scoop Jackson race
in '76 doesn't appeal to you, there may be a third
alternative - and for a change, it isn't George
Wallace. Former Sen. Eugene McCarthy told an
audience of Long Beach, Calif., students Monday
night that a third party candidate may capture the
presidency come election time, and that he would
be willing to be its nominee. The onetime Demo-
crat and leader of the 1968 "Children's Crusade"
for the presidency added that he would be willing
to support the nominee of a third party if some-
one else were chosen. '
No ghosts
It was a hair-raising incident - and, for that
matter, furniture-moving, wall-banging and knik-
knack-throwing as well. In Bridgeport, Conn., Po-
lice Supt. Joseph Walsh announced that a 10-
year-old girl was responsible for four days of
havoc in a private house that included all kinds
of " psychic levitations. "There are no ghosts in
Bridgeport," said Walsh. He said the policemen,

priest, and psychic researcher who saw furniture
move were "victims of the power of suggestion.
Even some of my own men were taken." Said Ger-
ald Goodin, the girl's adopted father, "Her mind
was controlled. She never acted like this before.
Somebody else controlled her mind for her." But
at least one person has another opinion. "I think
that some shrewd detective has talked the- fam-
ily into saying it was a hoax to get the crowds
away from the house," according to occult lec-
turer Edward Warren.
On the inside ...
. . the Editorial Page reprints the latest from
your friendly Army Recruitment Office . . . and,
on the Sports Page, Marc Feldman interviews
Mike Lantry, who has some interesting insights
on Michigan's fatal flaw at OSU.
On the outside...
A white Thanksgiving? Our cold spell will con-
tinue for the rest of this week. Another storm sys-
tem will bring occasional light snow or snow
showers this m>rning and afternoon with one inch





A tuition boost for next fall appeared increasingly
likely this week as the University's shaky financial
position crumbled further.
A State Supreme Court ruling and the governor's
plans to cut state appropriations to the University-
plus rising pay demands from campus employes-
have created what Vice President for Academic
Affairs Frank Rhodes calls a financial "depression."
GOVERNOR William Milliken's recommendation
is the most serious of the two setbacks. He has pro-
posed that all higher education institutions in Mich-
igan reduce their budgets by 1.5 per cent for the
fiscal year already begun.
The supreme court ruling will probably take a
less devastating toll. The decision granted tuition
refunds to all out-of-state students enrolled between
May 1973 and May 1974. This may cost the Univer-
sity over $1.5 million; however, a reserve fund has
already been created and may cover most of the
Administration officials are stating publically that
all necessary cuts can be made internally-at least
for this year. According to Rhodes, who is acting as
president in Robben Fleming's absence, "Individual
schools and colleges will make s-ggestions on areas

to be cut."
SPECIFICALLY, each unit is being asked to seek
cuts of one and a half per cent, which will then be
evaluated by the administration.
Rhodes admitted, however, that "We can't guar-
antee at this time that all cuts will be internal-
weire keeping all our options open."
Rhodes rejected the idea of a tuition hike this
A student member of the Budget
Priorities Committee indicated that
officials h a v e already discussed
raising fees and claimed there is
"no doubt about a tuition hike" in
semester. As he put it, "Clearly we are not going
to raise tuition at mid-year; we are not going to
lay off faculty at mid-year." But he indicated that
"the political siuation" in Lansing made it impos-
sible to predict next fall's financial picture.
Rhodes would not rule out a fee hike for Septem-

Richard Kennedy, secretary of the University, said
a fee hike is "certainly an alternative, but not one
being discussed at present." And Lawrence Fincher,
assistant to the vice president for state relations
and planning, agreed. "Layoffs and a tuition hike
are possibilities, but not likely," he said.
But Jim Weinstein, a student member of the
Budget Priorities Committee, indicated yesterday
that officials on the committee have already dis-
cussed raising fees next year. Weinstein felt there
is "no doubt about a tuition hike."
Nobody contacted in the administration would
admit they agreed with that view, but there were
no flat denials either.
SINCE THE present fiscal year began in July and
is almost half over, the 1.5 per cent cut propose,.
by Milliken would actually be closer to three per
cent. Action by the appropriations committee is
expected early next week.
In addition to the appropriations cut, Milliken is
asking for a freeze on capital outlays, which would
halt new renovation and construction programs.
According to J. P. Weindenbach, director of the
University's plant department of Physical Proper-
ties, the freeze will not affect projects already in
See 'DEPRESSION', Page 2

FRANK RHODES, acting University
president: "We can't guarantee . . .
that all cuts will be internal-we're
keeping all our options open."


EMU hit
Eastern Michigan University
(EMU) and its faculty union
have reached tentative agree-
ment on terms of a new con-
tract. The pact was concluded
early yesterday morning, hours
after union members had voted
to authorize a strike.
It now appears that the threat
of a walkout, which might have
materialized early next week,
has passed.
DETAILS of the new con-
tract were not released, pend-
ing ratification by members of
the faculty's union - the Ameri-
can Association of University
Professors (AAUP) - and the
EMU Board of Regents.
The AAUP is expected to act
next week, and the regents will
vote on the agreement Decem-
ber 11.
The new contract is the pro-
duct of eight hours of secret ne-
gotiation which lasted into early
yesterday morning.
CHIEF EMU negotiator Gary
Hawks, and Sally McCracken,
head AAUP bargainer, issued a
joint statement yesterday in
which they both recommended
ratification. The statement said
the latest negotiations "have re-
sulted in changes in the posi-
tions of both parties and which
each believes forms the basis
for an agreement between
McCracken and Hawks also
expressed gratification that
their pact "will avoid potential
disruption of university opera-
tions and allow for further ad-
herence to requirements of the
university calendar."
On Monday afternoon, AAUP
members had voted almost$
unanimously to reject a pre-L
vious EMU offer,

o fers


{ . biggest
dent Ford, apparently sig-
naling increased concern
about a deepening reces-
sion, yesterday abandoned
his goal of cutting this
year's federal spending be-
low $300 billion.
In a special message to
Congress, however, Ford did
propose $4.6 billion of
spending cuts that would
put estimated outlays for
the current fiscal year that
began July 1 at $302.2 bil-
THE BULK of the reductions
would come in programs ad-
ministered by the Department
of Health, Education and Wel-
fare and the Veterans Admin-
the farm istration.
Defending a decision to seek
er look at a cutback of only $381 million
building. in Defense Department spend-
knew that ing, Ford said earlier actions,
moments largely initiated by Congress,
of hungry already have slashed $2.2 billion
from anticipated defense spend-
"I believe that further cuts
*e rushing in defense spending would be
exceedingly unwise, particularly
meals are at this time," Ford said.

7'T ~Buyers and bir,
F take to turkey t
LIVONIA-The large white birds strutted around
yard, lifting their red heads occasionally for a bett
the people entering and leaving the white-washed
Their gossipy gobbles would not be so gleeful if theyI
{ their fellow gobblers-who had entered the building
before-were now plucked and stuffed under the arms
F, .:. humans.
Thus goes life on Roberts Turkey Farm.
MEANWHILE, back in Ann Arbor, families wer
to the stores to pick up their birds.
"For a guy whose just been laid off, how manyx
you going to get off of hamburger?" said a reflect
: >'. counter worker at Kroger's Westgate store. He pointe
while the cheapest burger meat is 98 cents a pound,
as low as 37 cents a pound.
} One woman explained, "If I don't eat it all, I'll j
the rest. . . . It's a good buy."
ANOTHER shopper admitted, "I don't like tu
much, so I have it once a year-at Thanksgiving."
But at Roberts Turkey Farm, once a year is once
Daily Photos by KEN FINK time.

;tive meat
-d out that
, turkey. is
just freeze
zrkey that
in a life-

would have reached his goal,
of a budget under 300 billion
except for $2.7 billion in in-
creased spending for aid to the
"It would be unwise, in my
view to add additional dollar
reductions of each dollar of
increased aid to the unemploy-
ed," he said.
- Although White Ihouse offi-
cialstnow talk in terms of a
recession, Ford did not use the
term in his message but rather
spoke of "slack that has de-
veloped in some sectors of the


Miner leaders approve revised pact


WASHINGTON (P)-Regional leaders of the United
Mine Workers (UMW) reversed themselves and approved
a revised contract offer yesterday, paving the way for a
vote by the union's 120,000 striking miners.
UMW President Arnold Miller announced the bargain-
ing council's approval and said it may be possible to
reopen the mines sometime next week if the membership
ratifies the pact.
THE VOTE came hours after the council had rejected
the proposal by a 2-to-1 margin. Miller explained the
change by saying that council members "had time to
think about their responsibility to the membership."
Union sources said the coal industry's modified offer,
which provides a three-year wage-benefit hike of 64 per

it's going to be hard to sell a package with no more
immediate wage increase than that. The primary concern
is not enough actual take-home money."
The proposed contract calls for a 10 per cent wage
increase the first year. The miners, who have been on
strike for two weeks, averaged about $45 a day under
the old contract.
Ronald Robbins, president of Local 1628 in Gary,
W.Va., protested that the new accord did not have a
clause guaranteeing the right to strike over local issues
and did not eliminate the shift rotation of coal miners,
two issues he said the new UMW leadership had promised.
"I believe Arnold Miller is in for the surprise of his
life," Robbins said. "Mr. Miller said he had all the apple.
Well, that's a rotten apple he's chewing on. The whole

"I HAVE tried to avoid ac-
tions that would duly add to
unemployment or adversely af-
fect those hurt most by infla-
tion," he said.
The President's new budget
projections are ex tr em el y
"iffy," if only because the bulk
of proposed cuts in outlays
would require 135 separate ac-
tions by Congress before it ad-
journs next month. Moreover,
the revised budget assumes en-
actment of a variety of past
administration proposals, includ-
ing the five per cent income
surtax Ford wants but which
has generated little congression-

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