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November 21, 1974 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1974-11-21

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Page Two


Thursday, November,21, 1974

Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, Noveriber 21, 1 ~74

Student files under wraps

'U' TAs last in Big Ten

pay scale

f f!nn f.9 n n.lt frr finer. 1%

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(Continued from Page 1) ney headed back to headquar-
EXTRACTING a document ters to revamp his approach.
that looked suspiciously like IMF MEMBER Willie (not his
plans for converting Burton real name), a brawny pre-med
Tower into a missile silo, the ex-prize fighter, tested his tal-
counselor bleated, "You see, we ents at the pre-professional of-
have n o t h i n g surreptitious fice.
here." The medical sciences secre-
He paraphrased the file's con- tary, actively engaged in fend-
tents, wholeheartedly attempt- ing off loquacious pre-med stu-
ing to quell any lingering doubts dents, looked drawn and tired
as to the nature of the confiden- as she greeted him at the desk.
tial information; Barney and "And what do YOU want?"
the counselor were both yawn- she droned.
ing when the meeting drew to a WILLIE REPEATED Barney's
close. request. "I'm not the official
Upset over the first set-back spokeswoman on the subject,"
of his investigative career, Bar- she sighed. "I'll have to refer
you to a higher official."
- She led Willie to an executive
Read and Use secretary who whimpered some-
thing about a flood of requests
ail y Classifieds similar to his but was quickly
contradicted by an official-


looking gentlemen in a brightly-
colored tie.
The official took Willie to an
office that was being measured
for new curtains. Above the din
of the drills, the man explained,
We at the pre-professional of-
fice will abide by the Regents'
ruling. We feel it's only fair
that we wait until other schools
have done the same. We don't
want to jeopardize our pre-
got no better results than Bar-
ney's. He returned to pout with
the IM staff, sad that his first
mission had proved to be im-
But it's really not so sur-
prising. After all, life at the
University is not a television

(Continued from Page 1)

most expensive Big Ten univer-

THE HALF - TIME appoint- sity. Six universities waive
ment is typically the most com- some or all tuition for TAs with
mon assistantship among con- half-time appointments.
ference universities. Because GRADUATE departments are
most schools demand that TAs discovering two major conse-1
aso enroll at least half-time, quences of their TAs' diminish-
appointments above half - time ed financial prospects: loss of
are very rare. financial incentive to aid re-
The survey cannot speak for cruitment of top graduate stu-
every department at Michigan dents, and lowered TA morale.
or indeed at other schools. Some Despite the University's pres-
departments subsidize t h e i r tige, some departments report
TAs' salaries with scholarship that recruiting is becoming
funds. At Michigan, however, tougher as financial aid pack-j
this practice occurs too infre- ages which include teaching
quently to influence the salary assistantships are outbid by,
scale for half-time TAs. other universities.!
In terms of absolute salary The Mathematics department
received by TAs, M i c h i g a n is one of the University's most
ranks near the top. But Mich- competitive. Graduate talent
igan resident tuition is $300 scout Prof. Maxwell Reade says,
more per year than the next "We still lose our best pros-

pective students to Stanford,| feel if we had a couple of hun-I
Harvard, Berkeley and Yale. dred dollars more to give TAsI
They have more sunshine or we could attract more top stu-
more free money. Of the 25 to dents."
30 'Bubba Smiths' (math hot IN CONTRAST, Denis Paz,
shots) available, we used to get assistant to the chairman of the
about six. But now we're down History department, says, "We
to one or two." don't compete for graduate stu-I
"WE'RE handicapped by a dents. . . . I haven't noticedj
poorer financial aid package any drop in their quality." Pazi
and less interest in math among argues that the University's
recent graduates." prestige is sufficient to attract;
No department surveyed vet good students despite high tui-
complains of reduced quality Besides limiting the Univer-
in its graduate students. De-
partments like Reads', however,
are most aware of recruiting
ma f h gauaecomtte SGC argi
Lawrence Brockway, chair-
man of the graduate committee (Continued from Page l)
in the Chemistry department,
says, "We're not happy about in the last election.
our competitive position. We The majority of votes, held

siyt's ability to attract top stu-
dents, the tuition-eroded finan-
cial situation of TAs has dented
their morale.
The mood of TAs stretches
between two poles. Happy grad-
uate students argue that TAs
are lucky to get financial aid
even if it's tied to a teaching
job. But others claim the Uni-
versity exploits cheap graduate
labor to staff its introductory
courses and regard their stip-
ends as wages rather than fi-
nancial aid.

aes issue

the Reform Party on a crucial
vn,-.and by iinR hit sa c r,,m-

vote, anu yusin t as a
paign issue in the next
tinn 1 nvc Fa veo


last term by Campus Coalition, Lo. sy
now belongs to the Reform Par-
yEFORM PARTY members Doctors to
meet before the weekly Coun-
cil meetings to decide how the
group as a whole will vote on test Nixon
issues brought up by individ-


uals at the caucus. Anthougn
the Reform Party votes as a
bloc on most issues, there are
some exceptions.
Reddix Allen, a Reform Party
member, explains, "There is a
unit rule in the caucus. If a for-
mal vote is taken on an issue,
the vote's outcome will decide
who all the caucus members
will vote on Council."
But he indicates that if pre-'
viously unknown information
turns up, during Council de-
bate, members may ask to
vote on an individual basis.
CAMPUS Coalition also fre-
quently votes as a group, but!
spokesman David Faye attri-
butes this to the members' ex-!
perience on Council rather than
to planned voting.
Faye maintains the caucus
meetings "brainwash" partici-
pants, most of whom are first-
term members of council.
Campus Coalition plans to
counter the caucus by "com-
plaining a lot, trying to break

on Monday
(Continued from Page 1)
glars were legal.
telephone conversation, made
near midnight of April 14, 1973,
also contained a thinly veiled
threat for a then wavering
White House counsel John Dean
that only the former president
could save him if "things still
go wrong."
In the late night telephone
call to Ehrlichman, Nixon tells
his aide that he should talk to
Dean, who was then about to
cooperate with government
prosecutors, and remind him
who was boss.
"Look, he's gotta look down
the road to, to one point, that,
uh, there's only one man that
could restore him to the ability
to practice law in the case
things still go wrong," Nixon is
heard saying.
"Now that, uh, he's got to
have that in the back of his
mind . . . and he's got to know
that'll happen," Nixon said

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