Wednesday, November 20, 1974
Page Three
Dems ask wage, price controls
Chrysler workers picket
Pickets demonstrate outside Chrysler's World Headquarters in Detroit earlier this week while Mayor Coleman Young
meeting with Chrysler officials and union leaders. Young's ef forts were successful as Chrysler decided yesterday to ke
Jefferson assembly plant in operation: An estimated group of about 100 picketed the area.
(NP) - The nation's Democratic
governors urged Congress on
yesterday to enact a broad eco-
nomic program - including
wage, price and profit controls
- unless the rate of inflation
subsides substantially by mid-
They watered down a resolu-
tion calling for "immediate ac-
tion" on controls because of
opposition from most members
of a panel of experts.
ONLY 14 of the 32 Democratic
governors and governors-elect
who gathered at Hilton Head
for the three-day Democratic
Governors' Conference remain-
ed for yesterday's final unani-
mous voice vote on the econom-
ic resolution.
The group voted 8-6 against
eliminating any reference to
controls and then agreed 7-6 to
take out the plea for action
Chairman Wendell Anderson
of Minnesota said the resolu-
tion had strong support from the
governors who left before the
that "strong, immediate steps
are required" by Congress to
deal with the economy and the
energy situation and urges tax
reform, limits on oil imports
and authority for gas rationing.
It also called for the dismissal
of Agriculture Secretary Earl
hoto Butz.
The action was overshadowed,
g was in terms of importance and
ep its long-range impact, by continu-
ing controversy over Monday's
move by the governors to com-
promise on a key provision
in a proposed party charter and
thus avert dispute at next
month's Kansas City mini-con-
S Three representatives of the
AFL-CIO told a group of gover-
nors at a breakfast meeting
they had reservations about the
smolition proposal on grounds it could
eck the still permit "implicit quotas" to
auster- assure participation of women,
curbing blacks and minorities in party
France's activities.
ayments THE GOVERNORS insisted
fable." they also opposed quotas and
Iof the said they would work to avoid a
. union repetition of 1972, when vir-
charg- tual quotas for those groups
nt was were acquired in credentials
negotia- battles at the party's presi-
dential nominating convention.
T. Chief Gov. John Gilligan of Ohio,
ally led architect of the compromise
Parade, which would put into the par-
faction" ty's permanent charter the
ice and rules he helped to draft for
ght con- 1976, said he believed the com-
nd there promise will be accepted at
s. Kansas City.
current Other areas of controversy
is cer- remain in connection with the
he next first effort to put its proce-
postage dures into a written charter,
a mini- chiefly whether it will include
of 1,700 the representational require-
eir fail- ments already adopted for 1976
:through and opposed by labor. Inclusion
nion ac- of such provisions in the char-
ter mean mainly they will be
harder to change after 1976.
session included a one-hour
analysis of the election; a two-
and-one-half-hour discussion of
the economy; and approximate-
ly 10 minutes of debate on the
economic resolution drafted by
Govs. Phillip Noel of Rhode
Island, Cecil Andrus of Idaho
and Patrick Lucey of Wiscon-
Gov.-Elect George Busbee of
Georgia moved to delete the
reference to economic controls,
echoing the views of the econ-
omists present that "it's not in
best interests of the economy
and the people" at a time of re-
cession and rising unemploy-
"It's just a home, mother and
God resolution without that in
it," complained Gov. Calvin
Rampton of Utah.
BUSBEE'S MOVE was sup-
ported by Govs. Brendan
Byrne of New Jersey, Daniel
Walker of Illinois, Sherman
Tribbitt of Delaware and Wil-
liam Waller of Mississippi, and
Gov.-elect David Pryor of Ar-
The move to delete the call
for immediate action, was pre-
sented by Gov. James Exon of
Earlier, in response to a
question from Byrne, five of
the six members of the econom-
ic panel said they would oppose
wage-price controls.
"THEY WOULD do far more
damage to the economy than
the average citizen perceives,"
declared Leif Olsen, senior vice
Black Magic woman stirs
fears of Mass. people
General strike
hits Fran
SALEM, Mass. (P) - The
"White Witch of Salem" is stir-
ring old-time fears of black
magic on the North Shore of
But unlike her 17th century
sisters who were tried and
hanged, Laurie Cabot, 41, is in-
voking her First Amendment
right to free speech and quot-
ing the words of John Kennedy.
witch who teaches a course on
her craft as a practical science
at Salem State College, she is
scheduled to address an adult
education class in nearby
Georgetown next week.
Her coming appearance in
Georgetown has met with resist-
ance from some of the towns-
"Witchcraft violates our be-
liefs and is against the faith,
and it is not anything that
anyone should be playing around
with," said Rev. Donald Bent-
ley, interim pastor of George-
town's First Baptist church.
MEMBERS OF the church
signed a petition reading, "We
the undersigned are completely
opposed to the public appear-
ance of Laurie Cabot, the White
Witch of Salem . . . and to the
public appearance or practice
president of New York's First
National City Bank. "It's the
surest road to a lower standard
of living."
Texas Agriculture Commis-
sioner John White said the way
controls had been administer-
ed by Republican administra-
tions in the past three years,
new controls only would make
it the problem worse.
Only Stanley Rutenberg,
whose consultant firm works
for the AFL-CIO, favored con-
trols, saying he dislikes them
but sees no other way to cut
because of the policies of the
Nixon and Ford administra-
tions, the nation is in for "the
worse recession since 1929."
of any witch in the town of
"You'd think we were back
in the 1600's," says Cabot. "If
I'm denied my freedom of
speech, I'll take this thing to
Cabot - she says she's not
related to the noted Boston
Cabots - lives in Salem, where
20 people were killed for witch-
craft in 1692. She insists that
witchcraft - then and now -
is a science, not a religion.
SHE SAYS she is investigat-
ing the scientific phenomena of
biofeedback, mind energy, ex-
trasensory perception and clair-
voyancy - not black magic.
"It seems like we're reliving
sort of the witch trial thing.
It's the same kind of psychic
hysteria," Cabot said in an
"Psychologically it must be a
basic fear of self, because de-
mons and spirits exist in your
own brain.
"JACK KENNEDY said it bet-
ter than I did. He said, "Surely
God's work must be our own."
she said.
Comparing herself with Joan
of Arc, the White Witch of Sa-
lem said she intended to con-
tinue her activities and to make
her talk in Georgetown next
"It's not a religious matter.
It's a matter of civil rights,"
she said.
Winnie The Pooh
in the Musical
1100 AKER
$1.00 children-$1.50 adults
PARIS (Reuter) - France
was hit by a nationwide strike
yesterday but the massive un-
ion challenge to President Val-
ery Giscard Destaing's auster-
ity program merely slowed
down the country rather than
bringing it to a halt for the day.
Some 200,000 demonstrators
marched through Paris in an
orderly protest highlighting the
surge of union discontent with
current government economic
man Andre Rossi maintained
that the nationwide stoppage,
affecting all corners of French
life, was only lightly followed
in the public sector and even
more feebly backed in the pri-
vate sector.
The strikes, hitting public
transport and power supplies
particularly hard, marked pre-
cisely the end of President De-
staing's first six months in of-
fice. He devised the austerity
program that has plunged
France into an economic slow-
Placards depicting a worker
kicking Destaing in the head
dominated the tumultuous, ban-
Opposition to dope
penalti~es mount
WASHINGTON (AR)' - Elimination of prison sentences for
marijuana smokers was urged yesterday by the present and
former White House chief spokespersons on drug abuse.
Dr. Robert DuPont, director of the Special Action Office for
Drug Abuse Prevention, said he opposes jail penalties but would
not remove all penalties.
HIS PREDECESSOR, Dr. Jerome Jaffe, went a step further.
Jaffe said Congress should consider limiting the penalties for
simple possession of marijuana to a fine or eliminating the penal-
ties altogether.
The two men, both appointees of former President Richard
Nixon, were leadoff witnesses at a two-day hearing before the
Senate subcommittee on alcoholism and narcotics.
Jaffe said that removal of all penalties would likely be a sig-
nal that "marijuana is o.k." and result in an even higher increase
of use than if only fines were retained.
"IN THE SHORT RUN, a shift from criminal penalties to
civil penalties or to no penalties at all for personal possession
will not be free of social cost," said Jaffe, who resigned his gov-
ernment post last year to take a position at Columbia University.
DuPont did not go as far in recommending lesser penalties
for marijuana smoking. He said he was concerned about the
findings in a new government report which suggested possibly
serious health consequences from smoking marijuana.
DuPont said current penalties for marijuana smokers would
be justified by medical knowledge of its harmful effects.
"CURRENT MEDICAL evidence, while it does not affort a
decisive basis for public policy, nevertheless points to several
harmful medical consequences which would justify a policy of
continued discouragement of marijuana use," he said.
He noted about 420,000 persons were arrested for marijuana
violations last year, up 30 per cent from the previous year.
"They are arrested for possession, and, if convicted, may
bear forever the stigma of an arrest record which can effect
their employment opportunities and their entire future," DuPont
said. "On the other hand the illegality is clearly a deterrent to
large numbers of potential users."
DUPONT SAID he is concerned about whether marijuana
use would increase as penalties are lightened, but he said that
is primarily the concern of state and local governments.
Elaborating on his public admission Monday that he had
tried marijuana, DuPont said he had used the drug between
1960 and 1965 "as a matter of curiosity to learn what people
were talking about.
"It was not a particularly pleasant experience for me per-
sonally," DuPont said.
"I HAVE NO intention of using it again," he told the sub-
Rckhom Student Government
TeNew Grad Happy Hour
O e
ner - carrying parade that start-
ed at the Bastille Square, start-
ing point of the French Revolu-
tion nearly 200 years ago, and
finished more than two miles
FIRST EFFECTS of the gen-
eral strike were felt at dawn
when power supplies were cut,
leaving non-strikers to dress
and eat breakfast in the dark
before struggling to get to work,
as best they could.
Most shops, cafes and banks
remained open, serving custo-
mers by candlelight before a
brilliant fall sun broke through
to lighten the gloom. Hospital
services were reduced. Some
schools were closed.
The chief outward signs of
profound social unrest were the
mountains of garbage that con-
tinue to foul the streets of
Paris after a week-long gar-
bagemen's strike and the total
paralysis of the mail system
caused by a month-long post-
age workers' stoppage.
ing to give "very exact fig-
ures" on the nationwide strikes,
said that only 800,000 out of 17
million wage earners stopped
work yesterday in line with the
strike call issued by France's
two main union groupings, the
Communist-led C.G.T. and the
left-wing C.F.D.T.
Industry was far less affected
than public services, but there
were stoppages of up to three
hours in the car manufacturing,
steel and metallurgical indus-
The government clearly re-
garded the moderate response
to the union strike call as a
sign both of strike weariness on
the part of the population and
of sympathy for the Destaing
administration's refusal to grant
union wage demands.
SO THE general strike ap-
peared to have deepened the
rift between a government bent
on maintaining its austerity pro-
gramaand powerful unions com-
mitteed to boosting workers pur-
chasing power and protecting
In a national television broad-
cast, Prime Minister Jacques
Chirac denounced union leaders
yesterday as "a de
team" seeking to wre
economy. He said the
ity program geared to
inflation and closing F
oil-caused balance of pv
deficit was "not negoti
Georges Seguy, head
Communist-led C. G. T
movement, reacted by
ing that the governme
"slamming the door on
SEGUY and C. F. D.
Edmond Maire person
the massive Paris
chanting "we want satis
and other slogans. Pol
union stewards kept ti1
trol of the procession ar
were no major incident
At the heart of the
social upheaval, which
tain to continue over t
few days at least, is the
workers' demand for,
mum monthly wage c
Francs (357 dollars). Th
ure to win a pay break
has motivated wider ur
I eoJnrnoti4'#
of set
the ikallcne
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Day Calendar
Wednesday, November 20
WUOM: Dennis Meadows, Dart-
mouth, "Some Social Aspects of the
Sustainable State," in series, The
Consequences of No-Growth Poli-
cies, 10 am.
Black Sec./Clerical Committee:
"UAW: Where Do We Go from
Here," Trotter House, noon.
Career Planning, Placement: Lun-
cheon, "Opportunities for Women
in the Legal Profession," with reps.,
Yale & Depaul U., noon.
Computing Ctr.: Sue Coleman,
"An Overview of the IMERT Com-
puter Network;" J. Gersch, "Pro-
posed High-Speed Data Communi-
cations on Campus (Limited Dis-
tance Modems)" 130 P&A Bldg.,
Resource Ecology: Edward Gold-
smith, Cornwall, England, "Energy,
Ecology, andGNP," 1040 SNR, 1 pm.
Social Work: Gertrude Wilson,
Berkeley, "The Future in the Rear
view Mirror," Rackham Amph., 2
Towsley Ctr.: Eugene Robin. Stan-
ford, "The Evolutionary Advantages
of Being Studpid," Dow Aud., Tows-
ley Ctr., 4 pm.
Botany: H. Bold, U. of TX, Aus-
tin, "Some Investigations of the
Microalgae of Soil with Special
Reference to Chlorococcum," 1139
Kraus Bldg., 4 pm.
Physics: Frederick J. Gilman,
SLAC & Princeton, "Deep Inelastic
Electron Scattering," P&A Colloq.
Rm., 4 pm.
Ctr. Coordination Ancient, Modern
Studies; Comparative Lit.; Classical
Studies; English Lang., Lit.: W. B.
Stanford, Trinity College, Dublin,
"The Impact of Oral Poetry," Aud.
A, Angell, 4:10 pm.
Museum of Art: Rudolf Arnheim,
visiting Walgreen prof., "Colors -
Irrational and Rational," Aud. 8,
Angell, 8 pm.
Volume LXXXV, No. 66
Wednesday, November 20, 1974
Is edited and managed by students
at the University of Michigan. News
phone 764-0562. Second class postage
paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106.
Published d a 11l y Tuesday through
Sundaymorning during the Univer-
sity year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann
Arbor, Michigan 48104. Subscription
rates: $10 by carrier (campus area);
$11 local mail (Michigan and Ohio);
$12 non-local mail (other states and
Summer session published Tues-
day, through Saturday morning.
Subscription rates: $5.50 by carrier
(campus area); $6.00 local mail
(Michigan and Ohio); $6.50 non-
local mail (other states and foreign).
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