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November 20, 1974 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1974-11-20

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See Editorial Page


Eighty-Four Years of Editorial Freedom


See Today for details


Vol. LXXXV, No. 66

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, November 20, 1974

Ten Cents

Eight Pages


Lucky break
Embarrassed prison officials admitted yesterday
that a woman inmate at the Detroit House of Cor-
rections in Northville was freed by mistake hours
after she busted out in a daring fence-climbing es-
cape. The officials said that Cynthia Jones of De-
troit, slipped past nurses on Saturday morning,
climbed a fence and fled. She was picked up a few
minutes later by a Northville Township patrol-
man, wo drove her to the prison gate and asked
if there were any escapees. Officials said no, and
the woman was freed. About 45 minutes later, the
escape was discovered, but by then the woman
could not be found. Officials said the error in head-
count was "a natural mistake".
JFK coverup?
This Friday marks the 11th anniversary of John
Kennedy's death - and the occasion will be
marked with a rather unusual lecture tomorrow.
JeffCohen,ra member of the "Assassination Inves-
tigation Bureau" and has done extensive research
on the murders of JFK, Robert Kennedy, and
Martin Luther King, will speak at 7:30 p.m. in
Rackham Auditorium. Cohen says there is over-
whelming evidence indicating that a right-wing
conspiracy was behind each of the murders. He
also plans to touch upon such subjects as the War-
ren Commission Report and the possibility of a
cover-up in the assassinations during his lecture.
We reported recently that the Graduate Em-
ployes Organization (GEO) had fallen back from
their original wage demand and was seeking only
13 per cent. Actually, the GEO is seeking to set
a minimum wage for all graduate employes which
would be some 24 per cent above present pay
scales for the average worker. The demand does
represent a concession to the University, as the
earlier demand would have meant a 29 per cent
pay increase for the average worker.
..lean toward the socially conscious today. In-
mate Project and the University's Project Com-
munity will present a prison panel discussion at
7:30 p.m. in the Lawyer's Club Lounge.. . a rally
for the workers of the Argus plant, sponsored by
the Revolutionary Student Brigade, will begin at
noon on the Diag . . . the School of Social Work
Collegium series will present Gertrude Wilson lec-
turing on "The Future in the Rear View Mirror,"
at 2 p.m. in the Rackham Assembly Hall . . . the
Ann Arbor Cantata Singers and Chamber Orches-
tra will perform with the Tappan Junior High
School Seventh Grade Chorus in a presentation of
Benjamin Britten's St. Nicholas. The concert be-
gins at 8 p.m. in the University Reformed Church
. . . the Spartacus Youth League will discuss
"Black Oppression and Working Class Politics:
What Road for Black Liberation?" at 7 p.m. in
Rm. 2207 of the Union . . . the University Ski Team
will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the Unionlobby .:.. and
the Second Ward Democrats will meet at 7:30 p.m.
in the Red Carpet Lounge of Alice Lloyd to discuss
city charter revision, voter registration and of
course, the April elections.
Kidnapping ends
A man who held the Philippine ambassador to
the U.S.. at gunpoint in Washington for 11 hours
was committed to a mental hospital yesterday be-
fore he could see his son whose freedom was won
by the ordeal. Philippine President Ferdinand
Marcos had personally telephoned assurances that
the son, Napoleon Lechoco, Jr., would be allowed
to leave the Philippines. The father, Napoleon Le-
hoco, Sr., was committed for a mental examina-
tion after he made a deal to release the ambassa-
dor when the son was allowed to immigrate to the
U.S. The father was held yesterday on a federal
charge of kidnapping o diplomatic officials of a
foreign country.
Roast 'roo?

Here's the latest on Chicago's favorite kangaroo,
at large somewhere in the Midwest: Over the week-
end, the literally boundless marsupial, first sighted
Oct. 13, was last spotted along Indiana Rte. 234
near an Indianapolis suburb. One man telephoned
the police to say the animal was sitting on its
hauches - and that it was a big one. A woman
saw the kangaroo hop into some woods, but a
helicopter search proved futile. Last week, a kan-
garoo was reported near Rennsalaer, Ind., where
the Chicago Bears football team trains.
On the inside ...
. Steve Ross reviews the Carlos Montoya con-
cert at Power Center on the Food/Arts Page . . .
on the Editorial Page, Harnie Heyn and Ann Marie
Lipinski interview Jeremy Rifkin, coordinator of
the People's'Bicentennial . . . and Jon Chavez in-
spects the Ohio State defense on the Sports Page.
On the outside...

Academic counselors in the literary college
(LSA) and members of the Graduation Require- D o i
ments Commission (GRC) yesterday heaped
praise on the LSA faculty's Monday night ap- Dismissing
proval of expanded pass/fail options, calling it of peanuts,"
"a fine and positive step" that will help stu- Eugene Nisse
dents. to 'a maximu
Other actions taken at the drawn-out Monday dent's' total
night faculty meeting drew a mixed response. ahead."
While key LSA figures applauded the vote to Nissen said
adopt a plus-and-minus grading system, they saw dents and dis
that decision as less important than the expan- a burden on s
sion of pass/fail and the reaffirmed flexibility of away" by us
the LSA eight-term rule.fsw yes
first two yeai
THE COUNSELORS and GRC members also A
downplayed the newly-approved transcript options ASSOCIATE
which allow students to list their grades and is especially
courses in a variety of ways and permit letter distribution co
grades to be listed as simply pass or fail. tion is really t


pass- fail changes

Wnplay plus-minus switch

the plus-and-minus addition as "sort
LSA Academic Actons Director
n called the expansion of pass/fail
m one quarter (30 hours) of a stu-
credit "a fine and positive step
the inclusion of underclass stu-
tribution courses in pass/fail "puts
students not to play their aces right
ing up the pass/fail option in the
rs of college.
LSA Dean Charles Morris said he
pleased with the move to include
ourses in pass/fail. "Since distribu-
aking you outside your area of com-

petence," Morris noted, "it seemed odd you
couldn't use pass/fail for distribution."
Nissen emphasized that no implementation date
exists yet for the changes advocated by the fac-
ulty. He explained: "Certain steps have to be
followed. After faculty has gone through the re-
port, a special committee appointed by (LSA Act-
ing Dean Billy) Frye will iron out inconsistencies
and clean up irregular language. They will see
where changes are required in the faculty code."
According to 'Nissen the report will then go back
to the faculty for final approval and then to the
Morris had earlier predicted that sections of
the report might begin to go into effect by Sep-
tember 1975 the earliest.

Nissen asserted, "There are some things that
can't possibly go into effect as early as fall '75."
But several LSA officials agreed that with the
exception of the new transcript option, most of
the changes voted Monday night will probably
get Regental approval without major revision.
Associate Registrar Douglas Wooley pointed out
that a student can already get certification of a
degree without a transcript; thus, he says, the
GRC plan "hasn't really increased options."
Wooley continued, "I'm sorry to see it passed
for two reasons-possible impact it might have
on the integrity of the record for_ sending out
partial transcripts, and admission problems it
might cause students applying to grad schools."
The GRC-recommended plan allows students to
list letter grades for previous passes and fails,
"no courses," or all courses as originally chosen.
History Prof. Sidney Fine, a member of GRC,
said the transcript proposal "seemed contradic-
See LSA, Page 8


took part



land fraud,

AP Photo
Ford meets the Boy Scouts
President Ford poses with Japanese boy scouts after receiving the Golden Pheasant Award
and special scarf in an honorary ceremony at Tokyo's State Guest House yesterday. Ford later
addressed Japan's national press club. See story, Page 2.

tinuing probe by t h e
Detroit Free Press ended
last n i g h t with charges
t h a t Lt. Governor - elect
James Damman was in-
volved in a shady land deals
while a city official in the
Detroit suburb of Troy.
In early editions of to-
day's Free Press, the news-
paper said it had confirmed
Damman's role in drafting
and voting for land use
plans that directly affected
property he partially owned
while a Troy official.
A SERIES of stories published
by the Free Press several days
before the Nov. 5 election de-
tailed almost identical charges
against the Republican Dam-
man, who_ was Gov. William
Milliken's handpicked running-
An e x p 1 o s i v e controversy
raged into the final hours be-
fore the election. It ended with
a retraction by the Free Press
of an earlier editorial call for
Damman's resignation and an
admission t h a t the earlier
stories may have been incor-
, Milliken, seriously wounded
by the charges against his run-
ningmate, managed to win an-
other term in office with a slim
h- defeat of Democratic candidate
it- for governor Sander Levin.
MILLIKEN said an investiga-
nd tion would be conducted into the
ng Damman affair following the
e election. If Damman was judged
n- guilty, the governor said, Dam-
n- man would resign.
The Free Press said yester-
by day an extensive investigation
r- revealed Damman voted in pub-
al. lic meetings between the Troy
on city commission and planning
h- commission on future plans for
i- land use in Oakland County.
M. .Damman held a direct finan-
cial interest in land affected by
Aso those plans, the Free Press
le- said, in apparent violation of
e- the conflict-of-interest clause of
'2, the Troy city charter.
ty eTrycychtr.
a man's land interests were not
is known to his fellow commis-
u- sioners or the general public
ff when he voted on the land
s: plans.
Damman has insisted and

continues to insist that he is
innocent of any wrongdoing. A
spokesman for the governor de-
clined comment on the Free
Press allegations.
The Free Press said its ear-
lier stories reporting Damman's
land investment activities were
correct and a statement issued
by Milliken in Damman's de-
fense just 72 hours before the
election was incomplete and in-
State Attorney General Frank
Kelley has launched an investi-

gation into the activities of
Damman while a Troy official.
liken, who is vacationing in
Hawaii, s a i d the governor
"would like to see precisely
what they (Free Press) have
and how it relates to the in-
vestigation our people are con-
The governor was expected to
return from his vacation some-
time after Thanksgiving, a
spokesman said.

Arabs, Israel

Nixon ordered pardon

0 ress say.s

WASHINGTON, (Reuter) -
Former President Richard Nix-
on promised pardons for the
original Watergate burglars in
April, 1973, a new portion of
White House tape played at the
Watergate cover-up trial dis-
closed yesterday.
Nixon released a transcript
of the April 14, 1973 tape ear-
lier this year, but the discus-
sion of the pardons was de-
leted from his version as not
relevant to Watergate.
THE FULL conversation has
Nixon telling his two top depu-.
ties - H. R. (Bob) Haldeman

and John Ehrlichman - that
"you get them full pardons.
That's what they have to have,
Nixon was meeting with his
deputies to try and find out how
to get former Attorney General
John Mitchell to take the blame
for Watergate and steer investi-
gators away from the White
House when the subject of par-
dons came up.
On the April tape, Nixon said
that Mitchell would have to ac-
cept responsibility and possi-
bly face criminal indictment for
the scandal.

GEO walks out of
bargaining session

"THE JIG is up," Ehrlic
man advised Nixon to tell M
However, the tapes showe
that Nixon concluded by tellin
Ehrlichman that he, not th
President, would have to pe
suade the former attorney ge
eral to go to the prosecutors.
At the meeting attended b
Ehrlichman and another cove
up defendant, H.R. (Bob) Ha
deman, Nixon said the decisio
to force Mitchell out was toug
er than the presidential dec
sion to send troups into Car
bodia and bomb North Vietnar
turned to the original seven d
fendants in the June, 197
break-in at Democratic par
headquarters here.
Nixon said, "I don't give
damn about the part of th
with Hunt, Liddy and the C
ban . . ." His voice trailed o
as one of his aides replies
"It would be my . . . a re
sonable time had expired aft
the thing . . . with and befog
I leave office and they'll g
off. You get them full pardon
That's what they have to hav
John," the former preside
tells Ehrlichman.
T H E O N E TIME dome
tic affairs adviser replies
"Right" and Nixon asks: "D
you agree?"
"Yep, I sure do," Ehrlichma
The President released
massof rnnonrintc nn Anril'3

By The Associated Press
Israel and Palestinian guer-
rillas exchanged threats of new
bloodshed yesterday, hours after
an early-morning raid on an
I s r a e l i settlement in which
authorities said three Arab in-
vaders and four Israelis were
Israeli gunboats were report-
ed cruising off the coast of
southern Lebanon. The Leba-
nese Defense Ministry put the
army on alert and urged the
public to report any threatening
Israeli naval movement. Guer-
rillas also were altered through-
out the country.
IN DAMASCUS, Syria, t he
P o p u 1 a r Democratic Front
(PDF), an organization that
said its men carried out the
suicide raid on Beit Shean, de-
clared such attacks will con-
tinue "until Israel recognizes
our rights and existence, and
u n t i 1 a secular democratic
Palestine state is established."
A PDF spokesperson said:
"We still hold the olive branch
but find it inevitable to use the
rifle which we also hold with the
other hand."
The statement reiterated a
declaration by the top guerril-
la, Yasir Arafat, last week at
the United Nations that he held
an olive branch and a gun as
he spoke to the General Assem-
NONALIGNED delegations cir-
culated a resolution among
General Assembly m e m b e r s
yesterday generally endorsing
Arafat's demands. If passed in
a vote expected Friday, it would
See ISRAELIS, Page 8


Graduate Employes Organiz-
ation (GEO) negotiators stomp-
ed out of a bargaining session
last night after University rep-
resentatives said they would
not offer a wage hike of more
than eight per cent.
GEO bargainers said the Uni-
versity's insistence on the eight
per cent figure came as a com-
plete surprise to them. The Or-
ganizations has been seeking an
average pay increase of 20 per
cent, combined with free tui-
tion for all graduate employes.
"WE WILL not be coming
back with an offer on your tui-

was inevitable and may even
come before the January 30
deadline set last week by the
"What you're offering us is
a take-it-or-leave-it proposal,"
GEO chief negotiator Michele
Hoyman told University nego-
tiator Ailmand.
"Yes," he replied.
"That's not collective bargain-
ing," Hoyman countered.
"LISTEN," University negotia-
tor Lawrence Jones replied,
"just because you started with
demands out on cloud nine,
doesn't mean we'll reach an
agreement that goes halfway to
cloud nine. We've made an of-
fer. and that's as far as we

AN ISRAELI woman weeps
as she looks through the
machine-gunned ruins of her
home in Beit Shean, Israel,
after Arab terrorists tried to
seize an apartment house


Chrysler closes five of six
key plants, lays off thousands

DETROIT (UPI) - Chrysler
Corp. will close all but one of
its six U.S. assembly plants
from the day before Thanks-
giving through the Christmas
holidays to Jan. 6 to trim its
record 120-day supply of un-

General Motors and Ford, up
to 150,000 U.S. auto worke:s-
almost one-fourth of the total
industry labor force-could be
off the job in the month before
More layoffs are expected to

Jan. 6 with 8,400 being trimmed
indefinitely from Chrysler pay-
rolls when work resumes.
PLANTS THAT will be clsed
until Jan. 6 are at Belvidere,
Ill., Newark, Dela., and the

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