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November 09, 1974 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1974-11-09

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See Editorial Page


Bk i rn


See Today for details

Eighty-Four Years of Editorial Freedom

Vol. LXXXV, No. 57

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, November 9, 1974

Ten Cents

Eight Pages

Dope note
The state Court of Appeals ruled yesterday that
doctors may prescribe narcotic drugs for patients
they neither see nor examine. The decision over-
ruled a judgement by a Recorder's Court judge
and ordered a new trial for a 76-year-old Detroit
doctor convicted of violating the state's controlled
substances act. The physician, William Kerwin,
was arrested after undercover policemen requested,
and obtained, sedatives and diet pills without
being examined. The policemen also obtained the
drugs for persons not present in Kerwin's office.
676 and 677...
are this week's winning lottery numbers.
839 and 779 are the second chance numbers.
Winning numbers for the Jackpot Gold one dollar
tickets are 264015, 05584 and 495.
Yesterday's story on the Committee to Study
Student Governance stated that the group's report
claimed that students have the legal right to run
as candidates for Regent. Actually the report
supports student participation in University gov-
ernment, but added that this particular issue "will
be decided in the courts." And, by the way, the
committee was established to study, not reorganize,
student government, although they did, in their
report, recommend such a reorganization. To
clarify a point, the report that advocated appointed
Regents and the removal of University presidents
as heads of governing bodies was the Milliken
report mentioned earlier in the article, not the
CSSG proposal.
Iappenings .. .
start out early today with a conference on
"Job Hunting for Graduate Students" sponsored by
Career Planning and Placement. There is still
limited registration available starting at 8 a.m. in
Aud. 4, MLB, for the day long conference . . . the
Big Ten cross-country championship is being held
at 11 a.m. at the University golf course . . . the
Women's Community Center Collective is having a
Women's Coffeehouse from 8 p.m. 'til midnight
at Guild House . . . at RC Aud. the Black Theater
Workshop is presenting two plays by Ed Bullins
The Electronic Nigger and The Gentleman Caller
at 8 p.m. . . . and the City Center Acting Com-
pany's production of The Time of Your Life con-
tinues at the Mendelssohn Theatre at 8 p.m.
Olefact or fiction
Trying to pull an 1,800-pound horse out of a
septic tank was bad enough for a team of firemen.
Then a skunk added his two squirts worth. It all
started before dawn Thursday in Vero Beach, Fla.
when Joyce Dittrich's 17-year-old horse walked
across the soil that covered a septic tank. The
concrete roof of the tank caved in, dumping the
animal into several feet of what septic tanks are
designed to hold. Three fire-department rescue
men showed up and tried to get the horse out.
They had no luck, so they called a veterinarian
to bring a big sling to pull the horse out. The
sling wasn't large enough, so a wrecker was called
in. It hauled the beast to safety. As firemen caught
their breath after the smelly job, a skunk wandered
into the yard, unloaded on the firemen and left.
The rescue went back to the firehouse only to run
into another little problem. The other firemen
wouldn't' let them in. "But we compromised by
leaving our clothes outside," said one of the
Abominable snow job?
The Abominable Snowman is on the march again
in the Himalayas, according to reports from a
Polish climbing expedition.The Nepalese foreign
ministry quoted expedition leader Andrezej Zawada
as saying his group had seen footprints in the snow
which were "characteristically and clearly the
track of a Yeti." But they did not see any animal.
The largest prints measured 13 and a half inches
and showed distinct heels and toes. Zawada said
there were two sets of tracks stretching for just
over half a mile and the expedition had filmed

To the strains of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony,
Dr. George Mair held the hand of his middle-aged
woman patient. Then he slipped a hypodermic
needle into a vein and killed her. Mair admits she
was only one of the many patients he killed
deliberately during his long career as a surgeon
in hospitals throughout England and Scotland. The
60-year-old retired physician made the disclosure
about euthanasia-"mercy killing"- yesterday in
his autobiography, Confessions of a Surgeon.
On the inside...
. . .The Editorial Page features a piece on the
future of the Black Panther Party . . . reviews of
the City Center production of "The Time of Your
Life" and the University Dancers in Concert grace
the Arts Page . . . and the Sports Page highlights
a football preview from Illinois by John Kahler
along with last night's hockey game.

'U'ref u
The University rejected Graduate Employes
Organization (GEO) demands for a 25 per cent
pay increase and free tuition yesterday, claim-
ing the demands would cost the University as
much as $10 million.
In rejecting the demands, the University offer-
ed GEO a two-year contract providing for an
eight per cent pay hike the first year and in-
state tuition status for all teaching fellows, re-
search and staff assistants the second year.
THE UNIVERSITY offer drew angry responses
from GEO, which pointed out that graduate


~es GEO
student employes had been promised an eight
per cent pay hike last year.
"Teaching fellows teach three-quarters of the
lower level courses and one-quarter of the upper
level courses. We are doing what faculty are
doing in terms of teaching. Yet we earn much
much less. All we are asking is a wage to live
on," head GEO negotiator Michele Hoyman told
the University.
But the University claimed that teaching fel-
lows, who work between 10 and 20 hours a week,
have no right to expect a living wage for any-
thing less than a full week's work.
"YOU CONVENIENTLY forget that no matter

sala ry(
how you cut it, you're still students," University
attorney William Lemmer told the union. "The
position of teaching fellow and the money in-
volved are intended to help you through school.
"Yet you want to be made full time employes
working part time," Lemmer said.
A cost-of-living clause that GEO had insisted
upon was also missing from the University offer
-drawing further GEO criticism of the package.
"GIVEN THE inflation rate of 11 per cent and
your offer of an eight per cent pay increase
this year, we're losing three per cent. Next year
you're asking us to accept the status quo-no

pay increase-and a real loss in wages of 11 per
cent," GEO negotiator David Gordon told the
The University, however, maintains that its
limited budget precludes increasing salaries as
the cost of living rises.
"We've gone to the limit of what we can
offer," chief University negotiator Charles All-
mand said after the meeting. "We just don't know
where these funds will come from."
THIS MARKED the first mention of where the
increased wages would come from in any of the
See 'U', Page 2

Judge acquits Kent defendants

Srica to
District Judge John Sirica de-
cided yesterday to appoint three
doctors to examine former
President Richard Nixon and
report on whether he is healthy
enough to testify in the Water-
gate cover-up trial.
Sirica, who said he expects
to choose a panel of outstand-
ing physicians by next week,
was seeking a weekend meet-
ing with one of the doctors he
is considering.
HE SAID the panel would in-
clude specialists in internal
medicine and circulatory disor-'
The doctors would report their
findings to Sirica after examin-
ing the former president, who
is undergoing treatment at Me-
morial Hospital in Long Beach,
Calif., for phlebitis and various
The decision marked the lat-
est development in defendant
John Ehrlichman's effort to se-
cure the testimony of his for-
mer White House boss.
cians have said that Nixon can
engage in no substantial phys-
ical or mental effort for two to
three months and probably will
be unable to travel for an in-
definite time.
.fAttorneys for the other defen-
dants voiced no objections to
appointment of the medical
panel, but associate Watergate
prosecutor James Neal said the
prosecutors don't need Nixon's
testimony and "don't concede
that Mr. Nixon is a necessary
witness for any of the defend-
Former Nixon advisers Ehr-
lichman, H. R. "Bob" Halde-
man, John Mitchell, Kenneth
Parkinson and Robert Mardian
are on trial for conspiring to
See SIRICA, Page 2

Evidence for guilt
called insufficient
By AP and Reuter
CLEVELAND - Eight former members of an Ohio
National Guard unit were acquitted here yesterday of
shooting student demonstrators in a tragedy that made
the words "Kent State" an anti-war rallying cry and
haunted the conscience of many Americans.
U.S. District Judge Frank Battisti ordered the acquit-
tal, saying that evidence presented by the government
during a two-week trial was insufficient to prove that the
defendants intended to deprive anyone of their civil
rights, as charged in federal indictments.
FOUR STUDENTS were killed and nine wounded when guards-
men fired into a crowd of students demonstrating at Kent State

University on a warm day in
May, 1970, against President
Richard Nixon's decision to ex-
tend the Vietnam war by send-
ing troops into Cambodia.
While Battisti's ruling acquits
the ex-guardsmen of the federal
charges, the judge said that
state officials may wish to pur-
sue criminal charges in the
"It is entirely possible that
state officials may yet wish to
pursue criminal prosecutions
against various persons respon-
sible for events at Kent State,"
the judge said. "This opinion
does not pass on the propriety of
such prosecutions, if any."
William Brown refused to spec-
ulate on the possibility of the
state undertaking any criminal
Judge Battisti's opinion said
that "based on evidence offered
to the court, reasonable jurors
must find that there is a rea-
sonable doubt as to whether
these eight defendants were
possessed of a specific inten-
tion to deprive the students of
KenttStatepset forth in the in-
dictment of their constitutional
and federal rights at the time
they discharged their weapons."
As the freed men walked out
of the courtroom, one of them,
28-year-old William Perkins,
said: "There was a lot of prayer
behind us. We did not intend to
harm anyone. We were there
because we were ordered
DURING THE trial, the de-
fense said the guardsmen, sur-
rounded by stone-throwing stu-
dents shouting "Kill, Kill," be-
lieved their lives were in
jeopardy when they opened fire.
Prosecutor Robert Murphy
maintained the guardsmen were
in no danger and fired indis-
criminately and without warn-
in g.
After yesterday's acquittal,
Murphy said: "The judge's or-
der cannot be appealed. As far
as I'm concerned, it's over."
THE KENT State campus was
quiet " yesterday after the ac-
quittal, with most students un-
aware of the ruling and con-
cerned only about making week-
end plans.
But the officers of the Kent
.State student government re-
leased a formal statement, on
See KENT, Page 2


AP Photo
Hard times
A Vietnamese peasant woman attends a meeting required by local officials, to protest a re-
cent guerrilla attack on a school in which more than five youngsters died. Her face is etched
with the suffering of years of war in and around her native village northwest of Saigon.

Lt. Calley
WASHINGTON (P)--Secretary
of the Army Howard Callaway
disclosed last night he has
granted former Lt. William Cal-
ley, convicted of murder in the
My Lai mass acre, a parole from
his 10-year prison sentence.
In a statement, Callaway
said he signed a parole order
on Oct. 30 to become effective
Nov. 19, when Calley completes
one third of his sentence.
The surprise disclosure came
as Callaway announced that the
Army will comply with a ruling
of a federal appeals court in
Columbus, Ga., this morning at
11 a.m. "for the purpose of re-
leasing him on bail."
the appeals court announced its
decision toorder Calley's re-
lease on bail while the Army
appeals a decision by U.S. Dis-
trict Judge, Robert Elliott, who
ordered Calley freed from the
Army Disciplinary Barracks at
Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas on
Sept. 25.
Callaway said the Army will
not ask "any terms or condi-
See ARMY, Page 2

UMW President Miller expects

WASHINGTON (A) - United ticipatin
Mine Workers (UMW) presi-
dent Arnold Miller predicted UMW
yesterday that an imminent John G
strike by 120,000 union mem- the men
bers against the coal industry ed, "I d
would last at least two weeks. back. Th
Miller indicated it would last now."
longer unless a settlement is The n
reached by tomorrow that terdayv
members would support. posing c
A WEEKEND settlement counterp
would not avert a strike because source s
of the time it takes to ratify a jor diffe
contract. But it could shorten Boths
the impending shutdown of the ed in th
1,200 UMW-organized mines in the barg
25 states. had bee
Although the UMW contract indicatin
doesn't expire until midnight mainedb

coal miner walkout

g the nationwide strike:
DISTRICT 6 president
uzek said he ordered
back to work, but add-
don't suppose they'll go
hey are all pretty itchy
egotiations resumed yes-
with the industry pro-
contract language based
dons of the UMW's latest
roposal. A U M W
said, however, that ma-
rences still remain.
sides were more guard-
e reports of progress at
gaining table than they
n in the past two days,
ng much haggling re-
before a tentative settle-

of some 280,000 jobs for non-coal
industry workers. In Chicago,
Inland Steel announced it is re-
ducing operations already and
might give its workers four-day
work weeks.
However, a government
spokesperson acknowledged lit-
tle can be done about a strike

outside of voluntary cutbacks
in electrical use.
PRESIDENT Ford's chief la-
bor troubleshooter, W. J. Usery,
has been in the background
throughout the negotiations,
keeping in touch with both sides
See TWO-WEEK, Page 2


Volunteers aid problem youth

A local community organization focuses on friendships in
helping young people who have spent time in correctional insti-

CAR has recently been concentrating its efforts on the pre-
vention of delinquency by working with the Police Support Unit,
a division of the county Sheriff's Department, as an alternative

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