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Eighty-Four Years of Editorial Freedom
Vol. LXXXV, No. 56
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, November 8, 1974
Ten Cents
Ten Pages
Stephenson says no
Mayor J a m e s Stephenson has announced he
definitely will not seek re-election next April. The
announcement came a day after the voters ap-
proved a preferential voting system for mayor,
which will make it much more difficult for a
Republican to win the post. Stephenson said enact-
ment of preferential voting in no way influenced
his decision. He reportedly has been unhappy as
mayor almost since his election in April 1973.
Carr in high gear
Democrat Bob Carr, the apparent Congressman-
elect 'from Michigan's Sixth District, yesterday
announced he'll seek re-electon in 1976. The an-
nouncement was a little early in light of the fact
that Carr's opponent, Republican Cliff Taylor, is
still considering calling a recount of the razor-close
election. Carr edged Taylor Tuesday by 547 votes
to become the second Democrat since the Depres-
sion to win the district, which includes part of
Washtenaw County as well as Jackson, East Lans-
ing, and Lansing. The 31-year-old attorney is con- material by the Democratic National
Committee, and was rumored to have received a
hefty sum of party funds for his campaign.
.are led off today by a happy hour bash for
grad students. The good times start at 4 p.m. in
the Lawyers Club. For $1 you can have beer,
mixed drinks, pizza, and pretzels, and it's half-
price for social work grads . . . the African Film
Series continues at Angell Aud. D tonight at 8 p.m.
with Portrait in Black and White and Black and
White Uptight. Admission is free . .. It's Astrono-
my Visitors' Night, next door in Angell B at 8
p.m. featuring the film Birth and Death of a Star
. . . the University Dancers perform tonight in
concert, 8 p.m. at Power Center . . . International
folk dancing begins at 8:15 p.m. in Barbour Gym
. . the Hospital Women's Commission holds its
regular noon meeting in W10410 of the hospital
.the Law School's student senate is sponsoring
a special seminar on the legal aspects of elec-
tronic surveillance, 3:30 p.m. in 116 Hutchins Hall
at 1 p.m., Dr. Ralph Cicerone will talk about
his startling research on freon dangers, in the
Public Health School's Thomas Francis Aud. .. .
and at 9:30 p.m., folk music wizard Mike Cooney
performs at The Ark.
Bickel dies
Yale law professor Alexander Bickel, one of the
nation's foremost authorities on the Constitution,
died yesterday at his home, where he was con-
fined by cancer. He was 49. Bickel, Yale's Sterling
professor of law, represented the New York Times
in its successful battle against the U.S. govern-
ment over publication of the Pentagon Papers. In
Washington, Chief Justice Warren Burger circu-
lated a memo to the other members of the Su-
preme Court describing Bickel's death as "a great
loss to the law and the country." Bickel's legal
views sometimes had national impact. Shortly
after he wrote in a magazine article last year
that then President Richard Nixon was legally en-
titled to fire Watergate Special Prosecutor Archi-
bald Cox, Cox was dismissed.
Down with marriage
Young people are getting married later in life
and more of them are living either alone or with
someone else away from the family, the Census
Bureau reported yesterday. The densus takers
said that the median age for a man getting mar-
ried has risen about 6 months to 23.1 in the last 20
years. Women now get married at about the age
of 21, up a year since the 1950s. Along with these
rising numbers of young people are big increases
in the numbers of people living away from their
families, either alone or with "non-relatives."
Brief grief
A doctor in Edinburgh, Scotland says it may be
time for the men of the Western world to loosen
up. Tight underwear, warns Dr. Ann Chandley,
may cause men to lose some of their fertility, and
Scottish kilts may be where it's at. Chandley says
human male sperm samples generally test at 75
per cent effectiveness, while other beasts-notably
rabbits and gorilas-get a grade-A reading of 98
per cent. "It could be that tight underpants cause
high temperatures in the testicles of civilized man,
and that brings about abnormalities," observes
Chandley. "If a bull came up with a sample as
defective as the average man's, he would be shot
on the spot." Uh-oh.
On the inside-...
. . On the Editorial Page, David Garfinkel
writes from France about the troubles of the wine
industry . . . Arts Page boasts its regular Cinema
Weekend roundup . . . and Brian Deming con-
templates 'the fate of the hockey team in their
uncnmina trin to Denver on the Snnrts Pna
CSSG asks
The Commission to Study Student
Governance (CSSG) last night ap-
proved a report which recommends
that Student Government Council
(SGC) as it now exists be abandoned.
The report, over a year in the
works, will be officially presented to
the Board of Regents at their De-
cember meeting. Regents action on
the report, however, is not expected
until sometime next year.
CONSISTING of five faculty rep-
resentatives, twenty students, and
Vice President for Student Services
Henry Johnson, the committee was
set up with- the primary purpose of
reorganizing SGC.
But the report suggests that SGC
Regents to receive report
be completely replaced by a similar
body known as the Michigan Student
Assembly (MSA).
MSA would form part of a larger
student government structure which
would include the present school and
college executive boards, now inde-
pendent of SGC.
MSA would be composed of voting
members from each school in the
University and an equal number plus
one of at-large delegates. All the
members would be elected by the
stident body.
The committee report also delves
into other areas including the possi-
bility of student regents.
Agreeing with a recent study by
Governor William Milliken's panel
on higher education, the report states
that students have the legal right to
run as candidates for Regent.
PREVIOUSLY Attorney General
Frank Kelley's office issued an opin-
ion that students would be involved
in a conflict of interest if they served
on their schools' governing boards.
The report also advocates appoint-
ed rather than elected Regents, and
the removal of university presidents
as the heads of governing bodies.
University President Robben Flem-
ing serves as the head of the Re-
gents but does not vote.
While the CSSG recognizes that
these changes can only be affected
by persons outside of the University,
it also recommends that as an in-
terim measure a student should be
appointed to serve ex-officio on the
Board of Regents.
Last night's CSSG meeting marked
the end of the committee's existence.
The final copy of the report, with
minor changes approved at last
night's meeting, will be signed by
committee members and be com-
pleted some time next week.
irica rules
jury will
Dancing delight
Passersby look twice at this unusual window display, as members of the University Dancers rehearse in a local bookstore. The
dancers appear in concert at the Power Center tonight at 8 p.m., tomorrow at 2:30 and 8 p.m. and Sunday at 2:30 p.m.
OEO staff backs Me all
inj o
The Administrative Board of
Washtenaw County's Office of
Economic Opportunity (OEO)
last night pledged its "full sup-
port" to local program director
Clarence McFall, in the wake
of reports that the County Board
of Commissioners is ready to
fire him for allegedly misusing
funds slated for a youth em-
ployment program last sum-
The controversy arose when
U.S. Labor Department repre-
sentative Harriet Conlin discov-
ered that federal guidelines may
have been violated in job hiring
for the program, known as Man-
CONLIN CAME here from her
Chicago office several weeks
ago to determine why McFall
failed to meet the Oct. 15 dead-
line in reporting information on
the Manpower operation to the
is ut
federal government.
Marion Smith, Conlin's super-
visor and Assistant Regional
Manpower Administrator for the
state, said yesterday "I'm quite
sure there were ineligible par-
ticipants in this program."
Lois Mayfield, associate di-
rector of the local OEO, said
last night that the County Com-
missioners have a s k e d the
board's attorneys to prepare
charges against McFall.
done nothing wrong in adminis-
tering the youth program but
was not optimistic about his
future at OEO.
"They probably will fire me,"
he said, referring to the County
board. "To me it seems like
they've pretty well made up
their minds. If there is some
discrepancy, hopefully we could
account for it, but they didn't
even call me. in (on the Conlin
e with
investigation)," he added.
The 30 OEO staffers and Ad-
ministrative Board members at
last night's meeting voted unan-
imously to support McFall be-
fore the Board of Commis-
at the meeting fumed, "I've
heard reports that Clarence is
too uppity for the Commis-
sioners. When theytpull that off
(firing McFall), the program
will go next."
When asked what form OED's
support for McFall would as-
sume if he were fired, Mayfield
replied, "We would investigate
the legality of it. We'd put it
to the people. This agency has
come a long way and done a
hell of a lot for the poor people
of the county."
Several OEO workers indi-
cated they would quit if McFall
lost his job.
WASHINGTON (Reuters)-Judge John Sirica ruled
yesterday that the White House tapes be played at the
cover-up trial despite the last ditch battle by defense
lawyers to keep the jury from hearing former President
Richard Nixon discussing Watergate with his top ad-
The judge also raised the possibility of Nixon testify-
ing from California on videotape if his health does not
improve sufficiently to allow him to travel to Washing-
SIRICA SIDED with government prosecutors who told him
that the tapes are "the heart" of the case against five former
Nixon aides accused of plotting the ill-fated attempt to conceal
White House involvement in the
June, 1972, break-in at the
Democratic Party National H o pesHd t
Defense lawyers strenuously Hp
objected to the recordings as
illegal eavesdropping, citing
rules against using unauthorized
wiretaps to convict criminals.
Sirica rejected repeated at-
tempts to portray the record-
ings as illegal evidence, sayingo mrtrd
the former president himself or-
dered the installation of an
elaborate Whte House bunging T W 0 H
eaoaeWieHuebgig rwsystem, and that Congress never inenedtoapw d imeaprue
intended to apply wiretap rules
in cases like Watergate. WASHINGTON (M "-Inflation
THE 70-year-old judge, often and economic decline are play
accused by experts on criminal ing ohavoc with the administra-
law of ignoring legal niceties on's budget hopes for 1975 and
duringneotriaglegut omf ties1976, and some officials say a
dungthetria, tr s o ar u- balanced budget two years from
Nixon chief of staff H. R. "Bob" now probably is beyond reach.
Haldeman, saying "you can take And unless there are cuts in
it up with the court of appeals." 1975 spending, the government
The ruling will allow the play- faces a 1975 budget deficit, of
ing of the so-called resignation at least $13 billion, instead of
tang of aethe g so-llday ftr the $11.5 billion deficit projected
tape of a meeting six days after
the 1972 break-in when Nixon M a y, an administration
and Haldeman discussed using source said.
the Central Intelligence Agency
to head off an FBI investigation THE FORD and Nixon ad-
of the burglary. ministrations have made a re-
duced budget deficit in fiscal
THE former president's law- 1975 and a balanced budget in
yers cast renewed doubt on 1976 a major part of their anti-
whether he will ever appear as inflation program.
a witness at the trial, telling The last time the federal
Sirica it will be two to three budget wasn't in deficit was in
more months before he was well 1969, when it showed a surplus
enough to take the stand. of $3.2 billion. Treasury Secre-
Sirica, who raised the pos- tary William Simon and others
sibility of videotaping Nixon's have said the continuing fed-
testimony for showing to the eral deficits are a major cause
jury later in the trial, scheduled of the nation's inflation.
a hearing on whether to send a But inflation also has made
team of medical experts to Cali- the goal of balanced budgets
fornia to assess Nixon's health. See UNBALANCED, Page 7
Reporter questioned
on SGC elections
BUT McFALL rejected any
mass action. "I would hate to
see the staff go. I don't want
them penalized for my fight."
Labor Department Represent-
ative Conlin indicated she would
be returning soon from Chicago
with a team of five federal in-
vestigators to review McFall's
Manpower records. She also in-
dicated that the General Ac-
counting Office (a Congressional
watchdog agency) might start
its own inquiry.
Mayfield conceded that pro-
gram guidelines may not have
been met by all of this sum-
mer's participants. But she
q-ickly added, "The funds were
given to people who need it."
She pointed out that the par-
ticinant guidelines set a $6200
income ceiling for a family of
seven. "That's unrealistic," she
"I think it's unfair for labor
to come here and only investi-
gate the county's portion of the
CRTA funding. This thing can
ieopardize our whole opera-
Allocation of county funds is
administered by the Ann Arbor
Washtenaw County Manpower
Consortium, formed earlier this
veer. The consortium divides
monies between the city and
the county, which controls OEO.
If the Labor Denartment,
confirms OEO impropriety it
can 'require the Consortium to
reimburse the Federal agency
for all funds that were mis-
However, according to Coun-
tv Commissioner Liz Taylor (D-
Ann Arbor), "The consorti"n%
rold hold the county resnonsi-
ble as a sh-grantee," and so
Lt. Gov. Brickley appointed
EMU president amid discord
YPSILANTI-The Eastern Michigan University <
(EMU) Board of Regents yesterday appointed
lame-duck Lt. Gov. James Brickley as the school's
president, amid growing controversy over his
Brickley, who decided earlier this year not tof
seek re-election on the Republican ticket with
Governor William Milliken, is expected to take
office on January 1.
BRICKLEY'S appointment, and the proceedure
leading to the selection, have raised a storm of
bitter protest from EMU faculty members. ::
Student Government Council
(SGC) last night fired a num-
ber of critical questions at
Daily reporter Tim Schick, who
had written stories on possible
fraud in last month's all cam-
pus election.
Most of the inquiry centered
around a phone call allegedly
made by Election Director Alan
Bercovitz to The Daily in which
he said he would postpone the
BERCOVITZ said regarding
the mysterious phone call: "I
The call in question came af-
ter The Daily informed SGC of-
ficials that it was, running a
story detailing how the mark
placed on ID card to prevent
students from voting twice
could be removed.
COUNCIL Member Candace
Massey stated that a number
of markers had been tested
and that one had been deter-
mined satisfactory. Another
high SGC official stated that
Bercovitz was given the mark-
er that was okayed.
Bercovitz said that he looked