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November 07, 1974 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1974-11-07

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Eighty-four years of editorial freedom
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan

Thursday, November 7, 1974

News Phone: 764-0552

420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104

State Dems field turkeys

IN THESE DAYS of Democratic vic-
tories, it was a strange set of cir-
cumstances that allowed Michigan to
elect a Republican governor in spite
of a major scandal. With a post-Wat-
ergate wave of distrust for Republi-
cans drowning all but the most en-
trenched in the Grand Old Party, the
local returns are a sad commentary
on the nature of candidates run by
the Democrats.
In an area with a heavy student
population as well as a heavy voter
turnout, it is amazing that a Repub-
lican could retain his congressional
In both the gubernatorial and the
Second District congressional races,
the reason for the Republican vic-
tories is that the Democrats ran tur-
keys in opposition. Democratic can-
didate for governor Sander Levin
managed to out-Republican Repub-
lican Incumbent William Milliken
by declaring most issues dead and
failing to take a consistent stand on
the issues he did confront.

LEVIN SHOULD HAVE been able to
take the contest easily after the
Damman scandal. The whole issue
reeked so strongly of the Eagleton af-
fair that one cannot help wondering
if Milliken would have won by a land-
slide had this blot on his campaign
not turned up.
As for the local congressional seat,
Esch could hardly have won re-elec-
tion had Reuther not been a grade
A gobbler. With his famous name, he
should have commanded the labor
vote in the Detroit suburbs, and the
endorsements of such notables as
Stephen Stills and Senator George
McGovern should have secured him
the Ann Arbor area's liberal vote. To
make Reuther's case even stronger,
Esch had backed Nixon as long as he
possibly could before joining the Wat-
ergate bandwagon.
All things considered, it is sur-
prising that election day in Michigan
was not moved to Thanksgiving . . .
because the Republicans had turkey
for dinner.

A ttica
MORE THAN THREE years ago, pri-
soners at Attica Prison in Attica,
New York staged a rebellion in protest
of intolerable and inhumane treatment
at the prison.
After four days of attempted negotia-
tions between inmates and prison and
government officials, it became the view
of these officials and of New Y or k
Governor Nelson Rockefeller that state
troopers should storm the prison and
thus put an end to the revolt and "free"
the inmates' hostages.
When the smoke cleared and the gun-
fire ceased, 39 men lay dead, including
11 hostages and 80 more were wounded.
As things began to "settle down" at
the prison, a barrage of false rumors
and press releases contended that the
police seige of Attica was precipitated
by inmates' cutting of hostages' throats.
The McKay commission was later form-
ed to investigate what really happened at
THE COMMITTEE determined t h at
both prisoners and hostages had died of
gunshot wounds inflicted by the state
troopers and that the hostages had re-
ported that they were well treated by
the prisoners.
The committee also found justification
for the inmates' decision to rebel. Food,
living conditions, rehabilitation programs
and wages at the prison were intolerable.
The commission argued that the vio-
lent retaking of Attica would have been
averted had Rockefeller not refused to
come to the prison.
After the rebellion, prisoners were
subjected to brutality and torture.
In spite of well-documented evidence
laying the blame on state officials for the
murder and brutality at Attica, a grand
jury issued 61 indictments against 42
inmates, and not a single state official or
employe was charged with a crime.
A second grand jury formed to look
into possible indictments of state offic-

defense strug"

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'The first of the trials stemming from the uprising
ended on October 9 with the dismissal of all charges.

ials refused to indict any government
employes. In May, a third grand jury
was formed for the same purpose as its
predecessor. Drawn from the same coun-
ty as the first, this grand jury has yet
to issue any indictments.
ATTICA TRIALS began in September

some 50 lawyers throughout the*country.
Although the prosecution has been or-
dered to hand over certain relevant evi-
dence to the defense, including photo-
graphs, video tapes, films and names
and addresses of witnesses, the prosecu-
tion has been consistently uncooperative.
THE FIRST of the trials stemming

In granting the motion of defendant Brother


Smith, Supreme Court Justice Frank Baker stated, "It.
is my conclusion that the People have failed to present
evidence sufficient to sustain the charges." During the
trial, evidence also come out indicating that the prosecu-
tion had systematically destroyed written reports of pro-
secution investigators who had interviewed witnesses.'
x .aw :||,..., ;,t.||| ..t ,2 : | rn c l' ;:M "c""£..?|||'.p'4°"|||v°'$x'|||||r , .

rles onI,
out indicating that the prosecution had
systematically destroyed written reports
of prosecution investigators who had in-
terviewed witnesses. The reports were
shredded in order to prevent their use
at trial by defense attorneys in cross-
examining the witnesses, a right guar-
anteed to the defendants by law.
As a result of the shredding, a motion
was filed by the attorneys for the Attica
Brothers last week in Federal District
Court requesting that a special marshall
be appointed to keep custody of the re-
maining evidence. In addition, a motion
to dismiss will be made in each of the
remaining cases on the grounds that the
prosecution has destroyed evidence.
TODAY, the Ann Arbor office of the
National Lawyers Guild is presenting the
color documentary film Attica, along
with two speakers, one of whom :is an
Attica defendant, at the Law School. Re-
viewing the film for the New York Times
on April 12, Vincent Canby wrote:
"Attica, produced and directed by
Cinda Firestone, who also edited the film
with Tucker Ashworth, is an exception-
ally moving, outraged recollection of
that terrible event. It's a documentary
record of the event itself, the conditions
that helped prompt it, and some of
the things that have (and haven't) hap-
peied since."
Although the smoke from the rebellion
has settled, the defense struggle con-
tinues in spite of the systematic harass-
ment of the defense by the state of New
York. In the words of Hayward Burns,
Legal Coordinator for the Attica Broth-
ers Legal Defense, "Attica'is symbolic
of the way in which power has been
taken and abused in this country, the
way in which your power has been stol-
en. from you, twisted and distorted and
used against you, the way in which
officials have become theyoutstanding
Andrea Lilly is a Daily staff reporter.


No on D: Road to disaster

of this year. The prosecution for the
state of New York has been given $6
million to cover preparation for the
trials. The defense for the "Attica Bro
thers," many of whom are still in jail.
has not been granted any money from
the state, and depends solely on private
contributions and the volunteer time of

from the uprising ended on October 9
with the dismissal of all charges. In
granting the motion of defendant Broth-
er Willie Smith, Supreme Court Justice
Frank Baker stated, "It is my conclus-
ion that the People have failed to present
evidence sufficient to sustain the charg-
During the trial, evidence also came

STATE BALLOT Proposal D, which
would. have provided money to
develop a wide spectrum public trans-
portation across the state, was handi-
ly defeated yesterday by Michigan
voters. Proposal A, which would limit
the amount of gasoline tax money
diverted for mass transit develop-
ment purposes, appears to have been
narrowly approved.
This one-two punch against public
transportation puts the state back
into the same old eight-lanes-of-con-
crete mentality that has made going
to work, or for that matter, going to
just about anywhere, a special varie-
ty of purgatory.
It was inevitable, we guess, that
voters in a state where the car is
synonymous with status, virility, and
economic stability, would vote against
mass transportation.
It is also inevitable that we will
suffer the ultimate consequence of
private transportation-a glut of ve-
hicles and persons so great that no
transnortation occurs at all.
in Detroit, and in any other ma-

jor city. Our interstates, those much-
heralded golden avenues built to
whisk suburban travelers in and out
of downtown have turned into the
world's most expensive parking lots.
That expense is not only economic
--it is social. The freeways have cre-
ated great Chineserwalls separating
neighborhood from neighborhood,
disrupting the complex social connec-
tions that help make a city liveable.
But defeat of Proposal D means
more than just a setback for urban
mass transit. The whole gamut of
state transportation needs, from new
port facilities, to railroad service to
airport construction would have been
served by the money appropriated
under Proposal D.
But a choice has been made, and as
we survey the traffic ahead of us on
the freeway at five o'clock, throats
burning from the noxious miasma of
ten thousand separate exhaust pipes,
we must live with this choice.
By voting against mass transpor-
tation, Michigan voters have chosen
to continue on a road to ruin.



To The Daily:
Organization of the1
of Michigan strongly
the racist violence
Black students and
terror on the streetsi
Racist forces in Bost
ing extremist groups
Ku Klux Klan and t
Party, are attempting
throw a court-ordere
tion plan. President
statement that the c
cision was "not the
tion" and that he 1
sistently opposed for
ing" gave added encot
to these racists.
Both as teachers
members of a labor
tion, we are committer
integrated, qualityi
for all. At the Unix
Michigan, we are se
full integration of the
student assistant pope
represent with the d
an Affirmative Action
in our present contras
tions. Consistent with
tion, we are spea
against the situationi
Any condoning of tha
jeopardizes our imm
fort to secure an a
action program and of
concern with achievin
democratic society u
equality for all peopl

Black Community lead
Boston of Boston Mayor Kevi
for the sending of feder
Employees to protect the children
University allow the integration pl
condemns forward. Such actions w
against en by Preside its Eis
the lynch and Kennedy to defend
of Boston, tion in the South. The
on, includ- preme Court decision su
like the integrated schools must
he N a zi ried out in the North
g to over- President Ford must c
d integra- couraging criminals an
Ford's instead enforce the law
ourt's de- We call on students,
best solu- sors, organizations at
has "con- versity, and other trad
rced bus- ists to join us in spea
uragement against the racist terro
ton. We call on the U
and as Administration and in p
organiza- President Fleming to ac
d to equal, matter of. grave import
ntegration cation and equality. A'
versity of concerned with educatio
eking the special responsibility t
graduate out: those of us at M
ulation we President Ford's alma
emand for must strongly condemn
program tire to carry out his{
ct negotia- tional responsibility to
that posi- equal rights for all peo

ers and
n White
al forces
and to
an to go
were tak-
1954 Su-
be car-
as well.
ease en-
nd must
lie Uni-
e union-
king out
r in B)s-
t on ths
t to edu-

to Th
really quite amusing. As you
probably noticed, the w ' ->oI e
intent and purpose of his !etter
was to play up the "economics"
of rodeo, and the "danger" to
the "poor cowboy". Hardly a
word was mentioned about what
Mr. Warren recognizes are tru-
ly the "unwilling particinits"
... the animals!
I have seen rodeo, and for ob-
vious reasons, cannot manage
to muster one ounce of svyn-
pathy for the so-called "poor
Please continue seeing *&ngs
from the animals' viewpoint.
-Margaret J. Sarna
October 21

We will welcome pen pals
young or. old, male or female,
who wish to discuss or ask ques-
tions on any subject. To those
who write: Please state in your
first letter the age or race of
person you wish to correspond
with, and if you have any spec-

ial interests (arts, crafts, sports,
hobbies) you wish to discuss.
Please address any corres-
pondence to:
-Sonny Royce
No. 138827
PO Box 787
Lucasville, Ohio 45648

To The Daily:

858 Qf!"f9 8t116 6&OFi O N 04 .SCriiZii -U+tM t
X4XYjj*~~Aj~ 44T
II I-' I ..yf~ir. ,.n. d III+~t "




Rhodes wins despite Kent

TN THE WAKE of the Democratic
landslide, there is one major dis-
appointment, the governor's race in
Ohio. Apparently, former Republican
governor James Rhodes has eked by
Democratic incumbent John Gilligan
by a mere 13,000 or so votes.
Rhodes' election represents a set-
back for progressivism not only in
terms of economic and social policy,
but in mere justice.
News: Cindy Hill, Don Korobkin, Anne
Marie Lipinski, Jo Marcotty, R o b
Meachum, Jim Tobin, Becky Warn-
Editorial Pdge: Becky Warner, David
Arts Page: David Blomquist, George
Lobsenz, David Weinberg .
Photo Technician: Steve Kagan

For those with short memories,
Rhodes was the governor who ordered
the National Guard to Kent State
during the 1970 troubles, commanded
that they wield loaded weapons, and
encouraged, with his public state-
ments, the charged atmosphere which
contributed to tragedy that May af-
After the shootings which brought
down four innocent by-standers,
Rhodes defended his actions and
those of the National Guard. Nor has
he really expressed sorrow for the
Kent State debacle.
THE SAD STORY of 1974 is that
while Ohio National Guardsmen
stand on trial for their actions at
Kent State, the man who prompted
and should bear ultimate responsibili-

king out
in Boston.
t violence
ediate ef-
ur general
g a more
ith f u l l
call of

Letters to The Daily zh ld
be mailed to the Editorial
Director or-delivered to
Mary Rafferty in the Student
Publications business office
in the Michigan Daily build-
ing. Letters should be typed,
double-spaced and normally
should not exceed 250 words.
The Editorial Directors re-
serve the right to edit all
letters submitted.

--Stewards Counc
To The Daily:
PLEASE excuse thec
my congratulations on
Warren's excellent artic
deo: Scar from A
Past," in September 7th
igan Daily. As with otl
animal articles, it is b
culated among huma
throughout the State, an
up here in Warren onl
week. I cannot comme
publication enough for
this expose on the stu'
The letter to the edit
former rodeo contestart
ply to Mr. Warren's ari

ll throe THERE IS ONE glaring omis-
n have a sion in the otherwise cogent
o s aak analysis of the Palestinian re-
tichig-n, presentation question by Ken-
mater, neth Stein (The Daily, Oct. 24).
his fail- The author states that all guer-
Constitu- illa groups agree on ". . . their
ensure goal, which is their legitimate
ple. national aspirations or the estab-
lishment of a democratic secu-
il, lar state in Palestine." I have
read many of the recent official
agreements, covenants, decis-
rodeo ions, etc., ema'ating from these
groups' various assemblies and
congresses. In all of them, it
delay in is reiterated that this envisaged
n David Palestine democratic state is to
le David be Arab, affiliated with an Arab
~le: "Ro- federation of states.
merica's Furthermore, this Palestinian
i's Mich- state is to be established after
her pro -the destruction of Israel. This
Beig cr-view, hl by the more influen-
nitarians tial groups within the PLO, pro-
nd ended bably best explains why a Pales-
ly last tinian government in exile has
nd your not been established despite its
printing enthusiastic endorsement b y
pidity of both the Soviet Union and Presi-
Sb the dent Sadat - again, a f a c t
hr b the mentioned but not explicated in
icle was Mr. Stein's article.
THIS IS but one example of
the Arab states' uncompromis-
ing denial of the right of Jews
to self-determination and poli-
tical and cultural freedom in
their nation-state. The Arabs'
unwillingness to recognize any
Jewish state, no matter where
its boundaries are, has been at
the root of the Arab-Israeli con-
flict since 1948.
-Arie Shirom
October 24
To The Daily:
I AM WRTTTNG this letter on
behalf of the inmates at t h e
Srnthern Ohio Correctional Fa-
cility. We have inmates here
?S from ages 17 to 70 who have no
family or friends who c-a r e
about them. Nobody knows that
teemen exist.

ties for their presence
the brink of the upset


stands safe on
of the year.



II £ '

clo 66.





- *1

250 words about a
subject of your interest
THE YALE LAW SCHOOL Admissions Office has asked me
to "write on a separate sheet not more than 250 words
about a subject of your interest." The words "not more than
250" are in italics. I guess they are looking for an example of
tight, logical reasoning. Lawyers must often get their points
across before word 251 or else the jury already will have
returned with a noose.
But first, I will have to find a suitable topic. The phrase "a
subject of your interest" still sounds awkward to me, but
as the scores on my LSAT writing test so obviously show, I
don't know beans (to put it mildly for the folks in New Haven)
about the English language.
ANYWAY, THE TRUE subjects of my interest probably would
not sufficiently impress the Admissions Committee and a poten-
tially flowering career in the law would be nipped in the pro-
verbial bud. Rather than let that valuable Ivy League legal
degree go to waste on some flunky who will use it to defend
General Motors or General Dynamics instead of working for
"the poor" or Ralph Nader, I had better choose a subject
more superficially intellectual than baseball, lunch, young wo-
men and getting into law school.
But the problem is what. I already have written 217 words,
give or take a few, and as I previously mentioned, the words
"not more than 250" were italicized. Yale beckons, yet I am
transfixed with indecision. But as the ancient philosophers often
said, "
Contact your reps-


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