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October 26, 1974 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1974-10-26

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Saturday, October 26, 1974


r©9ce Seven


Homecoming, the Little Brown
Jug, and good o1' Michigan foot-
ball combine today as the un-
defeated Michigan Wolverines
take on an injury-riddled Min-
nesota squad in Michigan Sta-,
The 6-0 Wolverines hope to
break a string of three straight,
lackluster performances, in-
cluding last week's 24-20
squeaker at Wisconsin, and
the Golden Gophers may be
just the team they can flex
their muscles against.. The
Minnesota defense will be
missing at least six regulars,
their quarterback is injury-
prone, and they rely on a one-
man running attack--not the(
stuff strong resistance is made
The inexperience of the Go-
phers' young squad will also
hurt, particularly against a,
team with Michigan's reputa-
tion. Indeed, Gopher coaches
seem to have all but conceded
the game to heavily-favored
Michigan, despite coach Cal
Stoll's statement that "We are
going (to Ann Arbor) with every
intention of winning."
Nonetheless, Michigan coach
Bo Schembechler doesn't expect
to overpower the Gopher de-
fense-or so he says.
"We'lli just run our basic
stuff," Schembechler remarked,
adding, "We'll just wait and,
see what they'll do to try to
stop us." I
Despite Schembechler's pro-
tests that "We'll have trouble +
just winning," the revamped 1


and still suspect Gopher line
poses an easy target for Bo's
favorite weapon-the run.
Michigan doesn't have its
usual big, power runners this
year. However, the outside
speed of the current backfield
could be the perfect weapon
against a Minnesota defense
that Stoll admits can't list
quickness as their "biggest sur-
plus commodity."
Stoll said that the Gopher de-
fense must "play above their
abilities if we expect to contain
that explosive Michigan of-
Although Schembechler prais-
ed Minnesota's defensive effort
in their 23-17 win over Iowa last
week, the Gophers still surrend-
ered 237 rushing yards to an
offense that, as the season
opener proved, is a far cry from
The secondary hasn't been
much better, allowing oppon-
ents close to 100 passing yards
per game, although this prob-
ably won't induce Schembech-
ler to begin throwing left and
right. Still, Bo remembers
that passing saved some cru-
cial drives against the Bad-
gers last week.
On the defensive side, the
Wolverines' success in capturing
their seventh straight Little
Brown Jug depends on their'
ability to capture the Big White
Jersey, number 40 to be exact,
which belongs to Gopher run-
ning back Rick Upchurch.
Schembechler regards Up-
church as a potent threat. "If
he gets by the line of scrim-

mage, we haven't got anyone'
who can catch him," Bo said.
Upchurch runs the 40 yard dash
in 4.25 seconds.
The Michigan defenders will
not be in top running. shape,
either. Defensive end Larry
Johnson, who reinjured his knee
before the Wisconsin game, will
again be replaced by Larry
Banks. Nagging injuries have
sidelined Carl Russ, and Calvin
O'Neal will replace him at line-
If Upchurch is the key to
the Gopher offense, sophomore
quarterback Tony Dungy is
the hand that turns him.
Dungy, a High School All-
American at Jackson Park-
side, has guided the Gopher
attack impressively - when
Both Schembechler and Stoll
agree that Dungy's injuries
have been a major factor in
the Gophers' poor showing so
far this year (1-2 in the Big
Ten), but, as Schembechler
noted, "they were moving the
ball pretty well against Iowa
with him back."
In last year's 34-7 Michigan
debacle, Stoll stuck primarily
to fullback plunges, unleashing
Upchurch only six times and
passing only twice in 49 plays,
even though they trailed the
entire game.
The situation could be differ-
ent this year, however, espe-
cially if the Gopher ground at-
tack grinds to an early halt.
Minnesota has been a running
club, but this is primarily due


to Dungy's absences. When
healthy, Dungy will not hesi-
tate to throw, as evidenced by
his 18-passes per game average.
Dungy may also be en-,
counraged to throw by the1
rash of injuries that has struckl
the Michigan secondary.
Cornerman Dave Elliott will
miss his second straight game,
and both his replacement,
Tom Drake, and wolfman DonI

Dufek are "banged up," ac-
cording to Schembechler.
The Gopher offense won't put
too many new wrinkles in their
basic veer-option attack, al-
though Upchurch has been
known to throw an occasional
option pass. It was that very
play that gave the Gophers
their touchdown in last year's
game-but not many people can
fool Schembechler twice.


( 9)l
( 6):

Jim Smith (200)
Steve King (245)
Kirk Lewis (240)
Dennis Franks (225)
Dave Metz (235)
Pat Tumpane (240)
Greg DenBoer (233)
Dennis Franklin (180)
Rob Lytle (190)
Chuck Heater (210)
Gil Chapman (180)
Dan Jilek (205)
Jeff Perlinger (235)
Tim Davis (210)
Greg Morton (230)
Larry Banks (210)
Steve Strinko (230)
Calvin O'Neal (22)
Don Dufek (195)
Tom Drake (175)
Harry Banks (185)
Dave Brown (188)


( 9)


Dale Henricksen (230)
Art Meadowcroft (235)
Brien Harvey (217)
Jeff Selleck (227)
Dale Hegland (254)
Greg Shoff (251)
Scott Puchtel (215)
Tony Dungy (194)
Rick Upchurch (175)
John Jones (205)
Vince Fuller (173)
Jeff Smith (204)
Mike Ramerth (224)
George Washington (215)
Keith Simons (247)
Mike Byrne (216)
Ollie Bakken (227)
Greg Gerths (227)
Doug Beaudoin (189)
Bob Weber (171)
Greg Engebos (179)
George Adzick (192)



Daily Photo by PAULINE LUBENS;
SPARTAN TAILBACK RICK BAES loses the ball and barely hangs on to his consciousness as
he suffers a devastating hit by Wolverine Mik e Holmes (40) while Jeff Perlinger (97) looks

on. Michigan gave up 20 points to

Wisconsin last week, and hopes to improve today against

t E




Bucke yes

Only 9:0C ?

By BRIAN DEMING..................surprised I had that many
What started out as a sur- chances," laughed the 5-10 cen-
prisingly close game finally a 1 ter, a non-tendered skater on
turned into a rout as the Michi- £ IFarrell's squad.
Sio S Another freshman, Ben Kawa,
7-1 lastnight at Yost Arena.tt I)iSIcame up with Michigan's third
"Too many penalties and a goal on a picture play with the
lot of mistakes," were, accord- INIGHT EDITOR help of Captain Randy Tru-
ing to Wolverine Coach DanjL BILL STIEG deau. While skating in from the
Farrell, what kept Michigan 1 I:..:":::::::":>r.:;::i::;:; :left side, winger Kawa passed
from blowing the Buckeyes tTrudeau skating down the
away early in the season's op- R o b b i e Moore to give Ohio center. Trudeau responded with
ening game. State a 1-0 had at 2:15. a well-timed lead pass back toI
AS IT WAS, Michigan gained "It was a good shot," defend- Kawa and the freshman closed.
a 3-1 lead in the first period ed the junior netminder. "But in on the net for the score.
but weren't able to widen the if it wasn't the first game I BUT THE precision passing
advantage until midway into' would have had it." that made that play was lost
the third stanza. AN UNUSUAL goal by Randy in the lethargic play that bot-
Eleven penalties against Neal at 8:52 however, tied tled up the Maize and Blue un-
Michigan in the first two per- things back up. While ly- til well into the third stanza.
iods stymied the Michigan of- ing prone on the ice by the side "We were not sharp offen-
fense. But even when short- of the net he managed to tap sively," Farrell stated, not at;
handed, the Wolverines monopo- his own rebound shot in. all satisfied in spite of the
lized play. OSU had only five Neal, a 5-8 senior, earned the' score and the remarkable goal-i
penalties in the first two stanzas'third game star in playing per-' keeping of OSU's Stergiou.
but were out-shot 58 to 39. haps his finest game since his Though allowing seven goals,
The Buckeyes shocked Michi- freshman and sophomore years. the junior netminder came up'
gan by scoring first in the game Neal credited his improvement with 46 saves. Michigan's
on a forty foot shot by winger to "just a mental thing" add- f Moore, in contrast, was well
Hugh Prentice. The puck got ing that "playing with the protected, particularly by de-
past sophomore defenseman right people" also helped. j fenseman Fox, and made 27
Greg Natale and then goalie The line of Neal, Frank Wer- saves.
ner and Dave Debol was the of- The crowd of 4626 sat through
For openers . . * fensive sparkplug early in the nearly 35 minutes of scoreless
contest. hockey until Michigan's 6-4
FIRST PERIOD Freshman c e n t e r Debol' center, Angie Moretto, made the
SCORING: 1. OSU-Prentice (Al(- gave Michigan its lead at 12:05 'score 4-1 at 8:30 of the last per-
Bol, Natale) 8:52; 3. M -DeBol while the Wolverines were short- iod. The 210-pound junior, lead-
(Neal, Fox) 12:05, pp; 4. M - Kawa handed. Neal and Greg Fox as- ing scorer for the Wolverines
(Trudeau, Manery) 14:49. sisted as the Detroiter slapped last year with 25 goals, was as-
No scoring. a rebound shot past OSU goalie sisted by Fox and Doug Lind-,
THIRD PERIOD Dan Stergiou.. skog.
SCORING: 5. M -- Moretto (D. THIS AND some impressive Freshman Bill Thayer came
Lindskog, Fox) 8:30; 6. M-Thayer stickhandling in his first game up with his first goal as a Wol-
( and, F dkg) 19:13; 8. M -as a Wolverine gave Debol the verine at 13:48 after receiving
Moretto (D. Lindskog, Shand) 19:31. first star for the game. "I was a pass from sophomore defense-

man Dave Shand.
A LONG shot by Fox, from al-
most the blue line, found its
way into the goal at 19:13 to?
make the score 6-1, and only
seconds later Moretto came up'
with a breakaway to score the
Wolverines final goal.
Pat Hughes, speedy sopho-
more winger, will not play to-
night due to a shoulder injury'
suffered last night.
leers na me
ass't coach
Doug Hinton has been named
the new assistant coach of the
Michigan hockey team. He re-
places Jim Keogh who left the
Wolverines this year to play
with the World Hockey Associa-
tion's Michigan Stags.
Hinton played with Michigan
Tech from 1966-1970. At Tech
he met Dan Farrell, who be-
came assistant coach for the
Huskies in 1968, and Michigan
coach, five years later.
Hinton spent the last four
years in the- Detroit Red Wing
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MICHIGAN FORWARD Bill Thayer (25) and denfenseman
Dave 'Shand hotly pursue Ohio State's Doug Boyd in the
Wolverines' 7-1 victory last night. The two teams go at it
again at Yost Ice Arena tonight at 7:30 p.m.


Potent Illini

stalk Hawks


Illinois travels to Iowa this
week hoping to stay a half game
behind Ohio State and Michigan
as the Big Ten hits the halfway
mark in its conference sched-
Besides the Iowa City con-
test, this afternoon finds Wis-
consin at Indiana, Ohio State
at Northwestern, while Pur-
due invades East Lansing for
Michigan State's homecoming.
The Fighting Illini, 2-0-1 in the
conference after tying MSU last
week 21-21, would like to make
the Hawkeyes their third Bigj
Ten victim. In the next two
weeks, Illinois plays OSU and
Although Illinois trounced
Iowa 50-0 last year, Illini Coach
Bob Blackman expects a much
closer game today. "They are
a vastly improved ball club,"
he, said about Iowa.
But so is Illinois, and the
Hawkeyes will have their hands
full trying to stop the quarter-
backing duo of Jim Kopatz and

Jeff Hollenbach. The nair have'
combined for 355 yards a game
aid completed slightly better4
than 52 per cent of their passes.
The league leading Iowa pass
defense will have to prove their
mettle against the Illini.
A rash of injuries has hurt
the Hawkeye chances. Half-
back Rod Wellington is doubt-
dl and qnarterback Rob Fick{
will play but not start.
The Hoosier fans in Blooming-:
ton expect a high-scoring affair,
when Indiana takes on the
wounded but still dangerous
Wisconsin Badgers. After last,
week's 24-20 loss to Michigan
the Badgers are just about out
of the conference race but as
Indiana coach Lee Corso noted,
"No one has stopped this club.
Even against Ohio State they
moved the ball."
All Big Ten tailback Billy
Marek, hit hard by Steve Strin-
ko last week, has a bruised
knee and remains a question
mark for the Badgers. Other
than that it's the same Wiscnn-

coach John Pont.
He'll behold the awesome
Buckeyes to his heart's content
this afternoon as his outmanned
Wildcat squad hosts the No. 1
team in what could be con-
sidered a criminal act of sched-
- A more versatile Buckeye
squad travels to Evanston to-
day and last year's 60 point
shutout could be surpassed. In
addition to the running of Archie
Griffin, "Champ" Henson, Pete
Johnson and Brian Baschnagel,
Woody Hayes has the confer-
ence' s leading passer in Cor-
nelius Greene, also the leader
in total offense.
To their credit, the Wild-
cats have been improving, but
will need much more than the
passing of Mitch Anderson to
Scott Yelvington, .and the run-
ning of fullback Jim Pooler

to stop the Bucks.
This week's most interesting
game may be up in East Lan-
sing where a victory by the
Spartans (1-1-1) could put them
back in the Big Ten race.
State's tough defense matches
up well against Purdue's versa-
tile offense. The Boilermakers
are averaging 387 yards a game
and have a deep threat in the
Mark Vitali to Larry Burton
passing combo. Spartan quarter-
back Charlie Baggett had a fine
game against Illinois last week
scoring two touchdowns and
passing for 125 yards.
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