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October 11, 1974 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1974-10-11

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Eighty-four years of editorial freedom
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan

Friday, October 11, 1974

News Phone: 764-0552

420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104

Apathy guts GRC report

to knock any reform-packed
punch out of the Graduation Require-
ments Commission (GRC) report.
They stopped it dead at the last liter-
ary college meeting when they could
not muster enough support for a
quorum. Apathy is allegedly riding
high on campus this year, and the
faculty is no exception to the general
Vice President for Academic Af-
fairs Frank Rhodes appointed the
commission in spring '72, charging it
with a comprehensive review of the
undergraduate degree. One and a
half years later the report is no
closer to implementation than it was
in its initial stages. Although Rhodes
seemed content as LSA dean last year
to let the faculty amble leisurely
through a series of lengthy debates,
Acting Dean Billy Frye has repeated-
ly expressed concern for the report's
speedy passage. He has made it his
first priority, asserting, "The GRC
takes precedence over all else." Judg-
ing from sparse attendance at last
year's meetings and the dismal fail-
ure of this week's attempted meeting,
the faculty does not share Frye's en-
thusiasm for the report.
PRYE STATED last week that the
report ought to be adopted "be-
fore Christmas in order for it to have
some impact." The faculty, which re-
tains the power to either reject or ac-
cept the report, has completed exami-
nation of the first three sections
which focus on admissions, degrees,
and sources of credit. With six sec-
tions awaiting consideration, Frye's

deadline seems an impossible dream,
unless he can modify the date to
Christmas of next year.
Commission chairman Raymond
Grew was only kidding when he re-
sponded to sparse attendance at Mon-
day's faculty meeting with, "I wish
we were equipped with parliamentary
whips," but such extreme measures
are probably the only ones capable of
moving the faculty to speedy action.
Certainly, Frye's concerned, courteous
call for "everyone to bring two or
three people to the next meeting in
an attempt to recruit a quorum" is
not going to create skyrocketing at-
quo was in jeopardy last year, a
determined group of professors ral-
lied to block the report's far-reaching
proposal that most courses carry ei-
ther two or four credit hours. The re-
packaging of credit hours was design-
ed to encourage students to concen-
trate more energy on fewer courses
per term by eliminating three-credit-
hour courses. Now that the faculty
has effectively defeated that propos-
al, they do not appear eager to tackleI
the rest of the job.
Although the report does not re-
commend any dramatic upheavals in
academic policy or curricula, it does
reflect a genuine concern for inno-
vation. However, the longer It is held
up by faculty apathy, the less impact
it can have.
The report is suffering a slow
death, battered by involved debate,
fear of change, and blatant apathy.

AT CAMP DURING the summer between eighth and m.
ninth grade, I spent several nights undercover, 'There
reading Candy by the dim yellow rays of my weakening dated o
flashlight. Hidden in my sleeping bag from mos-
quitos and the curious eyes of my friends, I avidly mary in
read with an adolescent mixture of thrill, question and minutes
terminal guilt. blankets
The descriptions were so sinful, so undeniably trashy.
I could imagine my Sunday School teacher going into least bi
a blithering apoplectic fit, my parents in shock, my
reputation permanently scarleted, were I caught with
this sensational piece of bedridden literature. revelation w
Six years later I was preparing to see my first beginning of
pornographic movie. I was about to observe firsthand than there a
what had been the subject of controversy in the Su- mothers.
preme Courtrooms, the nation's public schools and THERE A
countless social gatherings. Land. No on
Unlike the book at camp, passed bed to bed by its screen. The
owner (the girl who even wore mascara to bed and primary intr
had falsies in seventh grade) and so well worn at the duction is 1
good parts that the pages were threatening abdication, underwear.P
this adult sexual encounter promised to cost a goodly blankets; ma
sum of hard cash. women, seem
THE OUTSIDE AND lobby of the theater were deso- Production
lately empty. The cashier was expert at taking money The basic ,c
and dispensing admission tickets with amazing speed; a cameraper
purchasers could buy entrance and slip inside in a different and
second, with time enough for a furtive glance over the person whoc
shoulder to see if anyone familiar was in sight. Once sections. Mos
inside, we were faced with a modest refreshment actresses con
counter and two doorways, one leading to Young Cow- on their pers
girls and the other to Sweet Agony. Deciding to avoid tached men;
cowhide-covered bosoms and bestial fornication, we long as-they
walked into a dark walled hallway leading to the chest cold,.
moanful screening of "Sweet Agony."
The dim outlines of slumped voyeurs were scattered SPOKEN L




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as that it does not matter if you miss the
a porno film. There is less plot and acting
re clothes and scenes with Girl Scouts and
kRE A FEW definable habits in Porno
ne is ever courted, dated or married on
'amount of time that elapses between
oduction of two strangers and°prone se-
ess than three minutes. No one wears
None of the beds have cover sheets or
any have fur spreads, though. None of the
n the least bit concerned with unwanted
of porno films is definitely low-budget.
osts are probably for film, the salaries of
rson who can creatively film action from
d unobstructed angles, and a soundtrack
can, coordinate musical and pelvic rhythm
st of the sets are bedrooms; the actors and
nveniently carry the sites of most filming
son. All the actors are brunette and mus-
the women don't have to be pretty as
are built sumptuously (i.e., if they have a
it is pneumonia).
LINES ARE awkward in content and de-
script fills the blank moments between

polite preliminaries and the meat of the film, complete
with heavy breathing.
Plots are primarily thin adaptations of Boy Meets
Girl or Boys Meet Girls, with every conceivable com-
bination of gender and numbers of performers. Despite
attempts at new couplings, new premises, new twists
and new camera angles, the heart of every porno film
is The Act itself. Kinkiness, fetishes, and sadism are
added to dilute the boring repetition of missionary
Therein lies the largest accomplishment of the typi-
cal pornographic film. After the original sensory titil-
lation passes, the viewer becomes easily bored with the
static and ,rhythmic sameness of it all. There is no
love, no appeal to the emotions.
Sex is sensually and mechanically exploited. It is a
shallow action captured on celluloid by the 'leering eye
of a camera panning in on screen-tested private parts:
THROUGH THE MEDIUM of the pornographic
movie, sex is framed, not as a formula by which one
and one makes three, or one and one makes love, but
one and one makes several thousands.
Porno films directly affect the area below the waist
-specifically the pocket where the wallet is kept. Por-
nography doesn't have to make sense or social com-
ment as long as it makes money:

are a few definable habits in Porno Land. No one is ever courted,
r married on screen. The amount of time that elapses between pri-
ttroduction of two strangers and prone seduction is less than three
s. No one wears underwear. None of the beds have cover sheets or
s; many have fur spreads, though. None of the women seems the
t concerned with unwanted pregnancy.

in the back rows, close to the

side walls. The first

livery; thes


Ford econ plan: Little help

GERALD FORD has been character-
ized as being a lot like Grand
Rapids furniture: solid, direct, and
dazzingly unoriginal."
The President's recent series of
anti-inflation proposals can also best
be characterized by that final adjec-
There can be little doubt that Ford
wants desperately to slow the rate of
his self - proclaimed "public enemy
number one."
If for no other than purely political
'reasons, the President cannot afford
to let the vicious inflationary spiral
continue devouring our economy. A
Watergate-shattered Republican par-
ty could well be demolished on eco-
nomic issues.
1]OWEVER, FORD offered Congress
and the American people a good
deal less.
News: Jeff Dav, Mary Harris, Cheryl
Pilate, Judy Ruskin, Suanne Tiberio
Editorial Page: Paul Haskins, B i I I
Heenan, Steve Ross, Becky Warner
Arts Page: David Blom'nquist, Chris
Photo Technician: Ken Fink

Several of the proposals outlined
are gestures in the right direction.
Tough anti-trust law enforcement,
increased automobile mileage and aid
to the unemployed are all necessary
elements of any economic program.
But on the gut issue of inflation it-
self, Ford refused to go beyond the
ineffectual. The surtax proposal is a
prime example of this half-hearted
A surtax is basically a tax levied
on the amount of the original tax
bill. Considering the amazing ability
of many of our wealthier citizens to
avoid paying even a cent of income
tax, it is difficult indeed to believe
that a surtax could be an effective
anti-inflationary tool - except of
course, as it affects middle income
families without access to tax law-
yers and high finance.
FORD HAS FOLLOWED in the disas-
trous footsteps of his predeces-
sor in not acting forthrightly and in-
novatively to halt the cost of living
The president's vaunted anti-in-
flationary artillery appears to have
been loaded with B-B pellets.

To The Daily:
ALTHOUGH the votes for a
union were substantial in t h e
first clerical election, I would
like to encourage those who did
not vote for a union to take ano-
ther look at their situation:
Even though we received a
larger than average wage in-
crease this past fall, our wages
are still below standards of cth-
er Michigan universities and al-
so $700 below what we need to
catch up to the inflationary cost
of living. A union will help us
to raise our pay scale to ade-
quate levels and to maintain our
standard of living through a cost
of living clause.
Presently, we have no jo se-
curity and although promoions
are supposed to go through the
channels of "popping", promo-
tional positions can still be giv-
en to people off the street with
no experience. Under our own
union, promotions would b bass-
ed on seniority as well as abil-
ity and people would be reward-
ed for their employment at the
University. Longevity pay bas-
ed on length of service will grant
clericals additional increases for
each year worked after five
years as further incentive to
remain at the University.
ANY CLERICAL who h s at-
tempted to initiate a grievanc e
must realize that the University
offers us no fair prow, ure for
grievances. We have no real re-
course to initiate changs or to
improve our working conditions.
Some clericals are concerned
that they will be "swallowed
up" by the UAW. Our local will
be as effective as see make it.
We will have the hacking ad
expertise of the UAW behnd
us but we will make our own de-
cisions as to changes in cur
working conditions.
Under a union, the University
does not have arbitrary author-
ity to establish time clocks or
other rules governing o u r
working conditions. These is-
sues must be negotiated into
our contract, a contract which
must be ratified by us.
Again, I would ask that cleri-
cals weigh the advantage and
disadvantages of establishing
our own union. Until we respect
ourselves and our right to make
decisions about our working liv-
es (which take up 40 h'urs per
week of our time and energy),
the University will not pay us
salaries upon which we can live
nor accord us the dignity that
we deserve as University of
Michigan employes.
To be an effective local we
need the support and partici-
pation of all clericals. Consider
the alternatives and vote in Lhe
run-off election.
-Dawn Chalker
September 27
To The Daily:
IT SEEMS that every po'tical
candidate is interested in the
student vote these days and yet
few have anything to offer stu-
dents. Sander Levin, te Demo-
crat candidate for .over'nor, has
proven that he is iot only in-
terested in obtaining students'

ner table. Levin, in contrast,
during this past year has come
to campus for three major ap-
pearances to meet and talk with
all interested students. Lev in
has been the only serious candi-
date for governor ,, come to the
University to face students'
tough questions and to put up
with the harsh and wild accu-
sations of Human Rights Party
people. Unlike Milliken, Levin
has proven he is interested in
what students have to say and
he has had the guts to face
their tough questions.
LEVIN HAS done n'ore than
just ask students to von! for
him, for his record and his pro-
posals offer students something
tangible for their vote. In the
late 60's while Milliken had f.is
head in the sand, Levin iniro-
duced legislation to give 18 year

contrast between Levin a n d
Milliken is all too obvious. As
students our ch jice for gover-
nor, based on the candiidates re-
cords and our -wn interesti,
should he Sander Le-.m.
-Daniel D. Swanson
September 30
South Quai
To The Daily:
THIS IS MY third year as a
student at the University of
Michigan. It is also my third
year as a resident of South
Quad. South Quad is at best a
questionable dorm. Besides be-
ing ugly, filthy, and unsafe, it
is also the worst-managed build-
ing I have ever known about.
And matters get worse every
year I've been here. When I
moved in my freshman year
my section was labeled "Hon-
ors Housing." The title went
before the end of the first
semester. Last year the rooms
were repainted, with the most
possible inconvenience o stu-
dents, and paint was used which
removes itself automatically
when the masking-tape allowed
in the '73-'74 dorm guide oook
is removed, something the old
paint never did.
But this year has been pure
torture (it's hard to believe
that the actual time elapsed is
less than one month). To start
with, rates were dramatically
hiked for "improvements. ' The
improvements were supposed to
be redecorating of the dorm in-
terior and improvement to the
cafeteria service. The "improve-
ments" were:
a) the west desk was re-
p a i n t e d and promptly
closed down;
b) a" S c r a m bl e system"
was installed in all cafe-
terias, then the two cafe-
terias on the west side immed-
iately cut serving houcs a n d
then closed. (Informants s a y
that the west side cafeterias
will be open for short periods on
weekdays, but they have been
completely closed for the p a s t
four days. One of the cafeterias
was open briefly on Saturday,
September 27, but only for the
members of the navy band.) The
cafeterias that are open on the
east side have had a perpetual
shortage of forks;
c) Obscene murals of gargan-
tuan cows were painted on one
wall of the largest cafeteria;
d) lounge areas were install-
ed - rug, furniture, curtains -
then everything was removed
except for the rug;
e) carpeting was promised,
but has never materialized;
f) lighting in the halls and
stairways was destroyed or re-
moved, and never replaced,
making both unsafe for resi-
dents; and
g) new mailboxes were instal-
led, which no one considered
h) the Sunday, Daily is plunk-
ed in a pile outside the e a s t
doors of South Quad. Residents
must go outside in the wind and
rain to get their papers, and
subscribers have no guarantee
of not losing their ?apers to
free-loaders. Until receitly
weekday papers were put at the
East desk, not in mailboxes.
m'fl nun emTTT, Y A',T__



But the problems do not .stop
on that note.' Students have
received no warnings or explan-
ations for these inconvenienc-
es. They also have no where to
complain or question. RAs and
RDs are usually hard to get a
hold of, especially on week-
ends when many go home. Some
RAs have an on-duty schedule,
but it only applies at night. I
suppose they assume problemis
don't occur during the day. 'Ihe
east desk and kitchen are staf-
fed by students who don't even
know the hours when t h e i r
respective posts are open. The
building director has an unlist-
ed home phone and his office
hours are also unliste:, if not
erratic, there is also no listed
office where students can leave
messages. There is no one who

will take responsibility for the
dorm, or who knows why the
building is run the way it :s.
FOR THOSE who believe I'm
being overly-onesided, I'll ad-
mit that South Quad has some
good points, otherwise I would
not be living here. South Quad
is gifted' with:
a) a convenient location for
students inrmost LS&A courses;
b) a fairly well-stocked lib-
rary; and
c) summer storage, a must for
out-o-state students.
But otherwise I believe ie-
sidents are being unnecessarily
mistreated. I hope this letter
alerts someone to act to improve
the living conditions of the stu-
-An Irate Quaddie
September 29



'Cured' Nixon returns
home from hospital

m m. s




s f
"me. ...-
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olds the vote and also to allow
college students io register to
vote in their campus town. In
Ann Arbor as a result of Ltv-
in's efforts we have a city coon-
cil which for the first time has
student representstives on it.
In the late 60's while Milliken
still supported tae Vietnam
war, Levin at the 1968 Demo-
cratic convention vo:.ed for the
minority platform plank to stop
the bombing and supported
George McGovern for presiden-.
In his campaign for governor,
Levin has made a number of
specific proposals which offer
students something concrete for
their support. During the M;lli-
ken years tuition costs at this
University have soared w h i1 e
state scholarship and loan mon-
ies have become to-ilyi made-
quate. Levin has presented a
proposal to pump mo:e state
and federal money into scholar-
ship and loan programs so that.
students from all economic
backgrounds can attend s t a t e
DURING THE Millikea years
we have seen food costs simply
go out of sight. Levin is sup-
porting the proposal to eiimin-
ate the unfair and costly food
and drug tax so we can buy a
little more with our money.
While Milliken has failed to do
anything about political reform
in Michigan which would have
cleaned up this year s election,
Levin in 1969 was supporting a
broad program of political re-
form and has since been urging
aiction in the legislature on his

DICK, YOU'RE home. We're
all so happy to see you!
Aren't we, Manuel?
Yes, ma'am.
Holy shit, Pat. Who is that
little goddam son-of-a-bitch?
Does he have a camera? The
Please, Dick. Calm yourself.
This is Manuel, your servant.
He's been in your service for
He has? Really? MY GOD,
call Hoover. This man is a
goddamn infiltrating Commun-
ist. I've seen these assholes be-
fore. Believe me, I know their
Nonsense. Manuel is your
friend and will stay close to
take care of you. Please get a
paper towel - for the drool on
Mr. Nixon's shoe, Manuel.
Yes ma'am.
Pat, don't let him near me.
I'll kick the shit out of him if
he comes any closer.
CAN I WIPE your shoe, .sir?
Keep your distance, Red! I
don't want your goddamn hands
touching my goddamn shoes.
You understand, goddamnit? I'm
spit-polishing my shoes.
Mama, does Daddy se-em,
well . . . you know, different
to you? He used to swear be-
fore, but not so much and so
Well, Trish, dear, Daddy is a
little different now but we're
going to love him all the same,
aren't we?
I guess so. Does phlebitis
make people different, Mama?
Sometimes it can be very ser-
ious, like in your father's case.
Sometimes it spreads and the
doctors have to operate.
And the stitches on Daddy's
It was for the best. Remem-
ber how sad he used to be?
He seems pretty happy now. Be
nice to him.
Hey! What are you broads
whispering about? What hap-
pened while I wasn't thinking?

DICK, BE good. I'll spank
you hard if you don't be more
quiet. And I don't want to have
to "plug you in" like they did
at the hospital before the op-
I'll be good, I promise.
I'm going upsteairs for a min-
ute. Talk -to your daughter.
Hello, Daddy.
Uh, hi. I've seen yoar nose
before but I just can't place
the face. Or the name. ,
Tricia, Daddy. I just want to
tell you I still support you and
your policies 100 per cent.
You do?
I'm back, Dick. You're o-
ing to practice learning the an-
swers- to some test questions
your friends have made up. We
know you can do it because the
doctors told us. Everytime you
tell me the wrong answer I m
going to hit you hands with this
PLEASE DON'T hit ma with
the stick.
Only if you give me a wrong
=answer. Let's begin: "W a s
George McGovern among those
who planned the Watergate
I don't remember.
Very good. "Was Gerald Ford
connected with the break-in or
the cover-up?"
I don't remember. Ow!
The answer to that question
is, "No." "Does Nelson Rocke-
feller have any connections with
the Mafia?"
Very good. "Do you take full
responsibility for the nightmare
of Watergate and rely:ed nat-
ters, thereby letting everybody
else off the hook?"
No. Owl Ow! Ow! You don't
have to beat me!
The answer to that question
is, "Yes." I'll repeat it: "Do
you take full responsibility for
the nightmare of Wate:gate and
related matters?"

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