See Editorial Page
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See Today for details
Vol. LXXXV, No. 27 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, October 5, 1974 Ten Cents
Six Pages
Yesterday's story on the New York Summer
Intern Program referred to the program as the
New York Media Interns Program by mistake.
Also, the date of the mass meeting is October 17
at 7 p.m. in Aud. B of Angell Hall.
Happenings.. ..
begin at noon today in the Union ballroom
where the AAUW is hosting a book sale - all you
can get into a shopping bag for just $2 - with
the proceeds going towards graduate women's
fellowships . . . The Scott and Randy Mime
Show will take place in the East Lounge of Burs-
ley at 3 p.m. . . . At 3:30 and 7 p.m. the India
Students' Assoc. is hosting "Mera Gaon Mera
Desh" in 170 P-A Bldg. .. . The Muslim Students
Assoc. is sponsoring a dinner benefit for the
African drought fund this evening at 7:15 p.m. is
the International Muslim House, 407 N. Ingalls
. . . at 7:30 p.m. in the Kuenzel Rm. of the
Union the local chapter of Phi Eta Sigma, a fresh-
person honor society, will hold a general mass
meeting . . . And finally, Daniel Ellsberg, Jane
Fonda and Holly Near will present "It's Still
America's War" in Rackham Aud at 8:30 p.m. The
program is sponsored by the Indochina Peace Cam-
paign and is free.
Pre-meds abroad
Over 500 American college students will leave
the country during the next year, to study at
medical schools in Europe, according to the non-
profit Institute of International Medical Educa-
tion. These pre-medical students will join more
than 4,000 Americans now enrolled in medical
schools abroad, the Institute says. Increased gov-
ernmental and private insurance programs are
one of the several reasons for the continuing short-
age of physicians in the U.S. the Institute says, and
with the limited enrollment in American medical
schools, almost half the doctors employed by
hospitals in this country are graduates of foreign
medical colleges.
Prime rates drop
The nation's two largest commerciad banks and
some smaller banks lowered their prime lending
rates yesterday by one quarter of a percentage
point to 11% per cent, effective Monday. The
move was part of a pattern of lower rates in the
money market where banks buy the funds they
loan to businesses. The latest reduction in the
prime rate from its record 12 per cent, pioneered
last week by Chase Manhattan bank and Morgan
Guaranty Bank of New York, was adopted yes-
terday by the bank of America of San Francisco,
the nation's biggest bank, and the First National
City Bank of New York, the second largest. Al-
though the prime rate is not directly tied to per-
sonal and small business loan rates, a movement
in the prime often indicates the direction of other
loan rates.
A September cold wave caused hundreds of mil-
lions of dollars in damage to crops across the
Midwest and East, oficials reported yesterday.
They said soybeans and corn were hit the hard-
est with damage also to tomatoes, Kentucky's to-
bacco crop and New York State grapes. The cold
weather brought frost to states like South Dakota
as early as Sept. 3 and there was freezing report-
ed in late September in most of the northern Mid-
west. The result, officials say, was the destruc-
tion of crops like corn and soybeans that are norm-
ally planted late and which in some areas were
planted later than usual this year because of heavy
spring rains. The only good news was a predic-
tion of short range benefits to beef consumers and
a positive effect on the eastern apple crop.
Prostitutes protest
Twenty Geneva prostitutes yesterday lodged a
protest with the Swiss supreme court against a
parliamentary decree that bars them from plying
their trade during the daytime. The prostitutes said
they had lost half their income since parlia-
ment gave its ruling five weeks ago. One said
yesterday that the decree was apparently passes
with the aim of protecting Geneva schoolboys. "I
think that's confusing the problem. Children see
worse on the television and at the movies," she
commented, "We must be allowed to work auring
the day. Some of us cannot work at night because
of family commitment . .."
On the inside . .
. -.Live from Palo Alto, Calif., Mark Feldman
gives an advance of today's game against Stan-
ford, on the Sports Page . . . On the Edit/Arts
Page, Bill Heenan writes about student voters
and voter registration and the usual Bridge and
TV movies columns.
Doctor to
tell gov't.
of dope 's
Robert DuPont, a top govern-
ment drug official, will tell
Congress Monday of new evi-
dence of harm from long-term
use of marijuana, his executive
assistant said yesterday.
DuPont is director of both the
White House Special Action Of-
fice for Drug Abuse Prevention
and of the National Institute on
Drug Abuse. His assistant, Rich-
ard Bucher, said that DuPont
would testify Monday that:
"WITHIN the last two years,
continuing research has turned
up evidence of changes in basic
cellular mechanisms and initial
research indicates that there
may be adverse immunological
and genetic implications for
long-term or heavy marijuana
"In addition, marijuana has
been found to have adverse ef-
fects on reaction time a-id on
mechanical performance, con-
sequences of particuflar con-
cern in connection with mari-
juana use and driving."
Bucher said he could not ex-
plain the references to cell
changes or genetic implications
but said he believed tne ad-
verse immunological e f f e c t s
meant lowered resistance to di-
sease. DuPont could not be
See DOCTOR, Page 2
Highest figure in
more than 2 years
WASHINGTON (Y-The nation's unemployment rate
rose to a 21%-year high of 5.8 per cent in September, its
biggest increase since January and a reflection of the
sluggish economy.
The Labor Department said yesterday that 440,000
Americans joined the jobless rolls last month,, bringing
the total number of unemployed across the country to
5.3 million.
A WHITE HOUSE spokesperson called it "a big jump" but
said it was in line with forecasts made earlier this year. Demo-
crats in Congress called for bold action and AFL-CIO President
George Meany said President Ford should fire his economic
advisers left over from the Nixon administration.
Ford has indicated he will propose an expanded public service
jobs program to hire the unemployed when he goes before Congress
next week with his new economic program.
AP Photo
FIRMLY GRIPPING the arms of his wheelchair former President Richard Nixon, followed by
his daughter Tricia, leaves Long Beach Memorial Hospital Medical Center yesterday. Doctors
have ordered Nixon not to travel, which may prevent h i m f r o m testifying in the Watergate
cover-up trial.
White House Press Secretary
Ron Nessen noted that federal
funds already allocated will
create170,000 public service
jobs this winter. In addition,
he said state and local govern-
ments have available $1.3 billion
they could use for manpower
creening up gradually during
most of the year to August's
5.4 per cent level, became wide-
snread throughout the economy
last month. It is expected to in-
crease further, rising above 6
per cent next year, administra-
tion officials have predicted.
The government reported
heavy layoffs in manufacturing,
wholesale and retail trade and
in construction, where the job-
less rate last month rose to 12.4
per cent, its highest level in
fouir years.
The four-tenths of a per cent
rise in September's unemploy-
ment rate matched last Jan-
ilary's increase at the height of
the Arab oil embargo.
SINCE October, when the job-
less rate dropped to a 3 -year
low of 4.6 per cent, the number
of unemployed persons has risen
by_ 1.2 million.
In a statement, Meany said
that Ford, as he gets ready to
announce his economic pro-
gram, "must remember that
these aren't percentages but
people-human beings whose
living standards are being de-
stroyed by a continuance of
Richard Nixon's disastrous eco-
nomic policies."
At a Joint Congressional Eco-
nomic Committee hearing, Sen.
See JOBLESS, Page 2
Ford to
seek stif
President G e r a l d Ford has
ruled out gas rationing but his
new policies to beat inflation,
unemployment a n d economic
slump will require sacrifices
from the American people, the
White House said yesterday.
PressdSecretary Ronald Nes-
sen said that along with gas
rationing the President had also
ruled out increased federal gas
taxes, but he emphasized that
calls for sacrifices would domi-
nate a Presidential address to
Congress next Tuesday.
fer proposals to ease soaring
credit and interest rates in a
package aimed at reducing the
cost of living and conserving
fuel because of the high price
of foreign oil that has resulted
in worldwide economic turmoil,
the spokesman added.
Ford, who conferred with Re-
publican leaders yesterday on
his new programs, will spell out
his ideas in an address to a
joint session of Congress on
See FORD, Page 2
/with Nixon
tape agreement
ate voted yesterday to cancel
an arrangement that gave for-
mer President Richard Nixon
custody of his White House tapes
and papers.
The bill, which now goes to
the House, is designed to pro-
hibit destruction of the docu-
ments and to assure they are
made available to the courts
and public in the interest of
learning the full story of Water-
THE MEASURE, approved 56
to 7, was attacked by senior
Republicans as an unconstitu-
tional, emotional reaction to
Watergate. But even Senate
Republican Leader Hugh Scott
and his assistant, Robert Grif-
fin, voted for the measure after
attempts to delay or dilute it
The bill, sponsored by Sen.
Gaylord Nelson (D-Wis.) was
prompted by the agreement, an-
nounced when Nixon was par-
doned, giving the former presi-
dent custody of all presidential
documents accumulated during
Nixon returns home
. #
after hospitalization
LONG BEACH, Calif. OP) - Richard Nixon, in a wheelchair
with his phlebitis-stricken left leg propped up, left the hospital
yesterday. Travel restrictions-imposed by his doctor made it un-
likely that he would take the witness stand anytime soon in the
Watergate coverup trial in Washington.
"An extreme potential danger still remains," said Nixon's
doctor, John Lungren. He said Nixon, 61, was "literally physic-
ally exhausted" from the tests he has undergone since being hos-
pitalized Sept. 23.
his 5% years in office.
The agreement would allow
Nixon to destroy any of his
papers after three years, and
any of his tapes after five years.
But the tapes would have to be
destroyed upon Nixon's death
or no later than Sept. 1, 1984.
MEANWHILE, the Senate Ap-
propriations Committee voted to
allow Nixon only $200,000 of the
$850,000 President Ford had re-
quested to help Nixon make the
transition to private life.
The House already has ap-
proved the $200,000 figure, which
includes the pension and mini-
mal staff expenses allowed all
former presidents, as well as
$100,000 for such items as post-
age and communications.
The committee also specified
that Nixon's tape recordings
must be preserved until Con-
gress passes legislation deciding
how they should be handled.
THAT SAME provision was
approved by the House Wed-
The bill passed by the Senate
is based on the premise that
Nixon's tapes and papers "con-
tain additional evidence relat-
ing to the Watergate crimes."
Thus, the Government Opera-
tions Committee wrote in ap-,
proving the bill, "the ultimate
destruction of the tapes or other
LUNGREN SAID the former
ulant drug for at least several
months for his phlebitis. Lun-
gren said that while taking the
drug, Coumadin, Nixon is in
danger of hemorrhaging if he
should suffer an injury or "phy-
sical trauma of any kind," such
as an ulcer.
Lungren held a news confer-
ence 30 minutes after Nixon lift-
ed himself from the wheelchair
and into a waiting black limou-
sine to be whisked away with
his wife, Pat, and daughter,
Tricia, to the seclusion of his
San Clemente estate.
"I would say that the time of
him being able to travel safely
would be from one to three
months depending upon how
well he responds to the anti-
rnasnlainn. whether he cde-
materials, coupled with the dif-
ficulties in obtaining access to
the other Nixon materials,
would be a fundamental viola-
tion of public policy."
BEFORE passing the bill, the
Senate rejected, 51 to 15, a mo-
tion by Sen. Roman Hruska (R-
See SENATE, Page 2
president must take an anticoag-
Kelley opposes penalty
for victi*mless crime
State Attorney General Frank
Kelley yesterday called for the
decriminalization of all "victim-
less" crimes-but failed to spell
out what constituted such of-
During a press conference
following a speech to a con-.
ference of law enforcement pro-
fessors at the local Marriott
Inn, Kelley listed decriminaliza-
tion as his top priority.
OTHER changes Kelley said
he would like to see instituted
include monetary compensation
for crime victims, subpoena
nower for prosecutors, and
fewer delays in bringing people
to trial.
Kelley is currently seeking re-
election and will face Republi-
can Myron Wahls in the Novem-
ber 5 general election.
Kelley hesitated to call for the
legalization of marijuana, say-
ing "I have to be guided by
scientists on this issue." He
added that he felt all the facts
about the drug are not known.
CONCERNING the possibility
of students serving as Univer-
sity Regents, Kelley noted that
the state constitution prohibits
e.-r c.- rn rtn+ n n nora a
Black group seeks-
rU' policy change
The Black Faculty and Staff
Association held a "get ac-
quainted social" last night, fea-
turing the Ars Nova Jazz Band,
to bolster membership for the
minority advocates group.
"We're still in the embryonic
stage," explained Chairwoman
Retha Flowers, assistant pro-
fessor of nursing. "Right now
we have about 100 members,
and we hone tn ttract 0 nr
said that the association will
focus on the lack of black ten-
ured professors, the progress of
affirmative demands, and the
need for more black input into
"You can count the number
of tenured black professors on
two hands," argued Secretary
David Robinson, assistant direc-
tor of undergraduate admis-
sions. He said he is optimistic
that the arnun will influence the