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Sirt tlan
See Today for details
Vol. LXXXV, No. 26 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, October 4, 1974 Ten Cents
Ten Pages
Pot law in limbo?
An Ypsilanti judge yesterday ruled that city's
$5 marijuana law unconstitutional, but the ordi-
nance - and its Ann Arbor counterpart - appear-
ed to remain on safe ground thanks to a higher
court's decision last August. Fourteenth District
Court Judge Thomas Shea ruled that the state's
controlled substances ace - which provides 90
days or $100 fine as maximum penalty for pot
use - takes precedence over the controversial lo-
cal law that went into effect last April. He insisted
that giving the local law precedence over the state
law would be the "tail wagging the dog principle."
However, Washtenaw County Circuit Court Judge
Pat Conlin ruled last August in favor of the tail-
the local law, that is. While the defendants in the
Ypsi case plan to appeal the ruling back to circuit
court, Conlin was convinced that his higher court
ruling would refute Shea. He added that "the
whole thing seems stupid" to him.
Run-off set
State officials have tentatively slated Oct. 28-
Nov. 1 as the voting dates of a run-off unionization
election for the University's 3,200 clerical workers.
Last week, the results of a six-day vote gave the
lead to the United Auto Workers (UAW), but
enough clericals favored the American Federation
of State, County and Municipal Employes or no
union at all that UAW could not muster a majority
McGovern coming
Democratic Second Congressional District candi-
date John Reuther's campaign has succeeded in
getting at least one party "star" to Ann Arbor.
South Dakota Sen. George McGovern, who was
crushed by Richard Nixon in his 1972 presidential
bid, will stump for Reuther next Friday with a
morning speech at Hill Aud. It will be a short visit
for McGovern, who faces a tough re-election race
in his own state and is making this his only cam-
paign stop outside South Dakota. Reuther's opera-
tives have solicited visits from Sen. Edward Ken-
nedy (D-Mass.) and other leading Democrats as
well as McGovern.
Goodbye, cruel weed patch
Now comes the researcher and asks: "Do plants
commit suicide?" And before you can accuse him
of being a wise guy or a nut, he responds: "Yes!"
He's botany Prof. Larry Nooden, and he's con-
cluded from some serious research that plants take
their own lives during the cold season when the
so-called "death signal" is transmitted from cer-
tain plants' seed pods to their stems and leaves.
Then the plants change color, lose their leaves,
and give up, so to speak, the green ghost. Nooden
says soybeans can be persuaded to stick it out if
you remove their seedpods before they reach ma-
turity. He thinks the death wish could be "bred
out of the plants altogether" if the signal were
spotted and analyzed. Next time you see an Afri-
can violet leaping from a tenth-story window ledge,
think of Larry Nooden. And get out of the way.
Happenings -. -
State Attorney General Frank Kelley visits
Ann Arbor today for a 1:30 p.m. speech to the
Michigan Conference of Law Enforcement at the
Marriott Inn on Plymouth Rd . . . The newly-
formed Black Faculty and Staff Association holds
its debut "Get Acquainted Social" at 9 p.m. in the
Union's Anderson Room . . . At 8 p.m. in Angell
Aud. D, the African Students Association presents
two free films - Africa is My Home and Sahel:
Border of Hell . . . the hospital women's commis-
sion has its regular noon meeting in W10410 of the
hospital . . . the folk dance club will be stepping
lively at Barbour Gym from 8 to 11 p.m. . . . the
American Association of University Women will
be selling books all day in the Union ballroom, and
the First Baptist Church's rummage sale runs 9
a.m.-3 p.m. at 502 E. Huron.
Life's hell, Hank
If Ma Bell ties you up, you're not the only one.
Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, often describ-
ed as the most powerful man in the world, says he
has a rough time getting through to the White
House with collet calls. Apparently, Dr. K. tried
to call President Ford from New York's Plaza
Hotel during a late-night session with Greek dip-
lomats. He reportedly turned to a colleague after
speaking with the operator and said: "If they ask
me to spell my name, I'm going to fire them."
How's that spelled again, Hank?
On the inside ...
. . . Former staffer David Stoll offers a slam-
bang account of the White Panthers' adventures
in California on today's Editorial Page . . . Arts
Page features our regl ar Cinema Weekend round-
up of reviews . ..and Brian Deming previews
tomorrow's likely mismatch between the mighty
Wolverines and -the uninhibited-but-lousy Stanford
University reach
Accord calls for 8
per cent pay raise
Bargainers for interns and residents at University
Hospital reached a tentative agreement early yesterday
morning on a new one-year contract with the adminis-
As soon as the negotiations were concluded, physi-
cians called off their one-day-old clerical work slowdown.
Picket lines set up Wednesday in front of the hospital
were removed.
AGREEMENT ON the new pact came at 5 a.m., after 10
hours of hard bargaining between the two parties. Yesterday's
AP Photo
Sucher for punishment
Jack Lalanne, king of the TV exercise shows, is helped from the water at Aquatic Park in San Francisco yesterday after swim-
ming from Alcatraz Island with his hands and legs shackled. As an added handicap, Lalanne, who turned 60 last week, towed
the 1,000 pound boat in the center background by a rope around his waist. "It was doggone rough out there," he commented,
after completing the two-mile swim in an hour and 26 minutes.
settlement is the second contract
Officers Association (HOA),
representing nearly 500 interns
and residents, and the Univer-
The first contract was signed
last fall, shortly after HOA
won a lengthy court battle for
recognition. The union is unique
in the state and one of only
several in the nation.
Although details of the 1974-
75 contract havesnot yet been
released, The Daily has learn-
ed that it includes
t an across-the-board pay
hike of eight percent, retroac-
tive to September 1. The in-
crease is comparable to those
granted in other labor settle- '
ments made by the University
this year;
0 authority to set up an agen-
cy union shop, which means
that internshand residents either
must join the union, or pay a 3
representational service fee as
a condition of employment;
* University payment of
benefits the physicians would
lose by being reclassified as
University employes. Previous-;
ly, the doctors, who work part,
of the year at Wayne County
General Hospital, had been
classified as Wayne county
employes and were eligible for
added financial and fringe
benefits; and
0 more strictly defined pro-
cedures for dealing with 22 pa-
See INTERNS, Page 2
negotiated between the House
ROME Reuter - The Italian
coalition government of Prime
Minister Mariano Rumor re-
signed last night over internal
differences after less than seven
months in office.
The decision, which opened
the prospect of a prolonged
political vacuum in Italy adding
to the country's notorious eco-
nomic difficulties, was taken at
a 20-minute special session of
the cabinet.
minister for scientific affairs,
Giovanni Pieraccini, who was
among the first to leave the
meeting. The decision was a
mere formality since all three
coalition partners had already
said they could not carry on
under the present arrangement.
The government-the thirty-
sixth since the fall of fascism in
1943, was led by the Catholic
Christian Democrats with the
See ITALIAN, Page 7
Senate wants tapes public
ate pushed toward a final vote
yesterday on a bill to assure the
public and courts full access to
Richard Nixon's White House
tapes and papers.
By voice vote, senators adopt-
ed a resolution urging President
Ford to do what he could to
" s
In a rare unanimous vote last
night, S t u d e n t Government
Council approved a proposal in-
tended to establish fiscal ac-
countability introduced by Pres-
ident Carl Sandberg.
The plan is aimed at prevent-
ing the allegedhmisuse of Coun-
cil money which has led SGC to
file suit against three former
FOLLOWING the vote Sand-
berg announced, "This motion
fulfills the pledge I made to the
student body when I was elected
last January, that I'd use every
means at my disposal to clean
up s t u d e n t government fi-
"'This motion establishes for
central student government a
f i s c a l accountability model
which will ensure that students
monies are never again ripped
The plan opens all SGC's fi-
nancial documents to student
persual, calls for a budget to be
presented to the council within
30 days of a president assuming
office, and requires a yearly
audit of financial records as
well as weekly financial reports.
THE 7-0 VOTE marked the
first time this term and in re-
cent memory that the Council
has agreed unanimously.
According to Sandberg, if a
president fails to meet the con-
ditions of the act, he or she
could be s'bject to prosecution
in student, civil or criminal
make public all the facts about
the Watergate scandal, includ-
ing any relevant documents
from Nixon's five and a half
years in office.
BUT THE BIG battle was over
the bill giving the federal gov-
ernment custody and control of
the tapes and papers, a measure
designed to overturn an arrange-
mentment Nixon worked out
with the Ford administration
before he was pardoned last
Meanwhile lawyers for Nixon
asked that the former president
be excused from testifying in
the Watergate cover-up trial.
U.S. District Court Judge
John Sirica said he would post-
pone until a jury is selected any
decision on whether Nixon would
be compelled to appear.
THE TAPES BILL, sponsored
by Sen. Gaylord Nelson (D-Wis.)
was prompteddby a provision in
the Nixon-Ford agreement that
would allow theformernpresi-
dent to destroy the papers after
three years and the tapes after
five years. In case of Nixon's
death the tapes would be de-
stroyed immediately.
"Destruction of these ma-
terials would conceal forever
the truth about the Watergate
scandals," said Nelson. "Our
generation and future genera-
tions would thus be unable to
learn exactly what happened
and why."
Sen. Roman Hruska (R-Neb.)
led the fight against the bill,
calling it unconstitutional on
grounds it would violate the
concept of executive privilege
and infringe on Nixon's freedom
of speech and his right to pri-
"IF THE President's papers
can be seized and disclosed to
the world, then surely the pri-
vate papers of a Senator or a
congressman or perhaps a cor-
poration president, union lead-
er or other well-known person
could be seized and disclosed to
all potential litigants and to the
curious," Hruska said.
Sen. Robert Griffin (R-Mich.)
attempted to require that the
official papers of all future pres-
idents and of members of Con-
gress are public property, but
his amendment was killed, 47
to 32.
"What did we have to do with
Watergate?" asked Sen. Rus-
sell Long (D-La.) in arguing
against the Griffin proposal.
EXCEPT TO acknowledge re-
ceiving two motions to quash
subpoenas for Nixon's testi-
mony, Sirica clamped a lid of
secrecy on their contents. The
result is to keep secret the
reasons cited by Nixon's law-
yer, Herbert Miller, in asking
that the former president not
be required to testify.
A source familiar with the
case said besides health, the
motions also cited national se-
curity. Nixon is expected to be
released from a Long Beach,
Calif., hospital by week's end
after treatment for a blood clot.
FBI reports serious
crimes up
WASHINGTON (IP)-The FBI yesterday reported
another dramatic increase in the nation's crime
rate and Atty. Gen. William Saxbe labeled the
trend disturbing.
The increase demonstrated that the upward
spiral which began in late 1973 has continued
THE FBI FIGURES showed that serious crime
increased 16 per cent during the first six months
of 1974. Crime decreased one per cent during
the same periods in 1973 and 1972. The 1974
figures showed increases in all seven crime
categories measured by the FBI Uniform Crime
At a news conference, Saxbe said the Justice
Department is pressing ahead with plans to fi-
nance special teams concentrating on speedy and
tough prosecution of repeat offenders.
16 per cent
Saxbe conferred during the day with 20 local
prosecutors and criminal justice authorities on
ways to implement the test project in 10 cities.
THE CITIES will be selected by the Law
Enforcement Assistance Administration (LEAA)
and the program financed with about $3 million
from LEAA. The teams would be established in
local prosecutors' offices.
The attorney general said the officials agreed
"that the greatest deterrent to criminals is the
certainty that they will go to prison."
Some of the prosecutors told reporters they
support the effort. "I don't know of any single
cure, but it's worth experimenting with," said
Elliott Golden, chief assistant district attorney
in Brooklyn, New York.
See SERIOUS, Page 2
Cleveland signs Robinson as
baseball's first black manager
CLEVELAND (/' - Frank Rdbinson, for two
decades one of baseball's greatest players and
competitors, yesterday was named the first black
manager in the 105-year history of major league
Robinson, 39, the game's fourth all-time leading
home run hitter and the only Most Valuable Play-
er in both leagues, was named to succeed Ken
Aspromonte, who was fired as manager of the
Cleveland Indians. He received a one-year con-
tract at a salary estimated at $180,000 a year.
GENERAL MANAGER Phil Seghi said Robin-
son would be a player-manager next season, pre-
sumably meaning he would fill the role of desig-
nated hitter.
'The only reason I'm the first black manager
is because I was born black," Robinson said.
"I'm not a superman: I'm not a miracle worker.
"This is what I really want to be judged by-
explained his actions as manager.
I'M NOT a nice guy," he said. "I can be . . .
but I can adjust to the situation.
"I don't see any real pressures being the first
black manager."
He said he would set no specific goals for him-
self, and said he felt no pressure from within
because of his job.
ROBINSON SAID he had not had time to con-
sider who he would have on his coaching staff.
He said he did not take part in the negotiations
for this job, saying they were handled by his
agent, Ed Keating. Robinson said he wanted
more than a one-year contract, but said it came
down to either accepting that or not getting the
The announcement was made at a news confer-
ence attended by Commissioner Bowie Kuhn,
American League President Lee McPhail and
oter officiAls. It came 27 vears, five months and
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