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October 03, 1974 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1974-10-03

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See Editorial Page

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See Today for details

Vol. LXXXV, No. 25 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, October 3, 1974 Ten Cents

Ten Pages


Volunteers needed
The Vocational Technical Program, sponsored
by Project Community, is looking for volunteer
foster parents willing to take in inmates from the
Adrian Training School for juveniles. The halfway
program is designed to help the 12- to 18-year-old
inmates, who have had legal difficulties, readjust
to the outside world. Two students will be assigned
to each Adrian participant to act as big brothers
and big sisters for the seven-day program. Contact
Larry Tarkowski at the Project Community offices
(763-3548) or at his home (769-7588) if you wish to
volunteer, or if you simply want more informa-
UAC flights
The deadline is fast approaching for University
Activity Center (UAC) Thanksgiving flights to New
York. The flights will leave Tuesday, Nov. 26, and
Wednesday, Nov. 27, and return Sunday, Dec. 1.
And the best part is that a round-trip ticket will
cost a mere $82.27. Payments and registration for
flights must be made before Oct. 28. For those of
you who want to think ahead, UAC has scheduled
flights to London, New Orleans, a ski package to
Salt Lake City and a California tour for winter
break. Trips to New York, Mexico City and Salt
Lake City are planned for spring break. Visit
UAC's travel office on the second floor of the
Union or call 763-2147 for more information.
SGC election
And while we're on the subject of deadlines, it's
time to get your application in if you plan to be a
candidate in this fall's Student Government Coun-
cil elections. The deadline is 5 p.m. Friday for the
Oct. 15 throdgh 17 election. Open offices include
president, vice president and a number of seats
in the residential, divisional and school and college
categories. Go to Rm. 3909 in the Union or call
763-3241 for further information.
Poisoned fish
Traces of the same bromide chemical that con-
taminated thousands of cattle has reportedly been
detected in fish along a 25-mile stretch of the
Pine River southwest of Midland. The Department
of Natural Resources said yesterday that the
chemical - Plybrominated Biphenyls (PBB) -
has been found in carp and bullhead in the river.
The villain is the Michigan Chemical Company's
St. Louis plant, where the bromide flame retard-
ant accidently fed to cattle was manufactured. The
plant discharged the chemical into the river.
Happenings.. .
.. .are apparently in a mid-season slump. Still,
the Indochina Peace Campaign will continue its
educational program with discussion and films
on the question of torture "A Question of Tor-
ture," at 3 p.m. in MLB Aud. 3 . . . and the first
meeting of the English Undergraduate Association
will take place at 8 p.m. in the West Conference
Room, fourth floor Rackham. All English major
and prospective English majors are invited to
The new flu
The current rash of flus, colds, pneumonia,
mono, and "The Bug" may seem like enough al-
ready, but, according to the National Center for
Disease Control, we ain't seen nuthin' yet. An in-
fluenza virus related to the London flu, which cre-
ated widespread illness two years ago, will strike
America sometime this winter. The name of the
newest malaise is the Port Chalmer's flu, since
the virus was first isolated in Port Chalmers, New
Zealand. Several cases of the new virus have al-
ready been discovered in Georgia and Mississippi.
A vaccine has been developed to combat the dis-
ease, and is recommended for persons of all ages
who have chronic diseases and older persons. How-
ever the disease is not expected to be as serious as
the 1968-69 Hong Kong flu.

Slaughter stopped
Texas cattlemen junked plans to slaughter nearly
1,000 cattle yesterday in protest of economic con-
ditions after an eleventh hour appeal from the
White House. The stockmen were angered by in-
flationary costs and low income, a squeeze they
said could be best dramatized by shooting hun-
dreds of calves and burying them in a mass grave.
A telephone call from a White House aide promis-
ing a meeting with President Ford, interrupted the
On te einside ..-
. ..the dilemma of several Vietnamese students
in America is outlined in an Indochina Peace Cam-
paign article on the Editorial Page . . . Sports
Page has a feature story on defensive tackle Jeff
Perlinger by Al Hrapsky, and also a history of
the Michigan-Stanford rivalry by Ray O'Hara . .
and, on the Arts Page, David Blomquist tells of
next month's Detroit performance by the National
Theatre Company of Great Britain. The group will
perform Shakespeare-in drag.
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WASHINGTON () -- District Judge John Sirica com-
pleted the first phase of his search for an impartial jury
in the Watergate cover-up trial yesterday, while one of
the defendants, John Ehrlichman, claimed double jeo-
pardy as ground for dismissal of his case.
By the end of the trial's second day, Sirica had narrowed
several hundred prospective jurors to 144 and was ready to start
more detailed questioning today.
EHRLICHMAN SAID the White House plumbers case, in
which he already stands convicted, is so extricably linked to the
Watergate cover-up that the separate accusations violate his Con-
stitutional rights.
He said in a memorandum that as soon as the jury is chosen he

AP Photo
Why are these men smilingA ht
John Ehrlichman (left) and H. R. Haldeman, former White House Domestic Affairs Advisor and White House Chief of Staff
respectively, leave U. S. District Court in Washington Tuesday. They are standing trial along with three other persons, all charged
with blocking the investigation of the June 1972 Watergate break- in.


talk amnesty

Nyill petition the court to dis-
miss the Watergate charges of
obstructing justice and the pro-
secition, meanwhile, disclosed
that it has linked one more per-
son to the alleged conspiracy.
Special Prosecutor Leon Ja-
worksi filed a statement that
as a result of "newly discover-
ed evidence" made known to
the defendants on Monday, an-
other person had been named
an unindicted co-conspirator.
THE LIST OF unindicated co-
conspirators has never officially
been made public, except for
acknowledgement that former
President Richard Nixon was
one of those named.
Jaworski also filed a response
on behalf of the Central Intelli-
gence Agency (CIA) to a sub-
poena filed by Ehrlichman de-
manding CIA documents.
The prosecutor said the agen-
cy would provide voluntarily
some of the material subpoen-
aed but asked that the sub-
poenas be dismissed.
Without identifying the spe-
cific items subpoenaed, the re-
sponse described the demand
as "a blanket request for ev-
erv piece of paper in the agen-
cv's files that mentions or in
any way refers to" individuals
linked to Watergate.
second day of the cover-up trial
of former Nixon administration
and campaign aides closely
followed the pattern set on
Sirica told prospective jurors
the cover-up trial might last
three or four months and that
the 12 jurors and six alternates
would be separated from their
families for the entire period.
When the judge asked for a
count of those who felt service
would be a hardship, 81 persons
stood up.

Three Democratic City Coun-
cil members and a handful of
Democratic and Human Rights
Party (HRP) strategists met
last night for a unique exchange
on the two parties' respective
proposals for rent control.
At the informal meeting in
HRP's William St. office, the
activists .discussed differences
and similarities in their plans
for rent control, as well as
possible coalition campaigning
BUT HRP members insisted
that the route to rent control
is a charter amendment - a
proposal that failed in last Ap-
ril's city election - while the
Democrats generally stuck to
the party plan of seeking rent
control through a council-passed
HRP strategist Frank Shoi-
chet, who helped draft the Ap-
ril proposal, said his party
would "never, never consent"
to the mayor-appointed rent
control board described in the
Democrats' proposed draft or-
See HRP, Page 7

Local political h o p e f u I s at
yesterday's "candidates' night"
expressed radically divergent
views on amnesty for Viernan-
era deserters and draft evaders.
Candidates for state repre-
sentative, state senator, U.S.
representative and University
regent spoke at the affair, held
at the Veterans' of Foreign
Wars (VFW) club.
Perry Bullard (D-Ann Arbar)

argued for full amnesty: "The
people who went to Canada
were heroes. They discovered
early that the war was im-
moral, and they had the cour-
age to take action.
"The people who fought were
heroes, too," he added. "They
didn't ask for the war, and cer-
tainly those who bore the brunt
of the fighting, above all, de-
serve some recognition for what
they went through.
"But now, with no troops over

Nixon funds cut
by 75 per cent
WASHINGTON (Reuter) - An angry House of Representa-
tives voted overwhelmingly yesterday to slash President Ford's
request for funds for former President Nixon by nearly 75 per
In a preliminary action, it voted 321 to 62 to reduce the Presi-
dent's request of $850,000 to $200,000 in expenses for Nixon for the
financial year ending next June 30.
THE MONEY would be provided under a Presidential Re-
tirement Act and another act to provide funds to help Nixon's tran-
sition to private life.
The House action came after an emotional debate in which
several members accused Nixon of having betrayed public trust
for his role in the Watergate affair.
Nixon's resignation, following a congressional impeachment
investigation, had made the fund request highly unpopular in the
House and Senate.
THE HOUSE provided $100,000 for expenses to help Nixon's
return to private life and another $100,000 for pension and other
retirement benefits, such as maintenance of an office and staff.
It approved the reductions after rejecting several other
proposals to reduce the request even further, including some
which would have denied Nixon his pension of $60,000 a year.
Representative John Moss (Democrat-Calif.) said the House
asked to support "one of the greatest betrayals in American his-
tory" in being asked to approve the fund request.

there, surely we can say that
those who didn't fight should be
given unconditional amnesty,"
Bullard said.
TAKING AN opposing view
was state representative can-
didate Norman Briehoff, of the
American Independent P a r t y
(AIP). "I'm opposed to amnes-
ty," he remarked, "but I might
consider it for people who
evaded service because they
felt, 'I'm not going to fight if
I have to fight with one hand
tied behind my back.'
"We ran the Vietnam war
the way we ran the Korean
war," he added. "We let the
other side know we were easy
Republican Rae Weaver, also
a candidate for state represent-
ative, took a stand somewhere
between the diverging views. "I
think an alternative service
where people would be paid at
the same level as in the Army,
would be a good program."
THE VFW members in the
audience, far outnumbered by
the candidates, reserved most
of their applause for the mn:re
conservative views.
Democrat John Reuther, con-
testing the seat of incumbent
U.S. Rep. Marvin Esch, charac-
terized President Ford's amnes-
ty program as unjust. "The pro-
gram is planned in puniive
terms," commented Reuther.
"We can't accept punishment
for those who felt they couldn't
Phil C a r r o l1, the Human
Rights Party candidate for U.S.
representative, favored "im-
mediate, unconditional amnesty
with no penalties whatsoever."
"BECAUSE THE people suf-
fered so much in resisting an
illegal war," he argued, "they
should be compensated. The

outcome of the Nuremberg
trials dictates that people should
resist illegal wars."
Incumbent State Senator Gil
Bursley (R-Ann Arbor) said, "I
think that basically what Presi-
dent Ford suggested was a
good, sound route. I'm not sure
how many people will avail
themselves of it, however."
Bursley's opponent, Democrat
Peter Eckstein, argued that
"we should have a form of am-
nesty where people don't have
to work their way back."
servative Party candidate for
University Regent, explained
that it would be "difficult for
someone who saw riots at the
University involving war re-
sisters" to support unrestricted

Negotiations continue in

intern s'

dispute with 'U'

Apparently, negotiations between University
hospital interns and resident physicians and the
facility's administration will result in a tentative
new contract-thus ending a one-day work slow
down by the doctors.
As the Daily went to press last night, Dr.
Robert Soderstrom, president of the House Of-
ficers Assoc. (HOA), said, "Things look a lot
more positive. If the University makes major
concessions then we'll call off the slowdown
SODERSTROM MADE the statement during a
lengthy bargaining sesison which began last night,
and continued into the morning.
Nearly 500 doctors yesterday refused to per-
form many of their normal clerical tasks such
as filling out Medi-care and Medicaide forms.
No vital patient services were halted.
Soderstrom said that "nothing has been con-

eluded" but concessions have been made in the
areas of pay benefits for interns and residents
and of patient care.
UNIVERSITY negotiators were caucusing as
Soderstrom made the announcement and could
not be reached for comment.
When asked if he thought that the slowdown
had been an effective tactic, Soderstorm replied
"the University has certainly moved now, and
they didn't move before."
Earlier yesterday, Acting Hospital Director Dr.
David Dickinson said that the added clerical
work caused by the union action proved "a big
BUT DICKINSON said that he had "very good
co-operation" from the administrators and faculty
recruited to fill out the necessary information
"Patient care has not suffered," headded.
See TALKS, Page 7

Flemings host annual tea;
about 300 students attend

President Fleming's annual student tea gave
several hundred students a chance to meet him
and the University's First Lady yesterday after-
Cordially welcomed into the President's home
on South University, attending students evenly
divided themselves between the reception line
and the cookie table.
ALL VARIETIES of students shufflqd on the
freshly vacuumed carpet, clattering china cups
of ste-ming licuid. The crowded coatroom held
ski mirk s, Michigan band jackets and fox-trim-
med canes.
Sorority eirls in exnensive chain-draped sweat-
er qts and snsort-roated colleginns mingled with
a few when.ing neople wiping their noses on
their worn flannel sleeves and long-haired girls
in o-'er.ks !-d e-rth shoes. They exchanged the
n"mInp of th-ir thiors their residences and

In the room adjoining the exotic greenery-filled
solarium, the Flemings comfortably faced a
wearyingly long line of students. For two hours
the Flemings nodded and smiled, personally
greeting blue-jeaned sophomores in Zoology,
mascaraed theatre majors from the Residential
College and freshpersons who adamantly re-
peated their med school intentions.
The students came to see Fleming's house, to
meet their college president, to complain or give
their oninions, take a handfull of brownies, and
even to opportunistically brown-nose.
"I'M GOING TO ask Fleming why tuition
went nn again." said a stern-faced LSA junior
from Ohio while waiting his turn to shake the
great man's hand. After a brief investigation
and palm encounter with Fleming, the same
student was symnathetic. "I guess the Univer-
sitV isn't exemnt from inflation anv more than


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