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September 27, 1974 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1974-09-27

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is t dyian Bti
Eighty-four years of editorial freedom
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan

Vote yea, nay or nyet in


y, September 27, 1974

News Phone: 764-0552

420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104

Al Kaline: A different hero

CAPTURED SOVIET superspy I v an
Powerska admitted to San Clemente
police early this morning that the en-
tire Watergate affair was a fabrication
engineered by about 1,000 agents.
"We had to do something," Powerska
said on a tape of his interrogation ie-
leased by police. "America was too
strong under Nixon."
Former President Nixon's phlebitis im-
proved greatly when he heard about
Powerska, according to his physician.
"He's started throwing bedpans at nurses
and just generally acting friskier," said
Dr. Ricardo.
U.S. leaders expressed great concern
about the confession. President F o r d
commented, "I believe, gentlemen, that
I am innocent until proven guilty." Hu-
bert Humphrey said, "You guys can't
prove a thing." Senator Edward Kennedy
maintained his position that it was all
a big mistake. Senator George McGov-
ern was unavailable for comment.
POWERSKA is in protective custody at
the Presidential Compound due to the
inadequacy of psychiatric facilities in

the San Clemente jail. "He's pretty de-
pressed," said police Chief Roger Mar-
tin. "He'll need some time to lick his
wounds, mentally speaking, before he
can talk to the press." Powerska will
be available to federal investigators in
several weeks.
A reliable source reported Soviet am-
bassador Andrei Gromyko called Ford
on the fancy hot line of sixties fame to
ask for the extradition of Powerska.
Gromyko promised that Powerska would
be dealt with very severely. Ford said
he knew the Russians "don't fool
around" and promised to think about it.
Powerska was captured yesterday in a
routine sweep of undesirable-appearing
persons. Unable to conceal his foreign
citizenship from alert police officers, he
was promised that things would go a lot
easier if he told the whole story. Power-
ska immediately admitted his complic-
ity in the sordid Watergate mess.
"HE HAD MORE answers than we
had questions," chuckled Martin at the
press conference. Indeed, the tape show-
ed Powerska shouting several times,,

"I'll say anything!" Martin said he still
believes Powerska knows more than he's
"Now we know about the Watergate
break in and the fake cover-up, but what
about the wheat deal and the Agnew
thing?" Martin said. "I still smell a
Commie rat."
The interrogation tape is 45 minutes
long and contains no blank gaps. Three
commercials in the tape for the San
Clemente Paternal Order of Police Of-
ficers were "just some of the boys fool-
ing around," according to Chief Martin.
The following are excerpts of Power-
ska's confession from the tape:
"A NATIONAL scandal was our only
chance. We Ruskies know how fickle you
dumb Americans are. First you elected
Johnson by a huge margin and then you
threw him away. Popular or not, we
knew we could destroy Nixon, if our
charges were outrageous enough. Ouch!
I burned myself with my cigarette!
"The liberals were a big help, as
always. They hate anything that's good
for America, just like us. So, of course,
we used them to manipulate public opin-

ion. Nobody listens to a Red, but near-
ly anyone will believe a college profes-
sor. Whoops! I accidentally fell out of
my chair and down the stairs but I'm
"During the 1968 and 1972 election
campaigns we noticed a severe lack of
opposition newspapers. It seemed like
every true American publisher wanted
Nixon. Aaaaaaeeeiii! I'm whipping my-
self with a rubber hose because I'm
ashamed. We tried to infiltrate the edi-
torial staff of every paper we could.
"The Detroit News and the Chicago
Tribune were the hardest. If discovered,
we had an airtight study. We were just
trying to destabilize the U.S. govern-
ment, which we are always doing and
it isn't even a crime."
"Help me! I'm puling out my nails!
I'll say anything! I'll say anything!"
The search for the other 999 Soviet
agents continues. Anyone who notices
an undesirable alien who seems too pro-
Ford or anti-Nixon, please contact the
San Clemente Police Department. Re-
member the term "Red" is only an
expression. He or she could be any

THIS IS THE AGE of eccentricity.
The heroes we worship adorn
themselves with garish outfits and
glib press flacks. It is not enough to
be good. One must be different, excit-
ing, "great television."
Millions watched recently as one
of our "heroes," dressed in an outra-
geous outfit, clambered into a star-
spangled "sky-cycle" and blasted off
into technicolor fame and glory-
sort of.
It was the lind of decadence net-
work executives could fall head over
Gucci heels for, and we - that never-
underestimated mass of stupidity, the
American people - ate it up.
On Tuesday night, another man, a
quiet man, in a crumbling stadium in
a decaying city, hit a baseball.
est ball player will go down in
sports history -- without benefit of

pantyhose endorsements, million dol-
lar movie contracts, or Howard Co-
This right fielder has warmed the
hearts and the pennant hopes of ev-
ery Detroit Tiger fan since he broke
into the major leagues 21 years ago.
Even now, his best years over, legs
taped and hurting, weary from the
endless grind of big-league travel-
ing, his name is cheered in Tiger Sta-
dium above all other names.
To the thousands of youngsters
who have put their paper route mon-
ey into a Saturday afternoon in the
Stadium bleachers, this man has
symbolized baseball.
When he retires in a few days, our
national pastime will be somehow
different - and the less for his de-
You have given us the best years
of your life, Number Six.
Thanks, Al.

Big growers





Caley: Legalized genocide

ON THE HEELS OF the Nixon par-
don another miscarriage of jus-
tice has been committed.
Damaging pre-trial publicity and
the unwillingness of the House com-
Editorial Staff
Managing Editors
KENNETH FINK .................... Arts Editor
MARNIE HEYN .. .. Editorial Director
SUE STEPHENSON...............Feature Editor
CINDY HILL...............Executive Director
STAFF WRITERS: Prakash Aswani, Gordon At-
cheson, Laura Berman, Barb Cornell, Jeff Day,
Della DiPietro, William Heenan, Steve Hersh,
Jack Krost, Andrea Lilly, Mary Long, Jeff Lux-
enberg, Josephine Maircotty, Beth Nissen, Cheryl
Pilate, Mara Rimer, Stephen eelbst, Jeff Soren-
son, Paul Terwilliger.
Photography Staff

Chief Photographer
Picture Editor
STEVE KAGAN ..............Staffl
PAULINE LUBENS ..........Staff7

mittee which investigated the My Lai
case are the reasons Federal Judge
J. Robert Elliot cited in throwing out
the conviction of Lt. William Calley
in the My Lai murder case.
The battle between journalistic
freedom and the right to a fair trial
has been continuing in the United
States for years. If it hadn't been for
some of that pretrial publicity, the
incident would never have been un-
Judge Elliot based his second con-
tention on the Supreme Court ruling
on the Watergate tapes. Ex-President
Nixon refused to hand over the tapes
in question until several subpoenas
had been issued and his lawyer had
pleaded his case before the Supreme
LIEUTENANT CALLEY, after all this
"adverse" pre-trial publicity and
in complete knowledge of his legal
rights admitted, under oath that he
had ordered the killing of at least 22
innocent men, women, and children.
Calley contended that he was only
following orders. Based on the judg-
ment made at the Nuremberg Trials
of Nazi war criminals, Calley is guilty
of genocide.
The Watergate tapes case here is
irrelevant. To let a convicted mass
murdered go free is as great, if not
greater, a miscarriage of justice than
the pardoning of Nixon before he
even stood trial.
News: Gordon Atcheson, Dan Biddle,
Jo Marcotty, Rob Meachum, Judy
Ruskin, Jeff Sorensen
Editorial Page: Tony Duenas, Marnie
Heyn, Debra Hurwitz, Becky Warn-
Arts Page: David Blomquist
Photo Technician: Ken Fink

AS RECORD supermarket
prices and global food
shortages bear down on Amer-
ican consumers, growers in Cal-
ifornia - the nation's largest
agricultural producer - con-
tinue to destroy thousands of
tons of food in order to keep
prices high.
The justification for the de-
struction of large amounts of
food lies, ironically, in the amaz-
ing productivity of California
Because they produce more
than can be sold at premium
prices, farmers were given firm
control over their "surplus" pro-
duction by the California Mar-
keting Act of 1937. This legis-
lation has made the state's
dairy, poultry, egg, fruit, nut
and vegetable producers legal
monopolies that control food
supplies so that high prices can
be maintained.
Under the law, 35 different
"market order advisory boards"
- industry organizations con-
trolling. the production, sale,
research on and promotion of
'oommodities from alfalfa to
wine grapes - often single-
handedly determine how much
of a particular product w i I1
reach the consumer and, thus,
how much the consumer must
FOR EXAMPLE, during 1970-
71, cling peach growers were
ordered by their market order
advisory board to destroy 21,000
acres of peach orchards and
200,000 tons of peaches in order
to bring production down to a
level that could command the
highest market price.
Today, with lettuce prices at
an all time high, growers in
California's lettuce belt in the
Salinas Valley - to guard
against over-production - con-
tinue to plow under tens of

thousands of mature lettuce
Under California law, a sub-
stantial majority of the produc-
ers or handlers of any parti-
cular commodity can establish a
marketing order advisory board
which - once approved by the
state's Department of Food and
Agriculture - can regulate food
production with the force of
state law. Membership on each
marketing board is limited to
persons who have an economic
interest in the commodity.
THE CLEAR purpose )f comn-

The cling peach industry is
a prime example of this pro-
gram. The board limits the
supply of cling peacaes by di-
recting growers to remove a
certain percentage of their bear-
ing trees (tree pulling); strip
immature fruit from a stated
number of trees (green drop);
and consign up to seven per-
cent of the harvested crop to
the compost pile if seaso sup-
ply seems to be overreaching
demand (cannery diverion).
DURING 1970, 9,500 acres of
peach trees were nulled ard

'The clear purpose of commodity marketing orders is to raise and
stabilize the income of a given sector of agriculture by encouraging
monopolistic business practice and by enforcing such practices with
the power of the state. To violate a marketing board order in Cali-
fornia is to violate state law. Marketing and bargaining coops co-
operate with the boards in maintaining tight controls on supply.'
.v v: :,L " . vr":^+ r: w..:v S :. :: w .": y Er-"":::.: . Y

ing all fruit below a cetrtain
size and grade; 4,000 lemon
growers, 9000 walnut growers,
and 6800 almond growers act-
ing through their respective ad-
visory boards or co-ops make
similar decisions to de ;Lroy or
divert a certain perce Ztage of
their crop to increase their
REGULATIONS governing ag-
ricultural marketing orders in
California put them in a nearly
unique category when coatrast-
ed with other large indusrrie,.
Most of the marketing orders

modity orders is to raise and
stabilize the income of a guen
sector of agriculture by encour-
aging monopolistic business
practice and by enforcing such
practices with the power of
the state.
To violate a marketing board
in California ,is to violate sate
law. Marketing and bargaining
coops cooperate with the beards
in maintaining tight controls on
Essentially, the marketing
board works by assessing t h e
total national demand for a par-
ticular product. If, for exam-
ple, total demands for nea,.hes
is determined to be 800,000 tons
when the harvest is estimated
at one million tons, the market-
ing order can call for desr,)y-
ing 20 per cent of the ntal crop
to ensure that oversupply does
not push the retail prices down.

112,000 tons of peachs were
either green dropped or divert-
ed. In December of 1970, tte
market order directed growers
to green drop 26 per cent of
their orchards or remove 13
per cent of their bearing trees.
Another 13 per cent reduction
was ordered in the spring of
1971 and in June of that year
an additional green drop of sev-
en per cent was imposed.
Thus, in the California cling
peach industry, the advisory
board representing 2,200 grow-
ers decided to act as one to de-
stroy a large percentage rf their
crop lest too many peacaes
flood the market and drive the
prices down.
The same patterns hold in
many other agriculture sec-ors:
1,300 Bartlett pear growers, act-
ing under the pear market or-
der, control supply by eliminat-

are exempted from all state and
federal anti-trust and unfair
trade practice laws.
When the market order jegis-
lation was first passed agri-
culture in California was essen-
tially in the hands of many
small farmers who could not
survive without some controls
over fluctuating commoJity
Today however large corpor-
ate farms are the principal
beneficiaries of these s inction-
ed monopoly practices. -
As late as 1950 there w e r e
144,000 farms in California with
an average size of 260 acres.
These small farmers were the
primary beneficiaries of mar-
keting legislation. By 1971, the
number of farms had declined
to 56,000, averaging 654 acres,
and current estimates are that
the huge agricultural enterpris-

es will force out 20,000 More
farmers during the 1970's.
ACCORDING to the Univer-
sity of California Agric'iltural
Extension Service, 45 1 a r g e
corporations controlled 3.7 mil-
lion acres of California farm
land in 1970, including much of
the state's prime irrigated acre-
Because of these changes in
land ownership, the legitimay
of providing special protections
to the giants of the agriculture
industry is now coming under
question. The FederalT r a d e
Commission (FTC), traditional
watchdog of anti-trust and fair
trade violations, filed a com-
plaint August 13 against the
state's marketing order pxo-
gram. According to a s t a t e
Department of Food and Agri-
culture attorney, the dmart-
ment will contest the FTC ac-
tion on the grounds that the con-
rol of marketing orders is a
state function not subject to
federal supervision.
But cost-conscious ,oisuners
- and starving people around
the world - must won-ler at
the wisdom of California's state
government and its agricuture
industry's tradition of destroy-
ing w significant portion of its
fruit, nut and vegetable crops.
So long as the market order
program continues to operate
as an arm of the state gov-
ernment - protecting primar-
ily the large growers and pro-
cessors - prices will continue
to stay high and much needed
food will continue to be thrown
on the garbage pile.
Allan Miller, special projects
editor of PNS, is currently
working on a series investigat-
ing California's agro-business.
Copyright Pacific News Service,


Sports Staff
Sports Editor
Executive Sports Editor
ROGER ROSSITER .... Managing Sports Editor
JOHN KAHLER ........ Associate Sports Editor
Business Staff
Business Manager
AMY KANENGISER.......Advertsing Manager
LINDA ROSS ............... Operations Manager
SUE DeSMET................ Finance Manager
DEBBY NOVESS ................ Sales Manager
DEPT. MGRS.: Laurie Gross, Ellen oJnes, Lisa
ASSOC. MGRS.: Rob Cerra, Karen Copeland, Niles
Fleischer, Kathy Keller.
ASST. MGRS.: Janice Glinisty, Liz Kurnetz, Ro-
sanne Lapinski, Beth Phillips, Nancy Ross and
Dave Schwartz.
SALESPEOPLE: Mike Binger, Susan Goldstick,
Emily Him, Bill Koopman, Steve LeMire, Andy





( }
)t 7 x,
; 8,

To The Daily:
.I AM a secretary at the Law
School and I think that perhaps
the original purpose of the or-
ganizing drive has been misin-
terpreted by many of the cleri-
cal employes on campus.
Over a year ago the issue of
unionization was not the main
goal. Groups of secrearies in
several areas on campus began
to talk to each other about in-
consistencies in policies which
affected them and went to their
respective administrative boards
to raise their questions. They
were told quite blatantly that
the administration was sonty
that they felt they weren t re-
ceiving equitable treatment but
they were not willing to alter
the situation.
The personnel office became
involved and presented a token
report which did not refute but
supported the issues which were
raised by the clerical emotoyes.
They answered no questions Pnd
offered no solutions and stated
that ". . . if the secretaries
wished them to answer a n y
further questions they'd be
more than willing to cooperate
but had no desire to :neet with
them on a regular basis to work
those problems out."
THE BUDGET Priorities Com-
mittee was approached oo the
issue of salary inconsistencies.
The informal reply was hat
student wives sho:ild feel
fortunate to have a place to

es. The answer was "the state
constitution protects the Uni-
versity of Michigan from such
an attempt." Off the record
the clericals were told that the
only alternative available would
be to organize into a collective
bargaining unit which wculd
give them a legal right to have
a voice in the policies that af-
fect them.
Perhaps if the individual cler-
ical employes on campas 1e-
call how many times they have
tried to iron out difficuhiies
with the University on a one-to-
one basis and have hit a brick
wall they can see more clearly
what the issue is all about.
THIS CAMPAIG'N was start-
ed originally for the purpose
of uniting ourselves into a posi-
tion where we also are consid-
ered to be a productive part
of the university community.
That purpose has not changed.
We should have the right to a
voice in decisions which affect
us. The students are :onsidered
to be important enough to sit
in on policy decisions, #te fa-
culty has their input, an] so
do the professional and admin-
istrative employees. We only
ask for equitable considera'ion
and if we feel we are an inte-
gral part of the University -
we will combine our effo:ts to
achieve that goal.
-Judy Sisung
C-5 Secretary
Law School
September 26

To The Daily:
CONTRARY to the prophet
of despair, democratic social
change continues to be possible
in American life. But in order
for this to happen, we need an
action agenda which is b o t h
potentially persuasive to a ma-
jority of Americans and achiev-
able within the context of the
American economical system.
In recent years, lacking of both
persuasiveness and achiev-
ability, we (the community and
prisoners) have paid a n i g h
price, a great deal of wasted
human resources and, more im-
portantly, continuing injustice
which is perpetrated against the
community in general and pri-
soners in particular in Amer-
ica. With the combined efforts
of both the community and pri-
soners, development of an ef-
fective action agenda c-an no
longer be delayed. The focus
of concern should be economic
issues, not only because justice
in America is dependent upon
dramatic economic change, but
because such issues provide a
rallying point for a majority
coalition of society.
OUR SOCIAL problems aie
national in scope, therefore, na-
tional solutions are necessary,
but much of the impetus f o r
changes will be the result of re-
invigorated local and regional
sectors. We need to demonstrate
that massive local problems
cannot be solved until the com-

A new set of priorities is ae-
cessary to provide a focus for
enlarged and redirected public
spending. Therefore, we need
to agree on and argue for
thoughtful and articulate policy
positions which demonstrate
specific possibilities for com-
munity development, which will
address the community's needs
in such areas as adequate in-
come, housing, health care, edu-
cation, transportation, and the
quality of the environment.
WE ARE becoming inc.as-
ingly aware that the ecornmy
within the community cunnot do
everything (in regards to solv-
ing our social problems). There-
fore, the slave labor that exists
within prisons (where g r e a t
economics potential lies) must
be unmasked, confronted, and
overcome if social change is to
occur in the community. A ma-
jor reason why the industrial
sector of the economy has limi-
tations is found in its operating
presupposition, corporate parfit.
The industrial sector s based
on profit, and it is not always
profitable to provide adequate
academic and vocational facili-
ties for prisoners, or cure the
sick, or help to alleviate wel-
fare, or rebuild communities, or
preserve the environment. On
the other hand, the local sertcr
of the economy, at its hest, pro-
vides the possibility for decis-
ions based on far broader cri-
teria, the great ideals of human
dignity and equality of opnor-

munity: Blacks, Chicanos, Poor
Whites, Indians, Church co igre-
gations, young people, Aad -mid-
dle-class suburbanites w n o s e
conscience and good sense dic-
tate a different community.
Without a major coalition along
the lines suggested abowe, sig-
nificant changes will -not oc-
cur. Any one of the above
groups can agitate for change,
can raise public consciousness,
but for change to come, a coali-
tion of all the segments listed
above is essential. A cadre rif
movement groups and voluntary
associations must take the lead
along with prisoners in building
that major coalition.
The community should be
made aware that the economy
is subject to governmen*al de-
cisions and can be made re-
sponsive to the public's will.
When one combines this reality
with a growing awareness on
the part of the American work-
er of the vast maldistribution of
wealth in this country, the im-
plications are monentous. In-
come can be redistributed. Adc-
quate health care needs will not
only be the prerogative of the
rich. The welfare rolls will be
drastically reduced.
IT SHOULD become incre as-
ingly obvious to the poor in so-
ciety that economic re-lities
unite them much more funda-
mentally than ideology, religion,
or racial differences separate
them. If this growing realiza-
tion can be transformed into
p-nnmin ain +the tntial


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