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September 26, 1974 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1974-09-26

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Eh A tric41an Bath
Eighty-four years of editorial freedom
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan

Thursday, September 26, 1974

News Phone: 764-0552

420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104

VP confirmation:iWeak work

Nelson Rockefeller coasts through
his confirmation hearings, the na-
tion shows dreadful signs of slipping
into euphemistic post - Watergate
numbness. It seems we are so tired
of finding criminals in the White
House that we now rush to stamp
"innocent" and "trustworthy" on the
first politician who walks into the
The man happens to be Rockefel-
ler, and the common wisdom says
that anyone with so much moola
couldn't possibly be out to line his
pockets with taxpayers' dollars, no
matter how many pockets he has.
Worse yet, the Congress appears
satisfied with a partial probe of the
family's awesome financial empire,
instead-of the kind of painstaking no-
stone-unturned work that ripped
open Watergate.
Already the members of the Sen-
ate's Rules and Administration Com-
mittee say they are ready to con-
firm Rockefeller -- despite his ad-
mission Tuesday that he sought fav-
ored government treatment for
Grumman Aerospace Corp.
JT WAS THE KIND OF incident that
would have brought banner head-
lines before Watergate. Rockefeller,
investigators' evidenceshowed, lean-
ed on former Atty. Gen. John Mit-
chell and other officials to rescue the
financially ailing corporation with a
fat new space shuttle contract.
Analmost apologetic Rockefeller
told the Senators he wished politics
didn't affect the awarding of govern-
ment contracts, but "I was doing my

duty for my constituents." He said
he honestly feared for the ill for-
tunes of Grumman's executives if the
company went under.
We are tempted to point out that
things are tough all over, and to
wonder if Rocky ever channeled fed-
eral money to Attica prison officials,
whose careers certainly must have
taken a lot of heat after the massa-
cre. We recall the last two years and
laugh at the idea of Spiro Agnew of-
fering a defense of "my constituents"
for contracts shuffled illegally to
Maryland building contractors. The
contractors, no doubt, had tough ca-
reers, too.
the fact that no one will get very
far trying to bribe Nelson Rockefel-
ler. But that is little comfort in light
of the attempted Grumman deal.
What if a war breaks out in Guate-
mala and Rockefeller's "constitu-
ents" who run Exxon's South Ameri-
can oil wells complain of failing ca-
reers? Or if the would-be vice presi-
dent's "constituents" in the fuel in-
dustry are troubled by a ban on oil
price hikes?
Again and again, we are faced with
a stupid, frustrating defiance of the
Watergate proverb: public officials
must not be placed on pedestals be-
yond the reach of investigators, pro-
secutors, the Congress, and the peo-
ple. And Rockefeller's defiance of
that lesson is perhaps less disgust-
ing than the Senate's remarkable at-
traction to letting him get away with

Herman Melville, the author of "Moby Dick," once
said, "The moot point is, whether Leviathan can long
endure so wide a chase, and so remorseless a havoc
. .. and the last whale, like the last man, smoke his
last pipe, and then himself evaporate in the final puff."
Melville would be surprised to learn that whaling
reached its height in the last decade. A factory ship
can dispose of an 80-ton carcass in 30 minutes. No ani-
mal can endure such, a massive technological on-
slaught. The 1972 U. N. Stockholm Conference on the
Human Environment unanimously called for a 10-year
moratorium on all whaling to give the whales a chance
to replenish their decimated ranks. However, the whal-
ing nations, led by I. Fujita, Japan's chief delegate to
the International Whaling Commission (IWC) and
Chairman of the Japan Whaling Association (JWA),
have refused to follow the U. N. scientists' warnings.
Instead, Fujita filed an "objection," and the JWA there-
by committed Japan to continued killing of the endan-
gered fin whale.
THE MIGHTIEST ANIMAL that ever lived, the blue
whale, has been hunted to the point of "commercial
extinction." Many scientists fear that not enough male
and female whales will be able to mate to preserve
the species. During the peak year of 1930-31, whalers
took almost 30,000 blue whales. Today some scientists'
estimates of the remaining population range from 600
to 3,000.
After 200 years the United States stopped its com-
mercial exploitation of the great whales, banning all
whaling and declaring an embargo on the importation
of all products derived from whales. The present strong
stand against whaling of the U. S. delegation to the
IWC came only after a combination of factors includ-
ing a massive campaign by conservation organizations,
obsolescence of the U. S. whaling fleet, and the drastic
reduction of the number of whales made whaling no
longer profitable.
Whales are killed for the most trivial of reasons.
Jacques Cousteau in his book, "The Whale, Mighty
Monarch of the Sea", states, "Surely whales have more
to offer us than 'seafood' for our dogs, oil, or stays for
corsets and ribs for umbrellas." There is a substitute
for every whale product. In 1970, Alex Recchiute de-
veloped a synthetic sulfurized sperm oil. Nevertheless,
the sperm whale (Moby Dick was a snerm whale) is
still being pursued by the whalers for oil.
THE JAPAN WHALTNG Association puts out a pam-
phlet which states, "'Whale meat and blubber which
have graced the dining tables of Japan for hundreds
of years are about to be curtailed or completely taken

away from us by people who never thought of whale
meat in terms of food . . . It is only because of sheer
necessity that Japan is engaged in whaling."
Let us examine the argument used by the JWA to
justify continued whaling. Although the Japanese do
eat whale meat, the quantity is small. Less than one
per cent of Japan's animal protein diet is made up of
whale meat. The sperm whale, which is still being
hunted, is inedible. And whales are being killed to
export whale meat delicacies into communities like
Ann Arbor. (The Big Ten Party Stores, Inc. 1928 Pack-
ard Road, sell Daimaru Yamatoni whale meat). The
Japan Food Corporation, operating out of San Fran-
cisco, imports the whale meat into the U. S. in ap-
parent disregard of federal and state conservation law.
One is tempted to ask JWA representative Fujita
how many Michigan citizens are dependent on whale
meat to fulfill their animal protein requirements. Here
we can see the bogus nature of the JWA's "we need
whales to eat" argument.
UNFORTUNATELY, SOME of the major conserva-
tion groups involved in the struggle to save the Great
Whales have inadvertently strengthened the hand of
the Japan Whaling Association by calling for a boycott
of all Japanese products. Until recently, the whaling
industry has been able to discredit all legitimate ef-
forts to bring the facts of the whaling tragedy to the
Japanese public by pointing to the boycott and por-
traying the efforts of the environmentalists a "an anti-
Japanese, isolationist campaign backed by American
Desire to halt the whale slaughter, frustration with
the totally ineffective IWC's political antics, and ignor-
ance of Japanese domestic political realities have led
these well-intentioned organizations to overlook some
important facts: Japanese workers are unlikely to lis-
ten dispassionately to the irrefutable truths of an is-
sue when their jobs are being threatened. The broad-
based economic boycott makes it impossible to isolate
the JWA from the Japanese people.
NEEDLESS TO SAY, the JWA has been able to
dominate the media with its propaganda by playing
upon latent Japanese nationalism. Literature character-
izing the Japanese as "greedy, barbaric whale killers",
cartoons portraving whale hunting planes with WWII
"Jan Zero" insignias, bespectacled, bucktoothed pilots
reminiscent of the wartime propaganda pictures of the
kamikaze, and devious-looking, Tojo-like soldiers cry-
ing, "Banzai!" from atop butchered whale heaps hurt
attempts to gain international cooperation in preserv-
ing the whales. If a whale could speak English, un-
doubtedly it would ask to be saved with appeals to un-
derstanding, not hatred.

Tactically, the boycott is poorly conceived. If eco-
nomic pressure, as a drastic last resort, is to be used
effectively, it must be focused on some rather than
all Japanese multinational corporations.
The Save the Whales campaign, Project Understand-
ing, which is based in Yokohama, Japan was establish-
ed by Japanese and American employes of Sony cor-
poration. Project Understanding is conducting a boy-
cott of Sony in conjunction with the Japanese consum-
er movement until the JWA agrees to the U. N. call for
a 10-year moratorium on all whaling.
pragmatic. First, Sony is a natural target, having fi-
nancial connections with the whaling industry. One of
the major stockholders of both Kyokuyo (a major whal-
er) and Sony is the Mitsui Bank and Trust. Further-
more, Nomura Securities is the underwriter for both.
Sony employes report that sulfurized sperm oil is being
used in the corporation's factories as lubricant instead
of the more expensive synthetic substitute.
Sony is extremely vulnerable to economic pressure
both in Japan and in the U.S. (The company's plans for
expansion into Europe and Arabia are dependent on
its American foreign-capital base remaining stable.)
Sony has numerous international connections and
subsidiaries. As Mike Wallace noted on his "60 Min-
utes" program entitled "Mr. Sony," the company's
president cannot afford to ignore world opinion.
SAVE THE WHALES WEEK in Ann Arbor will be
highlighted by the Save the Whales Rally tomorrow in
Crisler Arena featuring speakers, films, and whale
sounds beginning at 7:30 p.m. Joan Baez will appear
in concert at 8:30. Some good seats still remain. Today,
the Time-Life film Whales, Dolphins, and Men will be
shown at 7 p.m. in Rackham Auditorium, and at 8
p.m. there will be a seminar discussion with members
from Japanese and American conservation organiza-
tions. Admission is free - funded by the proceeds from
the Joan Baez Concert.
Project Understanding asked Joan Baez to sing for
the Great Whales because of her deep commitment
to social issues. She is Japan's favorite American sing-
er and has deep affection for the Japanese people. All
major media outlets have been contacted in Japan by
Project Understanding, and this "appeal to the Japa-
nese neonle for international solidarity in stopping Sony
and the Japan Whaling Association" will certainly not
go unnoticed.
J. Mark Lavelle is a Project Understanding organizer
Who did graduate work at the University's Center for
Japanese studies. He has also studied at Keio University
in Tokyo.



Chastising Nixon: A national duty

UGLI reserve causes delay

things have made a trip to the
UGLI an unpleasant and time-con-
suming experience. The first one was
the man who checked your books as
you were leaving. He was a meticu-
lous as a Turkish customs inspec-
tor confronted with a van full of hip-
pies. This resulted in long lines at
the UGLI exit, especially at inconven-
ient times like between classes.
The other problem was getting a
book at the reserve desk. You turned
in your request and cooled your heels
with the rest of the mob, wasting
time while you wanted to get the
book and start reading it.
News: Bill Heenan, Stephen Hersh,
Cindy Hill, Judy Ruskin, Jeff Sor-
Editorial Page: Becky Warner
Arts Page: Jeff Sorensen
Photo Technician: Stuart Hollander

This summer one of the hassles
was eliminated. The human check-
er was replaced by an electronic de-
vice and egress from the UGLI is no
longer delayed.
has gotten worse. For some rea-
son, the number of people needing
reserve material has increased and
so has the waiting period. The re-
serve desk also seems crowded and it
sometimes takes longer to wait for
a book or article than it does to read
it. Last year it took 10 minutes to
discover the material you requested
was out, now it takes 25.
It is obvious that the method now
used to distribute reserve books is
inefficient. There must be better ways
to deal with the increased volume.
The library staff should consider
more efficient alternatives to the
present system.

G' ERALD FORD'S lack of embarrass-
ment as he discusses the Nixon par-
don is almost painful to watch. He
wants to be a good boy, and in his own
inept misguided way, he tries very hard.
The thought of being the "only one who
could make that decision" obviously ov-
erwhelms him.
But to deny little school children the
right to see their ex-president perfect
his drive at Lompoc Prison is very cruel.
Every 15 seconds, somewhere in Ameri-
ca, a student asks her teacher when Nix-
on will begin his stretch. Imagine the
pitiful little tears that stream down her
face when the instructor explains that
history has been shortchanged. All is
Since there is no legal way to over-
ride Ford's pardon, we must be de-
vious and nasty. Dick Nixon has not even
suffered a little bit, let alone enough.
We must begin a wide campaign to hurt
his feelings.
It will be tough. People have been in-
sulting Richard for as long as he has
been insulting them. He has a thick cal-
lus around his brain that doesn't allow
too much in or out.
NIXON HAS, however, developed sore
spots over the years that can be poked
and probed and saturated with stinging
antiseptics. Ford, a poor doctor, doesn't
understand that one cannot heal an in-
fected wound by slapping on a brand
new bandage and declaring it healed;
Better to cut out diseased tissue than to
let it fester. Time and air will seal the
Get into the act! Here is a list of ter-
rible but true things to say about Nixon.

hear and become ashamed.
-As a child, Richard often faked phle-
bitis and severe depression to stay home
from school.
-He lied to his mother when he pro-
mised to be an honest lawyer and poli-
tician. She is very ashamed of him.
-He cheated at cards in the Philip-

-He fools around with women.
-He uses foul language like an ama-
-Kissinger sure did a great job with
China and Russia.
-Nixon is a crook.
-Nixon is a quitter.
-He hates Christmas and loves bomb-

If possible, say them loudly so he will -lie smoked "substances" at Whit- ing.

YOU MUST KNOW a million more.
Don't be shy about injecting an insult
into any conversation. At this point in
time, you cannot do anything more
American without losing blood.
Those who are not satisfied with in-
sults, be patient. Perjury is a serious
offense and very hard to avoid when
one is protecting his place in history.


TELEVISION: What are we going to
do with it?
As programming moves closersto
"reality" each year, TV begins to show
the seamier side of life. This new real-
ism is scary. I mean, you can't help but
feel apprehensive when you view such
shows as "The Execution of Private Ed-
die Slovick" or the new-era doctor shows
in which not every patient pulls through.
Are things really like that?
Fear not, TV watchers. I know of one
field that is treated much too harshly by
television. That is the field of law.
Television depicts this prominent pro-
fession as full of inequities. Competent
defense is only available to the rich, TV
implies. And lawyers run around with
serious faces. All that seriousness can
put you in a depressed mood.
THE LAW IS nothing like this, I assure
you. Why just before coming to the Uni-

libels attorneys

versity this fall I attended a court ses-
sion, and it was nothing like those court-
room dramas on TV.
The mere word "drama" is contradic-
tory when applied to court proceedings.
It connotes all that seriousness I men-
tioned. By my visit to court hogan when
a kindly looking police officer walked in
and sat down three feet from me. He
had a big grin on his face as he ribbed
the officer in front of him. "Looks like
you lost this one," he said, referring to
the case presently being tried.
But the smile on the officer's face was
nothing compared to the Cheshire Cat
grin on the assistant district attorney's
face as the next trial came to a close
with a verdict of guilty. The assistant DA
looked nothing like the DAs who have
appeared on "Judd for the Defense" or
"Owen Marshall." You know, most of
the time the DA is the guy who played
the professor on "Gilligan's Island." He
always has such a serious, concerned

look on his face, no matter what the
AND THEN, TV always shows some
poor fellow who cannot afford a decent
lawyer and gets stuck with a state-ap-
pointed attorney who has some umpteen
such cases and isn't getting paid very
much for his services.
The state-appointed attorneys aren't
really that bad. The one I had the priv-
ilege of seeing in action was dressed
just as finely as the private attorneys
in the room. He spoke well - even
better than some of those private at-
torneys. I heard him loud and clear as
he stood up to say, "I'm not serae what
the charges are against my client . .."
Television has pictured the field of law
all wrong. I think all the members of
the bar should get together, because they
have a strong libel case on their hands.
What they need is a good lawyer.







To The Daily:
for Action/UAW would like to
thank the entire clerical unit for
the incredible turnout at the
polls last week.It proved to the
University community that we
are an integral part of this
institution, we are involved and
we are concerned about the pol-
cies and events which affect us.
We would also like to thank
the Clericals for AFSCME for
their public endorsement of
CCFA/UAW. We are truly grat-
ified by their courageous stand
to rally behind the cause of un-
ionization for University of
Michigan clerical employes. We
hope to combine our efforts
with theirs towards the achieve-
ment of that goal.
The TCCFA/TTAW ha sdilient-

and our families.
-Concerned Clericals for
September 25
To The Daily:
I WOULD like to object stren-
uously to the poor quality of
copying machine available at
the Graduate Library. T h e
paper is chalky and unplhasant,
and the copying itself has a hit
or miss quality that defies de-
In the course of copying ap-
proximately 20 pages recently,
it took a total of four machines
to finally get 20 acceptable cop-
ies and in one case the machne
did not even give me its usual
shoddy copy for my money.
When I duly reported, unread-

noncirculating publica
even then it is hard,
stand why the Univers
es 10 cents for a sing
copy. At the University
ington, the main libr
ing service provides s
ox copies at about 5
page, and of coursen
vite firms around her
same and make a pr
Surely the Grad Lib
do better by its user
leave them virtuallyi
between shoddiness a
-Charles Hagen
Grad, Philosop
September 20

tions. And of the ruling class need not obey
to under- the law while those members of
ity charg- the non-ruling classes frequently
gle Xerox need break these laws merely
y of Wash- to survive.
ary copy- As the events of last fall in
ingle Xer- Chile suggested, bourgeois law
cents per (such as electoral and constitu-
many pri- tional law) are observed only
re do the when they serve the purposes of
ofit at it. the ruling class. Once it seem-
brary can ed that the ruling class could
s than to not eliminate the Allende r e -
no choice gime through legal and illegal
ind extor- methods (the latter being sup-
ported by one Henry Kissinger),
it totally disregarded the "laws"
Phy and turned to violence to
achieve its ends.
NOW IN THIS country a sim-
Marx ilar occurrence has happened.
I would like to point out the
obvious: Mssrs. Ford and Nix-
ars ago I on have once again shown in

political Zen .
To The Daily:
What's in an old Ford?
F uneral
R epresentational
D emocracy
and the restoration of Direct
Democracy, i.e., without repre-
sentatives or delegates.
Neither leadership nor fellow-
ship. Neither driver nor driven.
Neither guru nor disciple. Nei-
ther teacher nor student.
Look within. Be intensely
aware of that inner flow of
thoughts, feelings and actions.
Realize that you are simply the
Observer/ Experiencer/Perceiv-
er of that endless flood.
Then walk further on.
-Sidney Simon
September 16

To The Daily:

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