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September 25, 1974 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1974-09-25

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Wednesday, September 25, 1974


Page Seven

Pane Seven

Wllm ore


a fleeting thing. Many a player
touted as a dominant player in the
future of the sport fizzles into obscurity
after graduation sends him into the
ranks of the professional cagers. Some
unfortunates even lose their touch while
still in college.
No one knows this better than a
Michigan graduate by the name of
Henry Wilmore. Wilmore is currently
in Ypsilanti, attending the training
camp of the Detroit Pistons, trying to
work his way back into the basketball
Four years ago, the basketball fu-
ture seemed very bright indeed for
Henry Wilmore. He had just finished
a record-setting sophomore year With
the Wolverines. He and his young
teammates had 'gone 12-2 in the Big
Ten and earned their way into' the
National Invitational Tournament,
and Henry received plenty of All-
America mention. It seemed as if

there were nowhere his basketball ,
career conldn't go.
As it turned out, though, the en'd of
that season was the zenith for Wilmore.
He sustained a - knee "injury early the
next year, and never again returned to
his earlier form. His senior season,
1972-73, was a true disappointment, as
he shifted from forward to guard and
looked very much out of place as the
highly-rated Wolverines stumbled to
an incredibly poor 6-8 conference
Drafted almost as an afterthought by
the Pistons, Wilmore failed even tp
show up at their rookie camp a year
ago. Instead, he laid off for awhile and
then went back to school and com-
pleted his bachelor's degree, playing a
little semi-pro ball on the side.
This summer, though, the pro basket-
ball itch got to Henry. Sitting in his
Holiday Inn room in \Ypsi Monday
evening, he explained why he was in
"I decided that for my own piece

of mind I had to give pro basketball
a try,' he said. "I had to know
whether I could actually make it with
the Pistons. I figured that it would
be kind of ridiculous not to take this,
chance while I have it. I think I have
the ability to play in the pros-and
V'm going to find out."
One thing is for sure-Wilmore has a
tough job cut out for him to make the
Pistons, now one of the top teams in
basketball. Detroit does have a spot
open after losing guard Stu Lantz in
the expansion draft, but Wilmore, who
did his best playing as a 6-32 forward,
has yet to prove himself a competent
backcourt man.
Henry is not discouraged. "I think
it's possible for me to make it," he
reasons. "Plenty of college forwards
have switched to guard in the pros.
I've been working very hard, trying
to concentrate on my defense, and
I'll play forward or guard, wherever
the coach puts me." .
He said that the senior year at guard

o role
in, college has helped, and that he
"learned at lot" from that experience,
although he quickly added, "I still have
a whole lot to learn."
Right now, it's too early to judge
just how well Wilmore and the Pistons
are going to mesh, particularly since
one Detroit starter, Dave Bing, has
yet to report because of salary dispute.
"I really wish they were here," he
says, "especially Dave. He's one of the
great guards in basketball and I know
I could learn a whole lot from him."
Realistically, the competition Wil
more is bucking, for the spot he
wants, is more than just token.
Mahid Abdul-Rahman (formerly
Walt Hazzard), is a grizzled and ex-
perienced veteran, while Eric Money
and Dennis Layton are impressive,
young, and experienced guards.
Henry realizes that, but just shrugs.
"I'm just going to work hard and do
the best I can," he philosophizes. "If
I don't make it, at least I will know
I tried."

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GERALD TANNEBAUM (special assist-
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ADMISSION (including dinner) $3







(Continued from Page 1)
thought he could get it by hav-
ing more flare."
Kaline never heeded the sug-
gestion. He just played the
game straight, without flam-
boyancy or the glib post-game
tongue. I
only a dozen players in base-I
ball history to reach the covet-
ed 3,000-hit level - and the1
first in the American League'
since Eddie Collins reached it'
June 5, 1925. Five National
Leaguers made it in between,
the last being Clemente.
Kaline came into the season
needing 139 hits to reach the el-
ite plateau. He said he would
come back in 1975 if he didn't
get it in 1974. 'But, he said, he
would rafre after he gets it.
In his first time at bat, Ka-
DETROIT - Ex-Michigan
wingback Clint Haslerig sign-
ed a two-year contract with
the Chicago Bears in excess
of $70,000, hisi agent reported
yesterday. Haslerig, all-Big
Ten last year was originally
drafted by the San Francisco
49ers but received his walk-
ing papers last week.

in at bats, hits, extra base hits,
total bases and runs-batted-in.
He is first or second among
active American Leaguers in
all those categories and no
worse than fourth among active
players from both leagues.
THE, 12 MAJOR leaguers to
reach the 3000-hit level are
listed with total hits, years
played, year reached 3000 and
* Ty Cobb, 4,191, 1905-28,
Tigers, Athletics.
!Stan Musial, 3,630, 1941-63,
1958, Cardinals.
* Hank Aaron, 3,594, 1954-
1974, 1970, Braves.
* Tris Speaker, 3,515, 1907-28,
1925, Red Sox, Indians, Sena-
tors, Athletics.
4 Honus Wagner, 3,430, 1897-
1917, 1914, Louisville, Pirates.
* Eddie Collins, 3,310, 1906-30,
1925, Athletics, White Sox.
i Willie Mays, 3,283, 195173,
1970, Giants, Mets.
Nap Lajoie, 3,251, 1896-16,
1914, Phillies, Athletics, Indians.
* Paul Waner, 3,152, 1926-45,
1942, Pirates, Dodgers, Braves,
* Cap Anson, 3,041, 1876,97,
1897, Cubs.
* Al Kaline, 3,000, 1953-1974,
* Roberto Clemente, 3,000,
1955-72, Pirates.

AP Photo
AL KALINE DOUBLES DOWN the right field line for his 3000th career hit in action last night
in Baltimore. Kaline collected two hits during the game but they went for naught as the
Orioles won the game 5-4. Kaline is the first A merican Leaguer to reach the plateau since

line flied out to short center on
the first pitch.in the ninth inn-
ing from Harry Byrd, June 25,
1953, in Philadelphia. His first!
hit came July 8 at Chicago
against the White Sox. He sin-
gled through shortstop off Luis
Aloma in the eighth after re-
placing Jim Delsing in center,
field of a 14-4 loss.
become the all-time Tiger lead-
er in home runs and games
played, moved into second place
w' L Pct. GB
Baltiiore 84 71 .542 -
Nexw York 84 72 .538 y.
Boston 80 74 .519 31
Milwaukee 75 81 .481 9!;
Cleveland 74 81 .477 10
Detroit 71 83 .461 12%
Oakland 86 68 .558 -
Te-as 81 72 .529 4%
Minnesota 80 74 .519 6
Chicago 75 78 .490 101
'Kansas City 75 80 .484 1J1/
California 62 93 .400 24y
Yesterday's ResyIts
M1iwaukee 4. Cleveland 3
Baltimore 5, Detroit 4
California 9, Kansas City 3
Bnston 4-4. New York 0-2
Chicago at Texas (2), postponed
Minnesota at Oakland, inc.
Today's Gamnes
Milwaukee (Slaton 13-14) at
Cleveland (Peterson 9-13)
Detroit (Lolich 16-19) at Balti-
more (Grimusley 18-13)
Boston (Lee 17-13) at New York,
(Medich 18-14)
California (Hassler 5-11) at Kan-
sas City (Briles 5-5)
Chicago (Kucek 1-3) at Texas (J.
Brown 12-12)3
Minnesota (Blyleven 16-16) att
Oakland (Hunter 24-12 or Abbott1


The Dufek name is a familiar Russ, gi
one to Michigan football fans. finest se
Don Dufek Sr. was an outstand- football 1
ing running back for the great After
late 40's and early 50's team of Don pl
Bennie Oosterbaan. adeptly
l)ufek won the Most Valuable rell's ho
Player award in the 1951 Rose of hisf
Bowl when the Wolverines upset drafted1
California 14-6. He averaged Red Win
five yards in 23 running at- Affecti


g oes


Steve Strinko and Carl
ves Michigan one of the
condaries in collegiate
this year.
the football season,
ays left wing very
for Coach Dan Far-
ckey team. As a result
fine play, Dufek was
by the NHL's Detroit
ngs last spring.
onately nicknamed by

tempts to lead Michigan to its Wolverine fans as 'Duf' and
third Rose Bowl triumph in as 'Moose.' Don claims that his

many tries.
Today, Coach Bo Schem-
bechler can boast of two Du-
feks on his team. First of all,
Schembechler recruited Bill
Dufek (6-4, 255 lbs.) from East
Grand Rapids High School
this year and the prospects on
newenmer Dufek are extreme-
ly high.
However, the Dufek that has
won the non,"larity on the Mich-
f v' campus is wolfman Don
D' fek <Jr., recruited straight
'it of ,\nn Arbor's Pioneer High
School. Dufek's hard hitting
ability on the, football field as
well as in the hockey rink has
gained him accolades through-
out the country as well as in
the environs of Ann Arbor.
Dufek, along with Dave

father had no influence on his
attending Michigan.
"If anything, my father had
an adverse affect oh my at-
tending Michigan. He probably'
downplayed my coming here if
anything. He didn't want to
prejudice me. The decision was
left up to me."
In discussing the two sports,
hockey and football, Dufek has
only praise for both the sports
and his performance.
"Football is something I can
excel in. I like the contact. As
far as hockey is concerned, I
think it is the finest sport as'
far as spectator involvement
and whatever else goes. I like
them both."
Dufek feels that of the two
sports, he could probably be
better in hockey; but for three

years he did not play because
his family had moved to
South Bend.
Although drafted by the Red
Wings, Don wishes to keep both
channels in football and hockey
open, as well as finishing school.
Presently, Dufek is a general
studies major hoping to pursue
some career in public relations
if the pros do not work out.
Professional. sports is Don's
first ,shot after he graduates',
but he realizes the importance
of his remaining in school, so
the Red Wings will have to wait
it oit until he decides on foot-
ball or hockey after graduation.
In discussing the two coachesj
he plays under, Farrell and
Schembechler, Dufek gives them
both equal praise.
"Bo is a little more intense
than Dan, but their philosophies
are both sound. The discipline
in football is different from
hockey. Hockey is more indi-
vidualized. There is more room
for Farrell to give us individ-
ualized attention and the pres-
sure is not as great."
''Schembechler relates real
well but there is just not the
time for full individual atten-
tion. After all, football deals
with more than 120 people."
This year, Dufek discusses the
football team with a degree of
perspectiveness. Of course, like
everyone around. Don's biggest
disappointment was not going to
the Rose Bowl. However, un-
like many of his teammates, he

felt he at least had something
to which to look forward.
The goals this year for the
team, according to Don, are of
course, to be first in the nation.
"We are taking one game at
a time. We hope to be ready
for each one. The Big Ten is
better this year and as a result
we won't allow ourselves to look
past any of the games. Every-
body is hustling this year, more
so than in the past. I guess we
are out to prove that we were
kind of screwed last year by
the Big Ten."I
The Top 20 .
By The Associated Press
1. Ohio State 23 2-0-0 1,110'
2. Notre Dame 26 2-0-0 1,104.
3. Oklahoma 8 1-0 0 913
4. Alabama 4 2-0-0 896}
5. MICHIGAN 2-0-0 7561
6. Texas 2-0-0 588
7. Arizona State 2-0-0 477
8. Pitt 2-0-0 2731
9. Texas A&M 2-0-0 256
10. Nebraska 1-1-0 237
I11 Wisconsin 2-0-0 2001
12, Oklahoma state 2-0-0 192
13, No. Caro. St. ?-0-0 191
14. Tennessee 1-0-1 171j
15. Arizona 2-0-0 135
16. Illinois, 2-0-0 1151
DAILY LIBELS (tie) 2-0-0 115
17. Louisiana State 1-1-0 109E
18. So. California 0-1-0 1031
19. Penn . State 1-1-0 97
20. Miami, Fla. 1-0-0 95
Others receiving votes, listed
alphabetically' Arkansas, Auburn,
Florida, Maryland, Memphis State,
Miami of Ohio, Michigan state,
Mississippi, Mississippi State, North
Carolina, Texas Tech, Tulane, UC-
LA, West Virginia.

SATURDAYS 6-9 p.m.
1. cold vichysoisse
2. coq a in
3. potatoes anna
4. shrimp newburgh
5. boeuf burguingnone
6. rice
7. swedish meat balls
8. vermicelli
9. breaded veal cutlet
10. fresh garden green
11. tarragon peas
12. eggplant parmesan
13. beef oriental
14. veal hearts
15. chicken giblets
16. cheese casserole
17. sliced beef
18. fried chicken
19. barbecued ribs
20. fried cod fish
21. black olives
22. greek olives
23. green olives
24. dill pickles
25. celery
27. green onions
28. crab apples
29. red peppers
30. radishes
31. corn salad
32. sliced cucumbers
with sour cream
33, sliced tomatoes .
with freshdill
34. red bean salad
35. greek bean salad
36. italian green peppers
37. greek stuffed eggplants
38. sliced beets
39. garlic sauce
40. herring
41. portuguese sardines
42. anchovies
43. cod fish caviar mousse
44. cod fish red caviar
45. liver pate
46. sliced jambon
47 sliced salami
48. sliced cold turkey
49. chicken salad
50. russian fish salad-
51. tuna fish salad
52. sliced mushroom in
,dill sauce
54. eggrolls
55. hot mustard sauce
56. stuffed eggs bonnefemme
57. cole slaw
58. cold salmon
59. fresh tuna in soyu sauce
60. butter
61. home made bread
62. sliced tongue
63. horse radish sauce
64. chicken wings japanese
65. fried squid .
66. smoked pork chops
67. potato salad
68. russian salad
69. macaroni salad
70. jellied fruit salad
71. tossed green salad
72. chef's dressing
73. french dressing
74. 1000 island dressing
75. russian dressing
76. tartar sauce
77. hot sauce
78. bacon crumbs
79. croutons
80. parmesan cheese
81. sliced onions
82. eggplant salad
83. hocktail sausage
84. hors d'oeuvres
85. stuffed grapeleaves
86. greek feta cheese
87. swiss cheese
88. cheddar cheese
89. bread pudding
90. rice pudding
91. creme caramel
92. baked apples
93. house cake
94. peaches



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60 watts of total IHF, music power with less than
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W 1. Pct. GB
P'ttsbrgh 82 72 .532
St. I Onis 82 73 .529 1i
Philadelnhia 76 78 .494 6
Montrpal 73 81 .474 9
New York 69 84 .451 121,
Chicago 65 89 .422 17
Los Angeles 97 57 .630 --
Cincinnati 93 62 .600 4%
A tianta 84 71 .542 13%
Houston 78 7~6 .506 19
San Frincisco 71 84 .458 261
San Diego 56 99 .361 411/,
Yeste rday's Results
Cbicago 6-2, Montreal 4-11
Philadel Nia 6. New' York 3
Cincinnati 5. Houston 1
Pittsburgh 7. St. Louis 3
San Francico at San Diego, inc.
Atlanta at Los Angeles, Inc.


1. Navy at MICHIGAN
(pick score)
2. Washington St. at Illinois
3. Indiana at Kentucky
4. Penn St. at Iowa
5. MSU at UCLA
6. TCU at Minnesota'
7. Northwestern at Nebraska
8. SMU at Ohio St.
9. Purdue at Notre Dame
10. Wisconsin at Colorado

_ -

WEDNESDAY, Sept. 25, 3-5 p.m., Angell Hall, Aud. A



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