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September 21, 1974 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1974-09-21

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See Today for details

Vol. LXXXV, No. 15

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, September 21, 1974

Ten Cents

Eight Pages







Ic .
Halftime hootenanny
Michigan Stadium will sound a little bit like the
Grand Old Opry at halftime today when the Michi-
gan Marching Band presents a country-western
music show. Featured will be John Denver's Take
Me Home, Country Road (along with some other
Denver favorites), Boots Randolph's Yakety Sax,
Johnny Cash's Ring of Fire, and The Ballad of Jed
Clampett (remember that old TV favorite?). The
tuba section will take center stage in the pre-
game show with the theme song from another TV
biggie, Cannon.
Happenings ...
. . . start off today with the Michigan-Colorado
football game. Kickoff is at 1:30 . . . and if brains
interest you more than brawn, try a meeting of
the Go Club at 2 p.m. in 2050 Freize Bldg. Go is a
Japanese game comparable to chess. That's all,
folks ...
New press chief
Ron Nessen, a White House reporter for NBC,
became President Ford's new press secretary yes-
terday. With Ford standing beside him, Nessen
said he would never knowingly mislead or lie to
the White House press corps. He replaces Jerald
terHorst, a veteran Detroit newspaperman, who
resigned after Ford's pardon of former President
Nixon, saying it was a matter of conscience be-
cause hie disagreed with the decision. TerHorst
also said he felt important information on presiden-
tial decisions had been withheld from him.
Pardon me?
1resident Ford's honeymoon with Congress and
the public may be over, but he still retains his
sense of humor. Oakland County Prosecutor Brooks
Patterson says he was in Washington earlier this
week visiting people in the White House. While
hurrying down one hallway, Patterson bumped into
Ford as he emerged from a door. Automatically,
the prosecutor said, "pardon me." Ford grinned
at Patterson and quipped, "Not you, too!"
Dope note
The largest seizure of marijuana ever made in
the United States - nearly 19 tons - was reported
yesterday by the U. S. Customs Service. Officers
of the Custom's patrol confiscated 37,785 pounds,
worth an estimated 10.9 million dollars, in Nogales,
Arizona, authorities said. Four people, not imme-
diately identified, were arrested. The U. S. Cus-
tom's Service said officers, assisted by air and
ground units, also seized two large rented vans
in which the material was being smuggled.
Woman cop shot
A Washington, D. C. policewoman yesterday be-
came the first woman officer to die while on duty
in the city's history when she was shot while chas-
ing a suspect, police said. The officer was identi-
fied as Gail Cobb. She was 24 years old and joined
the police force last October. The police said two
policemen spotted two men in a car outside a
bank. When they went to question the men, the
two drew guns and opened fire on the police,
then ran from the car. Cobb, on patrol nearby,
followed one man inside a garage and was shot
there. The suspect surrendered outside the garage,
but the other man was still at large. The city has
had women on its police force for over 50 years,
but has only allowed them to go on street patrol
and other hazardous duties in the last few years.
Ms. Marcos in China
Chinese Premier Chou En-Lai, ailing for more
than four months, yesterday met Imelda Marcos,
wife of the Philippines President, for about one
hour in a hospital, a Chinese spokesperson said.
Marcos later told reporters that Chou was "very
well. He looked very well." It was the first time
in about two months that the 76-year-old Chinese
leader had received a foreign guest. Among the
last that he saw was U. S. Senator Henry Jack-

son (D-Wash.). The meeting suggested to observers
that the health of Chou, whose last public appear-
ance was July 31, had improved.
Transatlantic cut
The United States and. Britain yesterday an-
nounced a 20 pertcent cut from November to April
in transatlantic flights by their airlines in a move
aimed at increased profitability. "This should go
a long way in helping Pan American with its $10
million a month deficit," a senior U. S. official
said. Traffic demand across theNorth Atlantic this
winter is expected to decline by between 10 and
12 per cent, according to a joint Anglo-American
statement issued in Washington.
On the inside .
The arts page presents two new features
this Saturday, a bridge column and "Movies on
TV" . . . Gordon Atcheson takes a look at the
fall of the Pierce campaign on the editorial page

WASHINGTON (AP) - Inflation worsened in
August as the cost of living advanced at the
sharpest rate in a year, the government reported
Americans paid more for nearly everything
with meats, clothing, mortgage rates, and medi-
cal services leading a 1.3 per cent jump in con-
sumer prices last month.
IT WAS THE second biggest monthly increase
in more than 23 years, exceeding only a 1.9 per
cent rise in August 1973 after the government
lifted its 60-day price freeze.
The new surge in the cost of living was oversha-
dowed by near record wholesale price increases
over the past two months. Many of the wholesale
hikes have yet to work their way into the retail
sector, thus leaving consumers the almost certain
prospect of still higher prices later this year.
As the Labor department issued its price re-
port, the Agriculture department proposed a jump
of up to 13 per cent in prices paid to farmers

Meat, mortgages lead trend-

for milk, to meet the rising cost of production.
This could mean a two cent per quart increase
at the retail level.
SEVERAL participants in President Ford's
summit meeting on the economy have blamed
high interest rates and the government's tight
money policies for contributing to the continuing
Chairman Arthur Burns of the Federal Reserve
Board told financial leaders attending the meet-
ing yesterday that there could be no further
tightening of monetary policies. He indicated
any easing of home mortgage interest rates may
be forthcoming.
"The federal reserve will see to it that the
s'ipply of money and credit continues to expand,"
Burns said. "There will be no credit crunch in

our country."
THE 1.3 per cent August price increase lifted
consumer prices 11.2 per cent higher than a year
ago and works out to annual rate of 15.6 per
cent if projected over the full year.
The government consumer price index moved
up to 15.02 - meaning it costs $15.02 to buy
goods that cost only $10.00 in 1967.
Paychecks of American workers continued to
shrink in August, with real, spendable earnings-
that is, what is left after tax deductions and the
effects of inflation -- dropping nine tenths of
one per cent, a level well below a year ago.
AVERAGE gross weekly earnings were $157.73
in August, comoared with $146.73 a year earlier.
But because of a decline in working hours and

the rise in consumer prices, real gross average
weekly earnings were down 3.2 per cent.
Detailing its price report, the Labor depart-
ment said price increases prevailed across almost
the entire economy. The only declines were noted
for some food items and gasoline, which dropped
in price for the first time since last December.
Overall food prices rose 1.3 per cent last
month reversing a trend noted in July.
GROCERY PRICES ROSE 1.5 per cent, with
increases for beef, eggs and pork higher than
usual for August. Cereal and bakery products
processed fruits and vegetables, sugar and
sweets, also went up, while fresh fruits and vege-
tables, dairy products and fish declined in price.
Nonfood commodities posted their biggest in-
crease on record, rising 1.5 per cent last month.
About a third of the increase was due to higher
clothing prices. New car prices went up instead
of declining as usual at the end of the model

for '75
The University's Board of
Regents yesterday approved an
operating budget of $342 million
for the '74-'75 academic year
on the Ann Arbor campus, an
increase of about seven per
cent over last year.
The budget includes an eight
per cent raise slated for salary
hikes for all University person-
nel, as well as the tuition in-
crease, adopted at the July Re-
gents' meeting, of nearly six
per cent above winter '74
THIS INCREASE places tui-
tion at the same level as fall
'73, since tuition was lowered
last winter when a $3.75 million
surplus was discovered in the
The budget's anatomy is a
mismash of different funds.
The operating outlay consists
of monies from state and fed-
eral appropriations, donations
and student fees-and allocates
funds for salaries, mainten-
ance, research and academics.
This year's appropriations in-
clude an increase of 12 per cent
in the auxiliary activities
budget, which includes revenues
for the University's residence
halls, hospitals, the Michigan
Union and the Michigan League.
STUDENT financial aid,
budgeted in the general fund,
is u~p nearly 20 per cent to a
total of $10.7 million. Never-
theless, this hike is substan-
tially less than hikes for 1972-
74, which averaged over 30 per
cent annually.
The general fund budget, ap-
proved in July, totals $158 mil-
lion and pays for teaching, re-
search, library services, student
aid, and administrative opera-
T h e expendable restricted
fund budget, of which spon-
sored research is the largest
factor, was set at $74.5 million,
up less than one per cent.
ALL THE revenues in the
general fund, auxiliary activi-
ties budget and expendable re-
stricted fund budget were in-
cluded in the total operations
The Regents also adopted
budgets for the other Univer-
sity c a m p u s e s, with figures
totaling $8.6 million at Dear-
born, up 24 per cent, and $6.8
million at Flint, up 13 per cent.
During the past academic
year, the cost-of-living index has
increasedenearly 10 per cent

.... .. .....

..... ..........




OS 1 aZ
s .
for phlebitis
LONG BEACH, Calif. (P) - Former President Richard
Nixon will check into a hospital in this seaside city Mon-
day for treatment of phlebitis that has painfully swollen
his left leg, a hospital official said.
Nixon will stay in a private room on the sixth floor
of Memorial- Hospital Medical Center of Long Beach, the
official said yesterday.
HOSPITAL officials said they had no idea how long Nixon
will be hospitalized.
Though the phlebitis has created two blood clots in his leg,
which could be fatal if either broke free and lodged in his heart

Daily Photo by KEN FINK
TWO MEMBERS of the "Jews for Jesus" religious group are shown delivering their own
brand of evangelism at yesterday's rally. The group offered music and discussion in an
effort to encourage Jewish students to adopt Jesus Christ as the promised messiah.
Jews for Jesus' hit town
with electronic evangelism

or lungs, the former president
Dr. John Lungren, Nixon's
longtime physician, will make
an announcement after Nixon's
arrival - the time has not
been revealed - and will make
daily reports on his condition,
the spokesperson said.
LUNGREN had no immediate
comment to newsmen.
It was not immediately known
if Nixon's wife, Pat, or any fam-
iiv members would stay with
him. A spokesman at Nixon's
villa in San Clemente would
say only that the former chief
executive"planned to enter a
hospital early next week for
treatment of his phlebitis."
In resisting his doctors' ef-
forts to hospitalize him, Nixon
reportedly said, "If I go into
the hospital, I'll never come
out alive."
ONE OF his two doctors, Air
Force Maj. Gen. Walter Tkach,
was quoted in a magazine last
week as saying the phlebitis
condition had worsened and
it's going to take a miracle for
him to recover."
Tkach and Lungren, former
chief of staff at Memorial Hos-
pital, want Nixon in the hospi-
tal so treatment can be started
with anticoagulant drugs to dis-
solve the clots. Such treatment
must begin intravenously and
then can be taken orally.
It was expected that Tkach,
formerly Nixon's White House
doctor and now stationed at An-
drews Air Force Base in Wash-
ington, would see Nixon in the
hospital. Lungren, an internist
with a specialty in cardiology,
has an office near the hospital.
NIXON could go there by
helicopter from his San Cle-
mente villa, land on the roof-
top helipad and go down a stair-
way to his room on the west
wing of the seven-floor, 680-
bed hospital built in the 1960s.
The top floor is not yet open.
Secret Service agents were
arranging security for the hos-
pital stay.
Nixon stayed in Memorial
once before, having a physical
examination there in 1968 when
he was President-elect.
LONG BEACH is about 25
miles south of Los Angeles and
about 5 miles north of San Cle-
mente. The hospital is located
in an industrial area north of
downtown Long Beach. It is
surrounded by rocking oil rigs,
ni n-c- +tnkr and ware-

reportedly had, fought against
Richard Nixon's delay in en-
tering a hospital for treatment
of his phlebitis condition could
easily have cost the former
president his life, according to
a doctor at University Hospi-
Surgery expert Dr. William
Coon said yesterday sudden
death "was always a possibil-
ity"' as long as Nixon refused
to get hospital treatment for
his swollen left leg.
NIXON "should have been
hospitalized a long time ago,"
according to Coon, who spe-
cializes in phlebitis and similar
ailments. The danger to the
former commander-in-chief is
"much greater at home" than
in a hospital "where he would
be immobilized and under con-
Coon semphasized that me-
diate hospital care is consid-
ered standard and essential for
patients suffering from the same
form of phlebitis that afflicts
Nixon's ability to travel to
Washington is also clearly un-
dermined by his condition, said
Coon, concurring with claims
made by Nixon's attorneys this
week that the phlebitis should
exmpthiiyfro taeint
the Watere trials cheduled
todeinaer tyhis onth., ai
THE DISEASE amounts to
See 'U', Page 2

A California-based religious group known as
"Jews for Jesus" yesterday kicked off a Univer-
sity-wide campaign designed to encourage Jewish
students to adopt Jesus Christ as the promised
"The Liberated Wailing Wall," a national tour-
ing group of six singers, dancers, and electrified
musicians, joined forces with a similar Detroit-
based band called "Israel's Remnant" to produce
a lunch hour music and discussion session in
front of the administration building.
"SOME WOULD SAY that I'm a Jew that's
broken with tradition," said "Wailing Wall"

leader Sam Nadler to about 75 interested but
uncommitted onlookers gathered in People's
"But I think I'm a Jew who has returned to
the god of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob," he
asserted as the band played an original rock-and-
roll tune called, "I Knew Jesus Before He Was
a Gentile."
Nadler termed student reaction at the Univer-
sity to the group's unusual campaign "rather
MANY JEWISH students who attended the
rally, however, described it as "disgusting" and
See JEWS, Page 8


Storm kills 4000

in Honduras

mala (A) - Hundreds of bodies
were found floating in receding
rivers in the northern Honduran
town of Cholona, and police
there estimate that 4,000 vil-
lagers were killed in floods
raised by Hurricane Fifi, the
Hondan Natinnal Emergencv

had given orders to burn the
bodies to prevent an outbreak
of epidemics.
Andino painted a grim picture
of death and destruction all
across northern Honduras, in-
cluding more than 200 confirm-
ed deaths and the prospect of

Choloma on the coast, "and
there will probably be more
deaths there."
Honduran Air Force Col. Jose
Cerra Hernandez, who flew a
reconnaisance mission over the
stricken area, said: "The de-
struction of an infinity of
hn.r- of hnnn n ntatnn

61 bodies.
He said the city of 53,000, in
the center of an agricultural
and banana - producing a r e a,
also remained isolated.
The emergency committee in
Puerto de Tela, near La Ceiba,
reported finding 58 bodies and
expected to find more.

: o

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