rea p
THE MAGNIFICENT madness con-
tinues as American and Australian
12-meter yachts match their latest sail-
ing technologies in the "blue stadium"
seven miles off the Rhode Island coast.
At stake is the America's Cup which this
country has successfully defended since
Also at stake was my 15-foot "yacht"
which was becalmed in narrow Narrag-
ansett Bay at a particularly awkward
moment, for I was directly in the path
of the racers and their entourage return-
ing from the triangular course.
Though the above occurred in the 1970
Cup races, the participants and the boats
today are similar. Looming above me,
the Australian vessel (then Gretel II,
now Southern Cross) with its slim, white
lines passed in review. The amused 11-
man crew - out of a job like me -
guzzled their native Courage beer while
they were towed by a squat cabin crus-
DURING THE RACE, they would hud-
dle unseen below decks where they
manned an intricate network of sail-
trimming winches, the key to victory.
Aft of the aluminum mast is the helms-
man cockpit cluttered with dials and
wheels, and a nonchalant skipper.
The name "12-meter" is somewhat
misleading. In actuality, the yacht is
about 19 meters in length. The classifi-
cation "12-meter" is the result of a
qualifying equation using speed, weight,
and other variables.
The yachts are the most finely tuned
instruments of the sailing world: no
improvement is too minor or too expen-
sive. Crewed by prominent sailboat de-
signers and veterans of past races, the
vessels are stripped of all creature com-
forts, leaving only glittering, varnished
Courageous, created by Olin Stephens,
the designer of five other Cup winners,
possesses an exotic second rudder, while
the Southern Cross sports a strange
bulbous "growth on her bow.
NEARLY SWAMPED by the yacht's
monstrous wakes, I faced even greater
danger as thousands of pleasure craft
ranging from weatherbeaten charter sail
boats to Carribean pleasure steamers
covered the horizon. Fortunately, a
Coast Guard cutter soon churned in my
The battle of technology continues on
land as well. While tourists choke the
cobblestone streets of colonial Newport,
the crews spy on each other's docksites.
Despite Australian claims of techno-
logical superiority, the Americans should
retain the cup this year. Our system of
selecting defenders is so time-consuming
that Courageous is more than well pre-
pared to defeat the challenger. To date,
the U. S. has scored three convincing
victories, and last Tuesday's four-minute
victory margin was equivalent to a 47-0
football game.
However, the Australians will not be
an easy mark. The Southern Cross' skip-
per Jim Hardy nearly brought his nation
victory in 1970.
IN TIMES OF rising costs, 12-meter
madness is rapidly becoming an ana-
c h r o n i s m in America. Courageous'
backers - the New York Yachting Club
Syndicate - is hard-pressed to sponsor
the multi-million dollar vessel.
Yet the Australians remain optimistic.
Alan Bond, a wealthy real estate agent
vows to commit $9 million to upset the
U.S. this year. If he wins, the Cup races
are to be conducted "Down Under,"
which will benefits that nation's lucra-
tive resort business.
Nevertheless, native Newporters hope
the race continues at home. With mili-
tary cutbacks and the city council's pro-
hibition of a blues and jazz festival in-
creasing the region's unemployment, the
Cup is a worthwhile investment.
The Final Coverup
Eighty-three years of editorial freedom
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan
AP Photo
THE AMERICAN 12-meter yacht Courageous (US26) has a slight edge over
Australian yacht Southern Cross (KA4) as they round mark and start up the
fourth leg of the America's Cup Race off Newport last week. Courageous has
won three of the four-of-seven matches to date.
Tuesday, September 17, 1974
News Phone: 764-0552
420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104
Taking in a Boston summer night
With rose-colored glasses
AFTER A SPORADIC, month - long
inspection by the State Depart-
ment of Social Services, the Univer-
sity Center has been re-licensed and
will continue operating on a proba-
tionary basis.
The center, a local private facility
for emotionally disturbed adolescent
males, has repeatedly come under at-
tack by state and federal agencies for
allagedly inadequate patient care,
suspicious billing procedures, and the
unexplained use of prolonged isola-
tion techniques.
The six-month provisional license
issued to the center is nearly identi-
cal to a regular two-year license ex-
cept that periodic inspections will be
made to insure that the institution's
deficiencies have been corrected.
Despite the damaging evidence un-
covered by other regulatory agencies,
the S o c i a 1 Services Department
chose to re-license the controversial
residential treatment center because
past allegations - especially those
relating to rampant drug use-"Were
News: Dan Biddle, Barbara Cornell,
Cindy Hill, Josephine Marcoty, Judy
Ruskin, Tim Schick, Stephen Selbst
Editorial Page: Vincent Badia, B i II
Heenan, Marnie Heyn, Patti Per-
sico, Becky Warner, Brad Wilson
Arts Page: Ken Fink, Jeff Sorensen
Photo Technician: Steve Kagan
not evident during our visit."
HAROLD GAZAN, director of inter-
agency services, emphatically in-
sisted that the Social Services De-
partment had no responsibility to in-
vestigate allegations made by the U.
S. Senate Permanent Investigations
Subcommittee and the State Depart-
ment of Mental Health.
"Our role as a regulatory agency is
not to investigate past allegations,"
he asserted.
Although acknowledging that the
owner and director of the Center -
Dr. Arnold Kambly - was aware at
least a week before the on-site in-
spection that state officials would be
visiting sometime in the near future,
Gazan denied that any sort of "snow
job" was perpetrated.
He insists that the center's patient
care program was not temporarily
upgraded for inspection purposes and
believes the change will be perma-
IT IS PAINFULLY obvious that the
Social Services Department is ne-
glecting their responsibilities by re-
fusing to investigate past allegations,
leveled at the center, and did not
consider all the evidence when de-
ciding to re-license the facility.
Hopefully, in the future, licensing
inspectors will look a little deeper
when inspecting the University Cen-
ter and will be able to see through the
rosy facade Dr. Kambly has so clev-
erly constructed.
Second of two parts
A FTER a scattering of Pres-
byterian applause for t h e
poetry reading, Moondance re-
turned to the stage. The lead
guitar player was now wearing
matching red socks and ted
electric guitar, plus tennis shoes
and white, cut-off shorts. We
also thought he had a nice,
normal belly for a man his age.
We were quite drunk by then,
as were most of the people
clapping and cheering around
us; and shortly we were on our
feet with our neighbors, danc-
ing in chains across the lawn.
AS WE climbed the backside
of Beacon Hill later that eve-
ning, it was the night before
garbage pickup, a fact of wOich
we were well aware as we
threaded our way between sub-
tly leaking plastic refuse bags
and the thin odors emanating
from them.
Letters to The Daily
To The Daily:
Organization strongly supports
the unionization efforts of cleri-
cal workers on campus. We
have found that only through
our own organization and union-
ization have we been able to
thwart the attempts of the Uni-
versity to depress our already
low standard of living. We feel
that the organization of a n y
group of campus employes en-
hances the position of all Uni-
versity employees.
Two unions, CCFA/UAW and
AFSCME, are competing for
clericals' support in the current
MERC election. The Graduate
Employes Organization takes a
position of absolute neutrality in
this contest. We would urge cler-
icals to vote for unionization,
but do not feel ourselves to be
in any position to advise cleri-
cals on which union would best
serve their interests. We look
forward to working with which-
ever union is the choice of the
clerical workers.
-Stewards Council
September 15
To The Daily:
LIKE MANY clericals on
campus, I have been hearing
a lot about the merits of AFS-
CME as a union of public em-
ployes, so I'm beginning to won-
der why with so much exper-
tise AFSCME represents so few
actual clericals at institutions of
higher education in Michigan.
Why, for example, did cler-
ical and technical employes at
Michigan State choose an inde-
pendent union instead 'of t h e
AFSCME? Why, despite multi-
ple attempts, has AFSCME nev-
er succeeded in winning the af-
filiation of staff unions at
Wayne State? Indeed, w h e n
bargaining between Wayne and
AAUP (American Association of
University Professors) broke
down recently, who lid the un-
ion turn to for aid? AFSCME?
No, they called for help in ne-
gotiating from the UAW.
Most clericals will agree that
we need a union to imnrove
wages and working conditions
at the University of Michigan.
An AFSCME local is preferable
to nn inrnic nt ni l irtwir,
Concerned Clericals for Ac-
tion/UAW is a group started by
and for clerical workers to im-
prove working conditions and
wages here at the University of
Michigan. After studying var-
ious other unions (inclading
AFSCME) and discussing t h e
formation of an independent un-
ion, a decision was made to af-
filiate with the UAW because:
-The UAW believes that all
its members are entitled to a
living wage. Of couse we can't
obtain the salary paid to work-
ers at Ford or Chrysler at first,
but as we sit down with t h e
University at the bargaining
table each year, we will contin-
tie to try. No clerical empliyed
by thetUniversity receives a dis-
count at the grocery store be-
cause he/she is a public em-
-The UAW has negotiated
exceptional fringe benefits for
its members over the years.
These include a paid dental plan
as part of Blue Cross/B I u e
Shield insurance, and additional
holidays to give employes a full
week off between Christmas and
New Year's without having to
sacrifice three vacation days
each year.
-Finally, the UAW has
enough "clout" to help us bar-
gain effectively with the Univer-
But in the final analysis a in-
ion at the University of Michi-
gan will only be as strong as
the clericals want it to be. The
final decision to unionize or not
is ours; I urge every clerical
to have a voice in making that
decision by voting in the c)m-
ing election.
-Lili Kivisto
Library Assistant
September 13
To The Daily:
THE UPCOMING union elec-
tion for University of Michigan
clerical employes has stimulat-
ed diverse reactions across the
campus. The fact that there is
already one AFSCME local at
the University of Michigan is of
critical importance. Historically,
management (in this case the
University of Michigan) has
sought to divide the work force
and, keeijn a n nrmavt hand1in
a time like this is would be very
foolish to . divide the workers
and limit our potential strength
in numbers.
Contrary to what the Univer-
sity printed in their letter to us,
AFSCME has collective bar-
gaining agreements with cleri-
cals at a number of state col-
leges. There are over 400 cler-
icals at Macomb County Com-
munity College, Oakland Com-
munity College, Washtenaw
Community College and Lake
Superior State College who are
represented by AFSCME.
AFSCME has full time s t a f f
who are experienced in lobbying
for public employe legislation
and benefits. The automobile
workers are new and inexper-
ienced in this field.
As clericals, we urge you to
keep the University employes
unified by voting AFSCME. Be-
tween AFSCME's experienced
and our unity, we won't lose.
--Clericals for AFSCME
Jancy Jaslow
Valerie Anderson
Public Health
Gretchen Geh
Public Health
Sue Hanson
W. Engineering
September 13
To The Daily:
One comment -- your Satur-
day, September 14 issue carried
two stories detailing SGC law
suits against former SGC offi-
cials. The story on Lee Gill's
alleged "embezzlement of near-
lv $16,000" apparently warrant-
ed nhotoeraph of Gill. Why was
it that the second story of an
alleged "mishandling of $42,000
did not earn the other former
SGC officers the equal distinc-
tion of pictorial exposure? It is
,also interesting to note t h a t
while Gill was "reached in Chi-
cago" on page 1, he was "fund
in Chicago" on page 2. It always
seems to sneak out somehow,
doesn't it?
-Jean-Marie Mayas
Psychology Grad
September 16
At the northeast corner of
Revere and Anderson Streets,
we encountered the grandson of
the chairman of the board of
the McGraw-Hill Book Publish-
ing Company. His name w a s
Jay, he was caring for a tittle
white poodle named Blanche
Reynolds, and he had just in-
herited a 72 acre rock farm
near Warren, Connecticut.
"Well!" we exclaimed, our
interest in the evening rekind-
versation began, however, we
were interrupted by wrathful.
cursing andgroaning from a
nearby window.
"I hear you talkin'. Shut up,
shut up I say," repeated t h e
voice between curses and
"Fick you!" shouted Jay, ex-
plaining that this was the neigh-
bodhood alcoholic.
"THE neighborhood alcoho-
lic?" we asked.
"One of many," Jay assured
us. We asked if he was likely
to come out and shoot us.
"Naw, he's just a meek little
man. Every now and then he
goes on a binge, falls dawn and
starts this. At least he's in his
bed this time."
THE SHOUTING and cursing
grew louder. "I can hear you,"
howled the drunk. "I can hear
every word you're saying. Shut
up, damn you!"
"Fuck you!" yelled our
Jay once again, and continued
in a lower tone. "He has a girl-
friend, a big fat old whore who
comes to visit him sometimes.
Two weeks ago," our compan-
ion snickered and caught his
breath, "two weeks ago s he
went on a rampage in her bal-
let slippers."
"In her ballet slippers?" we
"Yeah, in her ballet slippers.
She punched out all the windows
in his place, then moved down-
stairs and was punching nut all
the windows in the room belm
when they came and took her
THE CURSES and groans
dribbled into mutters, t n e n
stopped altogether.
"How about those two lights
shining up there at the top of
the tenement?" we asked,
pointing four stories above us.
"What can you tell us about
"Really fucked," droned our
friend. "Guy lives up :here
where you see those two lights,
never moved off the block in
his life. Pretty weird. His moth-
er lives across the street, down
"Close?" we asked.
"Physically," replied our Jay,
"but not any other way."
Is Kissinger to blame
for Nixon's ouster?
retary of State Henry Kis-
singer participated in the de-
cision to channel money to Chile
with the purpose of "destabil-
izing," or as English-speaking
people would say "overthrow-
ing," the government of Pres-
ident Allende. A very nasty ru-
mor is starting to make t h e
We must be careful and hesi-
tant in reporting this rumor and
must take pains to identify it
clearly as rumor without a
proven basis in fact. Be so ad-
The nasty, ugly rumor is that
Kissinger was responsible f o r
channeling secret funds through
Mexico and into the United
States with the purpose of over-
throwing or destabilizing the
government of President Rich-
ard Nixon.
KTSSINGER might claim that
the dirty work was carried on
hv underlines and without his
knowledge, but that excuse has
associates say he does not even
like ping-pong.
These are troubling questions,
but we must have the courage
to ask them even if the peace
of mankind is threatened.
THIS IS a very touchy issue.
If we were to ask the secretary
whether he in fact did plan the
overthrow of the Nixon regime,
the modern messiah might
threaten to quit his job -md the
world would undoubtedly come
to an end. Surely we can't let
that happen.
Then there is the problem of
national security. How could we
maintain leadership in the
world if some two-bit congres-
sional subcommittee called Herr
Kissinger to testify every time
we had a change in administra-
But nagging questions do re-
main. Ask yourself how a tresi-
dent elected by 49 out of 50
states in 1972 could leave affice
in utter disgrace in 1974 without
outside influence at work.