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September 06, 1970 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-09-06

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Sunday, September 16, 1970


Page Seven,

Sunday, September 6, 1970 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven-


We need your help in building
the community center/runaway facility.
SEPT. 8-7:30
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If you think you can get
the world's most advanced
stereo tape deck for
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Here, indeed, is the ultimate complement to the most
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Nonaligned nations hold)
Third World peace talk'

LUSAKA, Zambia OP) - Lead-
ers of the Third World nations
meet here this week determined
to reaffirm the aim of the 10-
year-old movement.- the crea-
tion of a buffer force of the
world's nonaligned nations in
the interests of peace between
the two big power blocs.
The nations which disclaim
military or political ties with
the Western or Eastern blocs
open preliminary discussions to-
day. Business sessions begin on
Sources in this central Afri-
can capital said Zambia Presi-
dent Kenneth Kaunda hopes
the meeting will result in a
permanent body to coordinate
economic cooperation.
As delegates gathered for the
conference of nonaligned na-
tions, however, the obstacle to
creation of an effective Third
World force between the big
power systems seemed as big as
it was a decade ago. The diffi-
culty is to find a common de-
nominator broad enough so that
the uncommitted nations can
speak with a single, powerful
Third World efforts have not
lacked effective spokesmen:
President Tito of Yugoslavia,
the late Prime Minister Jawa-
harlal Nehru of India and Egyp-
tian President Gamal Abdel
Nasser were amoig its original
leaders. But disagreement re-

garding the movement's aims
sapped its strength and blurred
its purpose.
Tito, along with Kaunda, is
expected to be one of the strong-
est personalities in Lusaka.
The third nonaligned summit
meeting is virtually a joint
Yugoslav-Zambian project. Bel-
grade supplied experts to build
the elaborate conference hall
and 62 villas for visiting heads
of state. The Yugoslav delega-
tid/n is likely to be among the
largest and, most active.
Tito visited Zambia earlier
this year for advance talks with
Kaunda. Analysts say Tito hopes
to recharge the batteries of the
Third Worlders and, at the same
time, reaffirm his distinctive
brand of communism as an in-
dependent force among non-
aligned powers.
For his part, Kaunda plans to
mount a fresh attempt to focus
world public opinion on the
problems of Africa. Zambia sits
on the northern edge of Africa's
black-ahd-white Mason-Dixon
line and hopes to-attract addi-
tional outside support for guer-
rilla efforts to undermine South
Africa, Rhodesia and the Port-
uguese territories.
At the very least, Kaunda
would like to force Britain to
decide against its tentative plan
to resume sales of defensive
arms to South Africa.
Topics expected to be covered
include tariff barriers imposed

by developed nations, aid from
major powers, and methods of
obtaining more assistance funds
channeled through the United
Nations and other bodies.
About 75 nations are consid-
ered in the nonaligned move-
ment. More than 30 heads of
state are expected with other
countries represented by high-
ranking officials.
Representatives of the North
Vietnamese government, the
Lon Nol military regime in
Cambodia and the Cambodian
government in exile of Prince
Norodom Sihanouk are among
the delegations. '
The question of whether to
seat the Sihanouk delegation
could wreck the conference.
Malaysia's chief delegate, De-
puty Prime Minister Tun Abdul
Razak, said in Kuala Lumpur
that the delegates should either
shelve the issue or reach a con-
sensus of it, avoiding a split
"at all costs."
Two previous nonaligned con-
ferences -- at Belgradd, Yugo-
slavia, and Bandung, Indonesia
- resulted in a little more than
ringing declarations in support
of peace.
Lusaka is decked out with bill-
boards with slogans in f o u r
languages. Sample: "Nonalign-
ment for racial equality."
Flags and banners of the na-
tional delegations flutter from
utility standards and aluminum
polies especially imported from
the United States.

Pro ect
aids local
(Continued from Page 1)
Four of the Project Community
programs are aimed at helping
young people in Washtenaw Coun-
ty juvenile homes.
At Maxey Boys Training School,
graduate and undergraduate tu-
tors are assigned to living c o t-
tages. Along with the regular staff
members, they attempt to pro-
vide the boys there with both
academic and social skills.
"Because the kids have failed to
learn in a traditional setting,
says Project Director Julia Car
roll, "We encourage the tutors to
use non-traditional methods in
working with the boys. The tutors
also have to prove to the boys that
they will come faithfully because
the boys have become distrustful
of the adults around them."
Tutors also work at the Boys
and Girls Group Homes in the
Ann Arbor area. Through t h is
project, the tutors supplement the
educational needs of the young
people who are living in a family
Another group of students
work at the Half-Way House for
former Ypsilanti State Mental
Hospital patients. The volunteers
take the women to movies and
concerts, instruct them in skills
such as typing, which they may
need in their jobs, and form rela-
tionships with the women so that
their adjustment to normal life
will be easier.
One hundred and fifty tutors,
both male and female, will be
helping out at three Ann Arbor
day care centers this year, in-
cluding the University child care
center located in Markley Hall.
Two of the Project Community
programs will be at Willow Run.
The organization offers two stu-
dents the chance to develop a
photography project with a group
of Willow Run High. School tu-
dents, and a new project this fall
will help women in Willow. Run
initiate a child care center.
Volunteers will also speak with
pregnant high school girls from
Washtenaw County as part of the
Young Mothers Program.
"Working as a part of Project
Community," Turkle says, "is not
like donating blood twice a month.
Instead we are looking for change-
oriented people who wish to make
a long-range committment to
help someone."

-Associated Press
Bomb damage
District Atty. Evelle Younger (right) inspects damage yesterday
in the Los Angeles Hall of Justice where a bomb exploded.
Black threatens to
sue for admission



Black Panthers hold
1,radical convention

(Continued from Page 1)
Tabor went on to cite historical
precedents such as pre-Hitler
Germany, claiming that political
divisiveness had destroyed possi-
ble opposition to the takeover by a
tyrannt. He also attacked capi-
talism and specifically "black
"The only difference between
a white capitalist and a b 1 a c k
capitalist is the former has a
white hand in your pocket and the
latter a black hand - neither be-
longs there," Tabor said.
"They (capitalists) are the real
dope fiends. They're hooked on
money and the only cure for that
is a shot - not from a hypo-

dermic needle but from the barrel
of a gun."
Before entering the hall every
person was frisked by Black Pan-
thers for weapons. Far from re-
senting it, everyone took it in
stride, nany remarking, "That's
a pretty smart thing to do. Just
one crazy person with a gun
would give the cops an excuse to
break it all up."
Amiability in fact seemed to
be a central part of the day.
Despite the blazing sun and inter-
minal lines for workshop registra-
tion, complaints were rare and
easy talk between people of all
colors and political philosophies
was common.
Following the evening session
which included Newton's speech,
the word "historic" as an adjec-
tive cropped tip in numerous con-
versations. Groupsof blacks and
whites together and separately
wandered through North Philadel-
phia, the city of the black ghetto.
A girl from Harlem, N.Y., sum-
med up the feeling of many peo-
ple, "I hope this means the be-
ginning of a higher level of



$10.50 per month

(Continued from Page 1)
Miss Davis' statements o n l y in
writing and not over the tele-
Miss Davis said she intentional-
ly omitted the fact that she had
attended Howard University on
the advice of an aide of a Cali-
fornia congressman and L. Hugh
Stanley, a Los Angeles attorney.
Stanley denied this however,
saying he told Miss Davis to ex-
plain her experience at Howard,
when applying to medical school
at the University.
The congressman's aide also re-
futed Miss Davis' claim saying he
"never told" her to leave out in-
formation about Howard from her
application. In addition, he said
Miss Davis registered for two se-
mesters at Howard while she
claims she left Howard in the fall
of 1967 after attending classes in-
termittently for only about one
To prove she left Howard after
about one month, Miss Davis said
she has a letter from Bernard A.
Cole, principal of Merritt Elemen-
tary School in Washington, D.C.,
stating that she worked there as
a science consultant in the fall of
However,sCole s a i d his letter
"letter states only that Miss Davis
worked at Merritt School from the
fail of 1966 to the spring of 1969.
He said he is unsure how long
she left the school in the fall of
1967 to attend Howard.
Litter doesn't throw
itself away; litter
doesn't just happen.
People cause it-and
only people can prevent;
it. "People" means you.
Keep America Beautiful.
ladvertising contributed
Jor the public good


Miss Davis said she was forced
to leave Howard because of har-
rassment on the campus and
around her apartment. She claim-
ed that at one point the Wash-
ington, D.C. police assigned a
plainclothesman to protect her.
Miss Davis said she is currently,
planning to sue both the Ameri-
can Association of, Medical Col-
leges and Howard University for
libel because they publicized the
falsification charges.
If the University refuses to ad-
mit her, Miss Davis says she will
sue it for libel as well.
Last month the American Med-
ical Womens Association awarded
Miss Davis a $2000 scholarship. In
1966, she says she scored in the
top percentile on the Medical Col-
lege, Admissions Test.

WRO. seek

funds, recognition


Daily Classifieds

(Continued from Page 1)
for welfare children. Several
church members have offered to
Idonate used clothing, but the two
groups would not accept such do-
"How can we teach our chil-
dren to make their own decisions
if they can't even choose their'
own clothing?" Mrs. Emerson
countered. "How can we bring
them up with any sort of culture
if decisions regarding them are
always made by rich people?"
But the whole problem stems
from the fact that the churches
differ significantly from the wel-
fare organizations in their con-
ception of "self, determination"
for the poor. For the churches
believe that church representa-
tives must be part of any welfare
association set up to distribute
the funds.
"We are anxious to work with
any groups that have within their
life the principle that the poor
should have something to do with
decisions regarding them," says
Rev. Ralph Piper of Zion Lutheran
"Churches are vitally interested
in determining the needs of the
poor and we feel that the"organi-
zation proposed by the coalition
would bring out needed informa-
tion on the plight of the poir, in
this county," he adds.

Rev. Piper indicated that an
expansive association such as, the
one proposed by the coalition has
not formally begun its organiza-
tion. But he adds that the inVi-
tation to Join is still open to
BEDL and WRO, "if they want
to come in on the same basis as
the others."
Rev. Richard Preis of Zion
Lutheran Church also comments
that, "We have not closed the
doors to BEDL and WRO. We
invited them and they are still
,He adds that several of the
other groups have approached
him and others in the coalition of
churches to indicate their willing-
ness to join such an association
and to assert that BEDL and
WRO were not representative.
However, Rev. Preis would not
divulge any names.
Albert Wheeler of Model Cities
and NAACP, says, "I don't believe
any of the groups named by the
coalition has been contacted for-
mally." But he would \ot cimment
Meanwhile, BEDL and WRO
say they have not given up on
getting both funds and recogni-
tion from the county's churches.
And the churches continue to
search for other groups to deal

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