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December 05, 1970 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1970-12-05

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LAST WEEK Shows at
ends ' ~miq~i~ 1,3, 5,
Thursday 7, 9:05
"The funniest movie I've seen this
year! Just go, run to see it.
- New York Post
"The Baby Maker"
Sat.-Sun., Dec. 5-6
Vintage Hitchcock. This one will scare the
hell out of you !

ionge thure




NEWS PHONE: 764-0552

Saturday, December 5, 1970 Ann Arbor, Michigan Page Three

news briefs
By The Associated Press
JAMES FARMER, the prominent civil rights leader, will
resign from the Nixon administration, government sources dis-
closed yesterday.
President Nixon is scheduled to announce personally MondayG
the departure of Farmer as assistant secretary of administration
in the Department of Health, Education and Welfare.
The White House ceremony is unusual because Farmer is not
a direct presidential appointee. The gesture is designed to squelch
any speculation that the former head of the Congress of Racial
Equality was fired or resigned in protest over racial policies, ad-
ministration sources said.
* * ' *
A UN SECURITY COUNCIL on-the-spot mission reported
Friday that Portugese armed forces carried out the invasion
of Guinea Nov. 22-23 along with Guinea rebels. Portugal re-
jected the mission's findings.
The 15-nation council was summoned into an afternoon session
to consider the report. An African diplomat said the council would
be asked to approve a resolution condemning Portugal and demand-
ing reparations for loss of life and property.
In advance of the meeting, Portugal sent a letter to Soviet
Ambassador Jacob A. Malik, the council president, challenging the
* * * .
THE DEFENSE DEPARTMENT announced yesterday that
13,000 tons of nerve gas stored on Okinawa will be moved shortly
to Johnston Island in the mid-Pacific to comply with a Japanese
government request.
The chemical weapons - bombs, rockets, grenades and other
devices filled with mustard, GB and VX nerve gas that are now
stored on Okinawa - have long been a thorn in Japanese-U.S. rela-
The announcement came after months of delay while the Army
looked for a suitable storage site. President- Nixon, in response to
public protest, cancelled a plan last May to ship them to a military
depot in Oregon. At that time, Japan asked the United States to
remove the weapons as soon as possible.
" s *
whether the school should sever its ties with the two laboratories
responsible for America's nuclear weapons research and develop-
The poll of the 7,500 faculty members is to advise the Univer-
sity's regents, who must decide whether to renew an operating con-
tract with the Atomic Energy Commission for the facilities at Liver-
more and Los Alamos, N.M.
FIRE FIGHTERS began pumping sea water on a cluster
of flaming oil wells in the Gulf of Mexico yesterday, hoping to
cool the blaze down enough so experts can move in to try to
put the fires out.
An explosion touched off the fire Tuesday as a crew was trying
to pipe in a new well. Two men were killed immediately and a third
died yesterday of burns.

Nixon sets oil price guidelines;
unemployment, inflation spiral


Jobless rate at
7 year high
ployment rose to 5.8 per cent
of the nation's work force last
month, t h e highest level in
71/2 years, the government re-
ported yesterday.
At the same time, average week-
ly earnings of so me 45 million
rank and file workers dropped 66
cents to $121.07 per week because
of shorter working hours, said the
Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).
Although the average paycheck
was more than 5 per cent larger
than a year ago, the nation's con-
tinuing worst inflation in more
than 20 years cut purchasing pow-
er 2 per cent below a year ago,
the bureau said.
Total employment dropped 165,-
000 during the month to 78.7 mil-
lion compared with a normally
expected rise in November. The
report blamed in part the recent
General Motors strike a n d de-
clines in transportation and oth-
er industries.
The rise in unemployment was
two-tenths of one per cent, from
5.6 to 5.8 per cent, highest since
May of 1963, the bureau said.
The number of jobless Ameri-
cans rose 350,000 during the.
month to 4.6 million, it said.
White House press secretary
Ronald L. Ziegler said the Presi-
dent's Council of Economic Ad-
visers had calculated roughly that
the November unemployment rate
would have declined to 5.3-5.5 per
cent had it not been for the GM
BLS assistant Commissioner
Harold Goldstein - by tradition
a neutral party - said the strikej

Oil price hike
prompts action
NEW YORK () - President
Nixon, stung by a recent .25-
cent a barrel boost in the
price of crude oil, announced-
yesterday two steps aimed at
increasing oil supplies and
pushing down the retail cost
of gasoline and jet fuel.
It was Nixon's strongest action
yet in challenging industry in the
continuing battle to halt infla-
Moreover, Nixon did not ignore
organized labor's contribution to
the wage-price push in a major
economic address, speaking at a
dinner of the National Associa-
tion of Manufacturers.
The chief executive declared
that "something is basically
wrong" with the bargainfig pro-
cess in the massive construction
industry, where wage settlements
are more than double those na-
tionally in manufacturing, and
declared: "The structure of bar-
gaining must be changed."
The President, overriding pres-
ent state curbs on oil production
on federal offshore leases, directed
the Interior Department to "as-
sume complete regulating respon-
sibility" on all federal offshore
lands - a move he said "means
that more oil will be produced on
those lands, while maintaining
strict environmental standards.
Nixon announced another di-
rective "that companies import-
ing Canadian oil be permitted to
use their overseas allocation for
the purchase of more crude oil
from Canada."
The chief executive s a i d his
twin moves "will increase the sup-
ply of oil and can be expected to
help restrain the increase of oil
and gasoline prices."
Nixon said he has directed the
federally sponsored Construction
Industry Collective Bargaining
Commission "to take the initiative
in working out these changes with
leaders of management and a-
bor." He went on: "If the com-
mission determines that legisla-

Unlike other classicsWest Side Story'grows younger.

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E 33 ';+

-Associated Pressj
NEGOTIATORS who secured the release of kidnaped James
Cross discuss details of the operation. Cross was kidnaped from
his Montreal home by French separatists Oct. 5.
Cross healthy after
60 days of captivity
MONTREAL () - Doctors gave British diplomat James
RirhnAOrca rla hill of hlth vatata d d ita tha far

Winner of
10 Academy

PANAVISION* TECHNICOLOR* Re-released thru United Artists

had an undetermined but sub- ±bL±4. .uU 2 ACIL~±U ~~~~IVLJU.y~~IJ~~I~IA
hadan ndeermnedbutsub' ricrard cross a clean o oh eain yesteraay aespn tie eact
stantial effect, and, added, "we al- he lost 22 pounds in the 60 harrowing days he spent as a
so had a lot of other factors in captive of Quebec separatists.
t h e economy inpinging on em- The British trade commissioner to Montreal was taken
ployment and unemployment." t .e
A spokesman for the AFL-CIO to Jewish General Hospital early yesterday after word was
called the situation "awful" and received from Havanna that his terrorist abductors and
said it bore out president George their relatives had arrived there in an exchange deal.
rary ta eclonymenasppear, The Cuban government published a short statement in
ed headed toward the 6 per cent its official newspaper indicating it had agreed to accept the
level. terrorists to help free Cross. It said the flight to Havana "was

SHOWN AT 6:45 & 9:30 p.m.
Admission 90c

U.S. may lose technology lea


-rA Air a kr i r

MIAMI, Fla. (AP) - The So-
viet Union is accelerating its
space program as a means of
achieving world leadership in
science and technology, accord-
ing to Foy Kohler, former am-
bassador to Moscow, who is
conducting an intensive study
of U.S. and Russian space pro-
Kohler says the United States
is still the leading technological
power but is in danger of losing
t h i s position if it continues
drastic cuts in its space and de-
fense research programs while
the Soviets pour more and more
money each year into similar
He said in an interview the
United States gained the space
exploration lead when the Apol-
lo 11 astronauts landed on the
moon in July 1969. Since then,
he claimed, the American pro-
gram has gone down a hill while
the Russians h a v e moved up
Right now, he said, it is diffi-
cult to deternine which nation
is ahead.
The Soviets, he said, lead in
planetary exploration and have
at least a two-year edge in the
next big step into space-devel-

opment of a large manned orb-
iting station. He also warned
the Russian program is mili-
tary-dominated a n d Moscow
could have a great advantage
in developing military space
Kohler said the United States
to date has spent about $33 bil-
lion on civilian and $23 billion
on military space programs. The
Russians, he estimated, have
spent approximately as much,
although in terms of per cent of
gross national product the So-
viet percentage is far greater.
Kohler discussed his work as
the Soviets bask in a series of
recent space successes: t h e
wresting of the manned space
endurance record from t h e
United States; the gathering of
moon soil by an unmanned
spaceship; a robot rolling across
the lunar surface; a spacecraft
approaching Venus to arrive
Dec. 15, and development of a
substantial military program of
reconnaissance satellites, orbit-
ing bombs and satellite inter-
Russia has a 3-1 lead over the
United States in space launch-
ings in 1970.
America's effort, meanwhile,

is suffering from the aft
fects of the near-disa
Apollo 13 moon mission la
ril. In addition Congress a
Nixon administration
funds for space and divert
money to earthly causes.
Kohler deplores the fac
the United States invest
billion to develop a space
portation system in the.
program and, in effect, is
to scrap it after a fewi
"The immediate questi
us is whether we can t
fashion a rational progr
science and technology fa
selves for the future, or v
er we are again to wait
some new spectacular
break-through forces usi
crash program not of ou
choosing," Kohler says.
Kohler was ambassador
U.S.S.R. from 1962 to 196
observed much of the ear
velopment of the Soviet
program. He was deputyt
secretary of state for p
affairs from 1966 to 1968
Since then he has been ;
fessor at the Center for A
ed International Studies<
University of Miami.

- & the result of a formal appli-
cation by the Canadian gov-
ernment to which the Cuban
government acceded in order
to facilitate the release of the
'British official."
Cross reportedly left the hos-
ter-ef- pital during the day for a brief
estrous trip to his Montreal office to
st Ap- speak to friends before preparing
nd the to leave for London and a re-
slicing union with his wife. She had been
ed the staying with friends in Switzer-
land during the two-month ordeal.
t that Cross suffers from high blood
d $21 pressure, but doctors reported it
trans- normal, indicating his captors
Apollo provided him with medication.
m o r e heIn a taped interview, Cross said
he may not return to Montreal.
on for He put it this way: "I've enjoyed
o d a y enormously my three years here
am in and it's a bit sad that we ended
r our- up on this note. It may be dif-
vheth- ficult for me to return to Mon-
until treal."
Soviet The terrorists, who want to make
into a Quebec Province independent,
r own threatened to kill Cross unless the
government freed 23 jailed front
to the members and paid a ransom of
6 and $500,000 in gold.
ly de- The government had offered safe
space conduct to Algeria or Cuba to
under- the kidnapers if they released
olitical Cross unharmed. This was the
. r-offer the kidnapers finally ac-
a pro- cepted, apparently tired of hav-
at the ing to hold Cross in close captiv-
ity for so long.

$ 99

I !Mt UNLY!!

tion is required, it will be pro-
"Government has done its part
to hold the line. This is the criti-
cal moment, then, f or business
and labor to make a special effort
to exercise more restraint in price
and wage decisions.
Nixon said it is time for man-
agement and labor to "look be-
yond our immediate concerns to
the deeper strengths and longer
range goals of the American econ-
T h e presidential policy state-
ment amounted to a generalized
return to wage-price guideposts,
leaving the determination of spe-
cific amounts to business and la-
bor, at least for the time being.

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NEIL YOUNG-After the Goldrush
NEIL DIAMOND-Taproot Manuscript




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