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December 05, 1970 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-12-05

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Cloudy, colder;
chance of snow

Vol. LXXXI, No. 77

Ann Arbor, Michigan - Saturday, December 5, 1970

Ten Cents

Ten Pages

Ireland acts to
foil conspiracy
DUBLIN (A1 - The Irish government assumed emergency
powers to jail suspects without trial yesterday to counter "a
secret armed conspiracy" which it said plotted a campaign of
kidnaping and lawlessness.
Prime Minister Jack Lynch acted on the advice of police
authorities, who said the conspirators planned the kidnaping
of prominent leaders and a series of armed bank robberies
likely to involve murder.
Lynch said his government was invoking the right to
bring into operation without further notice Part 2 of the 1940
Offenses against the State Act. This gives power to intern any
citizen without trial.
A statement signed by Lynch and Justice Minister Des-
mond O'Malley said orders
have gone out for the imme-
diate preparation of deten-
tion centers.
The statement gave no names of
individuals or organizations in-
k It volved in the alleged plot.
It was, however, widely assum-
ed in bublin that Lynch's move
was directed against the under-
ground Irish Republican Army
and a fanatic splinter group
By SARA FITZGERALD known as Soar Eire - Free Ire-
A candidate who was defeated land.
in the recent Student Government Saor Eire gunmen were involv-
Council (SGC) elections has asked ed in a series of bank raids earlier
Central Student Judiciary (CSJ) this year, until a six-month bank
for a vote iecount strike thwarted them. The banks
for avotereopened last month.
Mark Ruessman, '71, is appeal- I epndls month
a ncnatn fthaCFP1P

Harris cites



re-election bid
Mayor Robert Harris said yesterday he has not yet de-
cided whether he will seek re-election in April. The mayor's
statement contradicted reports from knowledgable sources
that the mayor had decided not to seek a new term.
One highly reliable source, who had previously disclosed
the mayor, would not run for a second term, yesterday de-
clined comment on the matter.
Several prominent local Democrats, including Harris,
reportedly met in a closed meeting Thursday night to discuss
the selection of a candidate.
Harris' subsequent statement yesterday morning prompted
speculation that either he had changed his mind or was
attempting to keep the Re-
publican party guessing...
Candidates for the mayorship
must file their petitions by Dec. 31.
Front-runner for the Republi-,
can nomination now, according to
an informed source in city politics,
is Councilman James Stephenson,
a critic of the Harris administra-
tion. Stephenson played a promi-
nent role in the Republicans' ef-
fort to' ban summer rock concerts
and alleged "smut and obscenity"
from printed matter in Ann Ar-
If Harris decides not to run, in-
dications are that the Republicans
will support former Councilman
John Hathaway. In addition, Har-
ris' last opponent, Richard Bal-
zhiser appears to be seeking the
GOP's backing.
Jack Garris, a prominent con-
servative in city politics. and Lewis
Ernst have already announced
their candidacy for the Republi-
can mayoral nomination.

ing the refusal of SGC's Creden-
tials and Rules Committee to call
a recount. The committee, which
oversees SGC election procedures,
turned down Ruessman's request
for a recount Nov. 22 by a 4-0
Reussman claims that some bal-
lots listing his name were not
counted in the final tally of votes,
according to Vic Gutman, who
was in charge of running the elec-
Specifically, Ruessman's request
asks that the "unused printed bal-
lots left over from the recent SGC
election be counted in order to
find out if the used ballots plus
the unused ballots total 10,000 bal-
lots as they should."
Explaining why a recount was
not ordered, Gutman says, "The
committee decided not to comply
with Ruessman's request because
when voters made mistakes at the
polls, they tore up their ballots,

.,invocation of t ne uiienses
against the State Act involved the
government in withdrawal from
some provisions of the European
Convention on Human Rights.
Lynch said this was a measure of
the seriousness of the situation.
The announcement was seen in
political circles as a move by the
administration to snuff out the
threatened conspiracy before it
could flame up.
Intensified police action is ex-
pected to follow because of the
alleged threat to t h e safety of
government ministers and other
prominent people.
The IRA, which is split into two
groups, known as "officials" and
"provisionals," has re-emerged in
the past year after eight years of
The "officials" are dedicated to
Marxist revolution, the "provis-
ionals" to the longstanding IRA
aim of forcibly abolishing parti-
tion of Ireland between t h e 26

-Daily-Jim Judkis
Harvey's secret weapon
This army surplus truck is believed to be what Sheriff Douglas Harvey has referred to as his "secret weapon" for quelling public dis-
orders. Located at Harvey's new communications center on Hogback Rd., Pittsfield Township, the truck is equipped to spray crowds
with either water or chemicals, possibly in combination with a pepperfog generator purchased by the sheriff earlier this year. The loca-
tion of the truck has been secret until now.
Arrest six in 01,NY bo mb attempt

and those ballots voided by the counties of the republic and the
computer were thrown out." s i x counties of British-ruled
The committee also thought Northern Ireland.
that Ruessman was too far behind Although officially outlawed,
for a recount to seriously affect both groups have recently parad-
the outcome of the election. ed openly in uniform in Dublin.
J rr-,ar larlrr ra xral kr im f

NEW YORK (P) - Three men had been closely watched
and three women, described by tectives for months.
police as members of the Wea- One of them was quoted
therman radical group, were ar- ing detectives that they ha
rested yesterday outside an East ned the "first of a series of
Side bank which detectives s a i d ings to celebrate the mu
they were preparing to fire bomb. Fred Hampton," and the
An attorney said later the six decided on New York C
denied being Weathermen. the first bombing "becaus
The group was planning the act dent Nixon is coming her
to commemorate the death a year Hampton, a BlackI
ago of two Black Panthers during leader, was shot to death
a Chicago police raid, the police ago today in a police rai
said. Chicago apartment. P
Posing as drunks in ragged Nixon was in New York
clothing, detectives seized the six, speech to the National Ass
after trailing them to the bank. of Manufacturers.
Police said the alleged bombers All those arrested at th

by de-
as tell-
ad plan-
f bomb-
rder of
at they
Dity for
e Presi-
a year
.d on a
for a
he First

National City Bank branch dur- police laboratory for examination
ing the early morning hours were and the six were taken to the Cen-
New Yorkers. tral Park Police Station for ques-
They were identified by police as tioning.
Richard Palmer, 40, Joyce Plecha, A woman detective, Frances
26, Sharon Krebs, 26, Claudia Co- Emolino, was taken to a hospital
nine, 22, Martin Lewis, 25, and for treatment of an injury which
Christopher Trenkel, 19. police said she received when one
Police said the suspects planned of the suspects kicked her in the
to break the bank windows l-eg.
carrying sledge hammers for the
purpose -- then placed four gaso- The six seized were charged with
line-filled milk bottles inside the attempted arson in the first de-
building. gree, attempted criminal m i s-
The tattered police descended on chief, conspiracy to commit ar-
the group just as they were about son and possession of dangerous
to light the fuses, authorities said. instruments.
The fire bombs were taken to a A op hp iwt
LAJA'.5. jud e rdered.'~ UUtemJ he'.ld ithU.


Ruessman came in eighth with'
688 votes behind Jim Kent, who
with 1,126 votes, was also de-
feated. Next was Brian Spears
who won . a half-term seat with
1,150 votes.
"It should be rather easy to find
out if there has been some kind
of fraud," says Ruessman. "I was
surprised that the Credentials and
Rules Committee wouldn't take
such an opportunity to confirm
the integrity of the election. That
they wouldn't take this chance
makes me wonder a little:"
"I see no reason why the Cre- ,
dentials and Rules Committee
should have granted Ruessman's
request." said Jerry DeGrieck, SGC
executive vice president. "This
makes me wonder whether Ruess-
man is only trying to cast doubt
on the whole election."
The case will be judged next
term, according to CSJ Chairman
Ed Kussy.
"Though the complaint asks
CSJ just to review the committee's
decision, there may be a lot of
other things involved," Kussy says.

'Their leaders are well nown Lo
the police and some even make,
television appearances in their
own names.
Following is the text of the gov-
ernment statement:
"The police authorities have in-
formed the government that re-
liable information has come into
their possession to the effect that
a secret armed conspiracy exists
in the country to kidnap one or
more prominent persons. Connect-
ed with this conspiracy are plans
to carry out armed bank robberies
which the police believe may well
involve murders or attempted
"The government views with
deep gravity the situation arising
from this information which has
be-n carefully checked.I
"The government has given in-
structions that places of deten-
tion be prepared immediately and
the secretary-general, Council of
Europe, is now being informed of
the government's proposals as
these proposals will involve dero-
gation from certain provisions of
See IRELAND, Page 7

Foreign students in dorms face
whiter break H using problems

The closing of the University
dormitories over winter vacation
presents a special problem to some
125 international students who re-
side in dormitories and would pre-
fer to remain in them during the
According to Letty Wungluck,
community coordinator for the In-
ternational Center, there are 206
foreign students living in Univer-
sity residences.
Of these, approximately 125
foreign students are living in dor-
mitories that will close after
finals. Wungluck is especially con-

cerned about finding places for
nearly 70 first year students who
are unfamiliar with the housing
market in Ann Arbor.
About 73 foreign students live
in Baits Housing, the only Uni-
versity residence facility which
does not close during winter vaca-
John F e 1 d k a m p, director of
University Housing, says "if 200
foreign students are scattered
throughout University housing,
this is the first time I have be-
come aware of it."
Feldkamp adds that the Univer-
sity simply cannot afford to keep


WCBN ask
Radio station WCBN, the student-run
campus broadcasting network, is seeking
University funds to set up and operate an
educational FM radio station.
The station would be able to broadcast
to most parts of Ann Arbor while the
present AM outlet operated by WCBN can
only be heard in University dormitories,
the Law Quad and University Towers.
WCBN has requested Vice President
for University Relations Michael Radock
and Vice President for Student Services
Robert Knauss to provide $9,000 from their
budgets to cover the initial costs of oper-
ating the FM station.

'U' funds to go FM

the dormitories open during vaca-
tion. He explains that the costs of
providing adequate security in the
dorms "are almost insurmount-
Referring to the possibility of
housing foreign students in Baits,
Feldkamp says, "We can't force
anyone to open their rooms and as-
sign it to someone who doesn't have
a space for a vacation."
Students who want to stay in
Ann Arbor over vacation will en-
counter expensive rates. Accord-
ing to Wungluck, nightly rates
for the YMCA are $8, while the
Union costs $11 for a single room
for one night.
Jean Farah, president of the In-
ternational Students Association,
says he hopes to get the affected
foreign students together "in or-
der to get the University to face
their responsibilities."
He claims that in the past, "the
University hasn't bothered to do
anything because people haven't
complained that the University
should be responsible for the fore-
ign students' housing between
between semesters."
At present the International Stu-
dents Association is gathering a
list of the precise number of fore-
ign students who desire housing
in Ann Arbor over the winter vaca-
tion period.
Farah says he thinks there may
be space in Baits during vacation
when the English Language Insti-
tute students finish their studies
at the University and vacate rooms
Farah says it is especially hard
for foreign students to find places
for vacation now because of final

out bail for a hearing T u e s d a y
after Asst. Dist. Atty. Kenneth
Conboy told him, "part of the
conspiracy of the defendants and
agreed to by them, was that should
they be arrested and bail set,
they would jump the jurisdiction."
Last Oct. 5 Weatherman lead-
ers announced a plan to attack
U.S. institutions. The announce-
ment came in a tape recording of
a voice identified as that of Bern-
ardine Dohrn which was played at
a news conference called by Yip-
pie leader Jerry Rubin.
Dohrn, contending that the
United States was committing
genocide in the war in Vietnam
and was unjustly taking what she
called political prisoners in this
country, said the Weathermen
would wage a "fall offensive"
against the establishment.
Within a week seven govern-
ment-related buildings were dam-
aged by bombs in various sections
of this country.

C ?--

At least one knowledgable Dem-
ocratic source reiterated yesterday,;,____
that Harris would not seek a new
term because he has lost the sup-
port of the student and black ele- IL
ments of the community. which
was the key to his election in 1969.
An upset victory swept Harris01
and four Democratic councilmen v
into office in April, 1969, produc-
ing the first Democratic majority MADE
on Ann Arbor's City Council in Franco
thirty years. of emer
In last April's elections, how- ince ofC
ever, the Republicans gained three sive str
seats establishing a five-five split protesti
on council, with Harris giving Basque
the Democrats a simple majority. Thed
While the Harris administration free as
has sponsored major restructuring residen
of city departments and ordi- detain
nances, it has also received strong hours
criticism from many elements in conduct
the community.rants
The most outspoken critics of In a
Harris have been the conservatives Ias
of the community, leaders of the Basque
black community, and politically issued
radical students.
The conservatives, following the gen Bei
first few months of the Demo- Beihl w
cratic administration, sponsored terroris
a campaign to recall Harris and ernmen
six Democrats on council. same f
The group, Concerned Citizens trial.
of Ann Arbor, blasted Harris for The
his alleged "interference" with the Guipuz
police department, his acceptance nounced
of summer rock concerts and his meeting
failure to "assure safety and mo- Palace.
rality to Ann Arbor." instruct
The recall 'campaign, however, onstrat
was eventually dropped. workers
The major accomplishments of through(
the Harris administration thus far ing of I
are generally recognized as: Some
-Restructuring the H u m a n arrested
Rights Department giving its per- A m
sonnel the authority to deal, ef- 190,000
fectively with citizens' complaints refused
of discriminatory practices in the ed sour
city; many r
-Passing a new housing code, day bu
See HARRIS, Page 7 orders.

'in Spain,
RID (P) - Gen. Francisco
decreed yesterday a state
rgency in the Basque prov-
Guipuzcoa to counter mas-
rikes and demonstrations
ng the military trial of 16
decree voids the rights of
ssociation and choice of
ce and permits police to
suspects more than 72
without charges and to
searches without war-
related development the
terrorist organization ETA
a message saying that kid-
West German Consul Eu-
hl was in excellent health.
as seized three days ago by
ts who warned the gov-
t that he would suffer the
ate as the separatists on
emergency measure for
coa province was an-
d after a regular cabinet
at Gen. Franco's El Prado
Civil governors also were
ed to clamp down on dem-
ions that boiled up among
' and students' groups
hout Spain with the open-
the Basque's court martial.
200 persons were reported
d during clashes with police.
ajority of the estimated
workers in the province
to work Thursday, inform-
ces said. They added that
remained on strike yester-
it there were no new dis-

Mayor Harris

ulations. The station therefore has to turn
to the University for support.
President Robben Fleming encourages
the establishment of the FM station and
suggested the two vice presidents find ways
to fund the station's operational budget.-
However, Fleming stipulates this would
require "some reallocation of present re-
sources since it is not foreseeable that a
further budgetary allocation can be made
for this purpose."
Director of Broadcasting Service Gar-
ret Garrison, who makes budgetary recom-
mendations to Radock, says that he is
hopeful that part of the money can be
reallocated from the Office of University
Relations' present budget.
Because the station would be using Uni-

committee were to be reorganized to in-
clude students.
WCBN is proposing that half of the
$9.000 operating costs for the FM station
from January 1972 to April 1972, and half
of the $15,000 operating costs projected for
a full year of operation thereafter come
from OSS.
After that time the station hopes that
the Broadcasting Service can take over the
entire budget. i
According to WCBN staff member Bob
Grimshaw, who is working to establish the
FM station, WCBN is more concerned with
getting the FM station on the air than
with the committee structure.
He says that although he would like to


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