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November 24, 1970 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-11-24

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Chance of snow flurries,
less windy

Vol. LXXXI, No.71 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Tuesday, November 24, 1970 Ten Cents

Eight Pages




The graduate school board of inquiry has ruled Peter
Denton guilty of class disruption and recommended that he
"make compensation to an appropriate scholarship fund in
the amount of $100" as a result of his "disruptive activity"
last March 26.
Denton had been charged with disrupting a class of Com-
puter and Communications Science and Mathematics Prof.
* Bernard Galler during last spring's Black Action Movement
Law Prof. Paul Carrington, chairman of the board of
inquiry, said he "had no idea" when the executive board
would act on the final board report, which was submitted
Nov. 16.

, faculty
President Robben Fleming yes-
terday told the Faculty Senate-
the University-wide faculty body
-that despite the need to tighten
up on spending, a decrease in rev-
enue "would not result in the re-
duction of salaries."
In a discussion of budgetary and
financial affairs at the University,
Fleming explained the two recent-
ly announced budget cuts.
One of the cuts, he said, in-
volves the St a te Legislature'sl
$735,048 emergency budget reduc-
tion in this year's appropriations
to the University. The state's cut-
back, he added, is directly related
to costs resulting from the eight
week General Motors strike.
The administration, he said, also
'requested University deans and
directors to prepare tentative cuts
equivalent to three per cent of this
year's salary budget.

Denton has not participated in
the board's investigation since he
and about 40 supporters walked
out on its first hearing. Denton
left when the board declined to
rule immediately on objections he
Denton charged that since the
board was not formed at the be-
ginning of a school term as spe-
cified in graduate school rules, it
was "illegally constituted" and
should "dissolve itself."
He also contended that the case
was correctly under the jurisdic-
tion of the Central Student Ju-
The executive board of the
graduate school, however, has af-
firmed the board of inquiry's later
rejection of both of Denton's ob-
"I still have the same contempt
that I did for the board," Denton
said yesterday.
"I personally am not going to
pay $100 to anybody. I think that
fines are a typical, inequitable
way of exacting punishment from
people," he said.
The board of inquiry's final re-
port noted that "such disruptiveI
acts are harmful to the rights of
students to learn and teachers to
teach. They are inconsistent with
the goals of the University as a
center of learning and inqury."
The board rejected recommen-

-Associated Press
XUAN THUY, chief of the North Vietnamese delegation to the Paris peace talks, announces yester-
day that his delegation will boycott tomorrow's scheduled session of the talks (above), while U.S.
Army Col. Arthur D. Simons, (below), reports on his leading of a small band of men in North Viet-
nam in the attempt last weekend to rescue American prisoners of war.
Fighting ends in Guinea after
two-day battle wlt invaders

U.S. ti
raid ir
task force of Army and Air
Force volunteers s t a g e d a
commando-style raid deep in-
to Vietnam last Friday in a
fruitless effort to free Areri-
can prisoners, Secretary of
Defense Melvin R. Laird an-
nounced yesterday.
Laird told a news conference the
rescue team found no prisoners
when they landed in helicopters
inside a prisoner-of-war camp at
Son Tay about 23 miles west of
Hanoi in post-midnight darkness.
The camp had recently been va-
cated, he said.
The raid, first ever inside North
Vietnam, was approved by Presi-
dent Nixon several hours before it
was mounted. Many earlier efforts
to rescue individual pilots downed
in North Vietnam have been made
but this was the first camp raid.
Laird said he recommended the
operation because of "new infor-
mation we received this month
that some of our men were dying
in prisoner-of-war camps."
Meanwhile, the United States
kept up spy flights over North
Vietnam yesterday in the face of
mounting protests and a move by
the Communists to boycott the
Paris peace talks.
The reconnaissance flights went
out to get photographs of the1
damage inflicted in the bombing
strikes even as the controversy,
over the raids increased.
In Paris, the North Vietnamese
and Viet Cong delegations to the
peace talks announced they would
boycott the next session scheduled
for tomorrow, although they said
they would return tothe confer-
ence table Dec. 3.
At the White House, press sec-
retary Ronald L. Ziegler issued
yesterday whatLamounted to a
warning to North Vietnam against
taking reprisals against American
prisoners because of the unsuccess-
ful rescue effort.
"I think," he told a questioner,
"it is apparent that the prisoners
would not have had anything to
do with the rescue operation and
it is inconceivable that there
would be any reprisals taken
against the prisoners of war. But
if there were reprisals, the United
States would hold the leaders of
North Vietnam personally respon-
The commando raid took place
around 2 a.m., North Vietnam
time, about the time some 250 U.S.
warplanes were hitting at anti-
aircraft missile and gun positions
in the panhandle further to the
south. Laird said those "protective
reaction" air strikes were not in-
tended as a cover for the attempt-
ed prisoner rescue operation. How-
ever, they may have served to
somewhat confuse the North Viet-
namese as to what was happening.
Laird said the U.S. Navy under-
took a small diversionary air mis-
sion, dropping flares over the
North Vietnamese coast above the
19th parallel to help carry off the
rescue attempt.
The defense secretary made his
startling disclosure about four
hours after a Pentagon spokesman
steadfastly refused to say wheth-

er U.S. warplanes operated above
the 19th parallel during the "pro-
tective reaction" strikes which
were billed as retaliation for
North Vietnamese downing of a
U.S. reconnaissance plane more
than a week ago.
While the controversy over the
attack raged, there was fresh
See LAIRD, Page 8




Fleming explained to the Senate dation of suspension or expulsion
that because "higher education of Denton.
has lost its high priority in the "It is not in the public interest
legislature," the administration to terminate a potentially promis-
has to find methods for "generate- ing professional career or to

-Associated Press .
THE PENTAGON yesterday released this map to mark the site
near Hanoi where a small band of U.S. troops landed last weekend
in an attempt to recapture American prisoners-of-war.
Senate war critics
hit N. Vietnam_ raids
WASHINGTON (R)-Reacting with surprise and skepticism,
Senate war critics asked yesterday if the unsuccessful week-
end raid to rescue American prisoners in North Vietnam
means the Nixon administration has abandoned hopes of
winning their freedom through negotiation.
Sen. Edward M. Kennedy of Massachusetts, assistant
Democratic leader, spearheaded a late-afternoon debate after
Secretary of Defense Melvin R. Laird released the details of
the rescue attempt.
Sen. Robert Dole (R-Kan.) defended the action, saying
it was "successful in demonstrating American concern for
the prisoners even though it failed to find or free any."
"This is the American spirit in the highest tradition,"

ing funds internally to accommo-
date for the decreasing state
Gerhard Weinberg, chairman of
the Senate Advisory Committee
on University Affairs, criticized
the state's practice of cutting back
" on previously voted funds to ac-
commodate for unanticipated rev-
enue shortages. According to its,

martyr a student for 10 minutes of
noisome misconduct," the report
The final report was signed by
four of the five board of inquiry
members. The fifth member filed
a dissenting opinion, the contents
of which were unavailable last

By The Associated Press
ABIDJAN, Ivory Coast-Fight-
ing in the Guinean capital of
Conakry b e t w e e n. government
forces and a band of invaders ap-
peared at an end last night. Radio
Conakry called on residents to
resume their normal activities but
keep their weapons at hand.-
Guinea's 5,000-man army had
battled for a second day against

invaders yesterday and a number
of European advisers to President
Sekou Toure's Marxist-oriented
government have been killed,
Radio Conakry reported.
It also said the invaders had
been trained by Col. Jean Schram-
me, a Belgian-born white mer-
cenary who fought in the Congo.
The broadcast repeated the con-
tention of the Guinean govern-

constitution, he said, the state1
cannot operate on deficit spend-T
ing. israei accu
Weinberg asked the attending
faculty to give "careful thought to
the possibility that Michigan 0
"might be able to do without 3 iiissions
(such) a constitutional provision."
Athletic Director Dan Canham
discussed budgetary aspects of the TEL AVIV WP) - Israel accused
athletic department. Egypt yesterday of sending three
Several faculty members criti- flights of warplanes over Israeli
cized recent raises in staff salaries positions along the Suez Canal,
within the department, noting that apparently on reconnaissance mis-
the academic community had no sions.
such pay increases. A military spokesman, asked af-
Canham mentioned unionization ter the third flight was announc-
within the past two years and the ed if there had been any firing,
large amount of overtime work would only say that army units
required in the athletic depart- took action according to standing
ment as two factors for the salary orders.
increase. He refused to confirm or deny
"Our staff salaries were very that any shooting took place.
bad." Canham added. "We ranked Following the earlier announc-
ninth out of the Big Ten in ed overflights, a spokesman said
salary." -

ses E gypt of flying
over SueZ territory
the Egyptian aircraft neither that America is undertaking a
bombed nor strafed and the clear and open espionage mission
Israelis did not shoot. for Israel's benefit."
The charges came as Cairo In the month since Anwar Sadat
claimed the United States was has been president of Egypt, there
carrying out high-altitude spy I have been indications in Cairo and
flights over Egypt and passing on elsewhere that Nasser's successors
the findings to the Israelis. were taking a tougher line toward

ment that the invaders were mer-
cenaries dispatched by Portugal,
which has an overseas territory
bordering on Guinea on the West
African bulge.
Portugal denied any role in the
fighting and welcomed the U.N.
Security Council's plan to send
an investigative team to Conakry.
Antonio Spinola, governor gen-
eral of neighboring Portuguese
Guinea, dismissed the Guinean
charges with a statement that
they were a smokescreen to hide
internal problems.
With the exception of a U.N.
observer's report, no independent
information on the fighting was
available. After saying the in-
vaders were repulsed Sunday
night. Radio Conakry reported
yesterday morning that the "sec-
ond day of the war that Portu-
guese imperialism imposed on us"
had begun with a new attempt
to land troops.
In Bonn, the West German For-
eign Ministry said it had received
word that an employe of a Ger-
man firm in Conakry had been
Late last night, Nigeria, with
black Africa's biggest standing
army, offered to send Guinea mili-
tary assistance.
Unstable since its independence
from France in 1958, Guinea has
been marked almost yearly with
announcements of foiled imperial-
ist coups to overthrow Toure.
Estimates on the size of the
invading force ran from 350-a
figure cited by a captive-to 800
-the number given in a speech in
Brazzaville by President Marian
Ngouabi of the Congo Republic.
He said his left-wing government
was threatened by "the same

An Egyptian
Cairo, in denying
said the charges

spokesman in
the overflights,
were made to




cover up for the American mis-
An Israeli military spokesman
said Soviet-made Egyptian Sukhoi
SU7 fighter-bombers flew o n c e
on Sunday and twice on Monday
over the east bank of the canal,
where the Israeli lines are located.
This activity, he said, was in
"grave violation" of the Middle
East cease-fire.
The Israeli spokesman said two
pairs ofsthe Sukhois first flew
from Ismailia to Pas el Ayish on
Sunday - a distance of 38 miles.
On Monday, four Sukhois first
flew over 70 miles of Israeli de-
fenses from El Qantara to P o r t
Suez and later in the day, two
Sukhois flew from Ismailia to
Pas el Ayish again, he added.
Israel lodged three separate
complaints with the U.N. ceasefire
supervision organization, located
in Jerusalem.
It was the first time Israel hasj
complained of an Egyptian aerial
violation since the shooting halt
took effect Aug. 7.
Military observers said it was
possible the Egyptians wanted to
take a closer look at Israeli canal-
side fortificationswhichthave
been reinforced during the re

the United States and Israel than
the late Egyptian president Nas-
sar took.
In Beirut, newspapers of both
the right and the left noted a
tougher Egyptian stance. In one
publication, Sadat was quoted as
saying, "The first and foremost
thing is that nobody asks us to
withdraw a single missile from
the front because that is complete-
ly unacceptable."
Diplomats in Beirut said it may
be too early to assess the first acts
and statements of the new Egyp-
tian leadership and that it could
be reacting to internal pressures
in taking an initial stance that
appears more militant than Nas-

Dole said, adding that "In my
opinion it was successful" be-
cause U.S. concern was dem-
onstrated and all U.S. person-
nel got back even though the
strike failed to free any pris-
"I admire their courage," Ken-
nedy said. "I just deplore the
policy that permitted them to go."
Sen. J. W. Fulbright (D-Ark),
who said earlier he fears weekend
bombing strikes in the north mean
the administration is escalating
the war and seeking a military
victory, observed "the real ques-
tion here is a question of judg-
"None of this is consistent with
the purpose of a negotiated settle-
ment," he said.
At times, tempers got short.
Senators declined to yield-usual-
ly an automatic Senate courtesy.
Meanwhile, the Foreign Rela-
tions Committee decided to call
top administration spokesmen be-
fore it in closed session to explain
the policy behind the weekend
No date was set.
Noting that the raids came just
a few days after the administra-
tion asked Congress for a big new
See SENATORS, Page 8

Po 1Cy unit
on housing
The newly appointed policy
board for the Office of Univer-
sity Housing will meet for the first
time today to discuss next fall's
housing plans and possible budget
The unit was set up last week by
the Office of Student Services
Policy Board.
The new board, composed of
seven student and three faculty
members, will take over the re-
sponsibility formerly handled by
the Board of Governors of the
Residence Halls and the Student
Advisory Committee on Housing.
This board will be delegated to
set policy of all matters concern-
ing University housing and to ex-
ecute any OSS policy relevant to
The board is currently made up
of members who have previously
served in other areas of housing
including Tenants Union, Inter-
House Assembly, Inter-Coopera-
tive Council, and Northwood Ter-
race Association.
Director of University Housing
John Feldkamp says he "looks for-
ward to the group because of their
He added that he would encour-
age the board to get feedback on
all their policies from the resi-
dents they would be affecting.
Decisions made by the board
are subject to final approval by
the OSS policy board.
The housing board is the first


Students condemn



Students here yesterday expressed shock
and disbelief at the renewed bombing at-
tacks against North Vietnam, but offered
no plans for responsive political action.
A wide spectrum of students, labeling
themselves from "conservative" to "radi-
cal", condemned the attacks.

or instead the "beginning of a new widen-
ing of the war."
Most students agreed that there had
been an initial shock upon hearing the
I was very surprised," one literary col-
lege senior said. "I didn't think N i x o n
would widen the war so blatently."
"Even though people seem tired of pro-

believe in doing anything political any-
more," he continued, "because it never
makes any difference. The world just stays
the same."
"What would perhaps have incited mass
action, broad-based demonstrations, and
passioned outrage a year ago", one stu-
dent said, "now only provokes comments
such as, 'What would you expect?'"

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