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November 20, 1970 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1970-11-20

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Friday, November 20, 1970
(by the tail)
0 new challenges to the Educational Establishment
creative roles for students in Ed School
nominations for SEI executive council
Tuesday, December 1, 7:30 p.m.
Schorling Auditorium, School of Education Bldg. sft


Page Seven

Students, workers to
fight Nixon policies


... images

Hi-Fi Studio
can you find this fantastic speaker-amp combination
J CV 5030 140 Watt Stereo Receiver
with advanced SEA
Power to spare. Features to match. An outstanding stereo receiver
in the mid- to high power range, the 5030 also incorporates ad-
vanced SEA for greater control within a wider 110db, and click
stops on the sliding controls at every 2db. It's also got the new
FM linear dial scale so useful in areas where there is a profusion
of FM stations, and a very advanced IC and FET-equipped front-
end. Power bandwidth is a wide 25 to 20,000Hz and distortion is
held to a mere 0.8%. Automatic FM stereo switching, of course.
4-3/8"Hx x 20"W x 13-3/16"D. 30.8 lbs. (with wooden
JVC 534 V Powerful 4-Way Bookshelf Type
Speaker System with Multi-Channel Input
Nowhere else can you find this kind of power and this kind of
performance in a speaker system this size. Handles an astonishing
80 watts peak input and 40 watts RMS. Equipped with a woofer, -
cellular horn midrange, tweeter and super tweeter, it reproduces
the entire spectrum of sound with extraordinary clarity. And the
connection of three main amplifiers directly to the woofer, mid- {
range and tweeter is made possible by the inclusion of the multi-
channel input terminal, The front grille of the beautiful air-tight
walnut cabinet is detachable to permit adjustment of level con-
trols'of both middle and hiah frequency ranges. Impedance is 8
ohms 28-1/2"H x 16-1/2"W x 15-1/4"D. ,47.3 lbs.
121 W. WASH INGTON 668-7942
Right across from the Old German Restaurant
Why doesr
General Eectr
thermal Dolt

-An unusual protest group,
composed of college students
and other young people, is
championing the cause of the
workingman and opposing the
economic policies of the Nixon
Instead of picket lines and
demonstrations, the organiza-
tion, called "We the People,"
uses 50 cent-a-plate dinners,
soup lines and shoe shine stands
as means of protest.
An alliance between blue col-
lar workers and young activists
is not as startling as it first ap-
pears, says Steve Holbrook, the
28 year old spokesman of the
"All of us suffer from infla-
tion," says Holbrook. "Students
feel the effects of unemployment
and rising prices just as much as
working people do."
"A surprisingly large number
of middle-class college kids live
in poverty conditions while go-
ing to school," he adds. "And a
lot of young people with long
hair and unconventional ways
of dressing are having trouble
University Activities Center
& Students International
Dec. 27-Jan. 1....186.00 I
AC-045 !
Jan. 1-Jan. 7.... 196.00
Feb. 26-Mar. 5 . 189.00
Christmas through EASTER
The FREEPORT INN becomes
All Student Guests
2 hour long "Happy Hour"
every evening with
Live Music & Dancing
Unlimited free drinks
Open only to U. of M. students,
faculty, staff, and immediate
fam ilies.
2nd floor, MICH. UNION
UAC Travel
763-2147 or 769-5790

finding jobs and places to live."
We the People was organized
last spring when a number of
University of Utah students
joined with mine workers and
union officials to protest air po-
Members of the group testified
in favor of stricter pollution re-
gulations at hearings conducted
by the state's Air Conservation
The group then turned its at-
tention to economic problems
during the 1970 political cam-
paign. It held a 50-cent-a-plate
spaghetti dinner at a Salt Lake
City comunity center to coincide
with Vice President Spiro T. Ag-
new's appearance at a $100-a-
plate Republican fund-raising
Signs on the community cen-
ter walls proclaimed: "Listen,
Spiro, working people can't af-
ford $100-a-plate dinners."
More than 1,500 people at-
tended the 50-cent dinner.
Apple stands, soup lines and
shoe shine stands were set up by
the group in downtown Salt
Lake City when President Nixon
campaigned for Utah Republi-
cans three days before the elec-
"We wanted the people to re-
alize Nixon is leading us into a
depression," Holbrook says.
He said union leaders have
responded favorably to We the
People, donating money and
permitting use of thecity's un-
ion hall for meetings and din-
Many of the youth in We the
jPeople are veterans of other
campus protest groups, includ-
ing the United Front to End the
War, the New Mobe and several
local antipollution organizations.

Orson who? New Jazz Project

Com bines ancient ern.'.
wisdom of Aztec '.,;
culture with modern -
mystic Aquarian accent
Send check or money order,
No COD's
$14.50 to: Upping Products
P.O. Box 1849
Tucson, Arizona 85702

Buddy Guy
Blues Festival Benefit

Not really!
To the Daily:
Just to set the record straight
and make sure no one is disap-
pointed, Cinema Guild has
made no inquiries to 0 r s aon
- Welles and has no plans to bring
him here next semester for the
Creative Arts Festival. We have
other treats in store.
Also, it must be made clear
that the Cinema Guild and the
Dramatic Arts Center are spon-
soring the 9th Ann Arbor Film
Festival, March 9-14, and that
the Ann Arbor Film Coop is
sponsoring the 8mm F i1m
Festival. Of course, Cinema
Guild supports the 8mm Fest-
ival because it likes films of
all gauges.
A note for your older read-
ers, Sherri Funn is now an em-
ployee of Cinema Guild and
Suzy Funn is wintering in Biar-
ritz. She says, "Hello."
Jay Cassidy
President of Cinema Guild

The Contemporary Jazz Quin-
tet's music is "closer to progres-
sive, avant-garde jazz," says
Bruce Bond, pres. of the Jazz
Project - a campus organiza-
tion formed last year to pro-
mote jazz in the area.
"Winter term we set up some
combination parties and jam
"A jam workshop t h a t we
have organized meets Thursdays
at Smitty's at 8:30 p.m. It's op-
en to anybody, people from mu-
sic school, people in LS&A who
want to play instruments . . .
anybody who wants to listen or
to play."
"During the summer and the
beginning of this semester we
worked out booking arrange-
ments for the Contemporary
Jazz Quintet to get the thing
going. This is the first major
thing we've done." T he Con-
temporary Jazz Quintet will be

sponsors Quintet

appearing on campus in 'True-'
blood Aud., Saturday at 8:30
p.m. Tickets are $2.00.
"We have arranged this with
our own backing, with no help
from the University. The Blues
Festival lost money last year so
nobody wants to help anybody,"
says Bond.
"The thing that impressed me
most about the Contemporary
Jazz quintet' is that they are
getting good reviews, they could
go to New York or one of the
big jazz centers, but they've de-
cided to stay in Detroit and you
know it's got to be harder for
them here."
"They started at the Town
Bar in Ann Arbor about 5 or 6
years ago as the Ron Brooks'
Trio, then added Kenny Cox and
Charles Moore to become the
Contemporary Jazz Quintet."
The group hasplayed around
the country, mostly in Detroit,
-<" and has cut two albums on Blue
Note. ,





Ann Arbor's
franchised dealer

327 S. MAIN, downtown




talk about
n when they


talk about nucle
power plants?

Bond says that the sponsor-
ing of more groups will depend
on t h e results of Saturday's
"We'd like to try to set up a
Musicians - In - Residence pro-
gram to work with University or
Ann Arbor musicians," he added
in speaking of the group's, long
range goals.
The Daily is anxious to cor-
rect errors or distortions in
news stories, features, reviews
We don't fry to please the
old folks at homr Or the
Conventionals. Or everybody
with the price of a radio.
Our thing is your thing . .. and
we stick to it. Tune in to hear
the brightest groups and
ingdeong y om ents by
old folks t honomOrldthe
eveCn nationaland international
news that taiks your language!
we sickto t Tue i tohea
thIrgtstgop n
K I"

General Electric pioneered the
development of nuclear power plants
in 1957.
Right from the beginning, we felt
that the greatest advantage of nuclear
power was environmental. Unlike
fossil-fueled power plants, nuclear
plants don't burn anything to make
electricity. And where there's no fire,
there's no smoke.
But there's a possible
disadvantage as well. It, too, is
environmental. Thermal effects.
We recognize it.
One GE advertisement you may
have seen recently pointed out that
"all nuclear power plants discharge
heat, as do fossil-fueled plants.
America's utilities with many years
of experience, are working on
thermal problems at nuclear sites on
a plant-by-plant basis."
General Electric does talk about
thermal effects. Because they are
important, but also because we feel
the facts about them are perhaps too
little known.
Few people realize, for example,

operate their plants within strict
temperature limits. Thirty states have
even stricter laws. Utilities are
spending millions of dollars on
dilution flow systems, cooling ponds
and cooling towers to comply.
But, in addition, utilities are
sponsoring basic research on the
problem of heat exchange and its
effect on aquatic life. More than 97
utilities have been financially
involved in over 300 such studies.
And each one adds a little to man's
scientific understanding of the
Some interesting things have
already come of it. For one, it's been
found that, in some cases, adding
heat to water can actually be
beneficial. Warm irrigation water has
extended growing seasons. Warm
water has created new wintering
ponds along waterfowl migration
Power-plant discharge water is
reviving Long Island's oyster trade.
Florida is using it to grow shrimp and
lobster. In Texas, it's increasing the

Individually, in its own environment,
and this is being done.
General Electric, the electric
utilities and environmentalists will
continue to work. Work hard.
Because we think the advantages
of nuclear power far outweigh the

Why are we running this ad?
We're running this ad, and
others like it, to tell you the things
General Electric is doing to solve
the problems of man and his
environment today.
The problems concern us
because they concern you. We're a
business and you are potential
customers and employees.
But there's another, more
important reason. These problems
will affect the future of this country
and this planet. We have a stake in
that future. As businessmen. And,
simply, as people.
We invite your comments.
Please write to General Electric,
570 Lexington Ave., New York, N.Y.

$25.00 buys the KNAP-PAK.TM 3-way con-
.vertible zips from carry-on to tote to knap-
sack. Opens from 12" to 22". Beige, red or
yellow color canvas.


$15.00 buys the 19" ROLL-PAK.Tm Strapped
for shoulder sling, hand grip, or to carry at
one end. Also 22" size, $20.00. Both in beige,
red or yellow canvas with white.

See how KNAP-PAK TM goes over the back, over the
shoulder. Or for hand-carry (above right).

TOTE-PAKrM also available $17.00



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