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November 17, 1970 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-11-17

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Tuesday, November 17, 1970


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Tuesday, November 17, 1970 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven

Sony Model 20
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LSA government candidates express views


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(Continued from Page 1)
While he feels that the best
method for convincing the fa-
culty to accept his proposals is
through serious discussion be-
tween executive council mem-
bers and faculty members, he
says he would seek a college-
wide strike if the faculty re-
mained opposed to "important
proposals" - such as the gov-
ernance proposals.
Russ Bikoff, '73, believes the
executive council should place
primary emphasis on changes in

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the literary college governing
mechanism to provide students
with an effective voice, rather
than working on specific aca-
demic reform measures.
He strongly supports the LSA
governance reform proposal
but says that if the faculty are
granted a veto over actions of
the student-faculty assembly, a
veto should also be given to the
student government executive
On academic issues, Bikoff says
he is undecided on whether dis-
tribution requirements should
be retained, but supports an in-
crease in the number of courses
with pass-fail options, an im-
provement of the LSA counsel-
ling program, and a limitation
on the enrollment in the liter-
ary college so/that it does not
"become a type of multiversity."
* Although he agrees w i t h
other candidates' views on aca-
demic reform, James Bridges,
'72, presents different reasons
for advocating the various pro-
Hessupports extension of the
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pass-fail option to all courses
outside a student's concentration
program because he believes it
would aid undergraduates in at-
taining a sufficient grade-point
average for admission to grad-
uate school. Under his plan, a
student's grade-point would not
fall because of a poor perform-
ance in courses which are not
related to his field of interest.
While supporting the concept
of a concentration program for
literary college students, Bridg-
es opposes the setting of spec-
ific requirements for comple-
tion of the program. He believes
that most students electing a
major would complete the
course requirements whether or
not they were required to.
Bridges also opposes distribu-
tion requirements, saying t h a t
students who don't want to take
a particular course probably
will not retain anything from it.
Bridges expresses reservations
about the LSA governance re-
form proposal. While support-
ing the creation of a joint stu-
dent-faculty legislature, he feels
that student representation
should be less than that of the
faculty because, he says, stu-
dents would not be able to spend
For the student body:
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as much time on their duties
as faculty members would.
Bridges emphasizes rational
discussion with faculty members
as a means of bringing a b o u t
reforms favored by the students.
He says he would seek a sit-
in or a college-wide strike if
there was sufficient s t u d e n t
backing, but would oppose use
of disruption or violence as a
0 Paula Fried, '73 and F r a n
Hymen, '73, running on t h e
same ticket, support the basic
academic objectives of the other
candidates, with the addition of
a proposal to institute a work-
study program in all the depart-
This would allow a student to
spend one term each year in a
job related to his field of in-
terest, receiving credit equival-
ent to a term's work at the
University. Fried and Hymen
believe such a program would
provide students with a better
idea of where their field of in-
terest will take them after col-
lege. In addition, they feel it
would provide them with more
realistic training than can be at-
tained in a university commun-
j. The two candidates also sup-
port the institution of a pass-no
credit option in all literary col-
lege courses, which would delete
the course from a student's re-
cord if he fails.
Friedand Hymen also support
the LSA governance reform pro-
Dosal. abolition of both concen-
tration and distribution require-
mrnts,. and an improved coun-
sllinrr program.
Hymen says she also plans to
nr ss for the opening of stu-
dent records to students. Cur-
r-ntiy. they can be seen only
by a faculty member. admin-
istrator. or the student's coun-
selor. Fried believes the liter-
arv college should hire more
women as faculty members, at
salaries equal to those of male
faculty members.
* While admitting a lack of
knowledge about major issues in
the literary college-such as the
governance proposal-Rick Rat-
ner, '73. says he supports the
reforms advocated by most of
the other candidates, such as
extension of the pass-fail option.
However, he says he is unsure
e future

about the courses he wotild ex-
tend it to.
He favors abolition of the lit-
erary college's language require-
ment, and a revision of the dis-
tribution requirements but ex-
presses uncertainty about what
form the revisions would take.
Ratner believes that the stu-
dent government's major prob-
lem is a lack of publicity among
the student body, and says he
would try to rectify this. He
favors mass actions by students
to reinforce demands, but says
the extent of such actions de-
pend on the circumstances of
each particular case. At present,
Ratner sees no issues important
enough to condone disruption or
for violence.
0 Bob Schwartz, '72, supports
the immediate establishment of
the college-wide student assem-
bly called for in the govern-
ment's constitution.
In addition, he seeks to im-
prove counseling services and
supports governance reform pro-
He also advocates the organ-
ization of voluntary student
services to counsel the growing
number of students receiving
financial aid under the Oppor-
tunity Awards Program, and
would form, groups to study pos-
sible environmental, racial or
sexual discrimination which he
feels the literary college may be
* Criticizing th e executive
council for not organizing the
rest of the student government,
Barb Rackes, '73, believes that
establishment of the college-
wide student assembly c a 11 e d
for in the government's con-
stitution is of prime importance.
Shebciteshpast issues which
have been handled by ad hoc
groups because, she says, there
was no cohesive college-wide
representative body to head the
campaign. Such a group Rackes
believes, would havega great deal
more weight with the faculty,
and should be organized immed-
She supports the institution of
a work-study program in the
literary college, the extension of
the pass-fail option to all Uni-
versity courses, and the elimina-
tion of distribution require-
Rackes believes that the ex-
ecutive council's campaign for
implementing the LSA govern-
ance reform proposal could best
be handled by considerable dis-
cussions with faculty members.
If this fails, she says, students
might be organized into a non-
disruptive strike.
" Ed Roberts, '73, says that
if elected, he will represent black
students on the LSA student
government. He would primarily
act as a spokesman - for the
Black Student Union, his num-
ber one priority being the im-
plementation of the Black Ac-
tion Movement (BAM) demands,
agreed to by the Regents after
last year's strike.
Roberts advocates a revision
of admission standards to make
them more open, and advocates
increased use of pass-fail. He
believes concentration and dis-
tribution requirements should
remain, but that the current
distribution requirements should
be supplemented with more op-

O Andy Rogers, '72. says he
is mainly concerned with achiev-
ing curriculum reform i the
literary college.
Rogers seeks to extend the.
pass-fail option system of zrad-
ing throughout the college, and
to abolish distribution require-
ments. He also feels students
should be able to be given writ-
ten evaluations - in s t e a d of
Rogers believes that ultimate-
ly the entire literary college
(and the University) should be
composed of a number of small
residential colleges. He thinks
such a structure would be most
beneficial in creating an atmos-
phere of learning, or as' he
phrases it, a "living-learning
Rogers also advocates the
placing of a limit on enrollment
of the college until adequate fa-'
cilities are built.
0 Jim Dillon, '74. belees
the LSA student government is
presently ineffective as a poli-
tical body, and seeks to increase
its prestige- in the eyes of stu-
dents, faculty and administra-
tion. He feels such action should
be the first step in convincing
the faculty to accept the gov-.
ernment's proposals.
He hopes the LSA student
government will become a body
with strong viewpoints on perti-
nent issues, including actively
supporting particularly the m-
creased enrollment of blacks ad
other minority groups, and cuir-
riculur reform.
He advocates an end of dis-,
tribution and language require-'
ments, and feels grading should
be abolished gradually. He
would substitute more pass-fall
courses for letter grades in the
interim. He favors open admis-
sions in the future, when it is
more financially feasible.
Dillon supports the LSA gov-
ernance reform proposal with
reluctance, saying "I don't think
it is strong enough, but at least
it is better than what we have
* Charles Young, '72, advo-
cates an increased voice for the
students in the governing of the
college as the best way toward
achieving academic reforms.
Young believes students should
sit in parity with the faculty on
all committees, including those
dealing with tenure. He believes
there are many faculty sympa-
thetic to the issues concerning
students, and he favors reason-
ed presentations of demands to
the faculty as a means of im-
plementing change.
Young seeks the end of the
present grading system and
would replace it with the "pass-
nocredit" system.
o Fran Stier, '73, believes the
grading system must be revamp-
ed. She believes grades are
necessary sometimes to evalu-
ate students, but advocates a
less stifling system of grading,
which she does not describe.
She believes distribution re-
quirements are for the most
part helpful to students who
don't know what they want to
specialize in.
Stier says she tends toward
"traditional" education. How-
ever, she would seek student-
faculty parity on all committees
in the college.


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Not Recommended Edward Steig

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