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November 17, 1970 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-11-17

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Tuesday, November 17, 1°97'0





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Paula Fried and
Fran Hymen,

I am seeking a seat on L.S. & A.
Student Government for many of
the same reasons that other can-
didates have undoubtfully chosen
with one outstanding difference.
I have the sincere desire to ac-
complish something. The reasons
I have chosen usually encoinpas-
es the requests of students over
our entire campus: However
L.S. & A. being the massive school
that it is requires the direct or-
ganizational leadership only its
students can help it have. As a
student in L.S. & A. school you
may rest assured that I possess the
same concern about many things
that affect student life directly
and indirectly. This is why there
is always the necessity for a gov-
erning body to initiate proposals
for affairs that concern the stu-
dent body both on the legisla-
tive and more personal level.
To be more specific I will con-
vey some ideas that will typify
what I feel needs to be done for
our school. I fail to see the reason
that the pass-fail option can not
be extended to underclassmen. I
see no reason that would give the
upperclassmen this privilege but
no one else. Someone should work
toward this goal. The counseling
here at the university speaks for
itself by saying more than I could


We consider the following to beI
essential for the University andj
for LSA Student Government Ex-
ecutive Council:
Student Representation
Passage of Governance pro-
* The College should be govern-f
ed by an assembly consistinghof
one half students and one half
faculty, rather than the existing
all faculty assembly. '
* Student parity must be insti-'
tuted on all decision making bod-
ies including tenure committees.
Classroom Restructuring
*Restructure classes so t h a t
students can exercise greater ini-
* Increase of pass-fail options.
* Professors should devote more
time to their freshmen and sopho-
more students.
* Institute teacher training pro-
gram .
Distribution Requirements
* Abolition of distribution re-
rtir ma t!

* The present counselling pro-
gram is inefficient to meet the
needs of the students.,
Counselling services should be
expanded and revised to offer
more valuable assistance.
Departmental Reform
* Establishing a student as-
sembly as called for in the LSA
* Creating strong student un-
ions within various departments.
* All departments should con-
tinually reexamine their course

' ::

LSA Commission
*Need for overall evaluation of
existing undergraduate education-
al program.
* Will provide a body devoted
entirely to planning and evalu-
ating changing educational needs.
Other Ideas
* Institute work-study program
modeled after Antioch and Beloit.
* Increase availability of pre-
ferred courses.
* Increase opportunities for in-

qurements. dependent study.
* Students should assume the * Provide publicity and funds for
responsibility for selecting their Course Mart and Outreach pro-
own course of study grams.
Carles Young
c;It seems that each year at elec-
.......tion time the grass on the diagf
begins to, look a little greenert
}twhen the candidates begin to give
their nebulous positions and im-
possible or irrelevant promises.t
ST h i s statement of position at-
.; }tempts to avoid further competi-I
tion with the fertilizer industry.
For such reason, I will only givez
two goals which I will commit
myself to. These goals should be
viewed as inustrumental to at-
}: 'tempts at solution of conditionst
;outlined as the goals are put forth.i
First I shall try to work to-£
- £ward complete conversion of grad-
ing at this university to the pass-E
CHARLES YOUNG wipe-out system. Being something I
of an optimist, I do hope that t
- -education might be possible at
even this institution. Whatever
its other limitations, certainly the
academic factory atmosphere,r
complete with individual stampst
of inspection at the end of each
term, serves mainly to vulgarize
all attemtps to learn as they de-
generate to exercises in sycophan-
cy. Certainly this is not suffi-
cient to arrest the "development"
of the "learning process" in Ann1
Arbor, there must be revisions in
sources for origination of class-
,es, requirements to graduation, butl
this particular step has to be in-I
instituted elsewhere, a fact makingt
it subject to somewhat less oppo-
r sition. In the interest of practic-
ality it deserves high priority. I
The second goal is related, yet
seems to retain sufficient indi-
vidual identity to deserve despei
ate mention. The university em-
phasis on research, while certain
ly encouraging "scholarship" in
the Pentagon-laboratory sense, is
both damaging to teaching and to
the society as a whole through so-

ever say. There is a definite need
for the inevitable change in, the
attitude of our counselors in gen-
eral. Our counselors seem to be too
} t
involved in locating the right class
to complete the curriculum when
actually they should be working
with the basic aspect of counsel-
ing. It is really a question of
whether or not the student has
accurately selected the right field
for him to pursue and if he has
then and only then help the stu-
dent select the correct courses.
Someone should tell the coun-
selors this. Another important fac-
tor that can't be overlooked is
that of representation of all those
concerned. There is no way for
a governing body to be truly rep-
resentative unless it is itself rep-
resentative .In order for the black
student enrollment to be properly
accounted for there has to be a
delivery of our ideas on a formal
level. Someone is needed to voice
those desires. Last but still very
important is a very simple factor
that simply can'tAbe overlooked
either. The L.S. & A. Student Gov-
ernment is a relatively new body
that has not yet attained its act-
ual potential. Part of the reason
that this is true is because it is
using some very old means of
getting things done. These meth-
ods all tend to stagnate the dy-
namic into a pitiful loss of good
thoughts, more than ample en-
ergy and truely expressive talents.
The need is present to keep these
assets from being lost in frus-
tration. The spark of someones
new approach is needed .
I feel that these are real prob-
lems that deserve devoted, serious,
and unselfish work. I know that
I can provide our student govern-
ment with these qualities. I have
the desire to help make our ed-
ucation both in and out of class,
here at the university a truely
meaningful experience for all of
us concerned. Someone is needed
and that someone is me.

Pete Pra
The L.S. & A. Student Gov-
ernment is theoretically the gov-
erning body of the Lit College.
Throughout its existence it has
accomplished little, partly due to
the apathy of the body's members.
POLSOPEN 1We four, having become concern-
ed with its inactivity, hope, in
cooperation with the other mem-
AT bers of the council, to raise it to
its formerly influential position
FISHBOWLon campus.
I BThe purpose of L.S. & A. Stu-
dent Government is, as we see it,
to act as a coordinating body for
the lit. school. This body has the
potential to be an influential force
in policy-making in the student
UNION (downstairs) interest. The college, at present,
is far from what it could be aca-
T BRIDGE T THE Hllademically having multiple archaic
and inefficient policies which we
propose to review and exert pres-
AHrTNA NORTH CAMP Ssure to change.
A major L.S. & A. issue now is
the Goverance Committee propos-
al. The purpose of this commit-
BUS Stee is to increase student partici-
pation in Lit School government.
_ _ _ ____ They propose the initiation of
a new L.S. & A. assembly consist-
ing of 40 students and 40 faculty
members. This is to supplant the
Kuss ikoff "faculty as the lone decision-mak-
good proposal in that it allows the
Organization in Trouble . students at least some say. We feel
Before the LSA student gov- this assembly would be an asset in Th
ernment can consider the problems student participation in decision- has1
of distribution requirements, pass- making and that pressure must be a a
fail grading and the like, it must exerted here to place this assem- the L
recover from two disasters. Those bly into influential existence. le
who conceived this organization I We endorse expanded study on lato
have not yet made a real structure t1university grading systems, par- 3) to
within which students and faculty ticularly in regard to the pass-fail dent
can set college policy on the basis. . . . ...option.g
of equality and in an atmosphere <<;....... . . We propose expansion of the ex- with
of mutual respect; rather than U..BIK .FF.isting Outreach programs. ecuti
witnessing the normal birth of a RUSS BIKOFF We recognize a growing need eual
student government, we are faced graduate Political Science Asso for independent study programs quali
with he posibilty ofa misabothgronutandoioffa campus Aand 1capa
with the possibility of a miscar- ciation, the Economics Society, the popo an diate stu and it is
raige. Consider: Steering Committee in the Eng propose an immediate study and
1) The LSA Executive Council lish department. and newer as- recommendation to the admin-n lems
lacks the confidence of the fac- sociations like that which exists istration & curriculum committee. socia
ulty. The situation described by in the sociology department can We feel a stricter evaluation of sci
R o b e r t Kraftowitz (Michigan best change their own depart- teaching fellows is necessary. ecui
Daily; Sept. 26) still exists today: ments by themselves. The LSA We plan to w o r k toward the the
"Created by a referendum of lit- government should work with abolishment of the language re- e
erary college students last March, these organizations and establish quirement and the abolishment orinb
the government has not been rec- rn t n reorganization of distribution and in-
ognized by the faculty, who retain ohrnons in dermen concentration requirements. tidnt
where none exist now. However, in dentsn
the authority to govern the col- college-wide matters (e.g. dis- We plan to work toward facili- er to
lege . . . "We have no real au- tribution requirements) the LSA I tating the ease with which a stu-
thorizedpower,' obseves Da student government must initiate rs dent canearn bidepartmental strik
Brand, president of the LSA stu- change and lead., majors, Many students feel that steil
dent body and chief executive of g 2) Tenure is a prerogative that they now need more than just the Be:
ficer of the government, 'and un- the facu rs alously. They single concentration toward a ma- certa
less we attain a large amount of have macuy go arguments for jor, but university bureaucracy re- stude
support among our constituency, maintaining this privilege. How- fuses to realize this need. They B 1
the faculty will be able to dismiss ever, the LSA Executive Council have shown little or no adaptabil- given
us as illegitimate.'m" ust not hesitate to bring pres- ity to student needs. We feel it is oppo
And the faculty has dismissed sure a g a i n s t the guardians necessary for the components of Henc
you, David, but not because the tradition when we believe that this university to recognize us as "Hon
students have failed to supporti they are wrong. feel that iindividual persons who need their the s
the new government (after all, to practices that discriminate against assistance rather than computer rollm
gain support among students the women and blacks are wrong. cards to be shuffled, stapled, spin- Furti
LSA government must first dem- dled and lost indiscriminately. prog
onstrate that it is deserving of Immediate Problems We demand that t h e Student inclu
such support). An example of fac- The Executive Council must Assembly, provided for in the latin
ulty attitudes is found in the re- meet several very serious, press- L.S. & A. Student Government taugl
sponse to the report of the Com- mg problems: t Constitution, be implemented im- credi
mittee on Establishment of the 1) On November 9, the U- mediately. T h i s representative 2.
LSA Governing Council. Submit- versity announced that deans and body has been neglected by the shou
ted last March, this report con- department chairmen must pre- former council as well as t h e fied
tains proposals for a legislative pare plans for an unexpected cut students and faculty in general. is. A
branch of the LSA government, icatiobudgLts tdeth? m Our major plank rests on the ed t
the LSA Assembly. The proposed Tplicar fo thens? need for a greater role for the tiona
assembly would consist of equal The.Chairman of the psychology student in his government. The 3..
numbers of student and faculty department, Wilbert McKeachie nts are the major concern by
representatives, and its function said "essentially it will mea n of this university (or should be) point
was to set college policy. How- longer classes and fewer sections. and the Lit. College thereof, and clude
ever, come faculty members op- s e should have an increased influence ulty
posed this report from the start Residential College explained that over the decision-making policies certa
Gerhard Weinberg, the chairman "The qualty and effectiveness of which concern them. We plan by a:
of SACUA said (Daily: Oct. 12) :faut evltin ofsdns to work toward this. facul
"The proposal ha no bearing on crease." The student suffers. This
what the committee was asked to was also the impression of the
do." He predicted that the faculty D a i1y reporter (Nov. 11) who!
woldh reject the report. I agree wrote: "Most of the deans, direct-
wihthe observation of Brian Ford osaddprmn ed o-
vice-president of the LSA govern- ors and department heads con- The new LS&A Executive Com- met:
meat whosaidtha som facltytated yesterday plan to tighten Th eISAEectv o-mt
ment, who said that some faculty p' on new programs, new faculty, mittee has gone far in establishing 1)
members "fear the proposed class sizes and the number of the badly needed organizational shoul

sembly would get into the hands bases on which true student-fac- time
of extremists." (Daily, Oct. 2. course offerings instead of salary baeonwihtusudt-c-im
su ertremass." uDreyt.who cuts." We should recall that stu- ulty and student-administration GEN]
aeatsempo f thgsse Ithe ho dents, don't count in the faculty communication must proceed. Stu- vided
ae ate ngot teie realms of tenure, department dents are sitting on the stand- provi
ntationproposalthatofftheitter budgets, and salaries. I don't know ing committees of the Governing terde
proposal that we arepneof whether shifting the burden onto Faculty, the true power center of 2)
"themacts."a the LSAgoernment students is the only way out. But, the college. A committee has been mitte
the fact that the LSA government certainly, in whatever decision is set up which is co-ordinating stu- medi
does exist is necessary. I belive made ,students must participate so dent and administration ideas to- a n d
that the LSA government cannot that the budget cuts are absorbed ward a restructuring of the coun- SYS
and should not proceed with the fairly, selling system. A Governance Pro- 3)
governance t the college in con 2) In the beginning of October. posal was written by LS & A Ex- ulty
junction with the faculty, until the LSA faculty called for a halt ecutive Qommittee members and shoul
the faculty recognizes our legiti- to enrollment increases, as LSA faculty which would transfer the supp
m2)y LSA government is still onlyenrollment approached 12,000. I power of the Governing Faculty gram
one-thir complet T suiciarny expect this to be a continuing, to a joint student-faculty body. the B
Ione -th rdcegslaure, ismisjusing long range problem, but it de- As a member of the Executive ticula
flsi ir serves the immediate attention of Committee I have been involved voice
However, its future looks the faculty and LSA student gov- with these and other projects and 4)
promising: the present Executive
ernment. I feel that continued one thing has become clear to me: more
Council has begun work, and the growth is no longer necessary; we it is co-operation that had allowed meet
new council must proceed faster should not make the college it- them. While the power of a stu- portu
diciar lS dself into a type of "multiversity." dent strike is effective in, per- 5)
diciary. However, we must keep the ob- haps, moral issues, such activity rect t
What I Will Do jectives of last years BAM strike is of no value when working with- ly an

har, Barb Rackes,
ier and Ed Roberts


e LSA student government
three basic functions: 1) to
as a self-appointed advisor to
University administration; 2)
gislate on trivial matters re-r*
g to student "conduct;" and
act as a focal point of stu-
power not delegated by re-
al authority in controversies
the administration. The ex-
ve council is eminently well
fied to act in its first two
cities; however, in the third
considerably weaker than it
'be. There are many prob-
on campus which have severe
1 implications, and the ex-
ve council has the obligation
vestigate these and create in f
student body a base of pow-
y which to wield a decisive?>
ence in effecting its solu- !
. An example in which stu-
s have created a base of pow-
wield influence not normally ANDREW V. ROGERS
itted them is in the BAM
e of last yera. A Statement of Position
low is a list of my biases on There are two major issues that
in issues of interest to LSA should be of concern to all stu-
ents: dents in the School of Literature,
a c k students should be Science and the Arts. First ir;
at least equal educational significance is the role of stu-
rtunities in t h e University. dents in decision-making here at
.e, their representation in the the University, and now especial-
hors" program should be in ly in L.S. & A. Student repre-
same proportion as their en- sentation works, as three years of
ient in the college as a whole. experience in the Residential Col-
hermore, the Black Studies i lege proves; students alone can
'ram should be expanded, and ' adequately defend and substauj,
de courses in subjects re- tiate their needs and desires in
g to the black experience, the continuing task of refining
ht by black students, and for the Liberal Education Experience.
t. I strongly support the appointment
Distribution requirements or election of students to all lev-
ld be abolished or be satis- els of decision-making for L.S. &
on an optional pass-fail bas- A., from the reform of academia-
ll courses not directly relat- structure and course material, and'
o the major should be op- the hiring and evaluation of fact
al pass-fail. ulty members, to the determina-
I support the trend indicat- tion of the allocation and final
the report of acommittee ap- dispensation of all funds. The stu-
ted last summer which con- dent is long overdue for his prop-
d that the Governing Fac- er recognition as a full member
should temporarily and with of the University Community.
in reservations be replaced The second issue that require,
y assembly of equal student- immediate action is that of aca-
lty representation. demic reform. The "liberal edu-
cation" presently imposed on the
student by L.S. & A. seeks to de-

(From left to right): PETE PRAHAR, ED ROBERTS,


James E.

Andrew V.


T h e LS & A Government
id address a great deal of its
to the establishment of a
d for in our Constitution, to
de an information center in-
The LS & A Executive Com-
ee must work further on im-
ate changes in the wasteful
The new Student-Fac-
d be given much publicity and
ort by the Council. Such pro-
ns have worked elsewhere in
ig Ten and it remains for ar-
ate not rhetorical student
s to educate the campus.
The Council should organize
voluntary student services to
demands of the influx of op-
inity awards students.
Studies must be made to cor-
the environmental and racial-
ad sexually discriminating ac-

sign conclusions to today's prob-
lems with yesterday's answers.
More than being outmoded a n d
basically ii'relevant to the pu
suit of knowledge by today's stu-
dents, the present academic struc-
ture of L.S. & A. is a stumbling
block rather. than one that helps
build real 100 per cent self-actu-
alized human beings with 100 per
cent dedication.
Moreover, the requirements f.
the Bachelors of Art and Science
degrees should be redesigned with
the philosophy, which I share in
support, that no single pattern of
requirements is the only way of
pursuing a liberal education. The
Bachelor of General Studies de-
gree is an unforunate compromii.
All students, who do have the ca-
pacity, should now be given the
responsibility and the mandate
to structure their academic edu-
cation, without the inhibition of
false guidelines created to distort
the individual goals they seek.
If any improvements are
come about at all through aca-
demic reform and widespread stu-
dent participation in decision-

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