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November 12, 1970 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1970-11-12

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heic t ~tanBail!;
Eighty years of editorial freedom
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan

420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich.

News Phone: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

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Violence against Nixon:
Don't go the way of San Jose

W'eutralize': A
time-hono red game
A NEW GAME, rumor has it, will soon be filling the shelves of better
stores. Joining such classics as "monopoly," "risk," and "clue" will
be "neutralize," a game of skill and chance.
When we played, the silent majority won the first round, and for
several turns the war was ignored by the others. "Chance" cards deci-
mated villages and populations, as the war gained strength.
And then the action began. The dove pulled a strong "candidate"
card. but the administration allied with the silent majority .to barely
win the coveted election point.
The dove's points had been forfeited when he had pulled a "con-
vention" card, and was beaten to a bloody pulp.
BUT THEN the dove fought back. He lucked out, pulling several
"moratorium" cards in a row. especially the valuable Oct. 15 and Nov.
15. And he began to gain a broad base of support, by siphoning off
many of the silent majority's constituents to his side. It seemed to him
that he was winning, and he thought the war might really end.
The revolutionist, not allowed to play according to the rules, kib-
butzed and when he tried to overturn the board, he was given a "go to
hell" card.
The hawk began to retaliate. He got an extra turn and pulled both
a "billy graham" and a "victory march." The administration followed
by swallowing bpth the hawk and the silent majority, in a triple al-
It was three against one.
The dove began to lose points. He had to mortgage his movement,
compromise, and withdraw.
The administration-led alliance had won, the dove had been neu-
tralized, and the status quo was saved again.
Marketers have great hopes for the game. It's quite flexible, as
many wars can be chosen, for instance, and many factions pitted
against one another.
BUT WHEN the board is set up, with the current factors, the dove
can only lose. And the marketers believe that, at the present time, this
is the best way to sell the game.


ITH THE FURY of the election over,
it is time to examine the San Jose
incident in which "a barrage of rocks,
bricks, bottles, eggs, red flags, and other
missiles" was reportedly thrown at Presi-
dent Nixon,
This incident, which followed a poli-
tical rally in support of California Gov-
ernor Ronald Reagan and Senator George
Murphy, was the most serious act of vio-
lence aimed at a President since the
assassination of John Kennedy in 1963.
As such, it raises many questions.
Where were the Secret Service agents
whose duty it is to provide protection
for the President? Anybody within throw-
ing distance of the President's car could
just have easily shot Nixon a few min-
utes earlier when Nixon exposed himself
to the crowd. Why was this particular
route taken when thousands of hostile
demonstrators were obviously in the Pres-
ident's path?
IT HAS BEEN suggested that Nixon may
have actually desired violence to a certain
This is absurd1
FOR A LONG TIME we have watched
sadly as University officials and re-
searchers justified project after project
of dubious value in the name of research.
Sometimes, these activities call for a
public accounting.
Most recently, the University has gone
to great expense and trouble to import a
mutant albino frog to Ann Arbor. For re-
search they say. But in reality, behind the
facade, we discover that they want to
mate the albino frog to produce millions
of frogs, and hopefully lots of mutants
to research on.
When you come right down to it, we
are spending hundreds of dollars to facil-
itate frog fornication.
Where is Sen. Huber when we really
need him?
Editorial Staff
Editorial Director Managing Editor
JIM NEUBACHER Editorial Page Editor
ROB BIER.A.Associate Managing Editor
JUDY KAHN Personnel Director
DANIEL ZWERDLING ....... Magazine Editor
ROBERT CONROW.. Books Editor
JIM JUDKIS..... ...... Photography Editor
NIGHT EDITORS: Dave Chuwin, Erika Hoff, Steve
Koppman, Robert Kraftowitz, Lynn Weiner
Chaney, Steve Koppman, Pat Mahoney, Rick
OOPY EDITORS: Tammy Jacobs, Larry Lempert, Jim
McFerson, Hester Pulling, Carla Rapoport, Debbie
Tha. Harvard Valance
Cleply, Mark Dilen, Sara Fitzgerald, Art Lerner,
Jonathan Miller, Hannah Morrison, M i c h a e I
Schneck, Bob Schreiner, W. E. Schrock, Edward
SPORTS NIGHT EDITORS: William Alterman, Jared
E. Clark, Richard Cornfeld, Teri Fouchey, James
Kevra Elliott Legow, Morton Noveck, Alan Shack-
Business Staff
IAN G. WRIGHT, Business Manager
Administrative Adv. Mgr. Sales Manager
VIDA GOLDSTEIN .. Staff Coordinator
MARK WALFISH .....: Personnel
AMY COHEN .. Finance Manager
DAVID BELL .. ............Circulation Manger

extent, and may thus have provoked the
demonstration himself. Nixon emerged
from the rally, climbed atop the hood of
his car, and flashed the peace sign at
his adversaries. Reagan said later that
he and the President flashed peace signs
at the demonstrators, "because nothing
infuriates them like that does." N i x o n
was also quoted in a similar vein by some
press reports.
Democrats in California charged that
Republicans deliberately allowed the at-
tack on the President. Many political
analysts viewed the attack as helping
Senator Murphy, a law and order candi-
date, who was in a tight race for re-
election. Reports circulated throughout
the campaign that Republicans were al-
lowing a small number of demonstrators
to attend Nixon's rallies to enable the
President to attack hecklers.
Obviously the campaign raised mn a n y
tensions. The vicious, vituperative attacks
that Vice-President Agnew made on Re-
publicans, and Democrats alike did n o t
help establish a peaceful climate. In
addition, Nixon's hard campaign rhetoric
engendered many strong passions.
YET EVEN taking into account all of the
provocation, a violent attack on the
President cannot be justified or condoned.
During the last years of the Johnson ad-
ministration, the President rarely left the
White House except to travel from o n e
military base to another. Hatred for
Johnson had become so widespread that
he could not safely travel through t h e
country. Many high Johnson adminis-
tration officials were also prevented from
speaking at various places throughout the
During those long months in which
Johnson escalated the Vietnam War, he
and his staff were essentially cut off from
the people they governed. Johnson never
really knew the depth of feeling his war
policies had engendered until it was too
IT IS IMPORTANT to all those who op-
pose Nixon's policies that they refrain
from violent attacks and not make him
a prisoner of the White House and of
military bases as was Johnson. If elec-
toral politics in this country are to work,
it is important that Nixon be seen by
the people.
For over eighteen months Lyndon John-
son did not go out among his people. In
that time the war was escalated to i t s
greatest intensity. It is frightening to
imagine what would happen if Nixon be-
came as isolated as Johnson was.
When Nixon campaigned two years ago
he campaigned on the theme of lowering
our voices. As many of us feared w o u 1 d
happen, he has unfortunately not carried
out this pledge. Now that the election is
over and hopefully the '72 election cam-
paign will not start for at least a year,
maybe the goal of lowering our voices
can be fulfilled.
What is needed now is work toward
solving our social ills at home and an
end of America's insane adventure in
Vietnam. Rock throwing or any kind of
violence directed against the President
or any public official will not bring us
closer to these important goals.

"T Le
"Let's go!. ... This is worse than San Jose".!


Wouldn 't it be interesting to audit ROTC?

Daily Guest Writers
WOULDN'T IT be interesting to
VV audit a ROTC class?
That's what we thought on
Tuesday (Oct. 29) when we walked
into Military Science 201. Motivat-
ed by curiosity rather than our
political ideology (after all, who
would try to trash North Hall at
1 p.m. in the afternoon?) we en-
tered the building and waited for
the cla ssroom to be unlocked by
the major. Talking briefly with an
ROTC student, we discovered that
all doors in North Hall are lock-
ed unless they are being used at
that moment. Thiswas our first
glimpse of ROTC paranoia.
The major came to unlock the
door and the student we had been
speaking to said. "There two airls
are here to audit the class, sir."
Glancing briefly at us, he said,
"Oh they are, are they?" Although
he seemed vaguely intimidated. we
sat auietly in the back of the room
while he gallantly ignored us. Af-
ter listening to a half hour of
intersection and resection of man-
reading, we rose quietly and left.
BUT as we itnroached the lobby
we discovered it was easier to get
into North Hall than it was to
get out. Thp uniformed Ann Arbor
policeman on duty (+) stonned us.
askin'- "Are you women emnlov-d
here?" We arnswered politely, "No.
we hve .iust been auditing a
"I wnt to spe your I.D.'s.
"Why do you want to see our
"I have to know who comes in
and out of this building, it's my
job. Are you working on a pro-
ject or something?"
"No, we're students here, we
were just auditing a class. This
is a University building, isn't it?"
We continued by pointing out that
no one had stopped us coming into
the building. His face showed the
first signs of annoyance as he ex-
plained that he must have
been out to lunch.
"I want to see your I.D.'s" he


-Daily-Tom Stanton

sponded by slamming his walky-
talky on the table and saying, "You
can call the department if you
want to. Dial 9 and I'll give you
the number." The walky-talky be-
gan to babble impressively. Half-
way through the number, we real-
ized that the police department
was the last place we wanted to
call and hung up the receiver.
At this point the officer became
/very annoyed with us and said,
"You can call a lawyer if you want
to, because I'm going to arrest you
if you don't give me your I.D.'s!"
He picked up the telephone and
began dialing. At this point, we
were so intimidated that we forgot

all our Bust Book instructions.
We couldn't think of anyone to
call or what our rights were. All
we could think of was that if we
did go to the police station, they
would not only have our names,
but also our photographs and any-
thing else they wanted for iden-
tification before we were released.
At this point in our logic, we
slapped down our I.D. cards.
"What will you do with our
names?" we asked, somewhat bel-
ligerently as he hurriedly copied
them down. "We'll keep them and
when nothing happens, we will de-
stroy them." He smiled sweetly.
"Thank you for your cooperation."
We left.

WE FELT confused as to why
the Ann Arbor police were on
campus, angry at ourselves for not
being aware of our rights, and
frustrated in general for having
been harassed, so we decided to
pursue the matter. The results are
as follows: we discovered that VP
Knauss, who was consulted first,
knew nothing of the presence of
the policeman, Officer Willard,
and the Ann Arbor Police at North
Colonel Davids, head of security,
however admitted knowledge of
the officer's presence but said he
had given the police department
specific directions to only "show
a presence" and not to speak to

the students or ask questions. We
have been promised a verbal apol-
ogy from Davids and have been
assured that our names will be
cancelled from the files. Officer
Willard, Davids and Knauss we as-
sume, have been instructed to
erase from their minds any know-
ledge of the incident.
SO, FOR those of you who have
ever considered dropping in on
ROTC for an afternoon, think
twice about it. On second thought,
why don't you drop in on Officer
Willard - if he doesn't take your
name, he might let you play with
his walky-talky. It's really far

demanded. We turned1
other and remarked that
probably call someone.

to each
we should
He re-


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Stillw gon
To the Daily:
THE ARTICLE by Steve Kopp-
mnan (Oct. 29) about Democratic
Congressional Candidate Michael
Stillwagon was good, but has one
inaccuracy which needs to be cor-
The article states that Still-
wagon "defeated the candidate
supported by the local Democra-
tic organization - . . . in the
August primary." This is incorrect
both in the technical and in the
actual sense.
The local Democratic organiza-
tion adhered strictly to its 1 a w

and there is nothing to suggest
that in actuality the preponder-
ance of such individual support
went to either candidate.
The local Democratic party val-
ues highly its principle of "neu-
trality in primaries," as a basic
protection of the right of any
Democrat to seek nomination as
a Democratic candidate. We have
no "preferred candidates" in pri-
mary elections, as the other poli-
tical party does.
-Carol Rees
Oct. 29
In itiative

We need to avail ourselves and
more of the initiative petition fea-
ture mentioned in our State Con-
stitution. We need to make better
laws ourselves, by sidetracking or
even avoiding the legislature, and
we can do that by the initiative.
petition method. One thing I want
is to amend our State Constitu-
tion so it allows us to order our
entire Congressional Delegation to
submit a proposal to Congress to
get our troops out of Vietnam.
That would be truly fantastic.
We'd surely need to get out the
vote to do it, and that surely in-
cludes the younger vote. And we'd
need to publicize this very well,
sn- nur neighhorino states wouild

Letters to The Daily



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