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November 12, 1970 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-11-12

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gilt 4rn


Colder, with snowy rain,
clearing in afternoon

Vol. LXXXI, No. 61 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, November 1 2, 1970 Ten Cents
Ci ty heroin: M1.idde cass kids 'sho
By HARVARD VALLANCE in any primarily middle-class city Her oin ing it for thiree yeais here and this year's But the pleasure fr om heioin apparent-
and use has traditionally been confined to in- the biggest." ly overshadows the problems it brings.
JONATHAN MILLER habitants of poor neighborhoods in the Dr. Edwin Pier ce of the Summit Street Junkies and even some doctors say the
First of Two Parts cities. The stereotype junkie could be seen Medical Center where a limited number high from the drug is fa moe enjoyable I
Early in September, 20-year old Eric leaning against the shopwindows of New of addicts have been tieated, agrees with than from most othei dugs or from al-
Rendel, a 1968 graduate of Pioneer High ork's 42nd street or in a police line-up for this assertion and has evidence that her- cohol. One doctor also points out that a
School and son of a well-known Ann Arbor breaking and entering. And his ordeal end- oin use is spreading among white middle- junkie with unlimited funds can s ta y
businessman, went through a routine he ed only with an overdose administered in class kids. hg l h ieweesa looi s ;"
had known well for nearly six months, He the back of some tenement. cannot stay drunk continuously.
went into his bedroom, turned on his In the past few years, however, heroin "Two Years ago most of the 100 or so
addicts we saw were blacks who had been However long or often the high, junk-
television set and, carefully avoiding his use has spread rapidly from city tenementsĀ«
parents' notice, walked down the hall to to colonial brick homes in the suburbs and oniaoy e er,,esy."o ' es etmn tet t eonsptny
th btrom H hdwihhi sxsml has made significant inroads among the say maybe half that come in are white." The high, one user says, is "a lot like nir-
the streetopeopleeandhightschool and junio Pierce estimates that there are at least vanna - knowing what is going on but<s.
capsules containing what he assumed was hhstudpepet fann Arbscor.30laditsnoditejitnhoghnoralfeeling total serenity." Another describes
his normal dose of heroin. Although accurate estimates of thenu- of them have come to the clinic. it as "a sort of orgasm that takes in your
Forty-five minutes later, Rendel was ber of heroin users in Ann Arbor are neces- Whether they come to the drug clinics woebd.
found by his father unconscious on the sarily hard to come by, policemen, the for help or not heroin users face medical Although heroin use has infiltrated the<.
bathroom floor and was r'ushed to Univer- White Panther party, which has launched dangers like overdoses, strychnine poison- high schools, and junior highs, it is most a4
sity Hospital. an anti-heroin campaign, doctors involved ing, collapsed veins and abscesses on their prevalent among the street people - many, ;
An hour later he was dead, the seventh in drug treatment and junkies on the lungs and muscle tissues. They are also ofwoseeinsho o ln g.A
person to die of a heroin overdose in Ann street all agree that heroin use is on the faced with the constant problem of find- one pusher boast, "Those dudes in high
Arbor in the last six months. rise here. ing enough money - from $5 to $40 a schools a re too scared to do anything k" >
Until fairly recently, this scene probably "Yeah, it's certainly on the rise," says day and sometimes more - to support heavy; the real 'Jones' aadicts (an old Ā£,,
would not have occurred in Ann Arbor or one addict on State Street. "I've been sell- their habits. See CITY, Page 10

Ten Pages
-Daily-Jim Judkis

Profs at EMU
ask for union
Eastern Michigan University (EMU) faculty members
have filed a petition asking for an election to designate a
collective bargaining unit to represent them.
If the petition contains the signatures of at least 30 per
cent of the faculty, the Michigan Employment Relations
Commission (MERC) will set up elections to select a bargain-
ing unit. The petition was filed by the EMU chapter of
American Association of University Professors (AAUP).
If thel election takes place as expected, three or four
organizations will probably be on the ballot contending for
the position of bargaining agent. The faculty would also
have the option of rejecting unionization.
So far, AAUP appears to be the leading contender for the

Nion to, ask
military aid
White House is expected to ask
Congress within the next two
weeks- for between $750 million
and $1 billion in extra money for
foreign military aid, according to
the Washington Post.
About $500 million in the sup-
plemental money bill will be for
financing credit sales to Israel, the
Post said in this morning's edi-
Quoting administration sourc-
es, the newspaper said other
beneficiaries would be Cambodia,
South Korea, Taiwan, Jordan,
Greece and T u r k e y. Cambodia
would get about $120 million in
new military aid.
The Post added that the United
States hopes to compensate for
U.S.troop withdrawals in South
Korea with more money to im-
prove the combat capabilities of
that nation's armed forces.
It said that the planned money
request was the "first big install-
ment"j on Nixon,. administration
plans to reduce the possibility of
U.S. intervention abroad by im-
b proving the fighting stance of al-
lied and friendly nations.

position. The Michigan Feder-
ation of Teachers and the
Michigan Association of High-
er Education are also expected
to be on the ballot.
These two organizations have
also been gathering support for
the union and AAUP chapter
President Maurice Laney said that
with all the groups combined, 60
to 75 per cent of the faculty is in
favor of a union.
EMU Faculty Senate has taken
no stand on the unionization issue.
Senate President George Cameron
said the Senate has not endorsed
any of the organizations. As yet,
the Senate has not decided wheth-,
er to offer itself as a possible bar-!
gaining agent or to oppose union-
ization, he added.
Laney said he believes a union
is necessary. "There is a lack of
respect for dignity and basic con-
stitutional rights of some of the
faculty by the administration," he
Laney claimed that psychology
Prof. Richard Sroges was denied
tenure because of his actions in
support of student demonstra-
tions in May'sdisturbance in re-
action to President Nixon's en-
trance into Cambodia. Sroges had
been speaking and distributing
leaflets, Laney said, as it is his
constitutional right to do. He adds
that there have been other in-
No member of the administra-
tion could be reached for com-
ment yesterday.

-Associated Press

A teary tentative en d to the GM strike

U' Council approves guidelines
to handle emergency situations

DETROIT (I - The Uni
Auto Workers and Gen
Motors reached a tenta
agreement yesterday on a i
three - year labor c o n t r
w h i c h could set the stri
crippled auto giant moving
wards full production by
end of the month.
Ratification of the national
tract by 394,000 GM workers
the settlement of outstanding
local contracts still stand in
way of a full resumption of
and truck output by the wo
largest automaker.
Earl R. Bramblett, GM's
president for personnel and
bargainer, said the new cont
was inflationary by the stan
definition of the word, but a
that this was the pattern toda
labor contracts.
Details of the contract u
withheld until it is presente
the union's 350-member GM co
cil, which must okay the pact
fore it is passed on to the m
bership for ratification.
The council met at 1 p.m.3
terday to look at the contract,
the meeting was adjourned u.
9:30 a.m today to give union
cials more time to write up
explanation of the offer.
Bargaining table sources, h
ever, said the pact included t
-A return to an unlimited c
of-living allowance - COLA
which moves wages up or d
with quarterly changes in
Consumer Price Index. The u
agreed to a ceiling on COLA
the 1967 Big Three contractsF
made a return to the unlimn
formula a top demand inf
year's bargaining.
-A first-year wage incr
ranging from 49 to 61 cents
hour depending on the work
pay scale. The union had sot
a boost starting at 61.5 cents
the company's last offer starte
38 cents. The current ave
hourly wage in the industr3
$4.02. Automakers estimate t
pay an additional $1.75 an hou:
wages and fringe benefits.
-Retirement for workers w
30 years service at $500 a mo
at age 58 in the first year of1
contract, age 56 in the sec
year and age 55 in the third ye
The union had originally sou
retirement at $500 a month a:
30 years, regardless of age. Un
the current contract a 55-year-
worker with 30 years of ser
could retire at a maximum
$104.22 monthly.
A random sampling of ot

L tentative

University Council (UC) adopt-
ed guidelines Tuesday night for
University procedures in emer-

munity", and to propose conduct
rules for approval by Student
Government Council (SGC), Sen-
ate Assembly, and the Regents.


gency situations. The UC guidelines, which will
UC, which consists of three fa- probably be submitted to Fleming
culty members, three students and today, are the culmination of sev-
hee administrators, waestuperal months of work and represent
by the Regents to advise Univer- the first action taken by UC since
sity President Robben Fleming its inception.
"concerning relations within the The main purpose of the guide-j
University and the general com- lines is to define the role UC


Experts discuss marijuana, LSD

should have in a crisis situation.
The guidelines detail four stages
through which emergency situa-
tions could evolve, and urges the
resolution of disputes through
communication and negotiations
- the first two stages - before
invoking the second two stages -
notification and sanctions.
In the first stage - communi-
cations - the guidelines recom-
mend that UC be fully involved in
appraising the development of
emergency situations.
The guidelines say that in case
of emergency UC's chairman will
call UC into emergency session,
and keep UC in close contact with
"various segments of th'e campus
and civic community."
Under the heading "negotia-
tions," the guidelinestcall upon
the University President to "bring
disputing parties together." They
suggest that negotiations consist
of five members from each party
to the dispute, and provide for the
presence of legal counsel.
The "notification" section out-
lines procedures for issuance of
legal warnings in case "existing
differences cannot readily be re-
solved," and "individual or mass
acts destroy University property"
or "intentional and unauthorized
disruption of University function
The final "sanctions" section

Five prominent doctors discussed the
problems of marijuana and hallucinogens
use yesterday as the International Sym-
posium for Physicians on Drug Abuse con-
cluded its third day.
Dr. Leo E. Hollister, an investigator from
the Stanford medical school, spoke on
the clinical effects of the drugs. He dealt
mainly with tetrahydrocannabinol (THC),
thought to be the main intoxicant in mari-
He said that the dosage of THC received
controlled the drug's effect, and that the

un, -Associated Press
be- UAW PRESIDENT Leonard Woodcock (left) and GM Vice-
em- President Earl Bramblett (right) after tentative settlement was
reached yesterday.
ow- aravan visits AA
ost- Alice Lloyd Hall's blue-carpet lounge overflowed 1 a s t
own night with people caught up in the visit to Ann Arbor this
the week of a 200-people caravan on a "mystic circle" trip around
nion the United States with a spiritual leader named Stephen.
k in Invited to Ann Arbor by the Office of Religious Affairs,

Hollister based his findings on a series
of tests performed on student volunteers
who had used marijuana, but were not
chronic users -of the drug. The THC was
extracted from the marijuana, then ad-
ministered orally.
Dr. Sidney Cohen, of the National In-
slitute of Mental Health in Chevy Chase,
Md., attempted to explain the rise of drug
"It is a flight from reason," he said, "at
a time when reason and logic have pre-
sented us with perplexing problems."
He said he dreamed of a time when
"drug-popping would become irrelevant."

In addition, he dealt with other hallu-
cinogens, among them phenethylamines
(mescaline), glycolate esters (ditran), and
The five doctors then took part in a
panel discussion and were asked questions
by the audience. Most of the questions
dealt with the legalization of marijuana.
Dr. Domino said that he thought the
legalization of the drug should depend on
dosage, since the dosage determines the
effect. He also said that if it were totally
legalized the production of stronger mari-
juana derivatives (such as hashish) would
be an easy matter.

Stephen spoke last night to
mixed crowd of students and
Huber set
to organ izeq
new party
KALAMAZOO (P) - State Sen.
Robert Huber of Troy confirmed
yesterday that he is heading the
drive to form a new Conservative
Party in Michigan in time for the
1972 elections.
Huber, who lost in the Republi-
can primary for the U.S. Senate
nomination earlier this year, said
a , petition drive will be staged
within the next 18 months to
assure the new party a spot on the
Michigan ballot.

a conference on drugs and a
caravan-people at Alice Lloyd.
Stephen and his followers are
from San Francisco. They live and
teach a philosophy and religion of
peace, love, and non-violence.
Traveling in about 30 colorful,
specially converted school buses
and a number of trucks, they have
stoppped in cities and colleges
across the country. Their 1 a s t
visit was in Northwestern Uni-
versity. They will be in Ann Arbor
through Saturday.
Stephen and his followers do
not use last names because they
'feel that they are "not needed"
and are "too complicated."
The experience at Alice Lioyd
was marked by an unusual friend-
liness between students and cara-
van people. Someone said that
"People are walking around stoned
but no one is using anything."
Many students seemed so en-
thused by the lifestyle of the car-
avan people that they asked how

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