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November 07, 1970 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-11-07

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See Editorial Page




Mostly cloudy,
chance of rain

Vol. LXXXI, No. 57

Ann Arbor, Michigan - Saturday, November 7, 1970

Ten Cents

Ten Pages


City report








r schools

The head of the city's civil rights agency yesterday
strongly criticized the city's handling of the controversial
case of a policeman charged with misconduct during the
black admissions strike last spring.
In a statement, Robert Hunter, acting director of the
Human Rights Department, took issue with a recent report
on the incident by City Administrator Guy Larcom, Jr., who
4recommended that the officer not be prosecuted.
Following Larcom's report, Mayor Robert Harris an-
nounced the city would not press charges against the police-
man in the case.
The officer involved is alleged to have aimed a blow at
T. R. Harrison, '73, who was already pinned down by another
_officer. The incident occurred

it ofice
airs public
Members of the city and Uni-
versity communities often com-
plain of harassment and miscon-
*duct by city employes-and a ma-
jor share of their complaints are
directed against the police force.
In an effort to alleviate these
city-community tensions, the city
hired a part-time attorney last
June-Ed Vanderberg-to act as
a grievance officer.
Vandenberg's job entails listen-
ing and taking action on'any com-
plaint against "illegal, unreason-
able, or arbitrary" conduct by any
department or employe of the city
Over half of the 55 complaints
*he has so far received have been
directed at the police department.
"A lot of these complaints= have
to do with the manners and atti-
tudes of officers and the way they
handle a situation," Vandenberg
The city building and safety
*engineering department al o n g
with the public housing and pub-
lic works bureaus also come in for
a heavy share of the complaints,
according to Vandenberg.
Most of these are about admin-
istrative procedures and ordi-
nances. However, sometimes a
complaint against a specific city
employe crops ups, he adds.
Hoping to affect the community
\by "attacking problem areas in
government-community relations,"
Vandenberg stresses that he does
not want to limit himself to solv-
ig only individual cases.
It is too early to judge com-
munity response to his grievance
office, Vandenberg says. However,
Blacks United for Liberation and
Justice (BULJ), claiming to speak
for the black community, has
stated that they oppose a single
grievance of.ficer and favor. the
establishment of a citizens' griev-
ance board.
BULJ wants two-thirds of the
proposed board's membership ap-
pointed by their group. After in-
vestigation, the groups says, the
board should be empowered to
Wimpose binding discipline.
Currently, Vandenberg is em-
powered only to make recommen-
dations about the procedures of
a city department or suggest-not
impose-disciplinary measures.
BULJ further contends that city
grievances cannot be adequately
Wandled by a single person.
Vandenberg says that the large
number of complaints coming into
his office are turning his part-
time job into a full-time occupa-

during a clash at the Admin-
istration Bldg. March 19 be-
tween supporters of the Black
Action Movement and police.
Harrison, a black, was arrested
and charged with felonious
In seeking to explain the offi-
cers' actions, Larcom cited "ex-
tenuating" factors including the
hostility of the crowd toward the
police, the throwing of pavement
bricks, and the tense atmosphere.
Hunter maintained that such
circumstances did not justify the
actions of the officer.
"Suppose the officer had his
gun drawn as opposed to his ba-
ton?" he asked. "The difference
in measuring the severity of the
offense would/be profound, in that
(the victim) would have (more
clearly) suffered the wrath of an
undisciplined, frustrated officer."
Hunter also alluded to last
spring's killings at Kent State
University and Jackson State Col-
lege as examples of the conse-
quences of police over-reaction.
In an editorial which appeared
in The Daily yesterday, Harris
said his reasons for not pressing
charges against the officer in-
cluded :
-"The state of mind of the
officer who swung and missed-he
had no racist or sadistic or puni-
tive motives and (erroneously)
thought he was doing something
necessary to help make a fast ar-
rest in a difficult situation;" and
-The officer's record: "The
man has served a number of years
on the force and he has never
been disciplined for anything be-
fore . . . (and he) was in many
prior confrontations and never be-
fore lost his cool."
In his statement, Hunter raises
objections to Harris' conclusions.
"Prior to the BAM incident, the
same officer had two formal com-
plaints of mistreatment filed
against him. It just so happens
that thehcomplainants in all of
the incidents are black."
"This certainly does not mean
that the officer was guilty of
charges made," he continued.
"However, it does suggest that the
See HUNTER, Page 7

-Associated Press
Revolutionary greetings
Soviet Ambassador Anatoly Dobrynin and Mrs. Dobrynin (above) greet W. Averell Harriman (right)
at a reception yesterday in Washington honoring the anniversary of the 1917 October Revolution
in Russia. In Moscow, Communist Party Secretary Mikhail Suslov (below) addresses Russian leaders
at a ceremonial meeting.



closer to

The Department of Health,
Education and Welfare yester-
day disclosed that over the
past three m o n t h s it has
imposed temporary financial
sanctions a g a i n s t some 11
schools in addition to the Uni-
versity accused by a women's
liberation group of sex dis-
crimination in hiring.
The actions withholding new
federal contracts for 30-day per-
iods represent the first enforce-
ment of a 1968 executive order
that forbids federal contractors to
discriminate by sex in employ-
HEW's Contract Compliance Di-
vision on Oct. 28 officially notified
the Agency for International De-
velopment (AID) that the Uni-
versity was "not awardable" and
that a proposed $350,000 contract
will be held up pending an agree-
ment with the University.
University representatives are
scheduled to meet HEW contract
compliance officers in Chicago on
Tuesday to discuss possible affir-
mative action plans to resolve the
The University annually receives
around $66 million in federal con-
tracts, most of which would be
subject to HEW rules. Thepresent
action, however, does not apply to
contracts already let, but only to
new contracts and renewals.
Department inquiries at approx-
imately 25 universities and col-
leges resulted in temporary block-
age of federal construction or re-
search contracts at about11of
them until action plans are ne-
gotiated to eliminate all discrimi-
nation in hiring.
Harvard-the only other univer-
sity named-lost contract eligibil-
ity for several weeks, however, be-
cause it refusedto turn over to
federal investigators its employ-
ment records. The records were
subsequently produced, contract
eligibility restored, and the probe
resumed, the department spokes-
man said.
At least three institutions other
than the University judged guilty
of sex discrimination have not yet
agreed on action plans and re-
main ineligible for new contracts,
the spokesman added.
The specific contract referred
to here is a $350,000 contract from
AID for work on population con-
trol in Nepal. The University's
Center for Population Planning is
the local unit which would be in-
volved in doing the contract work,
which is of an advisory nature.
The Women's Equity Action
League spurred the federal in-
vestigations with charges this
summer that about 200 colleges,
universities and medical schools
discriminate against women in
admission or in staff hiring, pro-
motion and pay.
Locally, the HEW action stems
from a letter sent to . President
Robben Fleming on Oct. 8 charg-
nig the University with discrimi-
nation in its employment of
At that time, HEW gave the
University 30 days to respond with
an affirmativeyaction program
which would remedy the situation.
That deadline expired Thursday.
News of the contract suspension
came as a complete surprise to
See 11, Page 71

aut stik settlement W- ~-


DETROIT 0P)--General Motors GM strike saying, "If you take

and the United Auto Workers ap-
peared to be driving yesterday to-
ward a new contract to prevent a
53-day old strike from possibly
stretching into the new year. The
union, however, said no settlement
is "imminent."
But the UAW's General Motors
Conference, usually summoned in
the wake of new contract agree-
ment, was called to meet in De-
troit Wednesday, the union saying
such was necessary whether or not
agreement is wrapped up by that
The announcement came almostI
at the same time that the -federal
government announced the na-
tion's jobless rate was the highest
in seven years. The White House
announcement took note of the

that away, unemployment has re-
mained about the same."
While saying that "newspaper
and other speculation about an
imminent setllement currently are
without foundation," the UAW
did not deny there had been sub-
stantial movement toward agree-
ment within the last two days in
long-stalemated bargaining.
Negotiators are working under
a news blackout, but there were
tips both Thursday and yesterday
from high-level sources of "con-
siderable movement."
The strike, now in its eighth
week has idled 400,000 at General
Motors plants in the United States
and Canada and thousands more
in auto-related industries such a.

r a v - . w we
rubber and steel and railways and
It was called at midnight, Sept.
14, upon expiration of a previous
three-year contract to support the
union's wide-ranging demands for
wage and fringe benefit gains.
Homer Pierce, who represents
some 32,000 members of the Inter-
national Union of Electrical Work-
ers IUE employed by GM, was
called into top level GM-UAW
bargaining for a time yesterday,
presumably nto get a rundown on
The UAW and IUE bargain
simultaneously on new contracts,
the latter's settlement usually
paralleling that of the 1 a r g e r
union's. Because of the strike GM
has laid off more than 14,500
workers in IUE-represented plants.
GM vice president Earl R.
Bramlett, the company's chief ne-
gotiator, said on Oct. 26 settle-
ment by Nov. 10 would be neces-
sary if GM is to get back into full
production any time this month.
Some sources said they per-
ceived a connection between this
and the union's calling of its GM
Conference meeting for Nov. 11.
There has been speculation that
unless settlement comes by Nov.
15 there will be none before New.
The reasoning is that GM wouldr
hesitate to pick up a $14 million
a day wage tab for eight paid
Christmas-New Y e a r holidays

-Associated Press
NATIONALIST CHINESE Ambassador Hau Shao-chang leaves
Rome, severing relations with Italy, after the Italian government
announced recognition of Communist China yesterday.
Italy gives mainln
China recognitionl
ROME (-Italy formally recognized Communist China
yesterday in search of political influence and a greater trade
outlet in the world's most populous country.
It was an historic "opening to the east" by this commerce-
minded nation, seven centuries after Venetian merchant
Marco Polo explored China and opened the Orient to Western
The southern anchor of the North Atlantic Treaty Or-
ganization, Italy became the second NATO country in less
than a month to establish diplomatic relations with the

Universities, state agencies face
budget cuts resulting from strike

regime of Communist Chinese
leader Mao Tse-tung. Canada
recognized Peking Oct. 13.
Seven of the 15 NATO countries
now have normal diplomatic ties
with Communist China, along with
45 members of the United Nations,
against 62 members recognizing
Nationalist China.
Italy's move cost her the friend-
ship of the Nationalist Chinese
regime on Formosa, which severed
its ties with this country at the
precise moment that the joint
communique on recognition was
released in Rome and Peking.
The Peking-Rome communique
included Communist China's claim
that Formosa is an ''inalienable
part" of its territory. Following
the formula used by Canada, Italy
"took note" of the claim but pass-
ed no judgment on it. Rome said
in a separate communique that it
was not competent to judge terri-
torial questions of other states.
The accord was set in Paris
after 18 months of secret talks.1

LANSING (A') - State-supported
agencies, including the University,
face budget cuts of $50 million or
more because of heavy treasury
drains caused by the auto strike,
Senate Appropriations Chairman
Charles O. Zollar (R-Benton Har-
bor) said yesterday.
The state constitution outlaws
deficit financing. With tax rev-
enues decreasing and added wel-
fare costs resulting from the
strike, the state will either have
to tighten its budget or raise

Students "strung-out" on
drugs, depressed or simply in
need of information now h a v e
available 76-GUIDE, a 24-hour
University information service.
76-GUIDE (764-8433) is an
expanded version of the Referral
lnd Information Service which
formerly operated on an 8 a.m.-
5 p.m. basis in the lobby of the
Student Activities Bldg.
flnnra for? hb7 tho nnnncrlnlrx,

tember, Kopplin says the serv-
ice's counselors have had about
12,000 contacts with people seek-
ing help, both by phone and in-
person visits during the day.
Calls and requests are confi-
In addition to providing in-
formation about University
events and services, Kopplin ex-
plains that 76-GUIDE is also in-
tended "to provide a listening

If a $50 million cut were appor- United Auto Workers Union strike
tioned equally among state agen- against General Motors Corps. ex-
cies, as much as $3 million of the tends past Nov. 15.
University's $73.5 million state ap- If the strike does continue past
propriation for this year could be that date, Zollar added, "The ad-
trimmed -ditional cost due to the strike in
With the University's budget al- the area of aid to dependent chil-
ready tight, any cuts might mean dren alone will be $9.8 million."
either a reduction of services or Zollar said other legislative fis-
a possible tuition hike cal experts were helping Gov. Wil-
Zollar's comments, which spark- liam Milliken f i g u r e possible
ed a brief Senate clash over budget cuts. Milliken warned late
methods of raising money, includ- last month that austerity cuts
ed a warning that cuts might in- were "probable" because of lost
crease by $8 million weekly if the revenue and increased social serv-
-.ices costs due to the strike.
"We should be aware of the
tremendous consequences in every
district," Zollar told Senate col-
leagues. "By the time we return
next week, we should have some
indication of where the cuts
might be."
calls, Kopplin says, with a wide Sen. Coleman Young (D-De-
range in subject matter. He troit) agreed that there was "no
relates one incident in which question of the impact of the GM
the caller asked when a Peter, strike" on the budget, but he call-
Paul and Mary concert was be- ed it a "misrepresentation" to heap
ing held in Detroit. N e v e r, all the blame for budget problems
the counselor answered, adding on the strike.
that the concert was concelled "General Motors strike or no
because Paul was in jail. General Motors strike," Young
Student counselors work said, "unless we radically change
about 12 hours a week, in addi- the fiscal structure we will be in
tion to attending a two-hour a permanent fiscal crisis.
u~n L-v raninr acin Pan _ 1 M Q -+n _f ,,...- -

U.S. orbits
spy device
CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. (4) -- A
secret American spy satellite rock-
eted into space yesterday carrying
infrared sensors intended to pro-
vide instant alert of any long-
range missile attack from Russia
or Red China.
The 1,800-pound superspy would
sound a 30-minute warning of
such a attack. This is double the
15 minutes that present systems
give U.S. forces to prepare anti-
missile defenses and to launch
bombers and missiles in retalia-
Plans call for the satellite to be
parked initially, some 24,000 miles
above the eastern Pacific so it can
be checked out by ground sta-
tions in California. Then it is to
be shifted by ground command to
a permanent post high above
Southeast Asia.
From this lofty outpost, it can
maintain constant surveillance
over most of the Russia - Red
China land mass, monitoring test
firings of ballistic missiles a n d
Russia's orbital bomb system.
The infrared sensors, w h i c h
have undergone years of testing
and perfection in earlier experi-
mental satellites, would almost in-
stantly detect an all-out missile
attack by spotting the exhaust
of rising rockets.
Much of the early work on in-
frared sensors was performed by
the University's Willow Run Lab-
oratories, according to research
ers there.
R~ata rr i n r,+t'~i rr 1-.-..+. . +. ,

SGC's seven years of lady luck:
The goostory of good Mrs. S.
:.1 "Mrs. S. has to deal with all kinds of students
from fascists to revolutionaries," explains Student
Government Council Executive Vice President
. £ 2 , . Jerry De Grieck, "and she gets along well with
them all."
Mary Samuelson is not a familiar name on
campus, but hundreds of stucents know Mrs. S.,
as she is called affectionately, as a friend and
Mrs. S. is officially the administrative secretary
of SGC. Her duties include recording minutes of
SGC meetings, composing letters, advising Coun-
cii on procedures, and supervising two other

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