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October 31, 1970 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-10-31

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Page Eight


Saturday, bctober 31, 1970

Page Eight THE MiCHIGAN DAILY Saturday, October 31, 1970 ~

PoIi tiera l
By The Associated Press the elect
News Analysis Goodell.
WASHINGTON - Among the Goodel
members of the United States owned by
Senate, there is a political bond generally
that.goes beyond the party-an in a thr
unwritten code that in effect New Yor
warns: "Caution, you could be vault of
next." there isr
that a
That reminder of political ted.
mortality tends to make sen- IJteda
ators polite, and often ineffec- plishes t
tive, campaigners against other of the
senators. It also tends to send will do h
them to the aid of a party broth- publican
er ill trouble-even if they are favorite
Republicans and the trouble is, Buckle
in part, Vice President Spiro T. esman sa
Agnew and the Republican dent and
White House. ciates hi
So it was with six Republican As for
senators who went to New York him "tru
Monday for a day of campaign- sen of t
ing in what most of them pri- accusing
vately concede is a lost cause, ism and
on bias
(Continued from Page 1)
visited Ann Arbor in August and
September after allegations of
,discrimination by the University
were filed with the Department of
Labor by Ann Arbor Focus on
Equal Employment for Women.
The investigation was assigned
to the Chicago HEW office, whose
authority comes from amended
Presidential Executive Order 11246
which bars employment discrimi-
nation on the basis of race, re
ligion, sex, age or national origin
by those holding federal contracts.
Some 75 per cent of the Uni-
versity's $62 million a year re-
search volume is sponsored by the
federal government. Loss of these
contracts is one method HEW r
could use to force compliance with
the non-discrimination order.
Davey joins NHLI
Dr. Winthrop N. Davey, profess- s
sor of medicine and internationally
known authority on respiratory
disease, has been appointed to the
National Heart and. Lung Ad-
visory Council of the National
Heart and Lung Institute (NHLI) A group
Council members meet three day to p
times a year to consider applica- Latersh
tions for research or training in
the cardiovascular and lung dis- as he lef
ease fields and advise on ongoing Nixon a
or proposed NHLI programs. represen





ion of Sen. Charles E.
, the Republican dis-
y the administration, i.-
rated the third man
ree-way race. And in
k, the bastion and bank
Republican liberalism,
now a strong possibilily
conservative will be
nes L. Buckley accom-
,hat feat as the nominee
Conservative Party, he
his voting from the Re-
side of the aisle, as a
of the White House.
y, a White House spok-
aid, "supports the Presi-
d the President appre-
s support."
Goodell, Agnew called
ly the Christine Jorgen-
he Republican Party,"
him of radical liberal-
constant opposition to

the administration on major is-
Rep. Richard Ottinger, the
Democratic candidate, insists
that by staying in the campaign,
Goodell can only abet the Buck-
ley cause by dividing the liberal
and moderate vote.
"Mr. Goodell has fallen into
the Agnew trap," said Ottinger.
"The vice president's uncon-
scionable attacks have been
aimed at splitting the moderate
vote between Goodell and me,
and electing a conservative."
Indeed, one of the senators
who went campaining for Good-
ell, Sen. Charles H. Percy of
Illinois, told the Chicago Tri-
bune afterwards that his real
goal was to abet just such a
strategy. That message, how-
ever seemed tailored for the
generally conservative Repub-
lican hierarchy back home in

For Percy, who has had his
differences with the administra-
tion, said in New York "the
thought has been ventured" that
he, too, might encounter con-
servative retribution when he
runs against in 1972.
All told, 20 of the 43 Repub-
lican senators have endorsed
Goodell despite the administra-
tion's repudiation of the nom-
The on-the-scene campaign-
ers ranged from such liberals as
Sen. Clifford P. Case of New
Jersey to Sen. J. Caleb Boggs
of Delaware, who ranks third
among senators in his support
of Nixon policies.
"Obviously, he doesn't agree
.with Goodell on a great many
things," a Boggs spokesman said.
"But he thinks whoever is nom-
inated by the Republican party
is a good Republican. New York
WCC tax
increase to'
be voted on
'Continued from Page 1)
year. M e a n w h i 1 e, inflationary
pressures have intensified, they
In addition, the State Legisla-
ture has imposed a ceiling on col-
lege tuition fees, forcing WCC to
reduce its rates next fall. Pontiz
says the state tuition freeze will
result in a budget deficit of $270,-
000 next year unless the millage
increase is approved.
Present tuition rates per semes-
ter credit hour are$12.50 for in-
district students, $25 for out-dis-
trict, and $37.50 for out-of-state
students. Beginning next July 1,
these rates will be cut back to the
state requirement of $10, $20 and
$30, respectively.
WCC's present enrollment of
4000 students is expected to in-
crease by 3000 in the next 5 years,
Pontix says. Correspondingly, the
budget will aliost double, he says.
Revenue from the proposed mil-
lage increase will be used to ex-
pand occupational training pro-
grams including 29 new programs.
Pontiz stresses that occupational
programs involve the purchase
and operation of expensive equip-
Refusal of voters to approve the
tax increase would result "not on-
ly in postponement of new pro-
grams, but also in cutbacks in ex-
isting services," Pontiz says.

is obviously different fron
Sen. William Saxbe o
put it differently. "Whi
President runs in 1972
going to campaign in in
states with Thurmond,
water and Hruska?
fine people and represen
own voters, but will Mr
go with them into Ohio,
sylvania, New York and
gan?" he asks.
There is an undercur
Republican resentment;
what some senators cons
attempt to enforce loy
the administration byz
an example of Goodell.
"The Republican senat
they should make thei
decisions as to who quali
their support," one GOP
It is clear that a Buck

m Dela- tory would arm the administra-
tion with a forceful new wea-
of Ohio pon for the enforcement of Re-
ien the publican discipline-particular-
is he ly among senators who must run
dustrial for re-election in 1972.
Gold- On Sunday, the New York
They're Daily News published a straw
nt their poll on the Senate race: Buck-
Nixon ley 37 per cent, Ottinger 30 per
Penn- cent, Goodell 24 per cent.
Michi Goodell accused Agnew of a
purge attempt but the vice
rent of president denied it. "I'm just
against giving the facts," he said.
ider an But he also made a remark
alty to with the flavor of a warning to
making other Republicans due to face
the voters in two or four years:
ors feel "Most of the criticism is
ir own probably emanating from
ifies for sources who are a little uneasy
source because their own record of
supporting the President hasn't
ley vic- been too good."

At Reasonable Prices
F LET-1.59 SIRLOIN-1 .53
Above includes Baked Potato,
Salad, and Texas Toast
Includes Baked Potato and Texas Toast
217 S. STATE ST.
Next to State Theater
It's out now!
(1) Students, their majors and home address
(2) Student organizations
(3) Dormitory nos. and RD's ONLY
(4) Sororities and fraternities
(5) Much, much, more
FRIDAY, OCT. 30th, and
Published by A.P.O.



Halloween 's here

(Continued from Page 1)
Now, if you are under twelve
years old you may think that you
are pretty good at taking care of
yourselves. Even though you may
be, it is a good idea to bring an
older brother or sister or your
parents along with you.
This can help because if there is
an adult with you then the bad
people probably won't bother you.
The adult can also be around in
case anyone gets lost.
If you get lost, it's simple. Go
to a house and tell the people that
you are lost. Chief Krasny says
that his men will come out and get
you and take youchome if youare
flost, but don't accept rides from
strangers, that you know too.
Tell your parents and teachers
to drive carefully tonight, just
because they are adults, it doesn't
mean that they all drive too good.
Wear something-of a light color,
especially white or bright orange.
This can help drivers to see you
in the dark.
Now, you can save yourself some
trouble by not eating your treats
until you get home. If you eat
them at home, you will have a
chance to see what you have got
and it makes it simpler. The
dentist says the important thing is
to brush your teeth afterwards.
Now, if you want to be able to
look after yourself all on your own,
you should either cut out this story
and keep it, or copy down the
names of these candy bars which
are not good for you.
The Food and Drug Administra-
tion makes sure that food sold is
up to very high standards of
quality. They say that O'Henry,
Big Time, Pay Day, Butternut
Caramel1Peanut and Butternut
Caramel Nougat are not good for
people to eat. If you get one of
these candy bars, throw it away.
If you, or your parents are in-

terested there are two phone num-
bers to call about candy or food
that looks peculiar.
There is 965-3300 which is a
recorded message from the Food
and Drug Administration and
there is 226-6260 which is a real
person who will tell you about
whatever you want to know -
both numbers are in Detroit.
So, have a good time and take
care of yourself.

-,_ , ..

Trim Your Own
Trim the Children
Style Your Own

Hundreds of $$$
on all Hair Trims with

Ideal for Arms & Legs



Patented 4-way
Cutting action
Assures Smooth
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-Associated Press
Nix on Nixon
of demonstrators gather in San Jose, Calif. late Thurs-
protest an appearance by President Nixon. Demonstrators
owered Nixon's automobile with rocks, bottles and bricks
ft a rally for Republican candidates. In a speech last night
tticked the demonstrators as a "radical few" who do not
nt the majority of American youth.

Gentle as a Breeze for Ladies'
Arms and Legs
Can't cut, scrapebor coarsen tender
skin as cutting blades never touch
skin. Complete with super stainless
standardrazor blades and FREE
travel case.
3706 Ingersoll Avenue
Des Moines, Iowa 50312
Send me a Trimtex complete with :
" Travel Case and pack of 10 blades,
. Name- ___ __
Address.. -
City -State Zip
: Guarantee: Use it 30 days. If not :
pleased return for full refund.
(Enclosed is check or money order
for $2.98) if resident of Iowa, send :
. $3.07 to include tax.


As advertised in
$298 100% SAFE
Perfect for men, women and children.
Cuts as close as electric razors. Any
desired length or style. Totally different
from old-style straight trimmers. Gives
expensive razor and "Beatle trim" cuts.
Guarantees expert results or no cost.
Proved by thousands of satisfied users.

Candidates conflict on issues

(Continued from Page 1)
Instead, he favors a local in-
come tax for education which
would be set at the local level.
This, he says, would give con-
trol of education to local units, in-
<i suring more quality education.
Koster believes local control
should also apply to welfare. "I
r= * would suggest that people c a n
decide what's good for them. It's
not up to me or up to govern-
He believes communities should
run the welfare programs a n d
charges the state Department of
Social Services is too bureaucratic
and wasteful. He thinks t ie de-
=;partment should be abolished in
favor of community welfare or-
On ecology, both candidates
Don Koster think laws should be stricter to-
ward industry.
Smit has introduced the legis-
lation which resulted in a $335
million state bond issue to con-
struct sewage plants on the ballot.
He also introduced a "truth in
pollution" bill which charges in-
dustries a fee to pay for inspec-
tion of their pollution control pro-r
grams, Smit also favors strength-
ening air pollution laws.
Koster considers these only
short-range solutions, though he
would give more money for sewage
treatment and have stricter laws
allowing individuals to sue pollut-
But Koster adds that the state
should actively work toward more
long-term programs, such as
stopping subdivisions from further
growth. He also favors creation of
new towns which can, he claims,
be made free of pollution.
The two disagree vehemently on
the drug problem. Smit believes
Rau S -tthat drugs, including marijuana,
R.y Smic should remain illegal, though he
Cash to head ACES
William L. Cash, Jr., assistant Personnel and Guidance Associa-
to the president of the University tion Commission for Human
for human relations affairs, has Rights and Opportunities.
been chosen president-elect of the The Association for Counselor
Association for Counselor Educa- Education and Sanervision is a
tion and Supervision, a division of nrnfessional organization commit-
the American Personnel and Guid- d to the advancement of know-

favors lowering the penalty for
possession of marijuana. He also
supports increasing rehabilitation
programs for harder drug addicts.
However, Koster takes a more
radical approach. "You don't solve
the drug problem by making drugs
illegal. We found that out during
Instead Koster thinks that a 11
drugs should be legalized. He
maintains that this will take drugs
from the pushers whose inflated
prices are, he claims, the cause of
street crimes.
Koster wants the drugs admin-
istered by skilled personnel at low
rates, believing this will eliminate
the crime problem.
"Heroin doesn't kill. It depends
on how it's administered," he
Comparing one's "right" to
heroin to that of committing sui-
cide, he notes "if a dude wants to
harm himself that's okay, I get
real uptight when he starts hurt-
ing other p'eople."
Despite these disagreements,
Koster's and Smit's stands on
parochiaid and abortion are simi-
lar. Both oppose state aid to
parochial schools and plan to vote
"yes" on the controversial Pro-

position C. This proposal calls for
prohibition of "any payment,
credit, tax-benefit, exemptions" or
state assistance to non-public
school students.
In addition, both men oppose
the present state law which out-
laws abortion except to save the
woman's life. Both think abortion
is a personal matter, but Koster
favors repeal of all abortion legis-
lation, while Smit takes a more
reformist approach.
"Abortion," says Koster," is a
matter for the individual invol-
ved. Abortion should be legal just
like walking down the street is
Koster wants to place no re-
strictions on where the operation
might be performed, while Smit
believes it should be done in a
Smit has introduced legisla-
tion, now before the House Com-
mittee on Judiciary, which would
amend the present law to allow
decisions on abortion to be made
by the woman and her doctor.
He thinks that if there were
no law, doctors would be reluctant
to perform the operations because
they would not be protected by a
state statute.

4 !



The Sony Quick--Change Artist

State at Huron and Washington
Dr. Hoover Rupert, Minister
Bartlett Beavin, Campus Minister
R. Edward McCracken, Campus Minister
9:30 and 11:00 a.m.-"Focus for Social Out-
reach"-Layman Sunday.
Broadcast WNRS 1290 am, WNRZ 103 fm,
11:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon.
Monday, Nov. 2 at 12:00 noon - Wesley
Foundation Luncheon Discussion with Bart-
lett Beovin - "Christianity and Foreign
Policy," Pine Room.
Wednesday, Nov. 4 at 6:00 p.m.-Wesley
Grads dinner and panel-"Man, Pollution,
and Ecology," Wesley Lounge.
Thursday, Nov. 5 at 12:00 noon - Wesley
Foundation LuncheonDiscussion, "Does the
Church Keep the Poor?," Bartlett Beavin,
Pine Room
1 432 Washtenaw Ave.
Robert E. Sanders, John R. Waser,
Donald A. Drew, Brewster H. Gere
Worship at 9:00 and 10:30 a.m. Sermon by
Mr. Sanders.
,, I ,1( .1-

310 S. State St.
Phone 663-4314
Marlyn William White, Minister
Ron Johnson, Associate Minister
11 :00 a.m.-Sunday Service-Ron Johnson.
7:30 p.m. Tuesday-Study and Prayer Class
-Mr. White
11:00 a.m. to 12 noon Wednesday-Prayer
and Counseling, also, 12 noon to 1:00 p.m.
-Healing Service-Mrs. Mattern.
Center open Mon., Wed., and Fri., 11:00 am.
to 2:00 p.m.
Tuesday, Center open at 6:30 p.m.
On the Camus-
Corner State and William Sts.
Rev. Terry N. Smith, Senior Minister
Rev. Ronald C. Phillips, Assistant
Worship Services at 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. -
"The Continuing Transformation," Rev.
Terry N. Smith.
423 S. Fourth Ave.
Telephone 665-6149
Ministers: T. L. Trost, Jr., R. E. Simonson

1833 Washtenaw Ave.
10:30 a m.-Worship Services, Sunday School
(2-20 years).
8:00 a m.-Testimony Meeting.
Infants room available Sunday and Wednesday
Public Reading Room, 306 E. Liberty St. -
Mon., 10-9; Tues.-Sat., 10-5. Closed Sun-
days and Holidays.
"The Bible Speaks to You," Radio WAAM,
1600, Sunday. 8:45 a.m.
For transportation call 662-0813.
(Corner of Forest and Washtenaw)
Minister: Rev. Donald Postema
10:00 a.m.-Morning Worship-"Who Me?"
5:00 p.m.-Common Meal.
6:00 p.m.-Service of Holy Communion.
306 N. Division
8:00 a.m.-Holy Communion.
10:00 a.m.-Holy Communion.
7:00 p.m.-Evening Prayer.
(The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod)
1511 Washtenaw Ave.
Alfred T. Scheios, Pastor
Sunday at 9:30 and at 11:00 a.m.-Worship

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