Page Six
Wednesday, October 21, 1970
Come in and browse.
Get required books for the rest of the term
Sale lasts until October 23
Bamboozle the Van Heusen
Body Shirt Snatcher!
Don't let her know where you buy Van
Heusen 417 Body Shirts! She'll only snatch
our supply of the best fitting body shirts
in town ... with the boldest stripes and
solids, the newest long point collar and
2-button cuffs. Don't tell her about us at ...
Say "motorcycle" and watch
the reaction you get. Looks of
disgust? H a t r e d? Outbursts
about the oil and the noise in-
varibly accompanying the two-
wheeled things? A batch of
sweaty obscenities about the
troublemakers and sub-humans
who pilot the objectionable traf-
fic hazards? Probably.
While Mr. and Mrs. Joe Aver-
age have hated the motorcycle
for years-fearing that their 12-
year-old daughter would be
plucked from the sidewalk on
her way home from junior high
by a simian greaser astrige
a gargantuan pig chopper and
raped to death-cycle owners
and racers fighting for their
pride and integrity were judged
guilty by a very specious asso-
But now, motorcycles are be-
coming popular with everyone,
and so are competitive events
which feature these machines
rumming over every sort of ter-
rain imaginable.
1217 -. Univ.
Considering the near doubling
of registered motorcycles in the
past two years, it is not sur-
prising that the owners of these
machines have swelled the ranks
of participants and spectators
at motorcycle competitions. And
most racing bikes are not even
registered, so there is no real
way of determining the actual
increase in racers.
Judging from the increase in
the number of events, though,
and the increasing proficiency
of American riders in national
and international competition,
we are in the middle of Amer-
ica's renewed ascendency in
motorcycle competition; for the
first time since the early years
of the century our nation is
represented by really top-flight
Whatever the reason for the
increased popularity of motor-
cycle racing, it is nothing but
welcome to anyone connected
with one of America's most-
maligned minorities-the cycle
riders who have always suffered
the penalties of public mistrust
and intolerance.
They have been ostracized,
spit upon, made to suffer the
most blatant discourtesies mere-
ly because there are a very few
people Who happen to maintain
a different life style which hap-
pens to include riding great
chromed monsters-the dreaded
outlaws of Brando fame.
So it may come as a surprise
that there are some cyclists who
have never ridden a Harley,
some cyclists who spend most of
their time light years away from
suburbia, some cyclists who
happen to like riding two-
wheeled machines because it is
one of the most challenging,
freeing adventures they know.
Ask any cyclist why he pre-
fers to choke in the dirt of a
dusty summer road instead of
cruise along in an air-condition
Detroit grotesquery. Ask the kids
why they are beating the hell
out of their rattling minibike in
the vacant lot, taking that hill
at 10 miles per hour and trying
to jump 30 feet. Ask any rider
cruising along on his big BMW
why he doesn't prefer to bust his
Corvette way over the 100 mark
instead of that ugly bike. Ask
them why they ride cycles and
you'll get a million differedt
answers, but don't expect to
understand their answers until
you take your first ride, when
you're hooked you'll understand.
Like listening to Poco, cycle
riding must be tried to be ap-
And as more Americans un-
derstand that motorcycles are
fun and are beginning to realize
that you needn't be indistin-
guishable from an oil-soaked
gorilla to ride a cycle so is
motorcycle racing at last gain-
ing respectability.
The days of local events con-
sisting solely of a few turns
around a local dirt track by a
group of eccentrics on their
English four-strokes are gone.
Now there are weekend events
across the country, from the
cycle center of California to the
dismal hills outside Buffalo,
New York. Cycle shops, from the
snobbish mess of Triumph deal-
ers to the understaffed,' over-
sold emporiums of Honda deal-
ers advertise all manner of com-
The bike owner can pick his
event; depending on his ma-
chine and inclination he can
participate in scrambles, hill
climbs, flat track events, moto-
cross, poker runs, trials, en-
duros, or any number of local
With this type of grass roots
program, where a guy with his
new Yamaha can decide that
he is the new Bengt Aberg and
can win that motocross out in
Vasser, then meet 100 like-
minded fellows that Sunday,
you've got a pyramidal structure
that makes sure those guys on
top deserve it, because there's a
million scrapping racers below,
the big Iboys who'll move right
That's what's happening in
this country right now. More
people are accepting cyclists,
more people are riding cycles
and more people are racing
cycles, which benefits riders,
racers, spectators and industry
alike. And finally Americans are
getting the chance to see the top
of the pyramid no matter where
they live, because promoters are
scheduling events everywhere.
%!ipJ 5
ga 4,
Subscribe to The Michigan Daily
OCTOBER 12,1970
"Anybody who booed Moorhead
has zero class or was drunk." That
was senior tackle Dan Dierdorf's
reaction to the home fans booing
quarterback Don Moorhead and
the offense in the second half of
the Texas A&M game, with Mich-
igan on the short end of a 10-7
"I couldn't believe they booed
him," Dierdorf said. "He doesn't
have to offer any excuses for the
way he played." The fair weath-
er attitude of some of the - fans
seems to be the only subject that
really angers the easy going tackle.
Dierdorf, an Ohioan, defended
Moorhead verbally in an interview
last week, but-he spends most of
his time defending him physically
on the gridiron. He was an All-Big
Ten selection as a junior last sea-
son and is currently being prom-
inently mentioned as a possible
Dierdorf is alsoa key blocker in
the ground game which has been
the strong point of Michigan's
attack the last two years. T h e
off-tackle play has been one of
the most successful in the Wol-
verines' attack, and Dierdorf has
been one of the main reasons for
the success of the play. He opens
gaping holes in the enemy de-
fensive line, and has drawn high
praise from Michigan c o a c h
For the student body:
{ Wright
State Street at Liberty
Bo Schembechler as well as op-
posing coaches.
He chose Michigan despite pres-
sure to attend Ohio State. "Any
football player who leaves Ohio is
cohsidered a traitor. They even
have the coaches of the smaller
colleges trying to convince you to
go to Ohio State."
Dierdorf ultimately chose Mich-
igan over OSU because of the dif-
ferences in the coaching staff.
"You can't compare Bump (El-
liott) and Woody (Hayes).
Dierdorf does not think that the
college football player is being ex-
ploited but- he does believe t h a t
colleges could do more toward in-
suring a quality education for the
"A lot of the freshmen who go
here don't graduate after f o u r
years. How do they expect a foot-
ball player, who spends 45-50
hours a week on football to do it?"
He favors the extention of schol-
arships to a ninth semester, if
necessary, to compensate for the
extra time commitment. Dierdorf
feels that there would be fewer
physical education majors if some
system were worked out so the
players could be given an extend-
ed scholarship.
The Big Ten, in Dierdorf's es-
timation, is much better than
some of the other conferences
academically, however. "At some
schools," he said, "they spend all
week just counting down to Sa-
Dierdorf thinks that the open
red shirting policy of the Big
Eight, Southwestern and South-
eastern schools is a big reason for
the Big Ten's poor showing against
them. "Some of those schools
don't have a legitimate sophomore
on their squad."
Dierdorf does not agree w i t h
the redshirt rule in principal and
certainly would not want to be red
shirtedthimself, but he hardly ex-
pects the other conferences to
drop their policy.
As a three year starter, Dier-
dorf has some definite feelings on
how to handle pre-game pressure.
He, along with most of the other
players, use the Saturday morning
cartoons to relieve the tension.
Dierdorf sees this year as his
turn to be one of the leaders on
the line, to try to help the young-
er players the way he was helped
by Jim Mandich his first two
years. "It was a real treat to play
next to Mandich. He was a great
one, he never lost his cool and he
was always there to lean on. Now
it's my turn to take over."
- - - - - ! 1
anchors offensive line
-Daily-Sara Krulwich
MICHIGAN TACKLE, Dan Dierdorf (72), hits the Arizona de-
fensive line hard and fast to open a hole for one of the Wolverine
running backs. Dierdorf, a senior, is heralded as one of the finest
offensive tackles in the country and is up for All-American honors.
Gridde Pickings
. . career opportunities that match your interests and education
... our long-established management training program
... our diverse and growing corporation
. our nationwide facilities
... our corporate philosophy of caring about people
Now's the time to sign up at your placement office for an interview with the Bethlehem Steel Loop
Course recruiter. This could be the start of something big!
And just what IS the Bethlehem Steel Loop Course? It's our management development pro-
gram for gradu'ates with bachelors' or advanced degrees.
Bethlehem loopers spend four weeks at our home offices in Bethlehem, Pa. Then they report
to the appropriate plants or departments for their first assignments. From there, anything is possible.
Where would YOU fit into the Loop Course? Check your degree or the one most similar to it:
The dwarf, dressed cowboy-style in violet chaps and vest with
a jaunty ten-quart hat, ambled up to the bar and demanded a ham
on rye doused in Johnny Walker Red.
The bartender blew on his inflamed knuckles and watched the
battered dwarf slither slowly under the swinging doors. "I've got this
thing about dwarfs," mused the burly barkeep.,
The barkeep's strange hangup had gone back many years, back
even to the days when the West was young. It had begun with his
unusual upbringing by a pair of psychotic coyotes and continued to
the present. Even now the bartender would whimper whenever some-
one accused him of wearing elevator shoes.
The dwarf, lying prone on his little palomino, dropped his Gridde
Picks into the mailbox (they would arrive just before the deadline
at minight Friday) and rode out of town, thinking that one of those
big Cottage Inn pizzas would make him two months good eating when
he was out on the range.
"Bob Crockett on South Forest won last v/eek," he murmured
hazily, "surely we dwarves shouldn't always be left short." The little
palomino whinnied, as it reared up and laughed.
chanical maintenance departments of steel plants, fabri-
cating works, mining operations, and shipyards. Fuel
and combustion departments. Supervision of production
operations. Marine engineering assignments in Ship-
building Department. Also: Sales or Research.
partments of steel plants and manufacturing operations.
Engineering and service divisions. Technical and super-
visory positions in steelmaking departments and rolling
mills. Also: -Research or Sales.
CHEMICAL ENGINEERS-Technical and supervisory
positions in coke works, including production of by-
product chemicals. Fuel and combustion departments,
including responsibility for operation and maintenance
of air and water pollution control equipment. Engineer-
ing and metallurgical departments. Steelmaking opera-
tions. Also: Research or Sales.
INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING-Positions in steel plants,
fabricating works, shipyards, and mines. Engineering
and maintenance departments. Supervision of steel-
making, rolling, manufacturing, and fabricating opera-
tions. Also: Sales.
CIVIL ENGINEERING-Fabricated Steel Construction
assignments in engineering, field erection, or works
management. Steel plant, mine, or shipyard assign-
ments in enoineerino. construction. and maintenance.
ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING-Steel plant, fabricating
works, mining operations, and shipyard electrical en-
gineering, construction, and maintenance departments.
Technical and supervisory positions in large production
operations involving sophisticated electrical and elec-
tronic equipment. Also: Research or Sales.
MINING ENGINEERING-Our Mining Department op-
erates coal and iron ore mining operations and lime- r
stone quarries, many of which are among the most
modern and efficient in the industry. This 10,000-man
activity offers unlimited opportunities to mining en-
gineers. Also: Research.
Graduates are urged to inquire about opportunities in
our Shipbuilding Department, including the Central
Technical Division, our design and engineering organi-
zation. Also: Traffic.
OTHER TECHNICAL DEGREES-Every year we recruit
loopers with technical degrees other than those listed
above. Seniors enrolled in such curricula are encour-
aged to sign up for an interview.
ACCOUNTANTS-Graduates in accounting or business
administration (24 hours of accounting are preferred)
are recruited for training for supervisory assignments
in our 3,000-man Accounting Department.
degrees in liberal arts, business, and the humanities are
2. Ohio State at Illinois
3. Wisconsin at Indiana
4. Iowa at Michigan Mate
5. Purdue at Northwestern
6. Alabama at Houston
7. LSU at Auburn
8. Washington at Oregon State
9. Miami (Fla.) at Pittsburgh
10. Georgia at Kentucky
11. Florida St. at South Carolina
12. VMI at The Citadel
13. Colorado at Missouri
14. ColoradoSt. at West Virginia
15. Florida at Tennessee
16. Kansas State at Oklahoma
17. N. Carolina at Wake Forest
18. Colgate at Brown
19. Connecticut at Massachusetts
20. Wayne State at Parsons
FRI., OCT. 23 SAT., OCT. 24
PEP RALLY Tua of War-9:00